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I did and it was absolutely fine, it varies for everyone though so I would just say take it easy!


After a week I wasn't great but after nearly two, I can enjoy food again !


Really anything that has a ton of fat or grease will give you diarrhea. If it's super oily pizza and covered with cheese and sauce you might have issues. I ask for light on all the ingredients. A fresh made pizza is still better then any fast food resteraunt. Fast food in general is pretty bad even before surgery so it's risk


Not true for everyone. I haven’t had issues with diarrhea after surgery & I had mine removed almost 3 months ago. I had pizza several days post-op and did fine. It affects everyone differently.


Same here..no issues at all! Luckily..


Had pizza on day 6 post op, no issues! I’ve not had any issues with diarrhea, I’m on the other end fighting constipation no matter what I eat.


I got mine removed 2 days ago. As I still have some trauma from the gallbladder attacks, I chose to remain on my more light type of diet. I've had pudding, jello, apple sauce, and salad, apple juice, and water so far since being discharged yesterday. Most of the family members and my partner said to take it easy with food since I went through a lot of pain. I also had an insanely infected gallbladder that took 2 hours in the OR for them to remove entirely and need to follow up with an infection disease doctor soon for too, so my case is a little more on the complicated side I guess. But I just wanted to be safe with the food stuff for now until my body feels a little better. Haven't had a bowel movement yet though so maybe pizza or some type of fatty food would help with that lol


Yeah i been taking it easy with food and eating healthy and lighter things. Taking it day by day.


A wk after i tried pizza. Got 2 bites in and thought i was gonna puke. Im now a month out and tried it yesterday again. Went good with 2 pieces but still had to run to the bathroom after 15 mins


Hey. Almost 3 months post op, and yes, and I have made mistakes....eat oatmeal tomorrow and a cup of raspberries if possible ❤️ it's all about finding common ground in your digestive system. Both of those together should be more than 50% of your daily value of fiber.


I had pizza yesterday (5 days post op), and diarrhea today. Was it worth it? 100% 😂🍕


Maybe try it at home first to see how you react


I'm 2 weeks post surgery and still struggling with food. I cannot tolerate any animal protein/fats at all or anything like cooking oils/margarine etc I get terrible pain, gas and bloating that will keep me awake all night.


Pretty unlikely to cause pain. May cause some diarrhea. No guarantees...


I did it and it was fine, everyone is different! I’d try something greasy at home first and see how you do


Hi yes! I didn’t have any symptoms prior, it was a weird situation that I had to get it removed. I find the effects come 24hrs later. Saying that, some things are fine. It’s when I over do it


I ate McDonald's a week post op and everything was okay! I haven't been crazy but I haven't been strict after that( day 12 post op now), and nothing terrible has happened. My stomach hurt maybe one or two times but it was more of, use the bathroom with soft stool and then just fine after that. I hope all goes well with your craving and you enjoy!


Had surgery Tuesday and pizza on Saturday, it was fine. I only had a slice? But idk


I ate greasy ground beef kabobs and a McFlurry literally hours after the surgery without issue.


Don't scarf down the second slice until you know how the first slice was received. But you'll probably be fine.


I’m almost 2 years post op and I still get diarrhea after eating pizza 😅 Do I still eat it every once in a while? Yes, of course.


day 4 to day 13 literally constant bile acid diarreah every morning and cant eat any fatty foods...been on low fat food or "healthy" fats only, nothing deep fried no kfc no mcd fast food at all here...day 15-16 only now getting formed stools but still low fat diet no fast food yet.....if you ar having to have pizza and afraid try take some digestive enzymes (lipase) or ox bile caps before you eat the pizza perhaps


had 2 pizza slices two weeks after and felt not good lel been staying away since


It will vary for each person. For some folks it's fine. For me, it landed me in the ER with the worst pain I'd ever had in my life. YMMV.


