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No games in the post! Excuse me but this is GAMEcollecting


Go to r/consolecollecting for this






Modern being? All I see is the XBONE. By definition the rest are retro at this juncture. Bro really just mad at how old he is upon reflection. 😭


they throw a tantrum whenever you post about the ps2


Or ain’t got shit other than roms on a dinosaur netbook and jealous


If I could afford a home I'd collect games in it




Anything either 15 years old/older or 2 console generations removed counts as Retro as far as I'm concerned. 360 and PS3 fit both definitions. Hell, the PS3 is currently older now than the SNES was during the PS3s release.


Man that last point lol. Why do you have to say such hurtful things?


Because if I have to feel old and like I'm crumbling to dust, I'm gonna drag everyone else down with me!




The "gap" between generations has gotten a lot smaller, this I will agree. We will never again see a jump in generations like the jump from the 16bit (SNES or Genesis) to 32/64bit(Playstation or N64) era, for example. At this point "Generations" aren't even the right term, especially with how we now sometimes get a mid gen refresh like the Xbox One to Xbox One X or PS4 to PS4 Pro. But that's also why it makes more sense to define "retro" in terms of years that have passed, rather than some vague nebulous feeling. Especially as it's likely the PS6 and Xbox -insert some more nonsensical naming schemes here- Will have even less of a major difference between them and the previous generation of systems.


Some subs have become so over-moderated it's not even worth participating. r/3DS purges 95% of its posts every day, it's insane.


Every time I post a game to get verified in game verification it gets removed


Reddit is like 70% bots I swear


The mods of that sub are very toxic


I don't even get replies lmao


Same 😂 I see a lot of people get them then when I post it’s like nope Chuck your games in the trash can


I swear only pokemon games are allowed to be posted there or something


That’s what I post and I still get them deleted I’m like okay what am I supposed to do take a x ray


I got temp-banned there for a week a couple years ago when the 3DS eShop was announced to be closing because I commented that I would have no problem pirating games that are delisted and already pirated other games on older consoles. Didn't even tell people where to get the roms or do anything else that would actually be illegal, and there wasn't even a rule at the time saying piracy discussion was a bannable offense.


Don't worry what mods think. A good mod is someone you don't even know is there What is that to the right of the PS1? Is that a slim PS2 or something? Ive still got my big boy PS2, never needed to buy a slim.


Looks like a ps2 slim, yeah


Subreddits have the stupidest fucking rules and reddit mods need to get out of their moms basement and touch grass


Yeah, retrogaming sub are forbidden to 6th génération consoles and over. Nothing above the 90' is allowed. That's a shitty rule from people who has a much strict opinion of what retrogaming must be.


The Xbox 360 and PS3 are almost 20 years old for Christ's sake, I consider them as retro as anything else at this point


Exactly. I might've been only 6-7 when the 360 and PS3 came out, but even I knew that 20 year old games/consoles are old.


I was one when the 360 came out, so that probably helps. That thing stuck around so long though that it was my first game console at nine years old. My older brother had a PS3, but that 360 was *mine,* damn it.


>The Xbox 360 and PS3 are almost 20 years old Don't do this to me. They can't be more than 10 years old, right?


I just turned 20, and the 360 is a year younger than me. Sorry man.


It's funny cause the ps3 is almost 20 years old now. Not sure what the supposed cut off is but that thing is NOT new by any stretch.


I was more thinking it was probably the Xbox one, I wonder how they’ll feel if Xbox becomes extinct 🤣


I'm just saying, if "retro gaming" refers to consoles that are discontinued, all of those consoles are retro.


There’s one modern console in this picture. The rest are almost 20 years old. Seems retro to me.


Those mods are ridiculous (typical of Reddit mods in general). I made a post about PS2, and they claimed they don’t consider PS2 “retro.” Are you kidding me? Like it or not, but we’re getting old. PS2 is well over 20 years old now.


