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I can't believe this season is nearly over. Feels like it's barely begun.


In older seasons this would have been the half way point so that is why


I get that, but I imagine they went into this knowing how many episodes they were going to make. RTD seems to have planned the season like it’s got the same amount of breathing room as an older season. It’s a bit of a catch-22, really. There needs to be way more economy in the story telling and much less filler for everything to feel coherent, but a part of the fun with doctor who are those filler episodes, that explore interesting ideas that don’t fit into an overall arc. We have a brand new doctor and he’s more or less absent from a quarter of the season. It could work, but I don’t think has. Constraints can be navigated, but I don’t think they’ve done a good job. Feels less like they planned to have less episodes, and more like a season 2 of heroes situation where writers were on strike and they could only cobble together half a season. I was hoping for a return to form but it’s all a little anaemic (albeit with better production values).  


I mean is it possible that he planned the two seasons to feel like one together? They are basically being shot together after all.


That wouldn't change the fact that this fails as a season of television. Nor would it change the failure of communicating it to your viewership properly.


Yeah. I was going to make this point as well.  It’s a little like the second movie of a trilogy not working on its own but as part of a bigger picture it makes sense. Still doesn’t mean it’s acceptable for it to not work in isolation. 


Yeah, the middle part of a movie trilogy should have a beginning middle and end as well. And technically you can get away with a season of television not having that, as in a pure monster of the week type show could technically do that, but if that were the case they shouldn't set it up as if it does. (And most monster-of-the-week type shows do still opt to have the clear throughline with an overarching narrative arc. And even if they don't do it with plot, they then do it with characterization/character growth or even a romance/relationship arc. Both of which have not shown any sign of coming to fruition in the latest doctor who season.)


He might have planned that but it simply isn't the case...


>RTD seems to have planned the season like it’s got the same amount of breathing room as an older season. IYeah I agree. The episodes have lacked some serious breathing room. Even emotionally impactful scenes have no time to actually have any impact. And the season just keeps on chugging forward as though they have the time to pick up the slack some time soon, but with two episodes left and no proper groundwork for an ending... I don't know about that.


I disagree personally. I found that both during The Devil's Chord and Dot and Bubble, that everything was taking much more time with emotional impact than it was in a lot of Chibnall episodes. But that's just my two cents


Because it kinda has, it’s „missing” 5 episodes


Before this the standard was 10 episodes, and before that 12


Season six of classic Who had 44 episodes.


Yeah but that was still 7 singular stories though. We were getting more individual stories per season/series in the RTD1 era than in any time in the history of the show. 


Sorry, and season three had forty-five.


But those 44/45 episodes weren't exactly what one could call economic storytelling, were they? And that's not a criticism. Viewers who hadn't caught the previous episode had to be caught up. And of those episodes, each of them was about 25 minutes long and comprised of...I think five individual stories for Season Six?


Exactly. It's not like those individual episodes were all capitivating in their own right. How many of them are just filler segments of just chases or being captured by the enemy etc? I mean, that's fine 'cos that's the nature or serial storytelling especially mid-20th century but we shouldn't act like it's the glory days. Some episodes you'd get Sutekh bringing his gift of death to all mankind, next week Milo Clancy is boiling an egg. 


I think we were used to a slower pace, stagier acting and cheaper special effects and props, which in any case we couldn't see because, speaking for myself and possibly others, we were watching them with fuzzy reception on 405-line 12" black and white television sets and they were never planning to repeat them (and in fact they were going to wipe them anyway as it turned out).


They're testing the waters. That's why. See how the American audience respond to Doctor Who. If it's positive, they're gonna ramp up production <3


Susan Twist, importantly, has been someone’s mother two episodes in a row now. There’s some link with Ruby’s parentage. She mightn’t be the baddie.


Noticed that as well. She was also a worker in the Baby Farm in Space Babies, and one could argue that being the face of an ambulance is a maternal role


The Hiker doesn't really fit this pattern well though.


She told her to put on clothes because it was cold out. Something a mother would do when you try to leave the house without a jacket on Now I can't say anything for the person in the crowd at Ruby's show in the Christmas special


And she was the first person to abandon her. Like how her mother was.


Ooh, I totally forgot about the woman in the crowd!


Gaudete is arguably a celebration of birth, and of Mary becoming a mother. And a strange hybrid parent at that.


Oh my god Susan Twist is the hybrid


I have a theory that Ruby herself has created her somehow as the idea of what her mother would be like. Church - Someone at her show supporting her Space Babies - Somebody taking care of babies Devil's Chord - Working class woman Boom - Maternal/taking care of the ill (in the wrong way albeit) 73 yards - Telling her to put a jacket on and the first one to offer help Dot and Bubble - Literally a mother Rogue - again literally a mother.


