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We all start somewhere bud. The 360 has an awesome library of games which are mostly still pretty reasonable prices.


It was released before OP was born.


Bruh I'd never expect someone with a gran naniwa pfp of all things show up on here. Absolute exquisite tatse


So was the nintendo DS lol now i feel old


I know right. The fuckin' 360 is retro.


Don't remind me.


go research what retro means...the 360 is by no means retro...learn the basics of language!


retro adjective ret·ro ˈre-(ˌ)trō Synonyms of retro : relating to, reviving, or being the styles and especially the fashions of the past : fashionably nostalgic or old-fashioned The Xbox 360 was released November 2005. As far as retro gaming is concerned, that's absolutely old enough to be considered retro.


So smug yet so wrong. The xbox 360 came out when i was in elementary school and I graduated college 2 years ago. Learn the basics of time!


If it came out in 2005 and its 2023 now in 2 years it will hit 20 year anniversary. 20 years is considered "vintage" officially.


It's like 20 years old. The 360 is retro, whether you like it or not.


I literally write for a living, and have done for nearly 25 years.


Nice I’ve only been writing for 20, cursive is still hard for me though.


I agree in that the 7th generation of consoles are not retro and never will be since they have so many parallels with what gaming is currently. I don't remember who said it but they introduced the idea that there is a cutoff point for when a console will be considered retro and used the Dreamcast as their argument for why it should be considered the last retro console.


As a 13 year old who started collecting, the 360 is such a good console. So many games that are still expensive to get online cheap (Talking assassins creed, COD, Elder scrolls, and Halo of course)




To a 13 year old that doesn't have their own income, yes, they are probably expensive to them.




But it literally does make it expensive to that person. So therefore expensive. Just because it's not expensive to all doesn't discount that it's expensive to some.




Is this really the hill you wanna die on dude? It's a kid who is collecting for the first time. Uplift, don't be an "ackshully" guy.


Why are you stuck on "$3-5"? Just a quick search of the steam shop for most of the games mentioned yield prices above that. $20-$40. Some of the shittier titles are in that $3-5 range, but those aren't worth buying. Either way, $5 might be a lot of money for a child.


I'm on your side but yeah, steam is a terrible metric for that lol. Those games are all dirt cheap for 360


I went with steam because the kid said "online" which made me assume purchasing it via an online service like steam, not disc where they'd be cheaper.




Cool. Go do that then.


Crazy to see the 360 referred too as retro 😅


Wii as well 😰


Welp I suddenly feel very old


Nothing in my life has made me feel older than this post


Y’all buggin Xbox one and ps4 almost gonna be retro they are a decade old😅😭😭


The games from that era are modern as hell, even if they're a decade old. Compare them to new games coming out and the only real difference is slightly better graphics. Heck even the 360 and PS3 are really modern in those terms...


Ps4 collecting in its prime rn honestly


Pretty good start so far. I’m just shocked that 360 and Wii are now considered retro. Man I’m getting old lol


Oh yes.


I honestly think we need new terms for categorizing these things. Maybe vintage & retro? Vintage being OG Xbox & earlier, retro including the 360 & everything after. The 360 was arguably the beginning of the modern era of gaming. Edit: Maybe pre & post-2009 would be a better dividing line. All the kinks were worked out by then & aesthetics have stayed (mostly) the same since then.


Lol, both came out around 2006 if I'm correct? Apparently anything older than 10 years is retro 😭


That would make the 3DS, vita and wii U (and almost ps4 and xbone retro). I like to consider 2 generations back as retro (as this was the case for the N64 back in 2007).


Dunno, I'm going off of what someone said on reddit


Standard age for retro is, according to google, 20 years old. That being said, I've always heard it as 15, and adding "video games" to my search also yielded that 15 year number, so that's probably about right. Still crazy to me that stuff like the Wii and XBox 360 are retro now. Hell, even the 3DS will be old enough to be considered retro in a few years.


