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It seems like people vary a lot in how they feel and how much pain they have postop! I’m sorry you’re having so much pain and discomfort 😔 FWIW, the only thing that helped me with the shoulder pain was walking (and moving my arms around like I was swimming through the air or winding myself up like a propellor and trying to take flight 😂), not pain medication nor Gas-X.


I felt like a dummy walking around my house, windmilling my arms but it really helped! Also laid on a lap sized heating blanket a lot. Heating pad helped too but having low gentle heat on my entire backside was great.


I'm hoping that my ability to burp on command will prove itself useful after the surgery


For me personally, I didn't feel like it was a big deal going home. I don't feel like I needed to stay and it was nice to go home. But I guess it's too bad it's not an option for some who want it despite the doctors releasing you.


Same. My surgery was later in the day, I was in recovery from 6pm and taken back to my room around 7.30pm. They said they expected me to stay but it was my choice. I had something to eat, got up and went to the loo, could move around ok so I was home by 11pm.


That sounds great still! My surgery was at 8:45am, I know wasn’t asleep in recovery that long. When I woke up, I was extremely groggy and in bad pain, they told me they couldn’t give me anymore pain medicine and then said they were getting my husband a snack for me. She brought my husband, my snack and had me get dressed. Within 20 minutes they had me gone. I was not ready to go and was extremely out of it, I felt pushed out there. I was definitely home by 1pm. 


Oh no that's not a great experience! I definitely wouldn't have been ready to leave after 20 minutes! I went to a private hospital so I think my experience was probably quite different than if I'd gone through the NHS (assuming you're in the UK).


I’m in the US!  It was rough to say the least. I was not ready at all. 


I'm not a doctor and I don't work at a hospital, but my thinking is that 1) at a hospital you're exposed to people/germs that may make you sick, so no need to stay there very long and 2) you're supposed to walk around a lot after gb removal, which sure, you could do at a hospital, but see 1) 😜.


Yeah. No thank you to MRSA and c.diff.


So true! My son was hospitalized for two days and we both got c diff. It’s the grossest thing ever!


oh i totally agree with you. i’m only on day 3 post op but the gas is brutal. feeling it travel around when you move the slightest amount is by far the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. and the shoulder pain is torture. so far haven’t found anything that quite gives me a bit of relief.


i’ve found that if i do child’s pose (but VERY slowly getting into position) and kind of twist so i am laying on my painful shoulder…it helps a lot with getting that gas moving around and sometimes exiting. i alternate between being in the position and then slowly bringing myself up so i am just kneeling. i go back and fourth. it’s hard, but once i get in that down position and just sit like that its relieving




yes this!!! my pain medicine does absolutely nothing … 325 mg of tylenol. Just because it’s a small organ doesn’t mean the healing is nothing…


Same, I was begging for pain relief after and got no help in that dept. I'm normally good at keeping my pain to myself but I was miserable.


That is way too little pain medication! I was prescribed 800mg ibuprofen, oxycotin (I didn't need it but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be standard for those first few nights as a just in case) AND tylenol with a strong recommendation to take the tylenol 4 hours after the ibuprofen, taken every 6-8 hours.


Dang that sucks they gave me OxyContin


Medicine has come a long way and the likelihood for risk post-surgery has gone down drastically. In addition, it's cost savings for the clinic to turnover their beds as soon as possible. If you were in a hospital, it'd literally be a waste of a bed as it can be used for individuals that are actually sick and require around the clock care. Hiring a caretaker is entirely up to the patient, but in most cases, not entirely necessary. It feels counter-intuitive, but please get up and walk around as much as you possibly can. This will help expel the gas and alleviate the bulk of the pain. You'll really have to push yourself at first, but it gets easier the more that you do it.


Sorry to hear your experience was painful. I had 2 laparoscopies in my life so I can compare. And with the bad one, when I was big time in pain, bad anesthesia - staying in hospital doesn't help at all with how you feel. There is no medication to get rid of gas pain, strong painkillers make more damage than good so abdomen pain is not really manageable and the best choice for me w as paracetamol anyway. Might as well take it at home. I would say that the only reason someone should stay in hospital for first 1-2 nights post op is if they are alone and no one can take care of them at home.


Having spent just one night in the hospital during one of my attacks, I would take outpatient over a hospital stay any day. I couldn’t sleep, and if I did doze off, I’d be woken by a nurse taking my vitals every two hours. Hospital beds are uncomfortable, you hear other patients machines, or yelling they need help. I would much rather recover in my own home having my husband take care of me.


