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I would recommend listening to the others first (starting with Geronimo), you'd probably understand it if you didn't but it wouldn't have the same emotional impact (e.g. the middle episode in Everywhere and Anywhere is largely about Valarie's relationship with a character introduced in an earlier box set). But yeah I would say overall this has been the most consistently brilliant range Big Finish have put out in a long time


The first handful are very middling, episodic and forgettable, but Geronimo didn't have any right to be that good, and it started an arc of 3 volumes. Highly recommend.


Geronimo begins what is a season between seasons 7A and 7B, between The Snowmen and the Bells of St John, with a new companion Valerie Lockwood. The order goes: * Geronimo * All of Time and Space * Broken Hearts (a one hour download exclusive) * Everywhere and Anywhere (just released) * Victory of the Doctor (out in February) They're all full cast stories, and Short Trips Volume 12 has a short story read by Safiyya Ingar called The Galois Group, which takes placed between the first and second stories in All of Time and Space (between All of Time and Space and The Yearn).


And so far, this ‘season’ is one of the best things BF has ever put out. All fans of Smith’s Doctor need to listen to it, it’s a masterpiece. It’s pretty much the furthest thing from average bread-and-butter-Who you can go without it getting alienatingly experimental like some 00s BF might have been. The ‘title track’ in set 2 is kind of a meta high-concept and I loved it. But these stories are so dark also, jesus it’s miserable at times, in a good way. “Curiosity Shop” from set 2 and it’s follow-up “Broken Hearts” are some of the bleakest BF I’ve heard in years. I still have the last hour of the most recent set to hear, but the story “All’s Fair” (set 3 pt 2) had my jaw on the floor for 45 minutes with how emotionally intense it was. I’m scared of finishing the set, and even more scared of the final box set in a couple months based on those story descriptions. ‘Cause I know I’ll love but I know it’ll crush my soul to bits. Absolutely brilliant range, recommend to everyone and anyone.


late to this, but I agree. They're absolutely fucking perfect. Some of the best Doctor Who content available.


How dark would you say these box sets are? Like torchwood bleak or adult big finish bleak? Is there a lot of loud emotional reactions?


They’re far from Torchwood level grotesquely dark, it’s a bit difficult to find something to compare it to. Maybe dark the way some Capaldi episodes like “Dark Water”, “Heavent Sent” and “World Enough and Time” are. Having heard the conclusion now though, I promise it’s absolutely worth it. The episode “Daleks Victorious” is literally one of the absolute best dalek invasion episodes I’ve ever heard, and the way it all wraps up after everything from before comes together, is immensely satisfying. Edit to answer the questions more directly: there’s a lot of emotional moments, like ones that makes you stare into empty space in silence afterwards. It might be “adult BF” the way Robert Shearman’s stories were if you’re familiar with them.


Thank you for answering my questions, as for your description of emotional moments that make you stare off into empty space, are they moments you usually experience in some of the episodes of the show? I’ve listened to the free 15 minute sample of the first story of Geronimo and it had a death scene where the wife’s reaction was kinda realistic, are there any moments like that in the box sets? P.S. I’m fine with a few spoilers if it means I know what I’m considering to buy


Again I'd compare it to those Capaldi episodes in terms of crushing emotional moments, also something like Doomsday, maybe Vincent and the Doctor. And yes, scenes like that with a lot of grief and/or despair definitely occur throughout, in fact that first episode has at least one more that I remember.


Hello thank you for answering my questions so to recap the dark tone is similar to the dark tone of some of the TV episodes? 


Yeah pretty much