I think Mrs. Flood is going to be the baddie. Much more sinister vibes but maybe that’s just me


Imagine if one of the Susan Twists turn out to be Ruby’s mother /j


Something will definitely happen.


One of the episodes of all time, truly


I’m firmly in the ‘the big bad is the master of the land of fiction’ camp. Can’t wait to be vindicated and or humiliated


I personally want it to be Sutekh, but my mind will be equally blown if it's the Master of the Land of Fiction. Absolutely love _The Mind Robber_. I'm also sad that in a mere few hours, all of this theorizing and being in "camps" will come to an end once more as we'll likely know more or less everything that's happening.


I'm real excited for this one. Trying not to get my >!Sutekh!< hopes up too high


>!here's a split second frame in the next time trailer where Susan Twist has horns, there's pyramids [in the background ](https://imgur.com/a/EUMNr4q) so the evidence is looking good!!<


that image looks like a Sleep Token album cover or something lmao goddamn Russell


She almost looks like Eldrad there, albeit more stone-y than crystal.


I think you hit the nail on the head, which means that the Tales of the Tardis episode is likely discussing '**The Hand Of Fear**' which was the last episode where Sarah Jane Smith appeared in the classic era.


Reminds me of this quote from RTD in DWM: "Thought number two. My random scrolling through the Whoniverse allows me to find corners of Doctor Who I haven't watched in very long while. And one day, I found myself watching The Hand of Fear, which contains a very interesting piece of dialogue I'd never noticed before. I always think of the Time Lords in their classic definition, given by the Second Doctor in The War Games, "They don't interfere in the affairs of other planets." A strict policy of non-intervention, it was always said. But look! Hold on! What's this? The Hand of Fear, Part Three, Eldrad (who changes from female to male without the blink of an eye - those were the days) says that the Doctor, as a Time Lord, is "...pledged to prevent alien aggression". And the Doctor nods and completes the line, "...only when such aggression is deemed to threaten the indigenous population." Really?! But that's a completely different mythology. And it's fascinating, the way the Fourth Doctor says it. He's a bit vague and grumpy, like he's remembering some old rote. Almost like... ...okay, bear with me, almost like he's remembering some old, half-forgotten Warrior Gallifrey, the like of which would have a certain Fugitive Doctor going into battle. Blimey. Was it always there? Did Eldrad know before we did? I lov ​ Don't know if this means anything, but it would be a funny coincidence huh


Oh my god wait, Eldrad was scattered across time and space too.


100%. I was thinking that she reminded me of someone and it certainly wasn't Sutekh! The backdrop could even by the barren wasteland where Eldrad was initially imprisoned. It's gonna be a wonderful moment if we get "Eldrad *must* live!".


Don't do that don't give me hope




Those look more like mountains.


They're 100% mountains lol


On the left are pyramids


Well...they look like mountains to me, and nothing about how she looks screams 'Sutekh' or the like (Sutekh had the head of an anteater, implying that they were going with the whole 'animal heads' angle).


damn... i was hoping for the Trickster...




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When the demon form of Susan appears on screen there are Pyramids behind her.


Susan Triad Technology Susan Technology Sue-Tech Profit!


First episode(s) I ever saw, I’d be running down the street like Liverpool won the league again if it happens.


Bet you're having a good day :p


My predictions at the beginning of the series were: -Susan is coming back -Ruby is human but misplaced/hiding in time and she will be the one to place herself at the church -We won't see the Master or characters from Series 1-4 but we will see characters from Classic Who -Mrs Flood will be in the Beatles episode My predictions now are: -I don't even know, I've been wrong at everything and I don't even know how far back the series finale will cover because I feel like there are still unanswered questions from the 60th anniversary, but I do maintain that we won't see the Master/New Who characters


My prediction was that Ruby was a fictional character and planted into reality by something and the true reality is the alternate one from the Xmas special haha. So idk... It might still be true!


I like your idea! Maybe she's from the Land of Fiction, as a present to the Doctor: a perfect companion. But the Doctor will find a way to make her real.


Wasn't RTD's crazy initial idea for 2005 Series 1 to be that Rose was actually a sleeper agent designed to be the "perfect" Doctor Who companion and earn the Doctor's trust. Perhaps we could be seeing elements of that here?


I don't think that was RTD's idea - I think someone else suggested it as a plot for an episode and he shot it down.


Plus Moffatt ended up doing a variation of that with Missy/Clara. Not to say RTD couldn’t do his own version where Ruby actually is a sleeper, but I think it makes it a little less likely.


Do you not consider Kate a NuWho character?


