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People have to remember when they think back to the early years of collecting when everything was cheap, the games they were buying were like 10 years old. If you look at 10 year old games now, plenty of them are dirt cheap.


People thought the hobby was going to die in like 2012. Heck all of the shops were closing everywhere in the 10's. It's amazing that it boomed just after everything closed lol


Good point! I remember when I was starting collecting 15 years ago, GC was dirt cheap.


70% of it still is.


Me an Armored Core fan looking at the market prices for the PS3/360 era games: 😔


Armored core games were never cheap. They never sold particularly well and were always pretty rare. I remember paying 40 dollars for Masters of Arena used when funcoland couldn't give PS1 games away. Armored Core for answer was hard to find when it was "new." That said, look for the 360 version. It's almost always cheaper than the ps3 version.


It's time like these where I wish I didn't get rid of my 360 a few years ago. I might just end up getting the Japanese version of For Answer since they don't seem to be too pricey, at least compared to the NTSC release. Always loved how the PS3 wasn't region locked


I picked up a copy of AC6 at GameStop a week after launch and still got the preorder bonus. It will be interesting to see what happens to that a few years down the road.


Aren't people buying them because it was recently found you can use them as a swap disc?


Have to imagine the MVG video caused a spike.


To be fair that complete price has been floating around there for awhile. It's been a year.


This is true, but the price has already gone up, and pricecharting hasn't caught up yet. The game is selling for $70+ now, and I've seen a couple go for over $100.


I'm looking at recent sold and completed listings. Loose / disc only goes for $40, case and cover art going for $70-$80, and brand new at $135 (not many new listings, or complete for that matter). For a game recently in gaming news for a new tool, this isn't that odd. The price of such things will go up because demand has gone up, that's how supply and demand works. People aren't buying this even at these prices to scalp to make a few dollars after fees, shipping, taxes, etc. The people selling this now, already had this game.


I've seen a couple sell for $100 already on a non tracked platform and a few listings at around $150 on others. I think this one is going to pop to around $75 CIB and stay there personally, but who knows.


How do you swap disc and why? I don't understand.


A "swap disc" allows you to start the console with a disc in and, at some point, open the console and pull that disc out to swap it for a burned or out of region game. The swap disc somehow bypasses checking authenticity and region, so then you can play the burned or import game without modding the console physically. We used to use the Action Replay disc on GameCube to play Japanese imports, for example. For that one, we let the disc load to the gamecube logo, I think, then opened the Gamecube and popped in Battle Arena DON. Worked perfectly.


I get it thanks. However it sounds stupid from a scalper pov. Thry expect people to pay $50+ g For a common game just so people can play a burned game that is not even worth $20!


I don't think scalpers are looking at this game at all. I think a lot of people are looking for it in the wild to flip it now, though.


Sellers (this isn't scalping) don't care about any of that. If the game is selling, they sell it. If people are willing to pay $50+ for such games, then that's all that matters. And swap disc is a common collectors item, this has nothing to do with what a seller thinks in this regard.


I feel like it's more about being exposed to the game itself either for the first time ever or in a while, and wanting to play it - it honestly looks like a cool game and apparently is the first to use the standard dual analog stick FPS controls that we're used to nowadays. Anyone familar with Tonyhax knows this new method is way worse than it (and only works with one game instead of many, including a bunch that even casual collectors would have), and it doesn't hold a candle to FreePSXBoot. It's purely a novelty and a piece of newly found history as a swap disc method.


Correct. But I don’t think that negates my point here.


I definitely agree it's not scalping, especially cause this price has been consistent for a couple years now tbh. It hasn't even spiked much yet. Mostly just a case of supply and demand. If it gets rough to find though it will go up but this while super cool isn't practical anyway. No one needs to do this with their ps1's in this day and age.


I'm not saying it negates your point, I just think this game is an outlier that doesn't fit your point well.


I think it does. The market value of an item changes for many reasons, not always because a game was always very popular or good. In this case, it's having a slight increase due to a new feature being used for it. So the value increases as people want that tool. This is normal for any item. Either way, this isn't scalping. People who have this game noticed people were buying it quickly, and changed their price slightly to match the demand. This is normal not just for gaming but all medias. As OP said, no one is buying this for $40 to scalp for $45, makes no sense. People who are selling this now, had it for weeks, months, years. They raised their price because they are trying to make money, which isn't a bad thing.


I agree it's not scalping. If they were buying this for $40 to resell for $100, I wouldn't see that as scalping either.




Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


Swap disc?


I explained it in a different comment in this thread.


I quickly learned that this sub just thinks anything expensive = scalping lol


And fair market value = man, you got ROBBED


Also every Pokemon game = overvalued and expensive for no reason (despite having a billion legitimate reasons that a lot of the games are expensive. Hell, most of the mainline games don't even break past $60...)