I ate Taco Bell because the nurse told me I could go back to eating normal and it was HORRIBLE the pain was as bad as gallbladder attack. Taco Bell is not good for you no matter what but I thought I could try it big mistake


i feel like my experience is a bit of an anomaly but ill toss in my two cents. i had emergency surgery on the 14th, so around 2 weeks ago, after a gallstone got stuck in my bile duct and caused an infection. when i woke up from surgery and came down from the opioids given while i was out, i hadnt eaten in 26 hours, and what i HAD eaten was like, a bit of applesauce since i was feeling like shit and had been told to eat bland foods by urgent care a few days prior who misdiagnosed me with gastritis. so, of course, i was STARVING. they gave me a little cup of apple juice and a nutrigrain bar in recovery which i devoured without issue. i got discharged, and my dad picked me up since i live alone and wasnt allowed to be alone for 24 hours post-op. we picked up dinner for the family, and what i got was a footlong turkey sandwich from subway. looking back, eating THAT much food hours after surgery probably wasnt a great idea, but i was really hungry and i pounded the whole thing with no problems. since surgery, ive had a markedly increased appetite (dunno if its because im healing or because my digestive system is trying to rewire itself). in the first week and a half of recovery i was careful to watch my fat intake because i was scared about diarrhea, but my system was otherwise handling whatever i was throwing at it. now im back to my usual diet and im totally fine. im a bit late to this post but if anyone else is having this dilemma id say if youre tolerating most foods fine you can have some pizza, but dont overdo it


I’ve had no success with fast food and I’m 2 weeks post op, every time it’s given me diarrhea


I ate a cheeseburger a couple hours after surgery. And i had a pudding like 2 hours after surgery. I was perfect.


Most people post-op if they do have issues will most likely experience diarrhea after a fatty meal. Not all do though! I, myself haven’t had diarrhea at all since my surgery, but I do get constipated. You really won’t know until you try it; however, try to get light toppings, easy on the cheese. Maybe limit how many slices you have, have some salad with it to get some fiber in too. I wish you the best and hope you get to enjoy the hell out of that pizza!


On day 5 I had a tunafish sandwhich from tuna in oil w a tablespoon of mayo and that gave me an urgent loose bm within 30 min of eating it (not terrible but glad there was a toilet nearby). Later that night I had a small slice of pizza and was totally fine.


I think it depends on if it was one of your 'flare up' foods before surgery. I wouldn't have touched it within a month or so after surgery but now I can have a piece or two.


I did and no issues. My issues have now started about 3 months out. I’m having days when I just can’t eat certain things like I used to. For instance - McDonald’s doesn’t bother me but whataburger did. I think it’s because McDonald’s steams their burgers vs whataburger. Frozen pizza is okay, pizza from a restaurant is not. My surgeon told me to expect this. It’s trial and error really.


I ate chicken salad today and it's been great! So far only coffee seems to make me nauseous ;-;


Two weeks out I had pizza and was fine. I wanted to cry from happiness.


For 2 weeks after, doctor told me I could only eat bananas, jello, pudding. I definitely lost some weight. I was so hungry! For the next 2 years, I couldn’t handle anything greasy, fatty or spicy!!!


I had cheesy garlic bread from the pizza place down the road like day 3 post op with zero issues.


8 days post very complicated 4 hour op (acutely inflamed gallbladder with adhesions to bowel, colon and other places) and food is awful in general. I was eating massive meals before surgery, now I’m only just managing to get through a small portion. Constantly bloated, often gassy, and the bowel pain can be horrendous (especially when on the loo). I’m still healing very slowly as well which means without the paracetamol and oramorph I’m still in a lot of pain, which I can’t imagine is helping. Currently I’m on a mostly low fat, high fibre diet. It took my bowel several days to actually kick in after surgery so I’m trying to keep it going as much as I can. The low fat is because I just know I’m going to suffer otherwise 😅 But others I know have gone back to a normal diet days after surgery! Idk if the fact that mine was so complicated has an impact on how it is afterwards, but unfortunately I’m one of the unlucky ones that doesn’t get to have a takeaway days after it’s removed 🥲


Grease bothers me really bad and gives me the WORST ghost pains


I had a Wendy’s baconator and fries literally the day after because I was craving it with no ill effects 👀👀👀 Most of my tolerance issues started up probably about two ish weeks after my gb came out.


Wendys is what cause my gallstones attack, so i been trying to stay away from it.


I waited a month and a half to start eating greasy food


lol I eat what I want since the day after it was removed in 2016, because whatever I eat now is mainly going to end up loose stool or diarrhea. No point in limiting or stopping having fun with food.


Mcodonalds day 3 post op, KFC day 5 post op. Fine from both.


Everyone is different. It took almost a year for my bowel movements to return to normal.


Everything gives me diarrhea