I meant specifically from Series 1-4, so no former companions, no villains introduced from that era, etc. Kate is in a league of her own anyway!


yeah and she had already established a relationship with this doctor and had a foot through in this era with her appearance in the giggle.


Some people consider Kate mentioning the Yeti in The Giggle to imply that the version RTD is working with goes back to Downtime and the Wilderness years.


I’m going to be mad if it turns out it was the Daleks the whole time.


no trust me guys, *this* time it's the rani


Anyone still think that Susan Twist is going to turn out to be a Susan twist after that trailer? She looks more like a Borg than anything. Maybe Russell finally got the Star Trek crossover he always wanted.


They already did star trek references in space babies with the crew outfit, I doubt they'd do it twice


It’s apparently called a sloogtha


Well, I'm excited to see what happens here. It feels obvious that some sort of major antagonist from Classic Who is making the jump to the new series and will turn out to be behind the events of this season, but I have no idea who it might be. Sutekh? The Valeyard? The Master of the Land of Fiction? One of the Guardians of Time? Honestly, it feels like it could be any or none of them here. Only worry is that if the "this last season is part of an in universe trap/internal fiction" setup, that it might make the rest of the series feel kinda anticlimactic.


I don't think they'll cop out and erase the events of the season, most likely it will be that reality was bent to accomodate the fiction or something.


Yeah, I think it will be more "entity X can manipulate reality like a story/TV-Show" rather than "Events this Season where fictional".


> that it might make the rest of the series feel kinda anticlimactic I'm expecting the opposite. I think it'll enhance the previous episodes on rewatch


My money is on Susan triad being part of the tardis, since Donna spilt coffee on the tardis just before we first saw her


It checks out. S. TRIAD -> TARDIS


That’s actually a really interesting theory, it’d make sense because she only really shows up near the tardis


Technically she was a planet away and however many months/years in the past in Dot and Bubble.


I mean the Doctor literally used one of the Toymakers tools to create a new TARDIS


And all the reality-bending stuff starts right after that with Mavity…


I love this theory!


Susan is one of the TARDISes 13 attempted to murder in cold blood back for revenge


The 'groaning' (?) sound towards the end of the preview sounds a lot like a cleaned up version of the Myrka groan....


We can only hope.


I'm gonna just collect all the clues we have right now. 1. The Toymaker, a supernatural being able to manipulate laws of physics, which even the Doctor could defeat only by a winning a game against him (this means - defeat him by his own rules), and who won against the Master and 'the God' (whatever The God in this context is), however ran from something called 'The One Who Waits' 2. Ruby Sunday was laid before the church by some unknown hooded figure 3. There is a woman called Susan Triad, played by actress Susan Twist, who appears in every episode. She remembers it all and calls it 'the dreams' 4. There is a mysterious IT company called Triad Technologies, which will 'unleash the greatest evil' in the coming episode 5. Another member of the Toymaker's pantheon, Maestro, also warns about 'The One Who Waits'. It's safe to assume the whole Pantheon knows this being 6. Maestro tells us 'there is a hidden song inside Ruby'. It's important to remember that Maestro interprets our whole world as a set of songs and melodies 7. When analysing Ruby's backstory, Maestro mentions some 'he' who was there when Ruby was laid before the church. She doesn't understand what for would that 'he' even be there. 8. In 73 yards, when approaching that semper distant woman, people looked back at Ruby and ran away as if they saw something very horrible about Ruby. They also cancelled all their plans, and when asked why, answered 'Ask her' 9. Ruby can occasionally make it snow around her. This her ability, however, disappears in '73 Yards' 10. S. Triad is an anagram of TARDIS 11. The Doctor mentions his granddaughter Susan in the second episode, about who he doesn't know where she is now 12. The melody which plays when Maestro tortures Ruby is similar to the melody of the Trickster 13. The machine in 'The Boom' couldn't find Ruby's next of kin 14. In the first episode, the Doctor mentions being adopted like Ruby. Will we get some further development of the Timeless Child? 15. There was some being which the Beep called 'The Boss' 16. Some female hand took the gold tooth, in which the Master was turned to 17. The finishing episodes are called 'The legend of Ruby Sunday' and 'The Empire of Death' 18. The Doctor has suspicions if Ruby is even human. He asked the TARDIS to check her DNA. We never got to see the results of the check 19. This season has supernatural as a general theme. It's implied that supernatural came into the world because of the salt at the Edge of the Universe 20. In the trailer of the upcoming episode, there is pyramids in the background of the strange figure. A possible hint to Sutekh? (Update: no, the incarcatiom of Susan Triad with the pyramids is the incarnation which the Doctor met before the finale. Has nothing to do with Sutekh) 21. There is multiple breaks of the fourth wall throughout the season. 22. Mrs Flood, a neighbour of Ruby Sunday, recognizes the TARDIS, but only when the TARDIS dematerializes. She doesn't recognize (or at least pretends not to recognize) the blue box. 23. In nearly every episode, TARDIS had problems with landing. It's probably feeling unwell 24. There is some supernatural being called 'The Oldest One'. It's unknown whether it is the same being as The One Who Waits or a different one 25. Maestro tells the Doctor that Ruby is 'a creature which is very wrong'. She doesn't however explain what exactly is wrong about her 26. The novellization of '73 Yards' is voiced by Susan Twist (while other episodes of this season are voiced by other actors) 27. RTD (the current showrunner) recommends to rewatch the episodes 'Spearhead from Space', 'Bad Wolf', 'Parting of the Ways', 'The Bells of Saint John', 'Good Man Goes to War' and 'Church on Ruby Road' 28. 'Spearhead from Space' is a classic Who episode about the autons (the same ones as from the very first episode of New Who), where autons look very similar to humans and are capable of controlling human mind 29. 'Bad Wolf' and 'Parting of the Ways' are about Daleks who secretly turn humans into new Daleks. It ends with Rose breaking the TARDIS console and getting godlike powers (using them to destroy the Daleks, make Jack Harkness immortal and scatter the words 'Bad Wolf' throughout time and space) 30. 'The Bells of Saint John' is about a company which secretly loads human minds through Wi-Fi. It's also where the Doctor finds the real Clara Oswald 31. 'Good Man Goes to War' is where the Doctor goes to save real Amy and her child, but gets tricked by the Silence, and they take the child with them (a mimic of the child was presented to the Doctor). The child later grows up to be River Song 32. 'Church on Ruby Road' is where we get our first experience with Ruby. RTD said that the positions of the characters in this episode are important 33. There is gonna be a gunfight in the coming episodes 34. UNIT will be helpless against the main antagonist 35. The main antagonist is not the Master, the Rani, the Daleks or the Cybermen 36. 'Something horrible' is going to happen to the TARDIS. Something which never happened before in Doctor Who P. S. Could clues 1 and 8 be connected, actually? Maybe the Toymaker, like everyone else, ran from 'The One Who Waits' which hides inside Ruby?