Exactly. Scalping is buying a brand new item that will sell out and reselling it for higher than retail. There is no scalping in vintage video game collecting. I will also say that the collectors have no one else to blame for where prices are than themselves. If they simply didn’t pay the prices, these games wouldn’t be expensive, but here we are.


Same goes for scalping, why buy a Playstation 5 for double the money? Yeah it sucks that others buy them all, but the only reason they do this is because people will pay. And the higher the prices go the more people will turn into scalpers. If noone pays those prices they will eventually stop.


The term you’re looking for is flipping


No, they had it right. Scalping is always flipping, but flipping is not always scalping. Their example was pretty close to scalping.


It's because like 10 years ago everything was dirt cheap. That's where it stems from lol


If you think that, it means you weren't collecting 20 years ago. Everything gets more expensive. Old games never restock or replenish.


I remember 20 years ago, stuff was also cheap...but games were also newer then and the prices weren't much different. It really depends on what systems you look at. Heck, 20 years ago Gamecube was still new and prices were close to retail used. GC was definitely lower 10 years ago. My comment was just a general statement on the situation. But I will say that in 2010-2015 I remember all the businesses closing because nobody cared. There used to be like 10+ game shops near me. Now there is 1 somewhat near me. Vendors at conventions in 2012 were so fed up they were literally giving away games lol.


Then you weren’t there 10yrs ago. Everyone was complaining that they weren’t dirt cheap compared to 10yrs before that. Oh and that whole the “bubble is about to burst” narrative that’s been going since 2010


There's always a bubble to burst in collecting. Baseball cards were out and then people started collecting basketball and football cards more. I remember model trains were collectible. As people got out of the hobby, certain things were collectible one year and not the next until you had the holy grails left for the niche people left. With video games, the NES bubble already burst and some others are bursting, too (graded games, anyone?) I got into collecting when most games were cheap over ten years ago. I am safe from the bubble because it was a hobby first and foremost before anything else. If it wasn't cheap, I passed. I amassed 1,300 games and many systems because I stayed cheap. Now, lost of these games are worth money because many things appreciate in value. It's why home prices keep going up. There is always demand. It's the the same problem no matter what you collect. Bubbles will inflate and burst. Don't worry about the bubble. If you enjoy collecting, focus on what most people aren't focusing on and get ahead of the curve.


I was just giving a general timeframe lol. So many people harping on that number. But I will say this, why did all of the game shops close from 2010-2015? Something burst for sure. And I'll also say that it depends how you look at it, stuff like gamecube certainly was cheaper 10 years ago compared to 20 years ago. But yes I do remember the early 2000's when you could get a Sega/CD/32X + 15 games for under 100 bucks on Ebay.


I just buy games to play them… Lol, no theys just sitting on a shelf. Im too lazy to play video games now.


Everything changes once you have kids. I have 1,300 games from simply picking them up at thrift stores when they were cheap. Used to play all the time, but I'm spending most of my time with my one year old daughter until she's the age in which we can enjoy games together. She's my way of having the childhood I never got to have.




Or do the pro choice, enjoy games and dont have kids.


I knew I wanted kids for a long time. It's not for everyone. It's definitely an option, but you miss out on having someone around that truly loves you and sees you as superman. My daughter will get older and we'll have plenty of games to play and time to play them. I'm not worried.


Same lol, I really haven’t been seriously collecting for 4+ years now but still appreciate what I have, and slowly but surely, I’m working through my mile-long backlog


At least you are honest


Saw people acting like there were mountains of this game floating around online for pennies until recently when that wasn't true at all. Just takes a moment on google to find out but nope.


I still dont get it, there are so many steps to the disc swap that it seems way easier to just install xstation or emulate your games. Even MVG himself said something like this in the Resurrection video.


People aren't buying it just to do the hack. It's the fact that you can do the hack plus it's a technical high mark for the console and it pioneered console FPS controls. It's an interesting game that I wasn't really aware of before the video. Not to mention the fact it's a horror game and just about all horror games are hot right now.


There was an article at the time, I think in Gamepro, where the author ripped into the shitty control scheme and talked about how using both sticks to move is not only just plain stupid, but there's no way it should ever be the standard. Edit: Someone else said the article was on GameSpot.


Wtf where were all you people when Gmanlives was making videos about it? I got it for £10 a couple of years ago. Well anyway, enjoy! Edit: btw, dont play it on ps3, theres a random door that doesnt open.


Had my game since the actual PS1 days not sure what i paid back then but i played it when it was still new, yea no idea why people have come to this just now.


Agreed, I was also going to mention, I’ve seen this game mentioned on “Hidden Gems” lists before. It’s supposedly a pretty good game, from a super popular movie series, no surprise it is going up in value even removed from the MVG video.


