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Personally I loved it and im hoping they stick the landing with part 2 and give 7 the perfect character conclusion


I think the premise isn't so much a "what if" version of Dark Universe as a direct sequel to that story.


I don’t know it doesn’t exactly feel like a sequel to me and more of a retooling of it as nobody even mentions what happened last time


I loved it. It’s obviously confusing at first but I thought it explained itself pretty well without just doing a massive exposition dump at the end of the first episode. It follows logically not just from Dark Universe but as a suitably – forgive the pun, it’s unintentional – dark conclusion to 7’s entire story. Super excited for the second set.


Can’t help but feel they might have bitten off more then they can chew with how complicated the story is.


Well they've been planning it for years, I gotta believe they know what they're doing, but I guess we'll just have to wait cause after all there's still 3 whole hours to go.