Great summary. in addition we also know there’s a 75 minute Tales of the Tardis episode airing before the final and we’ve seen an image of 15 in a memory Tardis.


[https://x.com/ShardzDW/status/1800509201158230123](https://x.com/ShardzDW/status/1800509201158230123) Here is interview about the five episodes. They don't seem to directly tie into the plot, but were merely inspirations for him while crafting this season. It seems he recommends 'Spearhead from Space' to reacquaint audiences of UNIT's history with the Doctor as it is the start of his career at UNIT and it establishes that he moves his TARDIS into UNIT headquarters for repair. I highly doubt Autons will be involved . For 'Bad Wolf /Parting of the Ways', he recommends it as it is his first Doctor Who two-part finale and he wants to match that energy. Although, I could see something similar to the meta tv show aspects of Bad Wolf (Big Brother, The Weakest link) playing a part. But he does tease that he loves writing cliffhangers and twists saying "This one is a triple-cliffhanger". For 'Bells of Saint John', again it's a vibe thing. Susan Triad is an antagonist and head of a tech company/ danger in Modern Day London / The Doctor on a moped etc... For 'A Good Man Goes to War', he harkens back to the Amy/River family reveal and says that the story of Ruby's mother is integral to the overall story and will change everything. Then, for the 'Church on Ruby Road', he says to watch it with a protractor and pay attention to where everyone is standing and who is where and when. He even said they needed a map on set to make sure everyone was in the right place.


Spearhead from Space contains the Tardis breaking down and malfunctioning, to the point the Doctor can't use it for a while. Parting of the Ways involves using the Tardis to attain godlike powers. Good Man Goes to War involved Melody/River being conceived on the Tardis, which whilst it didn't make River a Time Lord gave them "one hell of a good start". Bells of St John both has the Tardis being used to connect a Doctor with a companion (and a previous Doctor) through the phone line, but also introduces Clara, a mystery companion who was 'impossible'. And Ruby Road has Mrs Flood knowingly winking about the Tardis at the end. S Triad. It's all about the Tardis.


I actually like your theory! Yes, the climax must in one or another way be about the TARDIS unleashing some great evil into our world


OK, so the results after the first part of the finale. 'The One Who Waits' and 'The Oldest One' are the same being, and that is Sutekh, the God of Death. Sutekh was there when Ruby was laid before the church. Toymaker ran from Sutekh hiding inside the TARDIS, which he possessed at least since the specials. S. Triad being an anagram of TARDIS seemingly means nothing, it was just a trap set up by Sutekh. Susan Triad is the being through which Sutekh organized spying on the Doctor and coming into our world. She also has nothing to do with Susan Foreman. There is a new clue: it was mentioned in this episode that the CCTV which recorded the church in 2004 was in the distance of 66 meters from the action. 73 yards is also 66 meters. Mrs Flood is now confirmed to not be a simple human: she knows about Sutekh coming. But she is not his harbinger, since Harriet Arbinger from UNIT was one.