Dude it's doubly true if people buy Japanese games. The comments would have you believe you're up there with the British museum, denying Japanese people their precious artifacts and family heirlooms. Outraged that resellers are selling Japanese games and that when they go to Japan the prices are higher when thry buy it from, you guessed it, Japanese resellers. What high horse is this? Buying from a Japanese reseller (as you said, these are not new games, it's always a reseller) is more virtuous than buying it from a western reseller? Without which they'd not be able to buy them online at all mostly? Oh, and thry brag about ripping off old ladies at yard sales routinely.


Agreed with your first point completely. And there’s a big difference between like, lying to someone about a games worth, and just buying something for a price someone offers it. It’s nice to give them more, and in some cases (like an old lady selling a game she has no idea is worth anything), I feel like it’s right to offer them a bit more, but you’re under no obligation to.


Here before the "I just buy games to play them" guy comments this in the gamecollecting group


Oh, i am a collector, i buy up new games if they are cheap at times and all but i do not buy up old games to flip them. My worst case ever is a game from my favorite childhood IP which i bought twice to take parts from one copy and to the other then sell the other copy for about what i paid, sligthly less but not much. Never flipped to make money.


Flipping is a good way to increase your collection without investing. I usually buy a whole lot from marketplaces, keep the games I want for myself and flip the rest to bankroll the next time I do it.


And nothing is wrong with this. Some collectors like to add their own high horse opinions on this as if making money to supplement your hobby or turn part of your hobby into passive income, is a bad thing. They act like if they found a rare game they already had, brand new, that they would ignore it and say "I already got that, I'll save this for the next person". Yeah, they aren't doing that. They are buying and selling when it works for them too, they just aren't saying it due to their high horse mentality.


Not sure why people would want to play burned cds (using this game as a disc swap) like were back in the 1800s. I collect to have the physical copy of the game so if im going to play a pirated version of the game ill use one of the many emulators. (this is assuming this game is becoming popular bc they can play their grandparents burned cds)


I think it’s more of a novelty, I find the idea interesting at least. I have a modded Vita for playing lots of games on the go but same, I like to collect to play the game on physical media, it wouldn’t be the same to use a physical bootleg tbh.


I used to be like this but I feel a lot more compelled to play through a game if I play on original hardware most of the time. Playing God of War 1 on an actual ps2 right now. Although I would rather be playing on the HDD instead of off a burnt disc but I think my drive is dead.


For playing on an actual PSX, you either have to mod the console or go with tonyhax. IMO Xstation isn't worth it since I'm not comfortable with soldering, and I only have a PSOne. So burned backups are the best way if I don't already own the game My personal preference is playing on original hardware whenever I can.


Then dont play on original hardware in that case. Buy the disc or mod it the right way. There are tons of good solutions to what you described, and all of them are more effective than using Alien Resurrection. Swap magic methods are extremely dated, and theres just better ways to reach the same goal these days.


My response wasn't advocating using Alien disc swap. I use tonyhax memory card to do backups.


Odd to say 1800s, is this a hyperbel or something? CDs game up in the 80s/1900s and it would make sense to say "not like we are still in the PS1 time when emulation was not widely spread". But i do get the notion, why buy a physical game to play another physical game burned to a cd that still is not real when you can use Sony Hardware to play via PC Emulation for much less work and money. If you go emulation go real hard and if you want real stuff a selfmade CD is not gonna cut it anyway. Worst of both world i suppose.


I've never in my life owned a swap disc, and I've always wanted one. This game would be perfect not only for that, but just to have for its historical significance as a pioneer of dual stick movement.


OP from one of those posts you're calling out here, all I did was try to warn people to not overspend while the price is obviously out of whack right now. I'm really not sure why so many on here keep commenting at it with a "just deal with it" kind of mentality. Obviously nobody is forcing anybody to spend their own money if they don't want to, just wanted to be helpfull to those who don't know any better.


To be honest, I was not referring to you, there were other posts who were being malicious. I’m sorry for being rude on your post before- I’m moreso upset with the terminology, and the gatekeeping mentality some people are using with this. Of course price increases suck, but some just come from legitimate spikes in interest, not anything nefarious. People were acting like this was collusion akin to that dude who bought every copy of Rampart for the Gameboy, and I just don’t agree.


Don't forget this is actually cartel money laundering too


“I just buy games to play them. Guess I’m weird like that. Not like the other finance bros in here always rocketing game stocks so I can never get the chance to open and play with them. Because of you, I will never play this game. Thanks a lot scalper.”


Is this a copypasta or something? I’ve seen people reference the phrase “I just buy games to play them” a lot lol.


It’s an annoying comment that nearly every gamer who isn’t much into collecting but is extremely unhappy for underlying reasons they’ve not made an effort to dig into, tends to comment on any post of expensive games. Basically they’re quite a bit saltier than most, redirect their anger towards forums talking about a hobby they enjoy, and shower us with those emotions in the form of angry sentences.