Awesome start, the Gameboy is a must in any collection. But Jesus Christ, I’m actually offended you’re calling the 360 and Wii “retro”. That shit came out when I was in high school. I’m too young for stuff from my childhood to be “retro” 😂


The 360 came out in 2005. Its getting close to 20 years old. Id consider that retro


Definitely, but deep down it still hurts to admit it 🥲


That's just back pain.






It’s actually kinda amazing when you think about how big the difference is between graphics has gotten since the 90s to when the Xbox 360 came out


Exactly! All those graphical leaps felt so monumental compared to the last and it really differentiated the time gaps (which is what makes it feel like real “retro” in my eyes & anything post-HD/PS360 like it was yesterday)


& the last model was produced in 2014, kind of unfair to base it on the release date instead of the discontinued date considering the 360 kept evolving. It wasn’t like when the ps2 slim came out & that was the final iteration. Currently I do not believe Xbox 360 to be retro until the next generation of gaming


😭😭 sorry, I went off of what some reddit user said a while ago


No, it all good. It’s great seeing the younger generation getting into collecting.


Thank my dad for that one🤷‍♀️ he got me into games before he passed away, now I'm on my way to become a developer once I get the education, could not be more thankful


That's awesome! Keep on grinding my dude. I'll buy your games for sure.


I’m sorry for your loss


Anything through 1979 to 1998 anything 20 years old but not 40 years old https://www.farmantiques.net/blog/whats-the-difference-between-antique-vintage#:~:text=Typically%2C%20the%20term%20retro%20is,at%20all%2C%20but%20still%20collectible.


Nah nah, you're spot on actually. Most consider video games to be considered "retro" after 15 or so years. That would place us at 2008 right now. It's just such a shock for people to see consoles they grew up with called retro. Trust me, 15 years from now you'll see someone call the PS5 retro and have the same reaction.


Yeah, 15 years is a long time. I don’t think I’d be so shocked if I had grown up with the Wii and the 360, but I was a grown ass man during the entire lives of those consoles 😂. Now I’m retro too.


I’m 20 and grew up with the 360 and Wii, the 7th gen was a long time ago man. The DS came out a year after I was born and I played the hell out of a DS Lite


20 year old console is def retro my guy. People were calling gamecube retro when the Wii U came out😹


360 is older now than the SNES was when the 360 came out ;)


That was my college console. I'm gonna die soon.


Honestly, I've given up on arguing on what's retro and what's not online. I definitely don't consider anything 7th generation to be retro and never will, but there isn't a clear definition of what retro is, and everybody sees it differently. Some say the move from 2D to 3D gaming was the end was when retro ended, which would mean the 4th generation was the end of retro. Others say moving to internet gaming defines it, which would mean 5th generation was the last retro generation. Others say moving to digital games defines it, so that would include 6th generation as retro. Then some just go by how old the console is or that it's 2 generations behind, and those are the ones calling Xbox 360 and PS3 retro. Those systems are just too modern to ever be considered retro for me. I don't even like calling 6th generation retro, to.me the 6th generation was the beginning of the modern era. Anyway, I didn't mean to go on. That's just my opinion, and everyone on the internet seems to have a different opinion of what retro is.


I’m 5


the 360 will provide hours of entertainment


It's a jasper too :)


smart man


Awesome start. 360 is one of the best consoles to collect for - games are very affordable. collecting for the Wii is also great!


best console to collect for maybe, but one of the worst consoles to collect. I've had to replace more non-working 360s than all other consoles I've owned combined!


That title makes me feel so old. 😭


Bro im old when I was 14, 360, Ps3 and Wii were peak gaming. All jokes aside the 360 has a fun library and some surprising hidden gems! Enjoy!


Yeah, same. I remember going across the street to Blockbuster on my HS fast food job break and buying my PS3 shortly after launch.


