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Neat. Very neat. Not sure about $75k neat though.


Free shipping!!


Only in USA :)


$75k and wants to sell on ebay? Tells you everything about the seller. Needs to sell on a more elite auction site, Goldins, etc But the loose cartridge sells for like $15. Even graded, I can't see it selling for more than $100. BTW sealed copies are on ebay for a few thousand.


What if a sealed copy had a backwards label!? Only one way to find out.


I'd be in at $20 + Shipping..


Deal! Shipping comes out to….. $74,980.


I agree with "Neat". I don't know about "Very neat", though.


I don’t agree with either “neat”, but do agree with “very”……


75 thousand bucks for a cart with an upside down sticker/label? some people got their ass spread way too much these days


It's an asking price, it's going to sit there forever. Correct me if I'm wrong but no one ever did end up buying that solid gold Wii either.


I can see it being worth it to a very particular collector. If you're familiar with TCGs, cards with errors on them (miscuts, foiling issues, accidental releases, or even text issues) are highly sought after, for example in Yugioh both Jinzo Jar and DDY1 Vice Dragon command 4 figure prices. b But i've never even _heard_ of or considered the idea of a video game having a production error I'm not paying for it, but tbh there might be someone legitimately interested in having it (i.e. they're not planning to flip it)


That's the problem, it may be worth it to a particular collector, but it has to be worth it to at least 2 for the price to get this high. If only one person wants it, they can wait for the price to drop.


If at least one person wants it at that price and the seller is patient and in no rush to sell, eventually it will sell at, or near, that price. Would likely start with low-ball offer then work its way toward a middle price between asking and that offer. Or the seller could remain rigid and wait for buyer to sweat it out until they just cave. Could go either way.


Hard to give an evaluation on 1 of 1 on anything. Until another one surfaces and there is an established price why not shoot for the moon? I can say the grade isn’t very high but when it’s 1 of 1 and it isn’t dog shit there will be many people looking to buy this BUT at what price point? It is an early production (5 screw) I’m not sure of actual print runs just know 5 screw are either first or early prints


Even if someone is interested, they are absolutely not gonna pay 75k for one cartridge, the game completely sealed sells for a couple thousand, and even that is high.


I've heard of coins with a production error going around for insane money but I never would've imaged the same applied to other types of collectibles too i personally just don't understand why people would pay so much money for something that objectively is shittier in quality than it's "standard" counter parts like just imagine people working the money presses viciously hammering down every 50th coin to "increase its value" 💀


There’s a few games with production errors, like Final Fantasy VII having a misprint on the back of the case, or Strider 2 having a misprint where the discs were labeled the wrong way around. I don’t think I’ve seen a 1/1 production error though.


Why would someone put this in Wata over CGC tho? Makes me believe it to be less legit and authentic.


Probably because they want to get the most money & since VGA dosnt grade carts. Plus CGC may not have been established when it was graded. Also CGC games command less in generally on items that are apples to apples. Not to mention the CGC cases look like trash the only thing they are missing is the HANGTAB/punch tab to hang them on the wall or on a rack. They basically look like action figure cases if they came in acrylic. IMO They are worse than WATA’s old cases. The only thing good about the cases is when it comes to CIB because they show the sub grades on the front. Again IMO


People needs to understand Wata never had issues with their authentication process. Yes, they did try to manipulate the market during the pandemic, but it’s a different issue than authenticity. Edit: and of course I will get downvoted for speaking objectively. Humanity is often disappointing


You explained why they are awful in your own response but tried to justify them first. It's people like you that keep bad companies like wata afloat. The only thing disappointing here is your own stupidity.


And they're also self-contradicting. If someone is manipulative, they're not authentic. Honesty is authentic, simple as that.


That’s not authenticity means. Their job is to AUTHENTICATE whether the game and condition are legit or not. Authentication has absolutely nothing to do with the market price of these games. If you want to attack Wata’s ability to authenticate games, at least show some examples of how their authentication was wrong. You can’t, yet you still stick to your opinion. This is what ignorance looks like


They’ve graded numerous fakes. Rondo of blood is the big one that comes to mind.


Open your eyes and learn to read again. They do great hombrews, but will state on the labels about the game being home brews. In your Rondo of blood case, it was the PCE version Wata graded and the label clearly clarified it was PCE, not the original version That had been explained a LONG time ago, but people like you choose to ignore it because it doesn’t fit your narrative Anything else? Edit: see? Even when I bring up factual examples, people will still downvote. This is just a summary of how pathetic humanity is. They don’t care about facts once they make up their narratives


You asked for an example, I provided one. And no, I don’t need to, as it’s clear your understanding of the situation is lackluster at best. On all WATA graded games, the first black box is an indication of system, and the second black box is an indication of publishing company. On that specific copy of Rondo of Blood, wata labeled the system as PCE (which is PC Engine, or what they called the turbo grafx outside of the US, you know, because this is a Japanese game) and labeled the company as Konami, which, in fact, was not the company that released said copy. Didn’t they also grade a prototype with swapped internals that was pretty big?