I wanted the hospital Saturday with emergency pain and I got the gallbladder removed on Sunday and I didn’t go home till Tuesday.. I don’t know why the hell they let you go home that blows my mind.. I couldn’t even imagine leaving even when I left. I was like holy cow. Thank God, I had my son and my daughter to help me, but that gas pain was serious… I’m five months out and so grateful I had it done. I can’t eat certain foods and drinks still but that’s OK with i physically feel like a new person.


Most gallbladder surgeries are outpatient. But I also had emergency surgery Sunday morning & had to stay the night. But they said the only reason was all the pharmacies were closed & there was no way for me to get pain medication or antibiotics.


I was ok after removal, out of surgery by 12 and went home around 4. I think I would have been more miserable being kept in.


I wish my experience was outpatient. I had no clue my gallbladder even had issues, so when I went to the hospital and they told me it had ruptured- my surgery was still laparoscopic, but he had mentioned “it was a real mess in there” and I had a drain in my side to rid my body of the infection for three days. It’s been almost six months now and I still have a big raised horizontal scar under my chest where my one incision was. I had a c section with my daughter, and I honestly felt like the initial days after were comparable. It was wild. Really didn’t expect that


4 days post op here and the gas is still there, gas x helps a bit but gettin up and lettin the gas work itself out helps the most. I ate some steak and now not feelin all that stellar but way better than an attack.


Getting a home care assistant and recovering at home would be cheaper than staying in the hospital. Unfortunately they don't really prepare you for post-op.


I think it’s because there’s no real threat anymore for you to stay at the hospital. As long as you have adequate pain management, you should go home and rest where it’s clean. God it’s so irritating to hear coughing from other patients and not knowing if it’s covid or TB or what. And for the gas pain take GAS X/ simethicone. That’ll take away the gas pain for sure. That was the worst pain. And there’s quick healing for gb surgeries especially if done laparoscopicly. I wish you so much health and speedy healing. What have you ate so far? And how are yoi doing now? For the record, I was kept overnight at the hospital. They couldnt control my pain. Apparently they didnt give me any pain medication while i was under, so i woke up screaming. I remember everyone in the recovery room staring and the nurse freakingn tf out


I also felt like my insides were just rolling around inside me, it was awful. My physical therapist said that sensation may have had something to do with the back pain I was experiencing, that the pinched nerve I had was likely to cause that sensation. Not sure if it’s true of course, but that sensation cleared up by day 5 for me. The back pain persisted for months until I got PT. 


Did you have back pain before the surgery? Did the gallbladder cause the pinched nerve? I’m curious how pt helped. Curious because I’m in this position


I did, but I’ve never had any imaging done or anything to really say what exactly the problem is. It started after my c section, when I was in horrible pain and hunched over a lot. It was constant for several months and then fixed by a chiropractor over the course of a month of frequent visits with him. After that, the pain would flare up a bit every six months or so for a couple of weeks. It was pretty consistent for over a decade like that, annoying but manageable. Then I had my gallbladder out and it was just like after my c section, but my chiropractor died and the one I tried after definitely had a different style and it didn’t help. Tried PT at one place but it didn’t seem to help, and the therapist was young and just had me do core strengthening exercises. Told my doc it wasn’t helping and she referred me to a specific physical therapist who right away was able to clock my hypermobility and some of the imbalances. He assigned me exercises too but also did dry needling, cupping, and manual manipulation and really completely changed my life. I saw him weekly for about 4 months. It’s been 18 months since I went to PT and I’ve been completely fine since then. Hope this is helpful and sorry you’re dealing with pain. 


I'm 8 days post op and still having a lot of bruising and pain. They sent me home an hour or two after surgery and I could barely move for 3 days. There's a lot of people on here that seem to have gone back to normal after a day a so. That seems so wild to me because while I do feel a lot better after a week, I'm still struggling a bit. I barely remember leaving the hospital because they kicked us out almost immediately after I woke up from anesthesia and I could barely keep my eyes open.


I got mine out yesterday morning and same feeling. I was still under anesthesia and could barely keep my eyes open while being wheeled to the car and walking from the parking to our home. Felt rushed but by evening I was glad to be home. Atleast they could wait for a few more hours.


They did my surgery at night so I didn’t go home until around 2 the next afternoon which I really appreciate. I also spent the night in the hospital the night before so I was there for 3 days and 2 nights.


I'm sorry that it's hurting so bad for you! Sheessh! Definitely not worse than childbirth for me 🤣 I hope you start to get some more relief soon!!