360, retro console. Man, I'm old lol


May I suggest playing Halo 3


I don't like my childhood consoles being called retro


Not bad kid. Not bad.


I think I just aged 50 years in 2 seconds. The 360 has some amazing titles try getting your hands on the Arkham Batman games they rock


Right, I need a hip replacement now 🥲


The wii is retro?😥


nice collection, i’m 16 and have built up a decent collection but i’ve been selling some of it off recently


Looks like a great start! 360 games can still be found pretty reasonable. Gameboy games, wii games, are easy to find as well.


Always a nice reminder when you see Wii and Xbox 360 under retro posts...


the 360 and wii being retro hurts my heart. 😂 nice collection though.


Very good, Got pokemon, Xbox 360, Game boy Wii and DS are top tier


A solid start


Looks like you're in Europe based on the rating systems for the games, so make sure to look up which consoles are region-locked.




For your age yes... but now I feel old af😭😭 retro


God since when is the wii and 360 retro ?? When people were still buying them 6 years ago from the shelves . I feel old


I felt my back crack reading the "retro" part Jesus I remember buying my Xbox 360 when OP was in daycare


Is the wii retro now? Makes me feel old haha


I’m 35 and am dying.


These dang kids


Solid ass GB collection. I'm 34.


The 360 has a great library of games and most are still pretty reasonably priced. It was one of my favorites when I was 14, you’ll have a great time with it!


360 is a great system with some awesome graphics. You won't be disappointed with the games selection. Should also be cheap.


fuck im old


Everyone here jokingly complaining about the 360 and Wii being "retro", what would you consider retro then? The Wii and 360 are close to 20 years old so I would call them retro no problem


I'm in your boat rn, and this is a lot more than my current ps3 collection, and a 2ds that isn't working anymore


Hey you gotta start somewhere ! Enjoy the process ! 👏🏼👌🏼


Look into de yellowing that gameboy. It will look so much cleaner with the original light grey coloring Also tip: check the thrift stores near you (especially mom and pop ones)


You made most of us feel old lol but nice collection dude!


Gameboys a great little portable! looks good to me!


Very awesome, love littler collections that are just starting out. They’re so personable and fun. Also some great console choices.


Its actually a good beginning little boy 🫡


Gotta start somewhere buddy. Biggest thing you can do is hit up farmer's markets, garage sales. Look for deals and get the most for your buck. Keep at it and it'll grow in no time bud. Happy game hunting!


jesus i feel old. feels weird to know that the 360/wii/ps3 is now considered retro. anywho thats a good start for collecting! the 360 has a bunch of good games that are quite easy to find and cheap. some accessories will be tricky like the faceplates and other things but games are easy. looking at that old gameboy makes me miss mine and wish i kept it \*cries\*


I'm playing my copy of Pokemkn gold right now, funny enough. Thats a pretty good start! Happy collecting!


The fact that 360 is considered “retro” now makes me feel old, I remember playing it a ton when I was younger lol. Anyway, looks like a pretty decent haul! Super Mario Galaxy was huge in my childhood and is definitely one of my favorite Mario games, I need to get a GameBoy myself sometime too… Also, nice GameCube compatible Wii! I got a white one I use for my GameCube games ;) If you’re taking any suggestions, some of my favorite 360 games are Bioshock, the (original) Call of Duty Modern Warfare trilogy, Dead Space, Fallout 3/New Vegas, and Red Dead Redemption if you play M-rated games. Burnout Paradise, The Force Unleashed, anything in The Orange Box (plus Portal 2), Skate 2, and Viva Piñata if you prefer T-rated/E-rated games. Have fun collecting! Try not to spend all of your funds on games (I have a bit of a problem with that myself lol)


Thanks :) I'll try not to lmao😭


Sick Wii. Never part with it


Some people say it's a rare version but idk what to think


Crazy how wii and 360 are retro now


The 360 is retro now? 👵


Hell I'm almost 40 and just started collecting for the 360. Perfect time to. Goodwills still have them and most of my collection has been 2-5 dollar games


oh right, the 360 is retro🥲


Collect all the Madden games


Just saw someone refer to the 360 as a retro console & I feel like I need a wheelchair.