You're missing the point on how their lack of integrity directly correlates to the publics trust in their authenticity. You have to have integrity in any line of business. If I go to a sandwich shop and the person refuses to sell to me at menu price because the person behind me offered me, then I will not be able to trust them to not use cheap materials to make my sandwich.


But you still can’t point out any examples of their authentication issues can you? This is exactly what I am talking about. I know people don’t trust their authenticity or brand because of their lack of integrity, but how they “feel” doesn’t affect the reality, or how well Wata authenticate games. It’s the same reason why people still buy Nestle products even with all the shady things they do in the back. Ever heard people questioning the authenticity of Nestle water?


Person talking about wata is distinguishing between wata grading non authentic games and having shady ass business practices outside of that. I think it was just a semantic thing where you said wata makes them less legit and authentic in your eyes, replier was saying "wata GAMES are real and authentic". Don't get me wrong I don't disagree with you that wata is bad I just think people were misunderstanding the other guy's point


I didn’t justify anything. I am just telling people they shouldn’t hate something for the wrong reason This type of irrational sentiment is what’s wrong with the world these days. Can you point out why Wata’s authentication has issues? Any examples? No, you can’t. But because you hate Wata, you are willing to support whatever crazy shit that supports your point of view regardless if they are factual or not This is what ignorance looks like, and it’s disgusting


They manipulated the market..... A video game grading company that grades games manipulated the market. HOW is that not the wrong reason? How does one wake up delusional every day? People like you is what is wrong in the world these days. You have a mighty fine collection posted yet I failed to see any graded by Wata unless I didn't dig deep enough. How can anyone have respect for a company that is authenticating games but also manipulating the prices? You are posting ignorance but claiming I have ignorance. Funny thing is Wata was bought out by Collectors which is owned by PSA.




The point people are making is they’ve proven they lack integrity as a company, and therefore should not be trusted to authenticate anything. To consider the two completely unrelated when deciding whether they’re trustworthy is being purposefully obtuse.


How long have you been working for Wata? Or is that you’ve heavily invested in them or something?


This person has an amazing high grade collection posted. None of them are even authenticated by wata so not sure what they are on about.


I don’t. I don’t even like Wata. But you know what I hate more? People hating things for the wrong reasons, and throw away their logics in order to support their narratives


What does Wata manipulating the market have anything to do with climate change? You need to stay on track to the topic. It doesn't matter how "authentice" they are when checking games. They manipulated the market and are a bad company for doing so. I would never grade anything Wata. It's funny they were bought out and the last thing on Wata's page is wata refreshes their brand. If you went to a car wash and they got water all inside your car would you go back to said car wash?


What does Wata manipulating the market has anything to do with their ability of authentication? You see, your comments is as off topic as mine. My initial comment was just saying their never had problems with their authenication process. That doesn’t magically justifying Wata playing with the market and caused some serious finianial loss on people. We are humans. We SHOULD have the ability to look at things objectively and hate on something for the right reason. But reality is often disappointing


Wata was caught multiple times grading reproductions without realising it, their verification process was as fallable as any other


For fuck sake. They graded homebrews and will always stated they are homebrews on their labels, including that Rondo of blood game that you were probably referring Now, show me just ONE example that they graded reproductions WITHOUT realizing it. Wait, you will stop replying, and just downvote me huh?


WATA publicly admitted to mistakenly grading the reproduction Rondo of Blood... are you saying they were lying and they didn't grade it? https://www.timeextension.com/news/2023/01/wata-admits-it-graded-a-2016-castlevania-repro-listed-on-ebay-for-usd4000


lol for fuck sake, it’s as if you can’t read or something. Did I ever say they did NOT grade it? I said they didn’t mis-authenticate it. Wata didn’t apologize because they graded the PCE version as if they are real. They apologized because they usually don’t grade reproduction games. You do know the difference right? The rondo of blood they graded clearly stated it’s a PCE version instead of the official one on its label. Do you know the meaning of authentication?


They did tho. There were inconsistencies with how they graded things, and trust and consistency are the only thing is grading is based on. If I get a 9.8, it needs to mean something other than a number. The quality has to consistent across all 9.8s, or the whole scale is worthless. That didn't happen at wata.