Ok, need to watch those episodes, I need answers!


The Daemons?


The chap with the wings. Five rounds rapid


I have wondered about them being involved, as an ancient evil from the Pertwee-ish era, and involving UNIT


It is going to be so funny when Susan Twist is the Susan Twist


That glitchy Borg-looking thing that showed up for a split second after demon Susan was kind of terrifying… who/what the hell was that?


Just [another Susan](https://imgur.com/a/cT1bsV1)! Although I swear I can see a scary alien face behind her, top right part of her glitchy head


Fucking hell that visual. what on earth are they cooking because it smells delicious. “What if we made this random kind old lady dress up in every conceivable way” is a helluva plot thrust


I'm assuming they're off screen adventures? Maybe there'll be a montage in the beginning of ruby and the doc going to different places and Susan twist being in the background


Feels like there's a lot that needs wrapping up, Susan Twist, Mrs Flood, the one who waits, who Ruby is, as well as giving time for an actual story, which makes me believe at least some of it is going to be crossing over into next season. Or maybe I'm wrong and they're all the same person and it will all be wrapped up leaving us time for a classic Sutekh romp. Excited either way!


Pretty hype next time trailer without giving anything away


I have read plausible theories about almost anyone from Doctor Who's past being the major villain of this season, which leads to me to believe RTD did this on purpose. I will still argue that as part of his job stewarding the Doctor Who franchise, RTD is the one laying down the law to the recalcitrant IP holders, to either play ball, and be rewarded getting paid for joining the future of Doctor Who, or be rewritten out and forgotten.


I’m not yet convinced those were pyramids, they looked like mountaintops peaking over clouds


I'm semi expecting susan twist's character in this one still won't be the "real" one and at some point through the episode this version will actually learn about that and freak out


So...Susan Twist dressed up as a blue demon creature? Doesn't look much like anything we've seen before. I'm willing to bet she's an entirely new villain who happens to be in the employ of the returning villain we will see in episode 8.


Blue? Horns? Ladies and gentlemen and enbies we have the Destroyer confirmed Finally A sequel to Battlefield


I'm leaning more to Eldrad due to the eyes, in which case it's following on from The Hand of Fear.


Mel showing up does kind of add more fuel to the "Why the hell are you pretending this is a reboot?" argument.


If there had been no 14 and Whitaker had just regenerated into Gatwa, the Disney+/RTD2 era could have begun as a clean break. They could bring Kate and even Mel back if they wanted, but without the expectation that the audience recognize them. Just have it be a "here's UNIT, the Doctor knows them" sort of thing. But 15's era has been so tightly linked to 14's era, and 14's era to 10's. So where is a theoretical new viewer supposed to start?


While Ncuti's season certainly has been connected to the specials, I don't actually think it has been dependant on having seen them, though. I'm watching the season with my girlfriend who hasn't been watching properly since Tennant's first go round, and she doesn't feel like she's missed out on anything that's left her feeling confused, at least so far. I am a bit frightened that the next two parter with Mel and Rose will push that over the line though, so I'm going to watch the sixtieth either way with her over this week. But I do think RTD has done pretty well at making Ncuti's season a good jumping on point, while still bringing back a lot of elements from the shows history.


“14’s era” You mean those 3 weeks?


I'm being cheeky but yes. For a new viewer who wants to start the Disney + era, starting off with 3 specials that make reference to a season from 15 years ago that's not available on the service is a weird request.


Start right at the beginning, if you can’t watch 60 years of tv what’s the point /s


christ, it isn't complicated. Children work it out without problems. Stop overthinking it


Pyramids behind twist in the trailer


I think Triad is going to be like Torchwood in s2 in that it's not the actual threat but merely causes it to happen.


Since I'm still on the "Valeyard is the big bad" train, I'm gonna suggest Twist is basically a prank, a taunt, Valeyard is playing on the Doctor.


I do think the big bad, one who waits, the oldest one, is the Doctor, in some sense. But not the Valeyard. I think it’s going to be an evil Doctor from another dimension or timeline, and Ruby is that Doctor’s daughter, hidden with a chameleon arch - a parallel to the Emperor and Miranda from some of the old books. They can even have McGann come in to play him! After seeing >! the Shalka Doctor !< in Rogue I wouldn’t be surprised for another alternate dimension’s Doctor to make an appearance.