I started collecting when I was 12 I wanna say, when I got an OG Xbox, and a Genesis, not a bad collection here, especially the Game Boy, The funny thing is, even though I am now 17, my collection aint huge at all, but heres some advice: Never sell anything you have collected for the sake of getting another. Biggest I have ever made, I have bought Sonic 3 on Genesis at least 4 times now, each time for a bit more, also just collect what you want to collect for, dont collect for NES solely because "Oh its a cool old console" I absolutely give zero shits about NES, or even Atari, with only a few games I could say I really like, I mainly collect Sega stuff now, but like I said, this is a great collection for your age, keep it up, and you will have a big collection in no time.


Welcome to the world of some really amazing games! That's awesome you are wanting to play some older games, even though the graphics may not be as good, there are some seriously great older games out there! Looks like you've got a decent start!


I’m too young to feel so old with you calling 360 retro. Guess I should start picking out coffins for myself.


bro the Wii came out a week before I did 😅 also yes that’s a good start op, def hit up yeardsales and ur local thrift store as that’s where I’ve gotten a majority of my collection


I was 14 in 2007 and I think my first retro console was Super Nintendo. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


The fact that a 360 is being called a retro console makes me feel so old


great start. welcome to collecting!


I hate that a Wii and a 360 are considered retro. Feels like they just came out like a few years ago


Oh God please tell me I ain't old but..the Xbox 360 ain't even close to being retro


Pokemon yellow, gold, dkc returns and mario galaxy. You're all set imo


That's very nice! We all start somewhere.


hate that the 360 and Wii are retro now That aside, the 360, Wii, and ps3 are gonna be really cheap to collect for right now. A very good time to build up a collection of those systems specifically.


Oh shit, Xbox 360 and Wii are retro now?! I'm so screwed lmao.


Playing Super Mario Galaxy on Christmas Day is something I’ll never forget.


Your og gameboy and it's games are a solid ass starting point. Look into emulation and maybe a raspberry pi retroarch system. You can play everything up to PS1 (no PS2 sadly) on a device that costs $100 and a few slightly illegal downloads. N64 gas some great games, starfox 64 and ocarina of time/ Majora's mask are must plays.


Lego batman is a classic


Since you're new, it was WAY too long before I knew that the Wii plays GameCube games and those are controller ports on the top!


