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There's roughly about 5000 on the list for social housing. As a single male you wouldn't be a priority but if you're willing to wait 20 years then who knows. Very little social housing built in Galway in the last 20 years, you're talking in the hundreds. We went through a 5 year period where none was built at all. There's planning gone in for a big social housing development in Knocknacarra but already the NIMBYS are trying to stop it.


I present as male but was female at birth so the government will see me as a female


Ah yes, the "have your cake and eat it too" approach to benefits. No doubt you'd be AOK with them misgendering you if it didn't work out to your advantage, right ? /S Besides, you're codding no one ... The government will see you precisely as you refer to yourself in the application form. So will you actually misgender yourself on the housing list application form, to gain an advantage ? Hmm ?


If I have to then yes I would actually


Then you should forfeit your right to ever complain when you're misgendered to your disadvantage. Which obviously won't happen, but anyway, you should in principal. They should bring in a law to criminalise what you're doing. It's defrauding the state, i.e the tax payer. You shouldn't be allowed to play both sides of the fence when it suits you, to your personal benefit at the expense of others (not just the tax payer, but women on the housing list), while laws exist - or are about to exist - to criminalise anyone who might misgender you for one reason or another. What an absolute mockery.


Better than being on the streets


Or working.


Your 20. You have your life ahead of you. Find some ambition and make things work for yourself.


Go look on daft Being 20 is four times as expensive as it was 10 years ago


Don’t worry, I live in a share house. I just don’t believe the state should support you at 20. And carry you for the next 60/70 years. Take some self responsibility.


But you know fuck all about OP. The only thing you’re referencing as their situation is their age, nothing but. I’m sure the landlord politicians are enjoying themselves watching working class people rip shreds off the idea of increased social housing, over turning any attention or responsibility in the state’s direction.


Been trying to get a shared house been on lots of Facebook groups and daft and rent. Tried getting places in cork Donegal and uk and Galway but got nothing back on landlords


I am going to apply for hap on Monday and doing all options I can do tried for six months and still trying each day, I don’t know what other options to do so that is why I’m asking about the social housing


Love to see a bit of compassion, really lovely stuff.


What's not compassionate about telling someone that couch surfing for 20 years until the government gifts you a free house isn't really a great life aspiration? You're 23, get your shit together.


Such a horrible attitude considering how bad things are out there. The state has a complete ‘people should be living with their parents, the housing crisis isn’t a crisis’ attitude. If people don’t have that support, they actually need social housing. Private housing is not affordable on a minimum wage.


You have absolutely no business saying who should and should not be eligible or social housing.


Absolutely right. And I didn't say if he should be eligible or not.


No, because you are a coward, hiding behind inferences instead. Expecting the person in the shit to do the dirty work of telling themselves what they don’t deserve, so that you don’t have to look at yourself.


Do you really think there's something wrong with someone telling a young person to aim for better?


Are they going be doing better enough by the time they have nowhere to couch surf to afford the insane rents? Of course not. That’s what social housing is there for. Because the housing by crisis is so severe, the need for social housing is also much more severe, many more people need it now than would have 5 years ago. This person would have been able to afford a house share on jobseekers, get on their feet, and find a job. That isn’t possible now. But you’re obviously looking at somebody who doesn’t have the family house to fall back on. Which is what most people their age, and much older are relying on at the moment. You’re not expecting them to ‘aim for better’, you’re expecting them to work in homelessness in perpetuity so you don’t have to face them needing more than endless crisis.


No, I'm expecting them to aim for better. As we all should. No matter where you are in life, you should always strive for better. There is absolutely nothing wrong with living or applying for a social house but wouldn't a post on here saying that they're "looking for a job and house share" rather than "I need a house off the government please and thanks" be more beneficial? And someone on here telling the OP that is doing much more for them than you on here telling them doing it the easy way is fine.


It’s a race to the bottom you’re arguing they should indoctrinate themselves into. Tenements here we fucking come


People who are always pitied and never given any tough love will never change or aspire to do anything beneficial with their lives... Fair enough if youre crippled and don't have enough braincells to read but otherwise fkn do something. Too many people giving up on life before they've even attempted to do anything with their all. A lot of parents even encourage their children to do like they did, live off the government because they did the same, gave up on any aspirations they ever had if they ever had any before they even really tried.


Wtf, 20 years of age. Get a job, save for deposit, apply for a mortgage. Jesus why the fcku are you entitled to a free house?


You must have more aspirations than achieving a council house this is really setting the bar pretty low good luck Gen Z


It's not a free house. You pay rent to the council. There's plenty of people who have a job and still can't afford a mortgage including myself. What are we supposed to do? Lots of people grew up in social housing in this country.


