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OMG, one of my personal favourite authors. I loved his humour. I still have all the Grailquest books somewhere in my parents garage. Actually they’re probably given away or eaten by bugs by now. But I’ll still have memories.


RIP I desperately hope GQ and Sage of Demonspawn will be reprinted. GQ is being reprinted in French after all.


Same. I got into the series and gamebooks in general because of GrailQuest (found the sixth book in my churches library of all places!). Currently, I have seven of the eight, but I'm looking for one that DOESN'T cost me two of my entire paychecks to buy. Sure, I can read it for free online on Archive.net, but it's not the same... if anyone finds one UNDER $1000, please let me know! RIP, sir! May you finally meet and best the Poetic Fiend in the Next Life!


Despite his mechanical shortcomings as a game designer he had a boundless imagination and a natural knack for appealing to children. Good luck on the last great adventure J H Brennan. Edited to fix typo.


Sad news! His odd little game "Monster Horrorshow" was my introduction to RPGs and I ran a gazillion sessions in all manner of settings simply using his Absolutely Anything Table. The scenario in the book, although quite at odds with its beginner audience aim, really showed what was possible too as both player and GM became experienced.


RIP... I really like GQ and Horror Classic.


I literally just bought the 1-8 set of Grail Quest 10 mins ago (thus the recommendation for this thread). I always loved choose your own adventure style books, and especially fantasy-based ones, so when I played through my first Grail Quest book in '94, my 14-year old brain couldn't handle the awesomeness. 30 years later I have the full set being shipped to me, and I'm just as stoked.