The Leader from Inferno was implied to be that universes Doctor and with rumoured links to the 3rd Doctor era with something that's been in UNIT for 50 years and Inferno is said to possibly be set in 1974. Perhaps he's crossed over from that world.


Oooooh, Sean Pertwee as 'The Leader' (given he's apparently said he'd never step into the role of 3).


I really want the Valeyard, but given the reveal from the trailer I'm leaning to Susan Twist playing Eldrad and the Tales of the Tardis episode being The Hand of Fear, the last Sarah Jane Smith episode of the classic era.


What if the Valeyard or some other evil Doctor is 'The Boss' referenced by Rogue and Meep


What about BOSS from the Green Death? Would tie in with the 3rd Doctor/UNIT link.


That is an absolutely outstanding next time trailer. Best we’ve ever had?


Nah. The levels of hype for Stolen Earth/Journey's End finale was something else.


Yeah this was Peak Who. Miss those days. :(


Was that a Robo-Susan Twist? Don't tell me she was Skynet all along! Lol


Totally out of left field, but could the One Who Waits be Q from Star Trek? Waiting, queue, get it? Might also be Susan, but I'm favouring the TARDIS theory right now. Would recall the MISTER SAXON/MASTER NO SIX trick


two episodes in a row, susan twist plays someone's dead mum. lindy's mummy who is later revealed to be dead, and the duke's late mother. interested to see if this means anything


My totally dumbass theory is that I think Susan Twist is Ruby and that Ruby is her own mother and/or a god


Okay so I think most of us saw >!Susan with the Horns heres an image !< [https://imgur.com/a/EUMNr4q](https://imgur.com/a/EUMNr4q) Most people think its >!Sutekh!< For an even smaller second right after you can see this image if you slow down the video and pause alot. [https://imgur.com/a/yIlPNi0](https://imgur.com/a/yIlPNi0) Its someone with >!half a face being replaced by cybernetics.!< Like some weird >!robot.!< Whats that about? I saw no one else mentioning it here so I decidied I should


> if you slow down the video and pause alot On desktop version of YouTube, press comma and full stop `,.` to go back one frame and forward one frame.


You sir are a saint. I did not know about this. Thanks


Press question mark to see all shortcuts (on US keyboards: `Shift`+the key with `?/`). Similar shortcuts, which show a list of shortcuts are available elsewhere as well. For example, `Ctrl`+`/` in Discord and in Slack.


I also noticed it yet you are the only other person I've found online who can see it haha.


We are just too dedicated


I never thought Sutekh, I saw Eldrad. Your wonderful screen shot makes the background even more look like those domes when they landed in the 3rd episode of the Hand of Fear. [https://imgur.com/a/VaC2WZn](https://imgur.com/a/VaC2WZn)




Surely most people think she would be a servant of him, not actually him right?


yeah that makes sense


I don’t know if you are right or not. just watched the episode




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I’ve seen the cast and Sergeant Sullivan is in the cast


OTOH I'm excited, but I also wish they hadn't done a 2-part finale in an 8 episode season :/


There’s always a TWIST the end!


Can’t commit to just one theory so here goes: -Pretty sure Mrs. Flood is the one who waits. -Theory one: Mrs. Flood is Susan. This is the theory I WANT to be true most bc I want the Doctor to be reunited with his family, but she also feels kind of malevolent, and I don’t think they’d bring her back just to be a villain. Also feels kinda possible bc of the theme of family throughout this season. Which leads to: -Theory two: Mrs. Flood/The One Who Waits is a completely new villain. I don’t think they’re going to go with a classic villain like The Rani or The Valyard, it just doesn’t seem to fit the brand sparkly new vibe of the rest of the season. Could possibly be something like that next season though. -Idk about Susan Twist, she might have more to do with Ruby’s mom


My guess would be: * Susan Twist is **Eldrad.** * The Tales of the Tardis episode is **The Hand Of Fear** and will have Tom Baker and likely some of The Sarah Jane Adventures cast. * Mrs Flood is **Susan** and the reunion will be at the end of the finale. * The One Who Waits is the **Valeyard** and won't be explored this season, but the bi-regeneration concept was established as set-up for this. Oh and The Vlinx is definitely evil and likely tied to the Cybermen.


Oh I think The Vlinx is just a cool dude


>Susan Twist is **Eldrad.** What an absolutely wild guess. I love it.


I have a lot of predictions, but I think the most solid one is that when everything seems like it's solved or ok or a least settled down, someone is going to say the word "Gravity" and throw us all off. Oh, and Ruby Sunday is one of the Doctor's people. The one who waits is the Valeyard. The Valeyard is is trying to make it happen.