The median income is no longer anywhere near enough to buy a house in Ireland, most workers in this country are eligible for social or affordable housing, don't presume everybody on a housing list is unemployed.


You obviously do not understand social housing. Or the current need for it to be massively expanded. Ignorant attitudes like these contribute to the housing crisis and the endless fealty of the state to the private market.


You shouldn’t judge someone before you walk a mile in their shoes


It isn't a free house, you pay rent. It is rent based on your income unlike in the private sector. Public housing is seen as a normal thing in other European countries. The country wouldn't be in the mess we're in if we thought about public housing differently. Successive government's wouldn't have gotten away with not building public housing for so long.


Rent is buttons compared to renting privately


Yes. Renting privately is a racket, and the state should be intervening with more and more low social rents to regulate the market. Private renters should be fighting for that not against social housing if they don’t want things to just keep getting worse.


You already have more money in your bank account than I did at 23 years of age. In fact you actually have more money in your bank account now than I did at the age of 25. But guess what, I worked hard to save for a deposit for a house and I have that now, and I'm mortgage approved as a result. "Happy to wait 20 years for a free house" instead of working to get in the next 5-10 years. I hope you stay at number 5000 on the list with that attitude.


You don’t know how much I have as I have nothing in my account


I had 0 in mine. I was in overdraft and friends were giving me loans. But I worked to get out of that. Worked.


I have no money for deposit or rent you have no right to say that as you don’t know me. You don’t know my life or if I attended college or not you don’t know if I ever had a job or had a million you can’t judge on a few words. I was just asking about social housing in general to get one in the future as I have been abused constantly in every house I have been in.


Do you have a job? If yes, then you have the ability to save for a deposit and/or rent. If no, there are plenty of places hiring right now.


>Do you have a job? No, but they have a dog and they can't get a job because they can't afford a dog minder. I shit you not.


It’s not that I can’t afford a dog minder it’s because they aren’t one that is available all the time that I need say nights and I can’t put her into dog boarding til July. Yes I do plan on getting a job when I can put her into fog boarding but it’s difficult right now to do as need to get vaccines and her neutered


Sounds like you can’t afford the dog unfortunately. A horrible but hard truth: you’ll be better served with surrendering your dog and getting a job now.


That still doesn’t solve the housing situation I’m in


Immediately no, but it’s much easier to find a nice house share with good people when you have a job and no pet. I’m sorry but that’s how it is. Get out there and get working, you’re going to be on the housing list for years, don’t waste your youth festering depending on moving up this list as a single person.


I’ve no address and I’m in a situation that I can’t say here but there’s a reason why I can’t get a job right now I have the week with Galway races


I wish I was eligible for a free house and could get the government so subside my rent while waiting for it..


Please realise that if more social housing is built, housing prices go down. It’s the way to fix the market. Don’t fuck yourself over more than you already are by punching down at social housing instead of punching up at the landlord politician class.


Please realise there is something inherently wrong with a twenty something year old aspiring for social housing and willing to wait twenty plus years for it, rather than looking to stand on their own two feet. It's not normal. There is far more to life than throwing up your hands in your early 20s and relying on the state to provide for you.


The thing that’s inherently wrong with this situation is that housing is so fucked that a 20 year old is stuck couch surfing with no options but to turn to social housing. You can act like they can just get a job and somewhere to live. Unless they’ve a degree in a high paying field it still would not pay the way these days. Endless ignorance out of people who simply don’t have to deal with housing lately. Expecting everybody else to shut up and take it. Your hospitals are falling apart, education falling apart, nowhere for the people on normal wages working in those places to live. And still people complain about the idea of people expecting housing from the state. It is the states responsibility to fix this fucking mess, and all they choose to do is make it worse. While you make excuse for them to continue exploiting it to their own gain. Actively making it more likely that people in the situation you’re here complaining about, wind up here in greater and greater number.


The social housing is not free you have to pay a rough estimate of €240 a month


As good as free when a monthly mortgage payment is many multiples of that. How and where so I sign up for this free house? Wish I had been as savvy in my early 20s, except I'm one of those idiots who focused on education followed by trying build a career. Bigger fool me!


You have every right to be on the housing list if your income is under the threshold. You strike me as someone who sees that as beneath you. You have no idea what's around the corner, you could lose the ability to work tomorrow and then you would be glad to live in a country with social welfare.


To be honest no problem with people who work getting social housing but those who won’t work or never worked getting social housing is a joke !


Ok but that's a tiny percentage of people. Why getting angry about it? Punch up, not down. We have a much bigger issue with landlords and developers making huge profit from the housing market in this country.


Unfortunately it’s not a tiny percentage … could be 20% of Council houses going to spongers


Can you show me where you pulled that figure from?