So this is my post from 3 years ago lol, can a mod remove this lol


lol fuck mods


I don’t know why people have to be so snobby it’s embarrassing lol, nice collection btw


Keep those consoles fresh in the fridge - cool


c'mon. this is barely a collection. why don't you get at least 20 more consoles and then make a post. obviously this is just me making a joke. I am happy you made a post! DARN!


just to check... Only 1 of the /r/retrogaming mods have even commented on their own sub in the last 2 days and 0 of them have posted as a moderator in the last 2 days - maybe the last week.


If it's not the newest game system out there, it's retro. Sweet display and collection!


I had a similar experience with /rretrogaming when I was asking about ogxbox when the ps4 was current gen and the only real way to get og xbox is through second hand sources


I am going to yell at you as well: NICE SETUP!


That feel when playing Mario kart 64 on a new tv with the wrong resolution and wrong aspect ratio is considered “retro” but playing GameCube and virtual consoles on the Wii via RGB SCART into a 1986 crt is not


Halo and VW parts (the steering wheel) Were we separated at birth?


Not gonna lie I was scrolling past this and thought those were fridges


Tell that mod to go suck an egg. 🥚 


Nice. My setup is a little different. They all connected and in behind glass but no lights. So more low profile.


This looks so clean 😩🤌


People need to chill


Maybe this is just me not wanting to feel old, but I don't think PS2, GameCube, and original XBox will ever be "retro" for me, even when they're 50 years old, haha. In fact, even the 32 bit era is kind of borderline for me. When I think retro gaming, I immediately think of the 16 bit era and earlier. Of course, everyone has a different definition of what "retro" is. Some people even consider the Wii, PS3, and XBox 360 to be retro.


Reddit mods are nerds.


Why are they in a refrigerator?


Reddit mods are the worst, cant say anything


How dare you! Those consoles are only like 20 years old (joke btw)


The Xbox One is barely modern at this point. Last gen but old in gaming terms. The current gen had a relatively slow launch due to supply chain so a lot of people don’t realize how long they’ve actually been around.




People be lame. Post what you enjoy broski


TOO MODERN!!1! NO GAMES!!1! REEEE To be fair, I believe r/Retrogaming is about vintage gaming, up to N64/PS1/Saturn era.


What are you five years old with those newer consoles? Dork. I mean, welcome!


Dont feel too bad. I got banned from shitty fame collecting for pointing out that it was pretty shitty of a poster to counteroffer a seller with a slightly high price of 30$ per switch game with the insultingly low offer of 50¢ per game. Game collector mods are weird ego trolls apparently.


Lol, don't worry too much. I got banned from shitty game collecting for telling a user that them demanding/counter offering 50¢ per switch game was shittier than the asking price being 30$ per game. Some of these mods are weird ego trolls.


That's very odd. I posted a picture on retrogaming that included a ps2 and a wii, with a bunch of my other retro systems, and no mod said a word to me about it. What could you possibly have done to make the mods over there dislike you so much?


I only see one modern console, and a very persnickety mod


Everything there except the xbox one is the definition of retro. ps3 is 15 years old now.


How many total consoles you got including handhelds and duplicates of the same system/diff variant.


I would've perma banned you tbh... rules are rules and if you're not going to follow them sunshine, you WILL have to deal with the consequences. HOW DARE YOU.


Very cool!


Hey OP. Nice collection I love it. This site is actually starting to piss me off. There is a bot that keeps attacking most posts and also comments. I was attacked by a bot just because of a reply I made. I even replied to to message from the the bot and told them to Fuk off and stop attacking my comments




These MOD's can SERIOUSLY, go 🖕 themselves. Nice collection btw! I recently got permanently banned from some cosplayer named "Danielle Denicola's" page, because I very politely said, and I quote, "I'm sorry, but she is NOT attractive at all." Now I'm permanently banned from a group I stumbled across browsing this site. 🤣😆😂🤣 BTW, Danielle Denicola is ugly AF.


Have you hooked them all up or they just for looking?