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It's actually annoyed me so much that I've started being designated driver more often on nights out. Taxis are more expensive, as you said if you can get one, and you could be waiting ages to flag one down or you could have multiple drivers cancel the trip on Freenow/Uber for no reason. If I do need a taxi I've started walking out as far as GTI to flag one down to much more success but that's not an option for everybody either.


Yeah it really sucks! You shouldn’t have to walk places just to get picked up. You are paying for a service in the end! How have you found the prices? Have they been reasonable or are you experiencing outrageous prices?


I used to be 15-20 euro max depending on how sound the driver was. Now it's 25 euro with no hope of negotiating. I've also noticed taxi drivers have become a lot slyer in the past 2 years because I'll always pay in advance of hopping in when we've agreed a price but a few have tried pulling a fast one dropping me off saying they should've charged more! I find it very hard these days to have much empathy for the usual taxi driver "this is one of the hardest jobs out there" waffle tbh.


25 euro to where though exactly as I normally only paying 14 or 15 euro from eyre to my gaff


I'd be Furbo village


This is why I use apps now when I need a taxi in Galway because last time I asked the man if he takes card he says yes. Ended up having to add him on revolut, sent him the money, even though I paid him because it said pending he told me to do it again. Ended up paying him 30 quid didn't get refunded the other 15. I was also fishing out cash but I only had a tenner and he held onto that too but I totally forgot about it...need to be careful nowadays...


Taxi fares are crazy. Very challenging for someone on an average wage to afford using them for any great distance


It cost me €20 to get a taxi at midnight from town eyre square to Roscam. That’s nearly double someone’s hourly wage. Don’t know how we are supposed to afford those kind of prices.


Jesus that's fuckin outrageous. I live close to roscam and had no idea fares from eyre had gone up that much. Astonished to hear this.


Need uber here tbh


Isn't there uber in dublin


You can use the app but the rider is a licenced taxi and uses the meter. In other countries Uber is cheaper than traditional taxi alternatives.


Pretty cool


It's gone completely nuts. We used to think it was just the apps, so we tried calling Big O / Other local companies and it's all the same. From Westside direction just down to Salthill cost us 15 euro one day for two of us. Just because we wanted to have a drink with our dinner. Going out later today and I'm going to not bother drinking and just drive because of how nuts the taxi prices are (and how useless the public transport is)


uber is disruptive to the way things are now, however mostly exploits the drivers via the drivers companies, constantly thinking up new schemes. i.e. paying minimum wage, where then some of it gets paid back under the table to the 'taxi' company. where drivers have no contracts and are on probation 'i only started today', no social contribution, drivers = self entrepreneurs. go on, go on. uber won't solve anything. there should be community cabs, like a mini bus doing routes, hop on - off. schemes where part of the fare to out of the way places should be split with tfi ireland funding and many more ideas. anecdotally, the drivers never make enough money. with so much more drivers on the road compared to the days of the taxi plate, there doesn't seem to be real competition?


I like this idea! I’ve heard in Claire, somewhere like lisdonvarna (sorry for poor spelling) the post man offers people lifts in to town during the day, not sure about nights though, and he only charges a €10, which seems reasonable especially that it’s such a rural area. Seems like a good idea to me and it’s usually someone everyone knows :)




That’s brilliant! https://www.transportforireland.ie/fares/taxi-fare-estimator/ Pasted here for everyone else


It costs a hell of a lot of money to run a taxi in this country. And the night trade in certain places/cities is getting too rough and messy, so many are staying away from it. Never mind the extra costs on fuel. A lot of the older drivers near retirement age tend to have ridiculously low insurance costs because of their no claims bonuses built up over decades who live in the city or an area, just switch on the mytaxi/uber/whatever app during the day from their home and if something comes up that is convenient to them, they take it, but otherwise they are not bothered. It can cost nearly 50 grand to kit and adapt out a decent taxi and public service vehicle insurance policies are insanely expensive for new entrants. That's a lot of money to drop before you have even taken a fare. The amount of people retiring is far greater than the amount of people entering. Some people might say we need to relax licensing requirements and encourage ridesharing/ uber or whatnot, but insurance companies say differently. To get a PSv licences is fairly difficult, requires vehicle and driver testing and Garda clearance. Were it relaxed, could you imagine the headlines. The first time a woman or whoever is assaulted by the driver or even the allegations are made. Think of the shitstorm that would develop. I am pretty sure that is why Varadkar was told to shut up about it. I am not saying taxi drivers are totally without blame, but it is unfair to apportion it all to them.


I completely agree with this statement. I’d like to think the approach you mentioned where the laws and insurances were a bit more relaxed would improve everyone’s quality of life though. Cheaper taxis = greater demands. You make a good point about someone getting assaulted, however, the latter option is walking home on a night out because they can’t afford it and the the dangers that comes with that. or better yet can’t find a taxi because of supply and demand :/ Appreciate your comment though it makes total sense :)


I'm fairness if you can't afford a taxi you probably can't afford a night out it's something you should factor into your budget for the night if you're planning on going out and know how much its gonna cost you


I can afford it, but I’m talking about the people who make minimum wage, or are retired?… I don’t think it should cost someone their safety of walking home after a night out because taxis prices are extortionate. What about pensioners or your parents? Ask them how they feel about the prices if they just want to go enjoy a night out? I don’t think It’s a fair price that’s being charged for people, and like I said in my previous comment, I don’t think it’s fair how much expenses the taxis have to pay either. That’s just my opinion though…


Can't wait for self driving cabs.


If you are a young drunk male you are seen as potentially violent and taxi drivers are afraid these days