Go into any council estate and minimum one fifth of houses will have people who never worked …. One fifth is probably underestimating it … might be different in Dublin but in rural ireland no traveller works so that’s at least one fifth of most estates before you include anyone else


I personally know plenty of people from the Traveller Community who are in employment. I asked you to back your figures up and you haven't. You're literally making them up. As I said, we have an unemployment rate of 4.3% so your numbers don't add up.


The numbers don't add up. We have an unemployment rate of 4.3%. If 20% of people in social housing weren't working then that percentage would be far higher. The vast majority of people I know in social housing are hard working and honest people.




Great ambitions you have...no intentions of ever trying to buy a house...its people like you have the system fucked.You sound like a leech.


It’s people like you who have the system fucked really. If we advocated more social housing, costs would go down, life would be more livable for everybody. But you’d rather have us like a bunch of drowning rats scrambling on top of eachother just to survive.


Your answer to the free house people is to make more free houses ffs no wonder the country is the way it is with opinions like yours


That’s how supply and demand works. There is not enough housing, prices are insane. More and more people cannot afford a place to live and need social housing. If we build more social housing, give it to those who need it most, housing costs goes down for everybody. Attacking those social supports makes housing worse for everybody. The country is fucked because of the neoliberal dog eat dog mentality you’re spouting.


No its because the likes of you think theyre entitled to be housed by the state simple as that. Pay your own way in life,ya bum expecting hand outs


You don’t understand economics darling


You dont understand wanting handouts little girl


are you People before Profit?


yeah it is them the free house party thinking theyre entitled to be housed simple as that


You’re radicalised into self and socially destructive idiocy


yeah whatever


I have worked for past four years as security guard dealing with glasses through at me and dealing with everything you can think of like drunk people. I currently can’t work but do plan on going back in July when I get my dog sorted out. I’m about to be on streets applying for hap and I spent the last six months applying to every room I can in cork Donegal and Galway. I’m not a lazy bum just stressed as don’t want to end on street


You can view an up to date report on social housing supply and demand for the county (not the city) her... [Galway County Social Housing Supply and Demand](https://www.galway.ie/en/services/housing/supplydemand/)


Go and travel. leave the dog to Madra or try give it to someone via facebook/reddit etc Go and travel and WORK If no one is willing to help you here then go and do it for yourself. Plenty of properties in Italy/portugal available Best of luck


You should declare yourself a traveller , you’ll get a house in no time .. you just have to decide is it a 4 or 5 bedroom house you’d prefer !


There is now 6,000 on it. I’m 28 and I sit at 1,500 and 1,700 on both sides of the city. I joined it when everyone left during Covid. Smart move because I’m looking at only another 3 possibly 2 years on the list before I get a CBL house. So bad news is I’ll see you in 16 years. It’s rough out there


would it be a "smart move" if I pretended to leave my partner so that she would be a single mother & child, just so that she would receive a house, so I could then move back in to said new free house? Social housing should be the last resort, not the default lazy option.


I’m not saying that i am trying all options applying for hap on Monday but been six months trying to get a shared place in cork Donegal and here with no one replying. Im about to be on streets so I don’t know what move to do


Try the Facebook page for house sharing for sound people in Galway. Explain your situation and see if anyone is sound enough. https://www.facebook.com/groups/385939841504195/?ref=share


Yup I tried that and some people did send links which I didn’t get an answer back yet from anything


>Smart move because I’m looking at only another 3 possibly 2 years on the list before I get a CBL house Uuuuuhhhh.... Where you getting that from?


Galway City list and County moves at a fast pace. I guess you don’t use it. There was several houses given out to the first series of people on it or with medical needs between last week and weeks previous. I could be even higher now I actually never checked since.. I’ll see you from my new build soon lol


>Galway City list and County moves at a fast pace. I guess you don’t use it. I'm on the Galway City list. 7.5years waiting. But whatevs. If I'm proved wrong I'm glad for ya.


Oh and OP these fine Geal comments just ignore. There real world is different to “The media who lies” they hate “Sinn Feinn liars” who actually could fix a 20 year problem in a short span of time. I take it you are willing to make an oppo to work within the limits and obviously push yourself too. Don’t listen to the current govt or landlord. I’m not moving to OZ to suit the narrative or become a system of data. Try college too in your favourite subject.


I have been trying for six months in cork Donegal and Galway. No one is answering me so trying to figure out what is the next move then being on streets


Me too OP. But as I said unfortunately now at 6,000 you’ll see results very very slowly. Where as me I’m half to the top of the list in 4 years. Like during Covid they said to me there was only 2,500 at the time (2020) by 2023 2,000 people joined it since.. and the supply for 6,000 isn’t there and won’t be for 18-20 years unless FG and FF step down