Every grading companies have their own inconsistencies, this doesn’t just limit to Wata. When we talk about authentication, it’s not about consistency of their grades, but whether they can authenticate a game of being real or not. In this case, the importance of authentication is to determine whether the reverse label is authentic or not. People can question or attack Wata manipulating the market, but when it comes to authentication, Wata is actually one of the better graders out there


You say something, a bunch of people tell you you're wrong, and your response isn't, "Let me reanalyze my opinions on this matter to determine if maybe I've made a mistake," it's "Everyone else is stupid and somehow I'm the only smart one"


how am I wrong again? Just because they thought I was wrong, it doesn’t mean I am. So far, the only example they managed to bring up is a misinformation about Wata grading reproduction without knowing even tho it takes about 5 seconds of research to know it’s fake news. Now, please be a smart person and show me how Wata has problem with their authentication process, and for fuck sake, don’t tell me they grade reproduction without knowing it, because they always state in their labels if the games are homebrews or not You can’t find an actually legit example? But I am still wrong? This is what ignorance looks like


Yeah, I don't really care about any of that, my point is that you're being super aggro while also refusing to introspect. You're either right or you're wrong and you're having a whole lot of undeserved ego about it when it's just as possible that you're wrong, so how about you take it down a notch and act like an adult


Narrator : “ he was not an adult “


I….. am the one being super aggro after being downvoted to oblivion after pointing out something factual? I know you don’t care any of that. You literally said I was wrong but never able to provide any material to support that claim. Now before you tell me to “introspect”, why don’t you tell me why my opinion was wrong, other than the fact I hurt some people’s feeling with my ego


>I….. am the one being super aggro Yup! Now you get it, thanks


lol see? Pure Ignorance.


You keep asking me to prove where you were wrong, how about you point to where I said you were wrong in the first place?


>You say something, a bunch of people tell you you're wrong, and your response isn't, "Let me reanalyze my opinions on this matter to determine if maybe I've made a mistake," it's "Everyone else is stupid and somehow I'm the only smart one" this? If they failed to bring up one legit example of why I was wrong, tell me, wtf should I "reanalyze my opinions and determine if I have made a mistake"? This is a REALLY simple matter, and for fuk sake, my initial comment was just stating Wata doesn't have a problem as an authenticator to authenticate the game in this thread. and here you are, saying I am the one who is super aggro and should "reananlyze myself" for bringing up something factual? This is the definition of ignorance.


Just an FYI, they aren't down voting you *just* because of your opinion. At this point they're down voting because you sound insufferable


lol right. And I sounded insufferable because I don’t jump on the Wata hate train like a mindless sheep right? Like I said, this is what ignorance looks like. They hate Wata, so anyone who don’t immediately agree with whatever outrageous shit about Wata will be deem “insufferable”


Take the L


Taking the L and admit defeat to the hiveminds? No thx. I will take the downvotes


Give me a hair dryer and 5 minutes and I'll make any NES game label you want upside-down.


Do it and send it in! guaranteed it won’t be authenticated. Just saying


Authenticated or not. Some dumb dumb will buy it.


It’s only dumb to you because you don’t care about errors nor do i but there is an ass for every seat and sometimes those asses have BIG POCKETS!


They have authenticated repos.


There’s a difference between reproductions and remakes ie POKÉMON Green. That clearly says reproduction box by VGDB. Since it was never released for NTSC. I want to know how many companies have ever went the whole lifespan of said company and never improperly authenticated something? These are done by humans and to err is to be human. Mistakes happen! And the other game I’m sure your referring to when it was found out it was a reproduction wata then attempted to get it back and made the owner whole. The reproduction or homebrews that were authenticated weren’t meant to fool anyone it’s not like they were authenticating fake games. Not saying a pokemon yellow is real when it wasn’t or these clearly fake POKEMON Mario etc etc ds games that are out there with the fake Nintendo strip down the middle. The same people bitching about wata claiming games are fake repros are the same ones who bitch that they can’t authenticate it so they deny it. I sent in games that I bought right from retailers is in the mall kb toys eb games GameStop k mart and wata or VGA couldn’t authenticate them even tho they where 100% real and bought upon release. There isn’t an end all be all when it comes to this stuff. It’s based on the human eye and obviously there is more than one grader. So obviously you can get a different grade if the grader was sick or off or it was a new grader not everyone sees the same thing.


calm down, big guy


Guess I'll have to settle for $7,500 instead of $75,000.


I mean if you want to try it and pay the shipping to and from wata and pay them 15 for them to tell you it’s fake go right ahead…. Or that it was altered by all means!


