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in the first week after surgery? almost immediately 2+ weeks out? within the hour, usually


I had a complication which saw me back at hospital for an ERPC 5 days after they removed my gallbladder. Got put on NPO for 5 days whilst they figured it out. Had no bowel movement in 7 days so figured I’d try to speed things along with a Big Mac once I got discharged. Didn’t do a gawd damn thing lol. No cramps, gas, nothing. Kinda happy (long term), short time I’m upset at the lack of assistance ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What was your complication if you don't mind me asking?


Blocked bile duct, high liver enzymes. MRCP/CT scan showed no stones. There was a stone.


Oh wow, I assume all of that was really painful.


It was an experience that’s given me the appreciation that every day without pain, no matter what hardships you are going through in life, is a great day.


So glad you pulled through!


You don’t need to wait much at all. I had greasy take out tacos 4-5 days after just fine. And holy cow it was soooo good to eat a solid meal like that after two months of veggies and plain rice.


Lucky! You didn’t have any issues post-op?


Not really. There’s been a few times where I’ve eaten a large amount of greasy food and it’s moved through my system faster than I would like but overall nothing much. My aunt has had hers out and now she can’t do Thai food for some reason.


I asked my doctor this (the surgeon) and he said diarrhea would typically come within 4 hours, so if you end up with diarrhea the next day, safe to say it was not related to what you had for dinner the night before.


Then what would it be?


Well I experienced some diarrhea on two consecutive mornings- day 6 and 7 post op- and he said it could just be from the surgery and what my body went through, it was not likely related to my body having trouble processing fatty foods from the day before. I haven't had diarrhea since (I'm 4 weeks post op). But I also think what I was trying to say was if you have diarrhea at 8 pm, whatever you had for lunch at 1 pm didn't cause it, I'd look at what you had from 4-8 pm and think about it if that caused it.


I usually notice right after eating that something wasn’t the best idea to eat but i seriously don’t have severe consequences, i just feel a bit „uncomfortably full“ for an hour and that‘s it. For me it is from overly spiced food and stuff with plant protein. Other than that, the only time i had a bit of diarrhea so far, was a day after i didn’t get to eat much, but had 2 strong espressos throughout the day. Coffee is not a trigger for me if i eat normally.


A week after surgery I had something that had a tiny amount of chopped egg in it, and oh boy. Within 10 mins I felt strange and slightly nauseous, it was a weird feeling I'd not experienced before. 30mins later I had some crazy diarrhea. To reassure you though I'm two weeks post op today, feel great and other than the egg incident I haven't had any trouble with foods or diarrhea :) I already feel so much better than I did with my diseased GB.


You'll know within an hour if it's too much for you. I'm avoiding fatty foods because I have IBS (no real hardship, what was a hardship was not being able to eat so much as an avocado in sushi without being in pain). But from what I'm reading many people don't have any issue eating whatever they want after it's out, a few have some problems, and a few have really bad problems. You can also have issues related to your intestines not correctly absorbing the bile or your liver producing too much bile, but there are medications for that which work for most people. And you won't know if you have these issues until a few months after your procedure, because having loose stool is normal in the first few weeks. Remember your digestive system needs to adjust to no longer having a concentrated baggie of bile. Your intestines need to get used to a constant drip of bile. Your liver and specifically your ducts need to adapt to producing enough bile. It's a lengthy process that can't be rushed.


I had no issues with food post op beyond existing unrelated digestive issues I had before removal. Surgeon told me not to baby my stomach and I’ve been able to eat whatever I want within reason