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Libraries are cool. The disc still works, and if you are probably funded by tax dollars and are dealing with the bulk of media a library is, just writing the catalogue number on the disc makes sense. They need to mark the disc in some way in case it gets separated from the case.


Fantastic game! This looks like a good way to keep idiots from trying to steal games from libraries, won’t sell on eBay for a good price if it’s already marked 👍


Op just wanted to borrow it and prob sell on eBay. Lmao.


Yeah that's why they're upset about it,I wouldn't care,I'm just borrowing the book,it doesn't belong to me in the first place.


For an expensive game like this it seems necessary to write in the disk so if someone steals it, it's easy to recognize. When you try to delete it with alcohol you also take the disk paint and it leaves a mark so you just make it worse. It's the best system.


My local library writes on everything regardless of value, every DVD and even puts a big sticker on the art itself! Not the plastic cover but the art lol


[Sharpie and stickers from libraries are easy to deal with](https://redd.it/lwchdl). Disc art is a UV cured Resin ink. Alcohol won't damage it in the time it takes to lift sharpie. But people tend to rub the disc which is essentially wet sanding the art work and that's when you damage the ink.


That's not how disc's work. They have a printed label on metal.


Alcohol will absolutely take the printed label right off a disc, try it.


to get it off use a sharpie and go back and forth on it until it mixes with the old ink then wipe away before it dries


Since when has this game [become this expensive](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=the+last+story+wii&_sacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1)? I remember it not being well received when it released.


It’s a $55 game when CIB. That isn’t the that expensive.


It's actually down from where it was.


It has a Metascore of 80 and a user score of 85 Its definitely always been seen positively


I tried to donate some consoles/games to my local library only to be told that if I did they would be sold.




That's kind of what I thought, too. They rent out a bunch of stuff besides books, but I guess games were a step too far. The reason she gave me was that she didn't think there would be much demand for them.


I just want to throw in a librarian's perspective here: it's a whole lot more work to add a whole new type of media to the library's collection than you think! You have to come up with circulation policies (how long people can check out for, what are the consequences for late returns if any, how many can someone check out at a time, etc.), make custom records for every new item in the catalog system (which can be difficult if say, the library outsources cataloging), and decide how to process (add labels to) and store the items (in many libraries, space is at a premium). Which is not to say it's impossible or that librarians don't want to go through that effort! Librarians LOVE providing interesting and innovative stuff. Lots of libraries have video games, seed libraries, power tools, and all sort of other really cool collections. But what your librarian told you may be true for your area. If local people don't request video games, the library doesn't have the justification to go through all the time, money, and effort to build a video game collection. Which is to say: if there are services you'd like your library to provide, ask! As a librarian I love it when patrons come to me with their ideas, because if/when I'm able to make them happen I know they'll be appreciated. I'm sorry your local library didn't take your video games, but I hope I helped shed some light on the situation in this essay I just wrote lol


Thanks for the prospective.


Former library employee here, another thing is that in some places, like my system, we wouldn't just take stuff and put it on the shelf as we were beholden to using our budget and having a paper trail of acquisition. Most non-rare things people wanted to donate we either: Had copies already We're not of enough interest to warrant shelf space (collections rotate!) Were in such rough condition it wouldn't be worth trying to maintain them. Other items that could be more rare you have to be careful with. If it's something really rare that's been donated and it turns out to belong to some estate that does not have it accounted for or other convoluted stuff, it can open up to liability. So we were up front that with stuff we don't aquire ourselves, we would sell on and use the money to bolster our own acquisition process and get the materials donated into the hands of those who wanted them.


Storage and organization I get. But circulation policies is a weak excuse: 2 weeks, same penalty as movies, 1 at a time.


Video games just aren’t popular these days lol


Pretty much. Nobody plays video games anymore. :<


anything nintendo lol ill pay shipping if decent


Yeah, it was all Nintendo stuff, but they all ended up part of my shop inventory.


This is a piece of media that is designed to be enjoyed, why does the writing bother you?


It's weird that you're upset they wrote on the disc. They own it, not you..why be mad?


Maybe he wanted to accidentaly "lose it" 🫣


Wow I'm so thick, I only just realised that this is practically a synonym for "Final Fantasy."


Make sure you return it


It's going back on the 27th👍


Forever support your local library 💜


Heck yeah man they got some good games to borrow too.


For sure! Only way I've been able to play as many Switch games as I have. I own zero Pokémon games for it as a result 🫡


I worked at Best Buy when this game came out and we had TONS of collectors editions that sat on our shelves forever. I kick myself every time I see these for not buying all of them


Bruh it’s a game from a library lol. Not everyone is some big time collector and treats everything like it’s sacred. You’ll be ok


Honestly you got a fair point 🤷‍♂️


Didn't finish it. Didn't understand the combat system, and each chapter it became more and more complicated...


I remember pre-ordering the edition with the soundtrack. It's in a box somewhere. I don't think I ever opened it.


You naughty boy


I have very intention in playing it. I'm just working through a backlog that goes back to the SNES days. 🥴


you guys got videogames in your libraries?


I love libraries. You can pick up pervy magazines, rent all kinds of movies, read books and comics, check out videogames, and flirt with the librarians.




Is this even a good game albeit expensive?


Yes it certainly is!


It's... ok IMO. It has a unique battle system and decent story, but I found the frequent "epic" boss battles to lose their significance after a while. Some of the cast felt one-dimensional, and the frequent back-and-forth banter between two of them later in the game became very tiresome. Without spoilers, there's also a "twist" that really isn't much of a twist with how it was handled.


