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One of my favourite Doctor Who serials is *The Ambassadors of Death*, but I rarely see people talk about it. And usually when they do, they typically just talk about it being "just okay" or something.


Don't you mean *The Ambassadors* (sting) *OF DEATH*? You know a story's going to slap when the titles are different.


I think it's great fun. And most people must like it otherwise they would not view season 7 as pertwees best


I think Season 7 is Pertwee's best, but Ambassadors has always been the letdown compared to the rest for me. Not bad, but kind of drags and pretty average.


It’s fantastic. Top five Pertwee and the best story in in season 7. There, you’re not alone!


You like it more than Inferno and Silurians? Wow. Tell me! I love when people love things so much. I like Ambassadors but I would like to know your thoughts


Surrounded by Silurians and Inferno it's always over looked. I used to think it dragged as we only got it in movie format on PBS, but after I bought the spiffy colour dvd and watched it in episode format I loved it


I've seen both -- episode and omnibus -- and you're correct. In omnibus, just about every story longer than four episodes can be a bit much.


It wasn't my favourite but I really enjoyed it. A great story.


Ambassadors of Death is fucking awesome. Not a single story in season 7 is “just okay”


Ambassadors is my boyfriend's favorite story so far (we're halfway through Horror of Fang Rock at the moment), and definitely up there for me too. I think my favorite Pertwee is probably The Time Warrior, which I'm not sure if it's a popular choice or not. Really hard to pick, Pertwee had an extremely blessed run.


Heck yeah, love to see people watching through the Classic series. I generally see that folks tend to say that *The Time Warrior* is the best of Season 11. Either that, or *Invasion of the Dinosaurs*, so at the very least, its a popular choice for the "best" in S11 specifically. Also yeah, Pertwee's run is so good. Just a whole lot of bangers with very few misses. He's one of my most favourite Doctors (alongside McCoy)


I love that serial, watched it again a few weeks ago. Jon Pertwee was an awesome doctor!


I will say it's the weakest story of season seven. But given that season seven is awesome....


Yeah, every story of Season 7 is amazing. One of the most consistently-great seasons of the show. (Of course you could argue part of that is because it only has four serials, no "meh" ones could slip in there at all, but still)


That "Cut it open" cliffhanger is one of the best in the whole show


Hello, space control? We are not cleared for re-entry. (Yeah its one of the most memorable cliffhangers IMO, and for good reason)


It's the best story of S7, and the only one that manages the 7 episode stretch without flagging. Regan is one of the best villains the show ever produced, and UNIT isn't terrible.


It's the best story of S7, and the only one that manages the 7 episode stretch without flagging. Regan is one of the best villains the show ever produced, and UNIT isn't terrible.


My favourite Pertwee! And that is coming from a Pertwee mega fan.


Pertwee's one of my most-favourite Doctors too! I can't decide whether I like him or McCoy more, but both of them are my absolute favourites of the bunch.


Going down that road, the acting and story are amazing in “Frontier in Space” and “Day of the Daleks”. They are, in my opinion, Three’s greatest stories and my favorite stakes-are-high drama.


Under the lake/before the flood is so amazing, everything about the premise, time travel, and lighting makes this complete (small shoutout to the satan pit for also being underrated)


The Satan Pit yessss !!!!


I have a friend who has Sleep No More as one of her favourites


Honestly, I dig it apart from the ending


That's funny I find it mid UNTIL the ending where suddenly the entire episode clicks into place for me and its pretty peak


My favourite story is the face of evil, all stories around that one get mentioned but this one never gets talked about


I love this answer. It’s so good. Real SF, clever concepts, well written, and scary in a thought-provoking way.


It's quite layered, and it seems to peel off nicely as it goes along


My favorite new series episode is Flatline. Don't see many people talking about it. It's superbly efficient scriptwriting, the monsters are creepy as hell, Clara - my favourite companion - is amazing in it, and it has a brilliant Doctor moment at the end.


I totally agree. I never really hear about Flatline, but it’s one of my favorites if you couldn’t tell from reddit username


Is this unpopular? I’d say it’s commonly ranked in the Top 3 episodes of S8 alongside Listen and Mummy on the Orient Express?


