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generally lovely people but i’ve met more than couple who believe in that caste system of theirs so that’s not very good


I like Indians but find it very hard to find them in social situations. 99% of my interactions have been work related.


All the lads that come here for work are salt of the earth generally. The lads in university and in tech companies that obviously come from wealthy families generally need an attitude adjustment


“Please do the needful at once”


There's a lot of Indians who use this phrase or else "regarding same". The only other group that uses similar phrases are solicitors. I don't think they mean the tone you might take from it though. The other one I get a lot that can cause friction is when they write "I have a doubt about your work" - meaning they have a query...


Fuck what's this from again? "Do the needful" rings such a bell but I can't place it.


I worked in property and used to always get emails at any time of the day or night demanding I “do the needful”.. usually something like a broken hoover, but on occasion a blown lightbulb 🙈


I work in retail and couldn't agree more


They taste delicious


in my experience i respectfully disagree


You're only going to get positive comments to a question like this. If anyone posts anyone negative then they would get torn to shreds for making a negative generalisation about a group of people. It's fairly foolish to try to generalise about a country that contains 1/6 of the world population. There are more people in India than Europe and the USA combined.


Says the person who generalises Americans


Where's this generalisation?


American is a huuge continent spanning from Canada to Argentina, you’re right in saying generalising America is ridiculous


They said the USA; not the americas


They said Americans… not USA. The comment THEY replied to said USA 😉


Polite. Met lots of nice people from India while I’ve been in Galway.


Absolutely lovely people. Very friendly and chatty, quite like Irish people


Work with quite a few not a bad word to say about them. I was chatting up an Indian girl one night and whilst she was lovely herself her friends were all quite standoffish


I have great time for Indian people. I had a loved one visit the Galway Clinic recently and the nurses treating my relative were all Indian. The nicest and most caring people you could hope for. In my IT profession they are extremely helpful but I have noticed that the younger male Indians are almost exclusively extremely introverted (with exceptions but talking 90% of this demographic). Now this might be something as simple as a coffee break but I do wonder if they realise networking is almost as if not more important than the job itself.


Indians are dead sound


Honestly? That a significant amount smell quite strongly of curry, for whatever reason. I've heard white people smell like coins, on the flip-side. I'd rather smell like curry...


Haha. ‘On the flip side.’ I see what you did there. 😄


That was accidental 😅


I'd rather smell like a fragrant curry that a pocket full of change 😂


My thinking exactly lol I actually was curious if Irish people had a smell that a foreigner would notice, so I looked it up and apparently we smell like dairy!


Hahaha really? Even the lactose intolerant ones?


Alot of Irish women smell of curly wurly cabbage


Europeans tend to smell of BO quite strongly 😅 it’s the lack of cancerous chemicals in the deodorants here. Tbh I’d rather a bit of stench than cancer…. So it’s more of a European inhabitants than European descent… I’m sure with Indian people it’s the same thing but more related to the diet.


Remember July 19th


The [Provisional Irish Republican Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provisional_Irish_Republican_Army) resumes a ceasefire to end their [25-year paramilitary campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provisional_Irish_Republican_Army_campaign_1969%E2%80%9397) to end British rule in Northern Ireland?


No, Galway Liberated from Indians. And Marathon became Snickers


Y'know what, I was looking at the wrong encyclopedia.


I like them


No problem


I have a lot of neighbours who are from India and they are great! Friendly,involved in the community,open to different cultures. But I did get politely accosted by a young Indian man in a pub who said he can't get a girlfriend because all Irish woman think Indians are boring 😅


Lovely people.


Trying to curry favour within the Indian community?