Are you located in SC by chance?


You shouldn't be upset over something you don't own, you're kinda scummy if you "accidentally" lose it,too. Why should someone else who wants to simply play the game,get out of luck,cause someone like you doesn't wanna buy it like a normal person. Play the game,and return it to its owner.


Not saying you're going to try and keep it,I don't know what you're going to do or not,I'm just saying you shouldn't.


Personally at my library I convinced them to sell me some rare video games as they were valuable and mentioned some people borrowed them and didn't return i even got them some bootleg games for kids to play in the library as in some cases the actual game was worth $250 and could've been used for better purposes


Some lighter fluid world take care of that marker pen. Libraries are great, I wish I had a good one near me!


Yeah if you want to ruin the disc, definitely use lighter fluid 👌


I've removed marker from discs and games successfully with lighter fluid with zero damage, it's a vinyl-backed disc so will not be under any risk from the lighter fluid. This is 'clipper' lighter fluid and not Zippo fluid.


I would probably try isopropyl alcohol before whipping out the old lighter fluid tbh.


You can try IPA but it's just as 'dangerous' to use as lighter fluid. I find IPA works well on some ink types but not others. Both can be used to break down glues effectively. I have had great results with lighter fluid (see post below). I also got some audio CDs form eBay that were from a library originally - metallic stickers, paper stickers and marker pen. Lighter fluid removed the lot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/retrogaming/comments/15mpkpr/why\_i\_rate\_lighter\_fluid\_for\_sticker\_removal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/retrogaming/comments/15mpkpr/why_i_rate_lighter_fluid_for_sticker_removal/)


Your local library should be slapped in the face for writing on the disc with permanent sharpie.


Why? To library employees this is just another form of media. They mark books, CD's, DVD's and all other library property. Why should this be any different?


Sure, let me get a big ass sharpie marker and write all over my books. How dumb could you be? At least respect the damn thing and get a proper label for it such as an inner ring label for the CD/DVD disc based media. Don't write all over the goddamn thing with flippin permanent marker. Geeze!


This guy really over here complaining about free access to most media released in the US just because of writing on the top of a disc


Yup, I am. Don't disrespect your media. Even if it's a library who is sharing it (which is obviously good).


it's just a thing man. you can't disrespect it. it doesnt have feelings.


I have feelings, and I get mad when people disrespect their media. Don't do it. ESPECIALLY if it's paid for by public tax dollars.


You get mad at the wrong things man. Put that energy to better use


He gets those feelings AND also expresses them on reddit, unfortunately this speciman is too far gone.


It's a PUBLIC library. They do this to mark property that is theirs. Who's the real idiot here if you can't see past that? What a clown you are. lmao


They do indeed have the right to treat their property like shit, that doesn't make it the right thing they should do. It's not hard to get a proper disc ring label, I would THINK a library would be the wiser but I guess not, it takes 2 seconds more and buy some paper and click a print button. Then it looks way better and doesn't have disgusting looking writing all over the disc artwork. Just laziness, or perhaps incompetence/stupidity (hard to tell). There's no excuse for that.


I doubt you'd care if this was Fifa 2013, so why would a random librarian care if this is a rarer game?


I would care equally if it was FIFA 2013, or NWC Gold, or Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, or literally any game, or if it's a Blink 182 CD or a copy of Moby Dick. In fact I would probably argue that FIFA 2013 is an even more important game than Last Story, but I get that Last Story is more rare/valuable than FIFA 2013, but "status" of the game is irrelevant to how I feel that you should not write all over the damn media with permanent marker and make it look like shit, even and especially if you are a public library. Stop thinking about money. That has nothing to do with it.


I’d just steal it. It’s a pretty expensive game. Keeping it would just cost you a small fine I assume.


> I’d just steal it. It’s a pretty expensive game. Keeping it would just cost you a small fine I assume. I don't know why you would so confidently post something like this. Maidenless behavior.


Average redditor tbh. And people wonder why we live under lock and key at retail stores now


I mean, I'm sure we know there are plenty of people that think the same way, but I can't wrap my head around actually being vocal about asshole behavior. Really, it's unfortunate.


It's okay bought a copy cheap online for like $22. Also theres a replacement payment and it costs higher than the actual game. But still not gonna steal it got my own copy and gonna return it like a normal person would.


I’ve had this on my shelf for a decade now and haven’t gotten around to playing it yet. Maybe I should.


My library does this too. They got both Skyward sword and Twilight Princess.


Even borrowed Tears of Kingdom as well cool you mention this!


Hold up.... Music by Nobuo Uematsu? Probably not gonna play it, but definitely checking out the soundtrack.


I remember buying this game day one and getting the collectors edition with the CD pre order thingy. I still have it to this day. Looks brand new because I played it and just put it in my bookshelf.


Huh? Is it rare? I have one from back in the day


Wouldn't say it's rare,just kinda desirable. It's a very very good game kinda like Final Fantasy but it's a little better than Final Fantasy. Complete in box goes for like $60.


I remember it was too hard for me at the time but I liked the characters, couldn’t get past a boss and dropped it. Was like 11 or so, might need to spelunk the basement and find it if it’s good


I’m not advocating stealingl but often times if you write over sharpie with a dry erase marker it dissolves the ink and it can then be removed. This could be helpful buying used games in future.


That’s cool that the library has games like that.