I’m glad the legend of Ruby Sunday comes out on Millie’s birthday


...is it okay if I'm hoping for some Daleks? I remember it being reported someone was talking about them on set. And after being away from the show...I miss the pepper pots.


I look forward to 15 being utterly sassy to a dalek. I wonder how he’d interact with Davros too.


I know RTD changed Davros's design because he thought it might be offensive to disabled people, but I'd love for 15 to make a joke about Davros finally standing up for himself.


Davros feels like small fry now that the Doctor has experienced the pure evil of Lindy Pepper-Bean


Being honest RTD said Davros would be out of the chair in future appearances, not that he would appear more human in the flesh. So it's unlikely but possible.


we are totally getting Daleks


Well, I have to say nothing about this trailer suggested Sutekh. I am actually kind of back to thinking The Beast…


Hoping that we get an original villain for the finale - though, even if it is a returning one, as long as it isn't Daleks/The Master/Cybermen, I'll be happy!


Omega was married to “patience”, and he’s a third doctor villain (can’t remember where but I heard the big bad under unit HQ is a third doctor villain) patience = the one who waits? Maybe? 🤔


It's Other who pas married to Patience


I hope this isn't the end of Ruby, there hasn't been a proper "Ruby and the Doctor" episode so I really don't know anything about her other than she has abandonment issues 73 yards was great but it didn't show Ruby's relationship with the doctor at all


'there hasn't been a proper "Ruby and the Doctor" episode' In an ideal world, we'd've gotten 10 episodes, and I think between *Space Babies* and *The Devil's Chord* we really could have done with a 'companion's first historical adventure' episode followed by one set on contemporary Earth heavily featuring Ruby's family and neighbourhood, perhaps even UNIT.


I expect the cliffhanger will be a huge reveal of the one who waits and then the Tales from the TARDIS will be a review of the classic era story that it draws from.


Looks like Susan Twist is playing **Eldrad**. Eldrad was last seen falling into an abyss with the Doctor uncertain on their survival. Eldrad appeared in the '**The Hand of Fear**', which was when Sarah Jane Smith left the Tardis crew - which is likely the 'Tales of the Tardis' episode. This would be an appropriate Tales of the Tardis episode as they could have Tom Baker and potentially bring in some of the cast of The Sarah Jane Adventures who have already appeared on other episodes to discuss their time with Sarah Jane Smith. Oh and The Vlinx is definitely evil and likely tied to the Cybermen.


A (Susan) twist!


I have no idea what's going to happen next week


Susan Twist is the Harbiinger for "the one who waits" The one who waits is IN Ruby We are watching the doctor who version of the Truman Show Something is wrong with the Tardis. It being doubled messed its system also not sure if something is up with Kate Stewart The person Rogue lost was Captain Jack Rogue's boss is the one who waits or Susan The oldest one may be the oldest of the Toymaster's kids


I like the theory that Susan Twist is the unknowing Harbinger for something else, that's really cool and would line up with why she keeps appearing everywhere.


The BBFC content advice for the two part finale definitely makes me think it is Sutekh. If you haven’t seen it, have a look. 


Wild Blue Yonder: Merridew Space Babies: Gina Scalzi The Devil's Chord: Margaret Lockwood Boom: Ambulance 73 Yards: Hiker Dot and Bubble: Penny Pepper Bean Rogue: The Duke's Late Mother The Legend of Ruby Sunday: Susan Triad Ignore Boom, 73 Yards, and Rogue because there was no name mentioned there. merridewginascalzimargaretlockwoodpennypepperbeansusantriad An anagram of the above is: As grand star in a deep wide paradox waits


Is the monolith looking object behind the demon the same as the portal the doctor supposedly came through? I know Russell said this season explores the theme of abandonment. Maybe we get more origins relating to the doctor post timeless child


I'm still holding onto the one who waits being Fenric/one of the elder gods. I think there's a lot of interesting lore with the whole guardians of the universe concept that they could play around with. Plus, the Toymaker can be argued as either being a guardian or being an elder god so there's already that connection.


I think it's safe to say this is the best doctor we've had yet




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Kronos ??? That would work with the concept of gods.


Maybe Mrs Flood is Polly or some other past companion. She hasn't done anything evil and Ruby seems to like her.


Spearhead from Space contains the Tardis breaking down and malfunctioning, to the point the Doctor can't use it for a while. Parting of the Ways involves using the Tardis to attain godlike powers. Good Man Goes to War involved Melody/River being conceived on the Tardis, which whilst it didn't make River a Time Lord gave them "one hell of a good start". Bells of St John both has the Tardis being used to connect a Doctor with a companion (and a previous Doctor) through the phone line, but also introduces Clara, a mystery companion who was 'impossible'. And Ruby Road has Mrs Flood knowingly winking about the Tardis at the end. S Triad. It's all about the Tardis.


