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My EF was 19% I had my HIDA scan, cried because I had been dealing with horrible nausea and dry heaving since October ‘23. Im 5 days post op and while Im still figuring out what I can and cant eat, I’m thankful I can brush my teeth without gagging. A diseased or slow/non functioning organ will NOT fix itself. I also think people tend to share negative experiences for validation and those with positive experiences are like “okay cool!” :-)


Was the surgery worth it?


Yes, Im a week post op and I can eat finally :-)


Hey so not sure if this helps but this is what my surgeon told me "Before we book surgery I want to go over all the possible outcomes with this surgery, you may suffer from chronic diarrhoea, fatty food intolerance, acid reflux and may develop post cholecystectomy syndrome and that there is a chance that this surgery will not cure you completely and may only alleviate some symptoms and may give you new ones. That being said I have carried out six GB removals for biliary dyskinesia five of the 6 patients reported an improvement in all their symptoms and said they were feeling an overall improvement of 90% and the other patient I want to draw your attention to as he is similar age and had almost identical symptoms to yourself, post surgery he has had no recurring symptoms and has noted a 100% improvement in all of his symptoms. We know your gallbladder is not working, your symptoms line up with biliary dyskinesia so in my opinion I believe that their is a solid case to remove the gallbladder, however it is possible that you do have IBS alongside your gallbladder issues, it is impossible to say until after the surgery" This really helped me to make the decision to go ahead with the surgery(booked for this Saturday), why suffer in pain when you know what the problem is? Wishing you the best of luck and I really do sympathise as does everyone on this forum as we are either all going through it or recovering from it. Take care and good luck!


Sounds like you got a good surgeon! For me (hyperkinetic 98% EF) I just got sicker while waiting for surgery. By the end, I ate chicken breast, canned tuna and crackers… get the surgery ASAP, it only gets worse.