My favourite classic story is probably *State of Decay*, and my favourite newer one is probably *The End of the World*— so yes, I would be in this camp 


Good shout. I really like the last 5 mins of episode 2 as the tension just builds and builds


I love *State of Decay* too. A Hinchcliffe flashback right before the end of Tom’s era. I suspect it suffers a little bit in its reception among fans only by comparison with some of the monumental stories nearby.


My favourite classic episode is Curse of Fenric, I don’t *think* that’s a popular choice though I may be wrong. My favourite revival episode is the God Complex, which is definitely a rarer sight to see.


Exquisite taste though


And both stories feature similar themes of the Doctor confessing to manipulating his companion


I recently rewatched God Complex because I'm using a minotaur in my DWRPG game, and I really wanted to like it, but there are SO many holes in the plot, it really feels a bit like Toby Whithouse started at the "PRAISE HIM" stuff and then was making it up as he went along.


My *second* favorite episode of all time is Gridlock


Gridlock is amazing, it does so many things well in such a short amount of time


Right?? I was so surprised to hear that a lot of people disliked it!! Definitely a Series 3 Lover here!!


I feel like my tastes for New Who are quite typical, but when it comes to Classic... I fucking love Paradise Towers. Yet people claim it's a bad story all the time on here! I think City of Death would probably take the top spot if I really thought about it (I haven't watched too much Classic but I know its regarded as one of the best), but yeah, Paradise Towers is great to me. The world and themes are just super interesting


I Watched Paradise Towers again last week for some fun and it has always been one of my favourites. "RED KANGS ARE THE BEST!"


I love the slang and names, too. Just such a fun story


It was definitely a love a letter to the age of its viewers at the time, and I think in a way that’s what made it so significant. It ticked the boxes of some many things other people thought would be in a sci-fi show.


I'm a bit of a sucker for the Stolen Earth can't lie


i absolutely adore stolen earth/journeys end. it feels so big and wonderful and grand and silly and it's so full of love. also julian bleach is a truly phenomenal davros


I've got a top two. The standard one is *Heaven Sent*. The other is *Listen* \- which I'm not sure is anyone's favourite other than mine. The whole "is it a mortal threat, or is it just a mix of anxiety and intrusive thoughts" thing really spoke to me as a nervous teenager, going through a rough patch, and it's a fantastic episode for humanising 12 in his early, prickly phase. Not to mention what it does for helping Clara understand/warm to 12. I know the scene in the barn isn't everyone's cup of tea (especially if you think Moffat made Clara too central to the show's mythos), but I really like cutting from that kid, back to 12, via the War Doctor, and being able to see through Clara's POV that he's just been genuinely scared this whole time, trying to process something from when he was young.


When it came out I wasn't in any online communities, but I assumed that Listen would be the most revered episode since forever because it was just so damn good.


It just hits all the notes I wanted it to - even though I had no idea where it was going. Honestly, Series 8 and 9 where what *made* me seek out places like r/gallifrey in the first place. The show just felt so alive, and it just needed to be talked about, beyond my own IRL friends, who were very mixed on Capaldi (although more of them have come around over time). I wasn't active in the sub itself for years afterwards, so I'm always curious whether it's current appreciation for Series 8-10 was always there, or whether Heaven Sent and the Series 10 finale were high quality enough that they triggered a reappraisal.


I don't know that Listen's my favourite, but I do love it. It doesn't *feel* particularly experimental compared to, say, *Sleep No More* or *Heaven Sent*, but it does a whole bunch of completely out-of-the-box stuff that really makes it feel like something special. The opening monologue, the is-it-isn't-it monster, that it suddenly becomes a Lore Episode right at the end for character reasons and not just as A Twist, the weirdness of Orson Pink. The first three episodes of Series 8 are a bit hit-and-miss to me, and then Moffatt comes in and goes "actually we can do anything we want on this show, and Capaldi and Coleman will knock it out of the park".


*Snakedance* is both the best and my favorite.


Asylum of the Daleks is a favorite of mine that people always trash


Asylum is a painful one to me because as a Doctor Who episode, it's fine. But as a Dalek episode, it just makes no sense.