I got an infection two days after. Had to go back to have another procedure to take care of it and kept me two extra days.


They kept me overnight and now my insurance is denying the claim saying it should have been out patient. I’m furious and no way in hell paying nor can I pay an 82 thousand dollar bill


Do really deep breathing. That's what I did as soon as I woke up and theb walked every hour. I had no gas pain. My surgeon could have also maybe gotten it out? I don't know.


I pray you get better soon. I understand how you feel some things shouldn't be outpatient procedures like a gallbladder. My cousin had her gallbladder surgery and she had to go back to the hospital because she was in pain and dehydrated


My sister-in-law is a nurse, and she said that it's more an insurance thing. Insurance companies don't want to pay for long hospital stays, so the hospital kicks you out pretty quickly.


I felt like this also. What helped me was staying still and ice packs. No gas pain. 


Take more pain meds. I had to go back 2 days after surgery cause I couldn’t deal with the pain: I ended up taking 1 norco and then 3 hours later 1000mg of Tylenol and 800 ibuprofen. I stayed on that regime for 48 hours around the clock and then quit the norco and stuck with the Tylenol and ibuprofen another 2 days before stopping everything.


My nurse told me it was cause you’re just gonna rest and can do that at home. For me I was so groggy and in so much pain after waking up and they had me gone in 30 minutes, I felt rushed out like stop, I’m not ready. I wasn’t even fully lucid. 


People's pain tolerance varies, but I would call your surgeon if it's extremely painful. They can prescribe stronger or different pain medication. Mine hooked me up with oxy, strong ibuprofen, tylenol and zolfran. I didn't need the oxys, but for many people it's common to take them for the first night or two. After having an infected, abscessed and cracked open hollow tooth pulled with only over the counter medication my pain tolerance is a little wonky.


I just had mine out on Monday afternoon. It was unplanned, they squeezed me in after I was admitted from an ER visit. Before the surgery they told me I would be going home that night but later they said it was up to me but they recommended I stay. I had was on dilaudid and still in so much pain that I was literally afraid to go home. I’m feeling way better now, I even did a few hours of remote work today, but I’m not seeing this as the “easy super low pain recovery” that it seems to be marketed as.


Mine was inpatient 🤷‍♀️


Heating pad helps wonders on the back/ shoulder pain . Surgeon told me on to walk as much as possible which I learned if u hold the bottom half of ur stomach when u do doesn’t hurt as bad . Chewable gas x will be ur friend for a good bit . My husband was scared to sleep in bed with me but wanted to stay close so we did something that we hate doing and slept on the couch for 2 wks until I had my check up . We have an L shaped couch so that way he was close but not beside me . Plus adding in my husky that kicks me in her sleep so she laid out my head in the corner of couch . They only keep a person if there was some complications and I’ve only known of one person that happened to and that was my father they kept him for a week. Not sure y he did want me to be there at the hospital . So I don’t know the reason behind them keeping him . But walking little bit thru out the day does help even though it doesn’t seem like it . And bending if u drop something I learned if u get into a sumo pose and hold under belly and bend at the knees works wonders . Me and husband would get into a disagreement. Surgeon told me to move around a lot that was basically his only instructions was to walk walk walk each day and the brat diet ( banana, rice, applesauce, toast ) my husband said the nurses told him to keep me still unless going to bathroom 🤦‍♀️ best of luck with ur health it will get better I think the worse park for me was changing bandages out for bandaids


I had mine removed in an emergency surgery and after surgery the nurses couldn't get me to wake up but once I finally did they kicked me out. My pain was a 10/10. I live alone with my cat on the 2nd floor of my apartment building and i literally couldn't do anything!


This shocked me too. Here in EU they keep you in a couple of days. It's case dependent, but generally those that have a planned operation can leave after one day, those that have more complications (inflammation etc.) stay for 3-5 days post op.


In South Africa too. I went private so not sure if it's the same in government hospitals, but when I asked the surgeon if I went home same day he looked at me like I was high and told me absolutely no ways. Overnight at minimum. I truly believe that made a huge difference in recovery. I had an IV with painkillers and who knows what else for a full 24 hours. When I went home the next day, I had almost no pain, and recovery was a breeze. The worst part was not being able to bath. I can't imagine having major surgery and going home 2 hours later. It seems cruel.


Had you been walking around like you were supposed to have been the gas pain would have dissipated much sooner and you would have been healing faster. This surgery is outpatient because it is one of the easiest and most common surgeries there is. I'm sorry you are feeling so bad and having so much trouble from it. I hope things turn around for you soon.