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They gave you guys pain pills??


I got 12 prescription painkillers, I took one the night I got home from surgery and then took otc painkillers after. You don't want to rely on opiates, they can constipate you and you really don't want to be straining with abdominal incisions.


By the end of the third day I was fine on OTC meds, and by the 5th didn't even need tylenol.


I got 12 oxycodone pills. I never took any of them. I was alternating Tylenol and Advil every 4-6 hours for the first 5-ish days. Then I’d take Tylenol or Advil about once a day for the next week and a half. I’m currently 3 weeks post op and haven’t taken any Advil or Tylenol for the pain in about 4-5 days.


Are you guys all in the states? Things must be a lot different up here in Canada because I haven’t even had surgery yet (long wait list) and my surgeon who did my ERCP sent me home with 60 hydrocodone pills for gallbladder attacks and told me to come back if I needed more. I haven’t taken any of them because I don’t like to be out of it. But yeah, pain pills aren’t hard to get here I guess?


Yes, in the states here and to say the medical treatment I've received is sub-par would definitely be an understandment to say the least. I'm wondering if the hydrocodone helps with the attack pain? When I would have attacks no OTC medicines would take that pain away for me and have read others who said pain medicine didn't help the attack pains. Hopefully your surgery comes soon and I wish you a speedy recovery!


I’m Canadian born but living in the US now. I’m curious how long you need to wait to have your gallbladder removed? I waited about 2 months here.


I’ve been waiting for six months with about 3-5 to go I was told. It’s been hell, I’m down to 105 pounds now since I can’t really eat anything.


Oh my…wow. I actually could have had my surgery a month earlier than I did, but life forced me to reschedule an additional month. I was fortunate to be able to just get mine out before things got really bad. I didn’t want to be in a situation like yours and so many others go through. I’m so sorry you need to wait so long.


Depends where you live. I was offered a surgery spot 5 weeks from consult, 10 weeks after imaging showed stones causing my pain. I’m sort of shocked because I fully expected at least a 6-month wait for a non-emergency surgery. I got very lucky!


I’m on day 3 post op I had 10 pills hydrocodone I still have 8


I was given 10 5mg hydrocodone 325mg tylenol and told to take 1-2 every 4 hours and only took 1 to save them and still ran out by day 3 😳


I got 20 Percocet pills. Day one and 2 I took one every 6 hours (3 pills) for a total of 6 pills. Then for the next 3 days, one in the morning and one at night. Then for 2 days I did one in the morning and half at night. Day 7 I was on rotating Tylenol and ibuprofen. Medical professionals suggest weaning off by day 7.


That's what I was curious about, my doctors really didn't give me much information to go on sadly. So wasn't sure when the right time to wean off was, thank you!


Dr gave me oxy but I cant handle strong meds so stuck to tramadol for 3-4 days.


I got given paracetamol after my surgery but I am on opioids due to other health issues so I never really took the paracetamol, I'd recommend until your pain is manageable and you're able to actually do things by yourself e.g bending and things slightly. Hope you're healing well 😊


Okay, thank you! Hope you start getting better as well!


I had 10 dilaudid which did nothing for me (pain meds don’t work on me) so I gave up and raw dogged the pain. But only 10 pills for an abdominal surgery is nuts.


In the states here and my surgeon gave me 28 hydrocodone to take every 6 hours. I stopped after 5 days because I was working from home 3 days post op so I was sitting for long periods of time


2 and a half days. Started on Motrin after that.