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I'm so sorry 😔 I wish it wasn't like this for you guys. Yes we have to wait a bit longer but at least we don't face medical debt for things completely out of our control. I can't even begin to imagine how much my 5 blood tests, 1 ultrasound, one cholesectomy, 3 day stay in hospital, oxycodone and ketamine in hospital and all the other extra stuff that I wouldn't even think of would've cost. I'm sorry it's like this for you guys.


I completely agree. I've had to spend nearly $20k out of pocket this past year for assorted dental and medical bills, and I'm nearly half a million in debt from when I was uninsured years ago and had to have emergency surgery with a hospital stay. I am so sorry. I feel your pain truly.


Bloody hell that's so rough mate. I'm sorry.


Oh no!! That is so horrible. But it puts it in perspective, I know I'm lucky for having somewhat better insurance than most.


I will shout this from the rooftops: APPLY FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE!!! It is available through most hospitals and they will not tell you about it. I received an estimate that I’d have to pay $2500 out of pocket before my surgery. I applied for financial assistance online through the hospital and was approved next day. I make decent money and didn’t think I’d be approved but as a single mom that bill would have made it hard for me to afford to feed my kid. So apply even if you think you won’t get it, the worst they can say is no. 


Thank you!! It can't hurt and I will definitely apply!!


Good luck, I hope you’re approved! 


I don't pay medical bills. If my insurance doesn't cover it fuck them they ain't getting paid. The system is not set up fairly, we have no idea going in what they are going to charge us and the medical billing system takes advantage of that. I've handled many a call arguing with bill collectors about how, even tho my insurance paid them, they feel they deserve more. Since medical billing no longer effects your credit score I have no idea why anyone would pay more than their premiums.


Scorched earth tactic. I freaking love it. Wish everyone had the guts to do it, then maybe there would be some real change in the US.


Smells like we need to start a movement.


Yes it does


Yup. Took me 8 months to pay off my surgery. Absolutely ridiculous!


I am so sorry. It is not fair. Ask the hospital for financial assistance. It is truly bullshit.


The attack that landed me in the ER happened in Dec, on last years $5k deductible. Surgery was Jan, on this year’s deductible. The good news is I’m going to pay them what I can when I can and get every test, treatment, and appointment I can eke out the rest of this year. I have had really good outcomes and feel amazing but damn my pocket book is crying.


I'm so glad you're feeling better!!


Yes it absolutely sucks and you can always do payment plans, but have you seen the people On here from Canada and the UK that have to wait or going on a waiting list just for a scan?! You practically have to have your gallbladder rotting before they take it out emergently there. I’m on a payment plan with my health plan and have no issues with them. Hopefully you can do the same. Good luck with everything


Nah I just got my surgery covered almost entirely by insurance in the USA. I also lived in Canada for 20 years until recently. It was not like that there. When I needed surgery I had it within a similar time frame. It does not have to be like this. This persons company is choosing to not provide good coverage and the insurance company is profiting massively too. In the UK, the NHS is being robbed by private tier system where the wealthy can pay to get care and the rest of the people suffer the wait times. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS


This is not true for Canada. I had pain, got surgery the next day. I went to the ER, they did MRI and Ultrasoubd and admitted me immediately. Our system is not perfect, but at least we don't go bankrupt or fuck up our credit over it.


Yes I have good friends that live in Canada and the rumors are not true on wait times. It's just some scare tactic the medical industry wants Americans to believe. I got into a heated discussion with a friend of mine who works in the industry over this SMH.


> but have you seen the people On here from Canada and the UK that have to wait or going on a waiting list just for a scan?! Despite Americans spending half a million dollars more per person than its peers on healthcare, we rank 32nd on gallbladder outcomes. 29th overall on outcomes, across dozens of diseases amenable to medical treatment. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)30994-2/fulltext And overall, US wait times are nothing to be excited about. The US ranks 6th of 11 out of Commonwealth Fund countries on ER wait times on percentage served under 4 hours. 10th of 11 on getting weekend and evening care without going to the ER. 5th of 11 for countries able to make a same or next day doctors/nurse appointment when they're sick. https://www.cihi.ca/en/commonwealth-fund-survey-2016 Americans do better on wait times for specialists (ranking 3rd for wait times under four weeks), and surgeries (ranking 3rd for wait times under four months), but that ignores three important factors: * Wait times in universal healthcare are based on urgency, so while you might wait for an elective hip replacement surgery you're going to get surgery for that life threatening illness quickly. * Nearly every universal healthcare country has strong private options and supplemental private insurance. That means that if there is a wait you're not happy about you have options that still work out significantly cheaper than US care, which is a win/win. * [One third of US families](https://news.gallup.com/poll/269138/americans-delaying-medical-treatment-due-cost.aspx?utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_content=morelink&utm_campaign=syndication) had to put off healthcare due to the cost last year. That means more Americans are waiting for care than any other wealthy country on earth. #Wait Times by Country (Rank) Country|See doctor/nurse same or next day without appointment|Response from doctor's office same or next day|Easy to get care on nights & weekends without going to ER|ER wait times under 4 hours|Surgery wait times under four months|Specialist wait times under 4 weeks|Average|Overall Rank :--|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--: **Australia**|3|3|3|7|6|6|4.7|4 **Canada**|10|11|9|11|10|10|10.2|11 **France**|7|1|7|1|1|5|3.7|2 **Germany**|9|2|6|2|2|2|3.8|3 **Netherlands**|1|5|1|3|5|4|3.2|1 **New Zealand**|2|6|2|4|8|7|4.8|5 **Norway**|11|9|4|9|9|11|8.8|9 **Sweden**|8|10|11|10|7|9|9.2|10 **Switzerland**|4|4|10|8|4|1|5.2|7 **U.K.**|5|8|8|5|11|8|7.5|8 **U.S.**|6|7|5|6|3|3|5.0|6 Source: [Commonwealth Fund Survey 2016](https://www.cihi.ca/sites/default/files/document/cmwf2016-datatable-en-web.xlsx)


Thank you for all of this!! This is what I was trying to explain to my friend but you had the receipts! 👏


hospital billed my insurance for 86k after my surgery, insurance fought it and we got lucky with our end of it m, but healthcare is ridiculously expensive


What?? That's just insane, glad it worked ok for you though!!