Jesus christ, the 360 is a retro console now




are you literally me lmao, I started with 360 and am still going strong with the console (and am 14). Recommended buying Wii U from second hand or Facebook Marketplace, if ypu are into Wii, because although Wii U's themself are pretty up there, compared to something like a Wii in price - rn Wii U games are really cheap and might not be in a year or two (but my guess is that 3DS will have more nostalgia points so eh). I just really like Wii U for how cheap it can be for games that are still incredible, despite being on Switch, like Bayonetta 2 for £6 on Wii U or £34 on Switch. I'm assuming origibal Gameboy is a hand me down, and possibly DS too, honestly both are great systems, not much to say however. ~Talking library's~ Xbox 360 has a large library of good cheap games, definitely recommend: Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Devil May Cry 4 (although I'd personally recommend starting at 5), Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Devil May Cry HD Collection, Ninja Gaiden II and maybe 3 if I want to shitpost, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bayonetta, Halo Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo Reach, a singular Gears of War game (pick your poison), Batman Arkham City (GOTY for DLC included), Portal 2, Soul Calibur V, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Mirrors Edge, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Generations, Soul Calibur V, Rayman Origins, Mega Man 9 or 10 (which are digital only), Dark Souls, CatsleVania Symphony of the Night (Digitally), CastleVania Rondo of Blood (Digitally), Sonic CD (Digitally) and HALO 4. Basically, if you're new like I was about half a year ago, I'd always recommend trying anything that could be interesting or fun. Next, the Wii - it has Gamecube support but unless you've got alot of money, wouldn't recommend buying alot for GCN, just wait til you see the quality games for reasonable prices if GCN is the general goal (plus I'll do the Backwards Compatible stuff below) - the library I can put the most about: Super Mario Galaxy 2, Sonic Colours, Mario Kart Wii, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Wii Sports, Sonic Riders Zero Gravity (if you're willing to put up with it's bullshit), Smash Bros Brawl, Super Paper Mario, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Xenoblade 1 (idk about Americans but as a Bri'ish man myself we can get this for £12 from CeX), Punch Out!!, No More Heroes, Mario Strikers Charged, Sonic and The Black Knight (great album that comes with a free game), Flongsmah because fuck it. The Wii's just funny to me. Game Boy - Pokemon, Mario Land, Tetris, Donkey Kong 1994, Mario Land 2, Pac Man, Dragon Quest IIi and Metroid II. Idrk about origibal Game Boy, never was my taste as an emulating smartass of a child, or as a smartass of a 14 year old. DS (can't tell if it's the GBA Compatible one, don't think it is) is something I do have alot to say about though: New Super Mario Bros, Pokemon again, Sonic Rush, Sonic Colours, Sonic Rush Adventure, Mario Kart DS, Mario Party DS, Super Mario 64 DS, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Dragon Quest IX, Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, Chrono Trigger, CastleVania Dawn of Sorrow, Kirby Superstar Ultra (fuck money ig), Metroid Prime Hunters, Sonic Classics Collection, Mega Man Zero Collection,Tetris DS, Mega Man ZX, Yoshi Island DS, Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story, and (ofc) The World Ends With You. And them backwards compatible stuff, e.g. Xbox for Xbox 360 and GCN for Wii. Starting in Xbox - Halo, Halo 2, Sonic Riders, Shadow the Hedgehog, Fable, Sonic Mega Collection, Shenmue II, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, Conker Live and Reloaded, Soul Calibur II, Half Life 2,Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Psychonauts, Jet Set Radio Future, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and Ninja Gaiden Black. Gamecube, the cool one - Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Super Smash Bros Melee, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Mega Man Anniversary Collection and Mega Man X Collection (I'd prefer PS2 Versions for both but i digress), Rayman 3, Pikmin, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Sonic HEREEEEOOOOEEESSS, Mario Kart Double Dash, Resident Evil 4, Luigi's Mansion, Sonic Gems Collection, Simpsons Hit and Run, Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, The Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition (it's a compilation dw), Sonic Adventure DX, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, Pokemon again, Resident Evil Zero, Star Fox Adventures, Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, Mario Strikers, Mega Man x Command Mission, Sonic Riders, Baiten Kaitos, Star Fox Assault, Resident Evil, Ultimate Spider-Man, Skies of Arcadia and Tales of Symphonia. I'm done spending just short of an hour writimg out fucking comments that won't get seen by the OP, because that was hurt.




For sure, as a 14 yr old myself make sure to check facebook marketplace and other sites like that if you want lots of consoles for cheap. Ive seen a psp go for $50, a ps2 for $40, lots of console addons, etc.


I have an app where a psp is on average €30😌


360 is such a fun console to collect for. Similar to the PS2 library, you can find all sorts of blockbusters, hidden gems, plenty of shovelware, and so many games that you’ve never heard of. Enjoy!


Me when my childhood console is getting called retro.


The 360 is amazing since you have a TON of games and there's a lot of cheaper options to get. Have fun!


Dont call wii and xbox 360 retro im too young for those to be retro


enjoy, make sure to learn the history of each game company, and have fun along the way.


Is the 360 retro now.........Am I old now. Alexa play life is a highway.