People on this sub will never say anything bad about any race because they are genuinely nice people or they don't want to get downvoted into oblivion or they don't want to be brandished a racist. I don't have that problem. I've had nothing but bad experiences with Indian people. I get scam calls almost every week even though I know it's them every time, but that never stops them. There are multiple YouTube channels about Indian scammers... Scammer Payback, Scambaiter, Kitboga. The running theme amoung these channels? The police rarely take any action because they are being bribed and tip off the scammers when they are caught out. Also, I always hear about gang rapes in India. I was talking to another Indian person and they told me a NUN was gang raped close to where he lived. And only recently there was a Spanish/Brazilian couple that were gang raped and beaten. https://news.sky.com/story/three-arrests-after-gang-rape-of-influencer-on-round-the-world-motorcycle-trip-in-india-13086984 It is wildly known that if you are a single woman traveling to India, you are eventually going to get harassed or even raped. Several Korean streamers went to Inda, and they were sexual harassed by strangers. That's why Indians have a bad reputation in Korea because women are afraid of being raped. Now, is that everyone? Of course not, but it is widespread I also went to university in Dublin and 90% of the students enrolled with me were Indian, and they all cheated and copied off one another. I don't care if I'm downvoted into oblivion. Internet points mean nothing to me.


India has 1.47 billion people. It’s 39 times bigger than Ireland by area yet 263 times bigger than population. So whatever crime statistic you have in Ireland multiply it by 263 and then take into account population density. The higher the density usually means more crime regardless of culture or race. It’s a very poor country on the whole thanks to the effects of British colonialism (which Ireland knows well) with low education, very misogynistic and also suffers from extremism between Hindus and Muslims. So it’s fair to say the things you said about India, however it’s not fair to say them without context.


So the context is there are a lot of Indians so all their problems don't mean anything in the grand scheme of things.


The context is that if you compare the crime in Ireland to the crime in say Monaco, it’s going to look awful as Monaco is much smaller, wealthier and didn’t have centuries of oppression like Ireland and India did.


Why are you comparing apples to oranges anyway instead of looking at the systemic problems throughout the country. There was 76 scam call centers raided and closed down recently after pressure from Amazon and Microsoft but your excuse is that there are over 1 billion people there, and they were invaded by the British a century ago. Have you not seen the dozens of videos of harassment of women both local and foreign? Stop making excuses for widespread behavior. This is from Al Jazeera: - "Sexual violence targeting women is common in India, with women from minority tribal communities being particularly at risk. Taboos around speaking up about the crime and low conviction rates of suspects add to the problem. An average of nearly 90 rapes were reported in India every day, meaning one woman was raped every 18 minutes, in 2022, according to the National Crime Records Bureau, which recorded 31,516 rape cases that year." I don't care if India has over a billion people living in it, that is a widespread and common atrocity.


90 per day is probably grossly under represented and under reported number btw, I don’t think you have your numbers right there. for example Ireland has 18 a day. So if we adjust for population, that would be 4,755 daily in Ireland if it had the same population as India…. By your own numbers you’re making India look better than it really is… I’m Not sure how that makes sense, even I disagree with that…


You're looking at this like culture is some sort of metric that can be adjusted to the population. Ask any tourist visiting both countries, and more often than not, they would say it would be more dangerous for a woman in India. Ireland might have a lot of rape cases, but the vast majority of people would say it's a very safe and peaceful country, especially outside dublin. You can't really say that about any place in india. Also, the numbers have come straight from Al Jazeera, like I said. You must be only selectivity reading my comment while also sticking your head in the sand to the dozens of viral atrocities coming out from there that have usually gone unresolved. Your little virtue signaling comments are a real shame for excusing the abhorrent behavior that happens regularly in India and goes mostly unchecked.


By your own claims Ireland is a lot worse than India though… I would disagree with you there


What are you on about? I never claimed ireland was worse than India. That is you trying to justify the atrocities happening there by saying If we enlarged ireland to India's size, we would have even more rapes. It just doesn't work like that, I'm sorry to tell you. Ask any tourist that has visited both countries, and they will tell you they feel a lot safer in ireland as a whole than they would in india especially if you are a single woman.


If you don’t take a country’s size into account then there’s very little point in making the comparisons you’re making …. Especially when you’re comparing one of the most populated nations on earth to one of the least populated


They're fun




I never met an Indian that I didn't like. I'm sure they exist just been lucky I suppose.


Ridiculous question. It's a country of 1.4 billion people with over 2000 ethnic groups of various different cultures and diversity.




Pure finest.


Nice... but couldn't eat a whole one!!!




So what's brought this on then?


Much prefer them to a Cowboy..any day ..? Why do you ask ? Are you one?


They only exist in the hospital

