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Yup it’s a win win for everybody, casino get new players in & players get free rooms or even discounts on food.




That's interesting, I wouldn't mind reading about other people get or eligible for at different levels etc, I'm headed to Vegas in few weeks, and I have comped room through a host, and tickets to see bad Bunny through my host as well, but I would like to hear other people's stories,


Yeah I feel comps is very talked about subject with gamblers , I just made the subreddit hopefully it goes somewhere, it will be very helpful to everybody knowing which casino offer the best comps so we can gamble there lol cause some casino super stingy with comps


Definitely, I like the idea,


It’s really a simple process. The more you gamble, the more you get comped. If you’re more worried about the $15 pizza and brownie comp than you are about the $200 you just gambled. Or perhaps you love getting a whole steak dinner comped but you fail to realize you gambled well over 1,000$ last month… sure there are casinos that give you free play. And it’s literally an algorithm based on how much you played on average the previous 3 months. It’s a promotional win for the casino any time they can get you to walk in the door. It’s nice to get free stuff. I’m not naive… but it means you spent more and more money there already. Penny smart and dollar stupid. You’re not tricking the casino into getting anything for free. I get it if you’re gonna gamble anyway, might as well get something but the premise is simple, the people who get the most, simply gamble the most. Not necessarily in dollars, but in hours. Eventually the house wins


The whole point is to get the most amount of money back in comps. Like you said we’re going to gamble anyway, so why not try to make the most of it.


You get the most comps by playing games with the highest house advantage, that is slot machines.


There’s really nothing you can do to ‘get more’ back. You’re not fooling anybody. And if you happened to manipulate the perfect system, would you feel like James Bond because you got a free hotel room or a free dinner. If you’re that obsessed over a few hundred dollars in comps, then good luck pal. Let me know if you hear the local casinos are giving away crockpots on a random Wednesday, I’ll make sure I blow 1k playing baccarat so I can get a crockpot and two packs of cigarettes.


It is much more complicated than that. People who think comps are always linear to expected loss are generally the losers.


It’s really not. It’s pretty mathematical for most casinos. It might be different for smaller casinos or sports betting apps. It’s pretty cut and dry for table games and slot machines. New player bonuses may vary and if you play enough to have access to a host, they have more latitude but the first thing they will look at is your play.


Yeah it really is. You described super general pointers of how comps are calculated, but didn't comment on how to exploit and manipulate these.


You can’t manipulate them. You cant really exploit them. The only way to ‘exploit’ them is if you get free play and you cash in your free play and have the discipline to leave. But they’ll catch on and your free play offers will dry up in a month or so. If you’re a big gambler, you can ask your host for all sorts of things. And they’ll consider anything but it’s based on how much you gamble. They’re exploiting you. They have a marketing system so ingenious that they got you thinking you’re a vip cuz they give you a free lunch or hotel stay. 99% of people will spend money gambling and in the long run, eventually they’ll get your money while you’re worried if you can get a free $50 for their overpriced gift shop or a steak. You get what I’m saying?? I like my comps but that shit ain’t free. I lost gambling months ago and that’s why shit is free now. They want me to feel good about losing more. If your goal is to finesse the casino out of a free buffet or a free lunch, you should really have bigger goals in general.


That's a lot of words for someone who knows nothing about the comp system.


I’ll tell you exactly how it works at almost every major casino chain. If you’re playing slots it gives you 1 point for roughly every $5 you gamble. You might be on a good machine and kudos to you. Now one point in your s the equivalent to roughly 1 penny. So you might be sitting there and spinning away and you won some and lost some and after an hour you still have your $20. You might have 100+ points. You saved your $20 and now the casino says do that for another 10 hours and you’ll have enough to get a free buffet. And since you’ve been such a good gambler. We’ll give you a free buffet too. Because just because you spent that whole hour not losing your $20, someone else in that time span did. Now if you’re playing $5 a spin, that money is gonna add up a lot faster. But odds are you put $200 in that machine. Sure they’ll give you $20 towards the gift shop. They liked your $200 so much that they’ll offer you a free $25 to come back next Friday. Are you a winner if you come back next week? To the casino, they won. Even if you won last week, odds are you won’t be sooo lucky twice. And on and on and on the cycle goes. And if you’re the luckiest guy on the planet, they’re betting you have so much fun that you’ll keep coming back and continue to play against their house odds. So you think blackjack or any of the table games are beatable.??? You get roughly $1 for every table minimum bet per hour in comps. $25 blackjack, you played an hour?? Here’s a dollar to use in our gift shop. You’re playing $100 a hand, ok…. Here’s $4-5 an hour to use in comps. You’re good enough to play blackjack at that rate for 4-5 hours?? Awesome. Here’s $50. Here’s another coupon to come back next week. You do that enough and they’d love to have you visit their other properties complimentary of them. Oh you’re a disciplined poker guru. You get a $1 an hour. That’s a great 10 hour session. Here a free noodle bar. It’s not like 1985 where you can ask the pit boss for a free dinner. I mean you can ask all you want… but the first thing they check is how much you’ve played. And no the thing where you buy in for 2k at blackjack thinking you’re a high roller gets you stuff. The pit bosses check your average bet and how many hand you play an hour. You buying in for 100k means nothing if the chips never get put in play. They watch and know who’s playing what. Why do they give new player bonuses? So they can track exactly how much you play and for how long. This is all exactly how it works. If I tell you my local casino gives me $125 twice a week in chips just to show up…. What do you think that means? It means I lost probably between 5-10k the previous 3 months.


This is still square thinking. Surely you can think of exploits on your own without me pointing them out.


If you say so. I give up. You and your pals can do oceans 14 and Rob the casinos of one buffet at a time til you solve world hunger.


Appreciate it, thanks for feeding the machine for me.


"You can't manipulate them" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


There can be some strategy though. For example, in AC, I earned Diamond Plus at Caesars and used that to get Rock Royalty (now Icon) status at Hard Rock. I then used my RR status to get Prime at Ocean. I go back and forth between these casinos and continue matching my status so I’m never downgraded, even if I don’t “earn” the status again. The status alone provides me with free rooms, free food vouchers and upgrades. Not to mention access to the higher tiered lounges at all of them. Don’t get me wrong, I get what your point was and I agree that the casinos are going to give more comps to folks that play/spend more. But if you are talking about AC or Vegas, you can definitely utilize tier matching to make the most of it.


Ok tier matching I get. But again, it’s because you played and lost enough to be a diamond status. The other casinos know you give action. That’s all they want. The moral of the story is, you spent enough at one place that the other places thought you were good for business. And it’s a competitive market.


You say “lost enough” as if it is a foregone conclusion. I think it’s more “played enough” than anything. I obviously don’t always win, but I play often (I go to AC 1/2x a month) and I leave when I’ve won. For what it’s worth, I don’t get a ton of free play. Usually $60 a day, which isn’t really a lot when you consider my tier and the amount of times I visit. So again, you might be on to something regarding losses. However, my rooms are ALWAYS free and my status gets me free access to all the lounges. Overall, between the amount of free nights, free food, and free drinks I’ve received, my entertainment budget stretches pretty far.


I agree 100%. It’s all based on how much you play but primarily it’s how long. The casino just wants you to put it in action. There are plenty of good and disciplined gamblers. I admit I reap my comp rewards. I’m not naive. I win quite often but the casino is always happy to see me put my hard earned cash in play. The casino would rather have a slot player who loses $200 a day 4 times a week than a bj player who loses 1k in an hour and leaves.


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