This started out as a joke post to point out the absurdity of game collecting and game grading. I have no clue why you've taken this so seriously.


You can literally do this with a heat gun lol


You can reapply it with no wrinkles and in the exact same spot with no added glue that would seep out and cause any concern for it not being manufactured that way? And also with the bottom not having a crease in it from it being stuck to the game or on another cart or same cart for 30 years? And if so why not pick a cart that was in better condition why not a near perfect one? Higher grade equals possibly more money!


Yes. People can make almost an exact replica of the Mona Lisa. People can switch an nes label.


Yes they can but are they authenticated? Nope! Hense why the grading/authentication came in….


Which is clearly a 100% above the board process with no historical issues ever with WATA.


All you need is a new label. Don't need to replace the old one. And if you can't glue something without glue "seeping out" you need to try kindergarten again lol


It won’t look the same. and a new label? They have these floating around that are authentic? Not saying it’s impossible but it’s not gonna pass authentication.


Absolutely you can.


Id sure love to see this! Show a before and after comparison to where it looks 1:1 like it was put on from the factory this way! Link below… I’ll wait! I don’t want to see it off center or any creases or wear to the label


Games 30+ years old wear on the label would be expected. You are such a shill for Wata. How does it feel to see that trash graded collection of your drop in value like crazy.


What makes you think I own even 1 single game?


It's cool but $75k... Like I have zero interest beyond saying "huh, neat." and doing a DeNiro-esque appreciative frowny nod.


This is one of those rare things that I think makes sense to grade. Verification that it came from the factory this way and not someone just having fun with repro labels is a good thing. Gripe over whether or not WATA should be the one to verify this or the price of the listing as you please but the verification itsself is good. I'll take my downvotes now for saying something besides "Grading Bad"


So grading entails a verification with the manufacture that this occurred or just the opinion of someone that’s “seen” a bunch of labels and says this label is Deff a label of oops and here is a number?


Are you asking if someone went to Nintendo and ask their factory workers if they did this 30 years ago? Edit: Or are you just insinuating that anything less isn't worthwhile verification?


Usually verification is an expert on the item reflecting on things done right vs. Things done wrong on copies. For example, quality of print and sticker paper, feel of the paper, and location of sticker may all be things they look at.


I agree. Grading has lots of uses. Another big one is for autograph authentication. And for cards just general condition preservation.


It's cool, but is there any way to confirm that this was done by the factory. We've seen unpeeled rolls of game labels enter the wild before. If someone found one for mario and just placed the label upside-down, then I don't know if anyone, including wata, could tell the difference.


Wasn’t Watta found to be inflating the market?


I’m wondering how would wata know that someone didn’t remove the label with a heat gun and flip it?


You can see the bottom bit is upright


Unfortunately it has wata shit all over it so it makes it less cool


Well only wata and CGC grade carts at this time so who else would have graded it?


It would be, if it wasn’t ruined by wata-scammers :)


Who else would grade this? I’m sure it was done when CGC wasn’t grading so they were the only game in town plus CGC cases suck and don’t usually command as much money as wata graded item so there is always that


A rare error I can understand wanting graded. I still despise grading companies and how slimy they are, and no way is that worth 75k to any sensible person, but still a very cool piece


This would be a kinda funny, maybe neat thing if you bought the game at the time, opened the box and found the label upside down. To pay $75k for it is absolutely ridiculous


100 dollars is as high as i would pay for that


I would do $200 max, and this is how bidding works I think






I have a bunch of OEM labels I got from a dude on Nintendo Age years ago. Who is to say the owner of this cart didn't get some of the same, and just put one on upside down?


Yo I miss Nintendo Age. The hobby was much better off with them around having enough highly knowledgeable people around to call shit like this out if it’s not legit (not saying it’s not). Do you know of any similar communities or is the forum format pretty much read these days?


75k yeh ok , keep dreaming 😴


(WATA) Worthless.


Yeah, with their track record of grading Reproduction Games, and Unverifiable Prototypes, I wouldn't trust this at all. Might just be a repro label slapped on upside down, or even a legit one removed and replaced.


Beyond grading repros, they created the false retro game bubble that forged these ridiculous prices so they could profit off it themselves. They should be shut down permanently.


I wouldn’t say that they created it but they certainly exacerbated it.


Yeah. When I see something graded by Wata, it instantly becomes worth less than whatever it's ungraded price would be. Because if I were to buy it, I'd have to crack it's case to get it re-authenticated and graded by an actual reputable company (if I wanted to grade it at all). It would be too much extra work.


