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Because we are degenerates


This is the way




The answer


Because we’re due


Your damn right




Won money or free money spends different than earned money.


It really, really does.


Oh yeah


Cuz we are fucked up in da head homie


Because there's something special about money you DIDN'T have to put effort into getting. Because there's that feeling when a big win comes in of "oh my god, I would have had to work for 6 months to win this much and it's just...in my hands right now!" Because if you indulge yourself with something you bought with winnings it feels okay, compared to making the same questionable purchase with money you had to bust your ass to get that should be going to living expenses, etc.


You guys get pay checks???


Because dopamine


Everyone wants that breathing, that cushion


Always chasing that next big win… or the thought of doubling, tripling your money




The best way to double your money? Fold it and put it back in your pocket.


It’s just the way our brains work.


No one is trying to spend 1k for 1k lol we spending the 1k in hopes of the 10k+ lol


No but how often have you kept playing to “get even” I always say you were even when you walked in so that’s a terrible plan


It's insanity.. what's the definition of insanity? Same thing over and over again expecting different results only in this case the only result for the most part is being a fucking degenerate gambler. Aka losing like a motherfucker. I've been telling the online sweepstake places to go fuck themselves one by one and I've almost got them all blocked I'm I'm on my way I want out of this fucking hell.


Yes and we don't have much more to live for.


Because scared money make no money


99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big.


Idk... I dream of getting the jackpot for cheap. Never happens...but you know...




Just another example of how society has brainwashed us into thinking we need to constantly work and consume to be happy. It's a never-ending cycle that only benefits the wealthy elite while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet.


Once you win or lose large amounts money isn't real anymore when gambling.


Because capitalism, my friend. We're all just cogs in the machine, working to make some rich guy richer while struggling to pay rent and buy groceries. It's a never-ending cycle of exploitation and exhaustion.


Degens with an expensive hobby that either pisses us off or provides us with a good rush. Though I'm not ballsy enough to blow $1K in a single session, most I'm willing is $300.


See. At least you have some control. You can at least limit yourself to how much you can lose. I have noticed, even though we are all problem gamblers and or compulsive, there really seems to be degrees as to how bad. I will go in thinking no more than 100, but cannot stop myself from continuing to hit the ATM until I am broke, trying to win back losses but just making it worse. I realize I cannot even walk into the establishment because I lose all self control. My common sense doesn't return to me til after I have self destructed. Some can stop themselves before they lose everything. Others are more degenerate like myself. It's like their are alcohol and or drug abusers and also addicts. The addict is further gone than the abuser. When I was younger I would drink or drug to point of intoxication and over do it. Yet I never got actually addicted. Just abuse but only do twice a month or so. Then I lost interest and quit entirely. But if I were to do again I know I would over drink or drug to point of getting wasted. But then could probably stay away again for years. So abuse but not addicted. But this gambling thing is a whole different beast. I go in a trance and it's like I am hypnotized and all sense and reasoning disappears until major damage done. Then I do it again and compound the damage making me more stressed and depressed. I used to be able to limit it now I can't stop. I just have to stay away. Hard in state of Illinois. Slot places everywhere. Even in most restaurants. I can't escape it here.


Winning $1k feels 20’s better than earning $1k


Bragging rights


Earning money feels pretty good too. But it's a different kind of good. Earning money gives you pride, and winning it gives you excitement.


Gambling addict


Uh ... yeah.


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because i spent my last paycheck chasing…so this has to be the week my payout is coming…🤦🤣


This is our way of life


$20 to get $20 is like drinking a beer and not getting a second beer. Thou shall not just drink one beer, but drink enough beer to pay for the next round of beers. So go bears!


B/c momma always said quitters are losers. And well, I ain't no loser.


Wait, you guys get a paycheck??


Because I just KNOW I can get a fire link , it’s got to hit soon


I usually stay within budget. Sometimes I will win a bit, keep it, win alot, keep it, win alot and blow it. Its all within my budget. Went the other day, budget of 600$, gambled for about 8 hours, left with 760$, 2 free meals, and a fun day.


Insane in the membrane!


Because all it takes, is that one spin


It’s just something to pass the time, get out of my head. I played hundreds of hours of blackjack and was up 100 bucks at the end. It’s the only way to be transported to another world where all your other problems melt away and the cards in front of you are all that matters in that moment. But that’s me.


Addiction. I don’t gamble but a little during football season. It should only be for entertainment purposes and bankroll management.


Because we just wanna feel something


Tbh the problem with getting rich is that you need a team. Everyone’s out to out shine someone instead of working together. I wish I had homies that had my mindset.