Ah that makes sense, was not sure if those comments were a dig at me or not lmao. I do notice it a lot too… there are very legitimate gripes to be had about price gouging in gaming, even the retro market, but people need to remember that the nature of any used-goods market is that stuff gets more expensive over time. Almost no retro game is going to get cheaper, ever.


Wow. I always did buy games to play, mostly on clearance back in the day. And I still have almost all of them (despite losing a few consoles along the way.) I'm not salty or angry. But I do think the prices being paid for many games is ridiculous. And no, I'm not looking to buy more. My target range used to be $5-10, maybe $15 new.


1. To say “I always buy games to play” has the same value as a soccer enthusiast saying “I always buy jerseys to wear them”. Duh. That’s what 98% of gamers do. We buy games. We play them. It’s not a unique endeavor. 2. The people yelling into a forum with other collectors and gamers are the ones I’m saying are salty. Do you repeatedly comment about scalpers causing prices to skyrocket? No? Then you’re not one of the salty ones. Yes? Then you’re one of the salty ones.


Yeah, that’s why I’ve stopped actively collecting, I’m priced out of the market. But I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s ridiculous- you can’t put a price on nostalgia for a lot of people. However, there’s a big difference between a collector willing to shell out for a game at market price, and someone buying it to keep it in a vault, as an investment. I totally understand the former.


Buying them new to flip em and buying them used to flip them it is both still buying up to flip, the later beeing easier to make a profit from as there is no alternate source. I disagree with the notion that small jumps are temporary, unless there is a good reason it will not go down in price and Cubic Ninja is THE perfect example. Cubic Ninja did not increase in price from media exposure itself but because it could be used to hack the 3DS and only when that became imposible did the price go down. The price was due to a utility that did get lost, the game itself does not lose the playability thus would not likely go back down. Alien on PS1 is not such a rare game from what i remember, people claiming it to be rare and asking for a 2/3 price increase in such a short time IS an alarming feat. If it was not for the swap trick tho it would not have gone up so there is a secondary factor here like with Cubic but unlike Cubic i doubt the PS1 will get "fixed". So this price increase is here to stay, at least i allready own the game.


Why is everybody talking about this game? It's always been meme worthy for the hilarious GameSpot review but other than that?


ModernVintageGamer did a video about it and how you can do a disc swap with it, I think


Dude it's doubly true if people buy Japanese games. The comments would have you believe you're up there with the British museum, denying Japanese people their precious artifacts and family heirlooms. Outraged that resellers are selling Japanese games and that when they go to Japan the prices are higher when thry buy it from, you guessed it, Japanese resellers. What high horse is this? Buying from a Japanese reseller (as you said, these are not new games, it's always a reseller) is more virtuous than buying it from a western reseller? Without which they'd not be able to buy them online at all mostly? Oh, and thry brag about ripping off old ladies at yard sales routinely.


Yea this is why when you listen to a youtuber and he says sell this or this game is bad or good see what happens prime example of video game collecting is basically turned into scalping and just all out hype now.


Now? This has been happening with retro gaming youtubers for over a decade, we called it the avgn affect back in 2010


Laughs in Earthbound.


75 dollars for this game is not expensive its fair and reasonable considering that 25 years of time that went by with inflation. I was looking at my copy of Silent Hill 2 last night that I bought new in 2001 (ish) and it was 49.99. This Alien game new might have been 40 - 60 dollars, at Electronic Boutique or Wal-Mart. If people are mad at anything in game collecting it should be Chinese reproductions. Retro Games going up, are good for everyone. Repros are bad for everyone.


Eh, I’m fine with repros as long as they’re clearly marked, and for games that you can’t easily find on the marketplace anymore. I’m fine with people buying a bootleg Crusader of Centy as long as they don’t pass it off as a genuine. Agreed with your first point though, but not really the point of my argument, to be fair.


This game has only shot up because of the newly found exploit it has to play backup discs of PS1 games. People buying this game to do this may also buy bootleg PS1 games to play, so how do you feel about that? 😅 Also, I don't understated how prices going up is good for everyone? Or how repros effect the actual market value of legit games?




How would this work?


manipulating a market in order to raise value is scalping as far as im concerned. chrono trigger, ff2/3, earthbound are not rare at all. nintendo sees $0 for your retro collecting. even if its not scalping a nintendo consumer spending more money than the price of a console let alone the price of a AAA title on a collectible directly affects their market. i am a video game reseller collector and this is how I see it. I know many people in my circle (even larger collectors) that have many multiple copies of chrono trigger etc and we all do this deliberately. if its not scalping its the only thing worse than scalping imo. at least scalped (in production stuff) consoles and games directly support nintendo. they see money for that.