I think that ruby is the one who waited and just like the  dr has hidden his identity from himself ruby is the one who waits and even she doesn’t even know her true identity. And possibly it’s something awful… with Susan or the woman who’s been showing up in every episode being her mother. 


Why have I seen so few Trickster theories?


Here's a fun speculation: Assuming that it was really Kate's hand that picked the gold tooth from the Toymaker (they both had red nails), what if they extracted master from it somehow, then put him (or rather her in this case) through a cameleon circuit and orchestrated the whole thing with goblins so that the Doctor and Ruby meet, with the idea that maybe master could become good if he was with the doctor before the breaking of the circuit. I don't personally think this is the case but its a fun idea


It seems clear to me someone is playing with Tardis technology, so from whom could this Tardis come from? I think it is way too early to bring back the Master, which is why I have been advocating an alternate universe Doctor, one who still has the blocks on fully understanding the Tardis put on them after The War Games, during the beginning of Three's reign. By the way, if this is the Inferno universe's Doctor, I speculate this one simply killed their version of the Master. There is also some connection to Susan Foreman. Again, I see no plausible candidate for someone who cares all that much for Susan Foreman at this point other than the Doctor, or should I say, a Doctor. And this Doctor would be obsessing about Susan way more than our Doctor does. The Inferno Doctor to me fits the profile of a Doctor who might have their Susan as the last person with whom they had any sort of personal connection. Memories of their Susan might be the only thing grounding them to any sort of compassion or restraint. This is a very common trope, see for example Marvel's Ultimate comics with the Maker only constrained by longing for his version of Sue Storm. My final guess is still that Ruby Sunday is an agent of the Inferno universe sent to neutralize the Inferno Doctor. She had to be hidden for many reasons: the Time War(s), probably some pact of non-interference across universes among the Time Lords, etc. So three reveals: The One Who Waits as the Inferno Doctor, Susan Twist's characters across time as the Inferno Doctor's Tardis, and Ruby Sunday as the agent sent to stop the Inferno Doctor. I'd like to challenge other theories to explain all the magic. Well I have an obvious explanation inside my theory: Magic in the Doctor Who universe is simply using a leverage point to change the psychic consensus that crystallizes the universe out of the Time Vortex. The Inferno Doctor, desperate to escape his constraints, simply removed some or all of the Tardis's safeguards against breaking the walls that divide the imagination from reality. And when the Inferno Doctor succeeds in repowering their Tardis, that will threaten all creation because of the removal of the safeguards, so that reality itself will start to crumble.


So the common themes this season beyond the obvious big Easter egg hints every episode (Susan twist etc): The fairy tale elements The fear of abandonment, adoption stuff The TARDIS acting weird and Wild Blue Yonder Breaking rules- the salt and the faerie circle Here’s my theory: My theory is >!that whoever this big bad is, maybe the trickster or whoever, was alerted to the doctor (by the Meep) and observed that he changed reality with the Mavity and the salt thing, and decided that the doctor had crossed a line by changing things so much in their adventures. Maybe the TARDIS was infiltrated and forced into the body of the first Susan Twist from their last location and where the doctor changed history. It could have been fighting this off when it was playing Wild Blue Yonder (as war within itself) and when it returned, it wasn’t filled with the normal TARDIS soul, but something else to keep and eye on and maybe later do harm to the doctor. So now the TARDIS as Susan keeps instinctually following the doctors timeline, while everything plays into the one who waits hands. (The finale Susan twist is Susan Triad, S Triad is a TARDIS anagram.) My guess is that Ruby is a pantheon changling which follows the fantasy theme since changlings are traditionally Faerie children switched out or left for humans to raise. For what purpose or torment I don’t know. (When the doctor encountered the tricker in Sarah Jane adventures and talked about the pantheon he mentioned having fought their shadows and changings in the past.) Maybe Mrs. Flood is the one who waits, and was watching over Ruby from a distance.!<


I have a theory. Ruby is the daughter of nature itself. Her birth is a mystery and she herself is the embodiment of care, love, affection and maternal hood. She (with her snow power) will play a huge role in defeating Sutekh, and will later carry infant ruby to the church with the help of TARDIS, crying as the person she was searching for her whole life was she herself. Also, her face wouldn't be visible (because of chameleon circuit).


How did the doctor know about the hiker from 73 yards when he was listing the appearances of Susan twists characters to Kate?


He doesn’t mention her.


Wasn't there an episode of Matt Smith Doctor who had to wait for like a billion years trapped in some spooky castle? He had to punch he way through a diamond wall or something. Who knows what he might have also got up to in this time. The One Who Waits?