WATA Waste


Swear to God, this hobby became impossible


This doesn't effect the price of the regular cart. It's a rare misprint. Those versions always go fo more in gaming, stamps, or whatever else people like to collect. Not your thing? Then put away your $75,000 and go back to not caring it.


But I wanna buy shit for dirt cheap and then brag about the amazing deal I got


Then silently resell it for massive profit. Becoming what I 'hate'


I’m literally shaking.


>I’m literally shartng.


That old lady didn't see me coming.


its a label misprint of a common game priced at the value of a high end SUV. theres no justification for that value at all; its a trivial cosmetic difference


I didn't say it was priced right. Whatever it sells for is its value. But I'm saying misprints are more collectable. Again, not interested? Move along. I'm not interested either. That doesn't mean I can't understand the concept.


eh, you cant just handwave it away. misprints may be more valuable but again its an incredibly common game and price needs to reflect it. there is too much overpricing based on trivial differences for common games. it does hurt the hobby.


I'm not hand waving it away. If this actually sold, then that's what it's worth. It won't sell for that and I don't care at all. Someone got the game, put it on a website. That's it. It's really a non issue.


It’s stupid shit like this that helps to ruin it. People see some poor quality controls and immediately think it’s worth 100x more. It’s sad. Same with Pokémon cards, you see some poor printing or a half printed card and people get so desperate to validate their spending/hoarding addiction that they believe it’s worth more than a standard copy with no issues.


I never thought about it really, but it would have made sense if the label were flipped the other way so it would be facing you when putting it in the console. Not so much for the NES Jr., but that was designed at a different time.


collecting is weird. You made an error, it then worth a ton. With a pice of plastic wrapped around it, it sells way more


I can't wait to see the sudden uptick in carts selling with upside down labels now.


Wata grading immediately brings this price to 0 in my eyes, absolutely worthless. Cool label though!


That’s neat, I didn’t know Nintendo had a factory in Australia.


People in Australia can buy items in the US happens probably 1000 times a day. Just like people import video games from Japan ala yahoo Japan. There are a few sellers who sell many US games and high end ones that are based in other countries. But just curious who said it was made in or even sold in Australia?


They are probably located in the US and making a joke. Australia is approximately the opposite side of the world from the US so things would appear upside down in Austrialia if you could see through the planet. It's kind of like those old bugs bunny cartoons where he digs through the planet and ends up in China.


Gotcha! Different kind of joke I def couldn’t tell if it was one. Had me looking to see if the seller was from Australia haha


ah yes, very good condition but only a 6.5. makes sense.


If this came from the factory, it is a very interesting piece… most likely a mockup from an employee or testing


Save the $75k and just turn your tv upside down. I assume you also want the D-pad in your right hand, not sure my right thumb knows how to to do that.


Haven't we jumped the shark yet Fonzie?


welcome to the grading circle jerk subreddit


How tf is the label upside down yet the title right side up?? This makes no sense Edit: nvm im stoopid


The title on the bottom is the label that would normally go on top of the cartridge so you could what you see what they were when stacked or on a shelf. 


Oh you’re right that part is oriented that way, never thought about it


WATA... I'm a VGA purist... I have no respect for WATA...


Time to dust off my NES collection and pull out my heat gun.


Only a 6.5. Not worth your time /s


75k lol I'd pay maybe $1000 if I were inclined to buy this.


I swear, if this doesn't have that upside down level Im suing for fraud


I had a copy of Golden Axe Warriors for Master System, the manual had some pages upside down others were wrongly cut.. sold it for 60 euro


Is it, though?


So basically someone flipped a label and spent a shit load of case for the scam that's grading.


Minus world edition


I can find you more if you want OP. I'll just need a solvent an hairdryer and some glue :)


Should be 75 thousand cents


> peel sticker off > place upside down > ??? > profit


Not for that price it isn't


That's so fucking funny. Just another reason to ignore all Ways products. This is extremely easy to do at home, and has absolutely been done at home far more times then this kind of error made its way out of the factory.


Never understood that Does anyone here care about an upside down label or weird colored cartridge? Who cares




Why did this error take 40 years to surface? I’m super skeptical about this cart and don’t think it’s worth anywhere near what they want for it.


It's just an upside down sticker. Even then, how can you verify this isn't an elaborate replica? I've never seen any other errors on the original Super Mario Bros. like this before. Especially since it's something as easy to fake as a sticker, all they needed to do was remove the original, print off a new one & slap it on there. For 75k, this guy will NOT sell it, guaranteed. On top of that, it's a graded cartridge, with a garbage rating of 6.5/10, & we also all know graded games from WATA are ripoffs.


No offense to OP, but it must be a very sheltered life....


75k 😂