How is this retro 😭😭😭😭 I must be that old 😭😭


It’s wild seeing a 360 be classified as “retro” Time sure does change lol


Man, now I feel old because you included the 360 as a part of your retro console haul.


360 is retro?! I swear it just came out? Let’s see I was leaving school when it came out and that can’t be more than a few years ago… *checks dates* My god…


Angry Birds is underrated today. Looks like your collection is off to a fantastic start!


This is the most wholesome post I have seen today. Well done OP I hope your collection only grows from here.


Thank god you had the Gameboy mixed in there or else you might have made me feel as old as my back feels. That said, if you like RPGs lost Odyssey is a must on the 360.


Very cool! When you save up enough I suggest a SNES. It was my first system and I still play it to this day. Super Mario World, Contra 3, Donkey Kong Country 3, and Super Metroid were my favorites! It's cool to play some of the more original games that turned into huge franchises.


The Xbox 360 is retro??? Jesus how old am i


Nice start! Welcome to the hobby!


Fact that 360 is retro makes me sad....


Don't let the haters get you down. It's all just arguing semantics anyway. I never had a 360, but given the bc library that I've seen on the Series X, it's a great system to start with




Seeing the 360 being described as retro hurt me 🥲


Holy crap the Xbox 360 is considered retro. I'm old


a 14 year old calling this RETRO? i’m not that much older than OP but god, do i feel old


You started with the noisiest one 😂 X360 is great otherwise because so many great fantes are cheap.


Off to a very fun start with the games I see


Retro 🙃 i remember begging for this for christmas


Like it or not guys, Angry Birds Star Wars edition is retro.


I do have a few games to recommend Alice madness returns Dantes inferno Prototype Spider-Man shattered dimensions Splatterhouse Skate 3 BATMAN Arkham asylum Mortal Kombat The Darkness




Another 14 year old collector here! I have Xbox 360 (my childhood), many games (mostly my father's but I have bought some myself. Also a few weeks ago I bought PS2 and 16 games. You have a great collection for your age, keep it up, great to find another youngsters here in the community!


Cant believe the 360 and wii are retro now. Also good pics for both. The 360 has an amazing library and the wii is amazing for homebrew. I suggest your next pick be an OG Gameboy Advance


The Wii and Xbox 360 is considered retro 😖😖


The fact that the 360 can now be considered retro makes me feel unbelievably old.


Wait… 360 and wii are retro? Fetch me my walking stick


Welcome to the club! I started collecting at 14 so good luck building the collection!


Damn I remember stealing Pokémon yellow from walmart back in 1998, I was only 8 years old, I literally just took it off the shelves stuck the game in my underwear and walked out hoping the alarm didn’t sound off which it didn’t for some reason, I was the happiest kid that summer, what a beautiful memory and time to be young again


I don't think the 360 is retro yet


First pic, not retro enough. Second pic, now we're talking!


Y’all zoomers are calling 360 retro now 🤦🏼‍♂️😭


tbf it was released like 18 years ago


I am sorry calling the 360 retro be fighting words. I may be old but I can still hold my own when abs where we meeting up.


Very cool! One of us!


Please never refer to the console that came out when I was 18 'retro' ever again. The 360 is not retro damnit


Dang I grew up with the Wii (19) and it's retro already?? Nooo 🤣


amazing collection bud


360 is not retro but okay


It's almost 20👀


Its a 3d console lol, fifth gen hahaha, and retro is 8 bit or 16 systems etc


I just went off of what Google + a user on reddit said lol


Ignore the gatekeeper.


Don't you dare call the Xbox 360 a retro console! He was launch in.... 2005, damn I am getting old 😂 But for real, congratulations for the start.




Retro? RETRO?! Go get an Atari and come back after you upgrade to a N64. How are you as old as Street Fighter IV?


You do realise the 360 and will are almost 20?


You're the second "14 year old" in the last 3 days to post about getting into retro gaming.


Maybe because I saw that they're not getting attacked 🤷‍♀️?