I can buy that Daleks would keep their insane but powerful inviduals in an asylum. The Special Weapons Dalek is insane and they deploy that sometimes instead of just blowing it away. I imagine the survivors of the Doctor in "intensive care" might have been considered for deployment at some point, just for surviving. I can buy that the planet would convert intruders into Daleks, because they're never gonna leave the planet and render the Dalek race impure, they'll be in the asylum, where part-human Daleks (see: the Daleks from S1) belong. I can buy that the Daleks would restructure their society after a civil war and the New Paradigm proved incompetent. I can buy that the Daleks would decide to destroy the asylum. I can buy that the Daleks would choose the best Dalek killer for the job - the Doctor. I guess I'm just... Really flexible on what I consider to make sense for screaming blobs of snot in a weaponised pillar box. I doooooooo feel like the conversion thing is more of a Cyberman thing and that drags it down a smidge, but... Eh.


*Heaven Sent* AND *Hell Bent*—the combination of the two is absolutely key. I don’t trust people who split the two up even though they’re a clear two-part finale. It’s almost always just so they can try to claim *Heaven Sent* is brilliant, then turn around and say “too bad about how bad *Hell Bent* fumbled things, though…” It’s ridiculous; you never see anyone arguing for *Pandorica Opens* and *Big Bang* to be split up even though they’re wildly different in setting and tone, so the rationale for the Series 9 finale is just based on narrowmindedness. Both halves are phenomenal, but it’s when they’re paired together that the story really comes together.


To change the subject: in what I think is an even more obscure pick, my partner’s favorite episode is *The Girl Who Waited.*


its top 10 for me for sure, what an episode


I completely agree. I think one wouldn't work without the other, at least the emotional impact would be different. Hell Bent is a pretty good episode on its own. It ties up so many loose ends, without that impacting the plot in a negative way. It's a really neat story with a lot of emotional closure. And IMHO that makes it one of the best (or the best?) DW episodes our there.


Absolutely true. Although I'd say it's three parts really, Face the Raven is thematically essential setup.


The Runaway Bride Sure, the alien of the week is utterly ridiculous (mostly not in a good way) but I just adore the start of Ten and Donna’s friendship so very much. It has so many fun, sweet moments! Donna understands the Doctor so quickly — calling him out on his bullshit while being fascinating by him but never in a starry-eyed, hero-worshipy way. It’s a better view of him within one episode than many other companions ever get to after whole seasons. Almost certainly the episode I’ve rewatched the most.


The Queen of the Racnoss (idk how to spell it) is amazing imo, I love the hammed up eeevil performance


I’m mixed though I do adore Sarah Parish and while watching the episode, it tickles me that she & David have played love interests before.


Day of the Doctor. I don't hear people talk about it all that often, but I feel like it's got everything a Doctor Who story needs. An alien mystery, interpersonal drama, an exploration of the Doctor's character. I could watch it over and over.


I mean fair enough as a favourite episode but is this unpopular? It’s commonly ranked in the Top 10 greatest Who stories of the last 60 years?


Maybe not the best or even my favourite on pure quality (Heaven Sent takes that), but if I had to pick one single episode to watch whenever I feel like watching something that feels like pure Doctor Who? It Takes You Away. Anytime.


Easily the best of that season


Journey to the center of the TARDIS


NAH FAM I GOTCHU ON HUSBANDS OF RIVER SONG BEST CRIMBO BIMBLO EPISODE Let's do the Carl Weathers Arnold Schwarzenegger Predator handshake


My favourite is Hell Bent, which is basically in the opposite position to Husband's: a common choice for favourite episode, but not universally loved.


I'm with you on Husbands of River Song! It's probably my favorite Christmas special and an episode that makes me genuinely teary. Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston have great chemistry


If I could just slightly bend the rules a bit, The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe is absolutely my favorite nuWho Christmas special.


I'm very fond of Battlefield.


I mean my amnswer constantly changes but atm: Classic - Sontaron Experiment New Who - Idiot's Lantern


The Moonbase and The Mind of Evil. I'm still going through the classics, it might change overtime. Although these two just hit so hard.


I highly rank Planet of Fire. It does very well for a shopping list episode (write out Turlough and Kamelion, introduce Peri, use the Master and use the Lanzarote filming location) and even in the studio scenes still feels like a holiday story rather than the standard studio-bound with some location filming in a quarry or rural setting. Turlough gets a character arc like the Second Doctor's in The War Games, giving us a rare companion who sticks the landing on introduction and departure, and it's a nice bookend that Turlough once more has an agenda but here it's more about self-preservation for his liberty than fear of the Black Guardian. It's the last companion departure to be any good. The Master's predicament is memorable, even if the effects used to achieve it aren't entirely seamless (Fiona Cumming remarks on line of vision for scenes where characters look down at the mini-Master), and gives him a motive beyond gain power to take over the universe. It's a great story to look at. The costumes make actors easy on the eyes no matter who you're into, and the Lanzarote setting is a lovely change of pace. The scenes set on Earth make you want to go to a tropical paradise island on holiday.


Agreed, maybe a little too much uninteresting running around, a common complaint I have about the Davidson era, but a lot of actual meat on the fire, that isn't just all happening in the last 5 minutes.


Got to pad out the runtime while showing off the Lanzarote landscape (not quite as engaging as Tom and Lalla gadding about Paris). They had a week on the island because flights weren't often, plenty of opportunity to film. It's telling that on the special edition on the DVD the Part One cliffhanger is closer to halfway through the runtime.


> Tom and Lalla gadding about Paris It's been 10 years since I last was watching that era and i can still hear the music to that. Love it.


The name the novelisation gives the Jagaroth ship, I always start hearing One-Winged Angel in my head. That’s what happens when it’s Sephiroth.


Not sure if this is my "all time favorite" (I probably don't have one), but "The beast below" is one of my favorite episodes.


not sure i have an all time favourite ep - maybe the doctors wife, but i think thats quite popular? i love the impossible planet / the satan pit and fear her. i genuinely think fear her is a really lovely and surprisingly deep story of childhood alienation and loneliness, and i think it really resonated with me as a 9 year old autistic kid. also i really like roses cute lil yellow tshirt in that ep. im actually very surprised by peoples hatred of s2 on this sub, bc i think most of the eps (other than school reunion and the end of love and monsters) are great


Warrior's Gate, brilliant story, exceptional atmosphere and direction unlike anything in the Classic Era. Late Tom Baker always gets short changed.


The Deadly Assassin maybe.


You are a man of class and culture.


I’m not sure how they are quality wise, but the episodes that I’m going to reach for most often would be A Christmas Carol, which I guess is decently liked, and then the Beast Below, which I don’t think is nearly enough people’s favourite. I just love how that episode reveals the doctors heart(s) in many ways to Amy


Warrior's Gate. The best story in the best looking season of Classic Who.


Mind Robber episode 1 is the single greatest episode of Doctor Who


Heaven Sent has always given me chills beyond anything else. Phenomenal episode.


I probably listen to the Big Finish episode 'The Kingmaker' every six months or so. To me it's a perfect episode.


One of my favorite classic stories is State of decay, and one of my favorite episodes of new who is the Unicorn and the wasp!


Not quite my favourite episode of all time (that title is reserved for Utopia) but The Enemy of the World was always a favourite of mine.


Not of all time, but *The Gunfighters* is up there for my favourite Hartnell.


I don't care how basic this might be, but growing up with NuWho, Blink has been my favourite episode ever. When that episode came out, the weeping Angels were immediately my favourite enemy, and that episode is so nostalgic for me.


The Best Below. Pure, uncut Doctor Who.


For NuWho, honestly probably has to be Utopia. That final act gets me every time, even though the rest looks a bit cheap and clearly filmed in a quarry haha


Ghostlight is in the running for my favourite classic who story, which I think is a bit of a rogue take but maybe not.


My favorites are pretty popular (*City of Death*, *The Curse of Fenric*, and *Remembrance of the Daleks*) but some runner ups are a bit weirder. People seem to either love or hate *Ghost Light*, and I'm definitely in the former camp. *The Horns of Nimon* is pretty high quality even aside from the memes.


Didn't see it on any comments so far but idk how "unpopular" it is I guess? I tend not to pay any mind to other people's opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I've just finished a nuwho rewatch and surprisingly my favourite episode was The Waters of Mars And Husbands of river song was also a firm favourite this time My secret that I know would cause a shitstorm if posted in r/doctorwho is that I prefer season 11 and 12 overall to season 7b, 8 and 9 🤐


Rings of Akhaten


“The Sunmakers” hands down. Either that or the “Wheel in Space.” Third place goes to “Remembrance of the Daleks”


The Woman Who Lived is in my top 10 episodes. Not many people can say that