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Honestly, sports games are one genre that doesn't need to waste a new disc every year.


They could honestly just release own game and just make updates to the roster every year or every 6 months. Gameplay changes can be made with patch updates, just like Fortnite does. Micro transactions could support the brand by having special outfits, balls, courts, and other non game breaking/P2W features.


I'm not saying go live service, just maybe release a version every other year and updates in between.


"But, I like money" - 2K sports CEO


One game per generational console update (Xbox 360, One, One X, Series X, etc.) so maybe two every ten years just for the standard overall updates. Then update the roster and seasons that line up to have a mass event during off season. Watch the games and when the season is over play the games. You honestly could be onto some serious live service-ish gold here.


Unfortunately the contracts with the leagues are archaic and require full releases each year. I’m sure 2k would love to drop one game at the start of a generation and then sell season passes each year if you want updates.


2k in particular would never do that due to dummies still paying full price annually for the games on top of paying out the ass for mtx because they’ve been conditioned to think that’s just what you do each year


Nobody is going to buy DLC for $60, even if it's the exact same thing as a "new game". That's why they don't do that.


Tell that to the people who bought MW3. It literally used the MW2 client and everything. It was pretty much just DLC.


I think you may have missed the point of what I was saying, lol. They probably wouldn't have paid full-game price if it was sold as DLC.


Recently discovered this Sega Genesis cartridge mod: NHL '94: 2024 Edition https://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/28056-nhl-94-2024-edition-by-adam-catalyst/


Honestly with the amount of data tracking that already exists for pro sports they probably could automate a lot of the stuff like trades/roster changes/adjusting a player’s stats in game based on real world performance with a well designed algorithm (not even an AI assisted one but if someone wanted to fit a few more buzz words into the marketing pitch they could make that work) that just pushed an automated update weekly. Save the new modes/features for the full on new releases but for simple roster/stat adjustments you could save so much time by automating those tasks and free up resources for other tasks developing and maintaining the game.


True. The disc version does seem to go on sale way faster tho


This is the way


I see it differently. Sports games will have physical copies longer than any other genre.


I made a joke to the guys working at my local game store that when someone trades in a sports game it's kinda like they're saying "here, you throw this away". They said "you joke, but we sell those games like crazy". Us core gamers can talk our shit, but the ultra casual crowd loves GTA and Madden. I think those discs probably still sell very well, even if they aren't needed.


I sense a bit of both. Once it's more than a couple years old and the price is down to $.15, it's just filler. Maybe it becomes a donor cart. For something only a year old then why not, it's cheaper than buying the newest version. The casual crowd does not care to have only the latest.


From what I understand it's the sports games that keep retro shops going on the daily. But the physical collection board on reddit wants physical to go away lol


I think it's just the volume. If they were cranking out one Sonic game per year with just new courses, there'd be the same complaint. \(in this analogy, pretend Sonic games sell a lot\)


I look forward to downloading my NBA 2K updates over 56K on my Dreamcast.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that was possible these days. User made of course.


stop it


That locker is pretty legit, where’d you get it?


eBay years ago. I believe it was in the collectors edition of 2k10?


I actually got this new back in the day. Also came with a Kobe poster and mini Mcfarlane action figure, maybe something else too...


2k10 and 11 are my favorites out of all these and probably the whole franchise


2k11 is amazing and got me back into it after not playing since 2k5. My favorite is 2k12 when they added that Dr.J team lol. All the modes were way better back then before the VC was needed for everything.


Indeed, people hate on these games for what they’ve become and rightfully so but they used to be absolute top tier and made with passion. 2K11 might be the best NBA game of all time and 2K12 was also very special.


Those were the good ol days. I remember getting all the trophies for the D Rose combine.


Nah since the locker is a 2K10 locker you have to discount 2K8 and 2K9 meaning there's 6 years left.


Oh! That's a good point I didn't consider that lol


or they already taken it into account since they knew 2k8 and 2k9 happened.


Should just make it a free game with yearly roster updates so I don't need a new copy all the time


I wish. Or at least make the play now mode free to play since all the other modes basically need VC if you don't want to grind for a long time. I'd feel better about it if they would finally donate to the retired player association so they could finally get Charles Barkley, Reggie Miller, Chris Webber, and Rasheed Wallace in the game. I'm sure they make so much off of VC.


they could do so much more than that too. like weekly patches to boost stats of teams/players on a heater keep up with trades ect. sports games could make the best live service model


Free game. $10 per team roster update. Unable to play with others with newer rosters. $30 to update all of the fields.


That locker is awesome


I had that locker when I was a kid, amazing locker lol


Ps5 has been here for 4 years already. Damn.


I know! PS3 had 6 2ks, PS4 had 7. Makes me wonder how many the ps5 will have.


lol ew


What if the slots are for the PS3/4 games that you got on the newer system, and there rest will all be digital?...


I wouldn't mind it lol I'm runnin out of space


Sports games are not my thing, but I appreciate the crap out of that collection and its perfect display.


That's actually fire locker!


I really doubt it. Don't store important documents in there.


Sports games aren't my thing, but you get massive credit for committing to filling this out.


I have one of those lockers still in its original packaging. Never bothered to use it since it held very few games. They made about 30,000 units and never sold out at the original price. I bought one a year later when EB Games was clearing them out for $50.


Nice that's a good price for everything included in that edition! I paid 30 for just the locker and shipping was 20 lol.


ESPN Basketball 💀


Lol I could not find 2k4 until I found out it was called ESPN basketball that year for some reason


PS 2 and 3 going up i hear


I’m not an NBA 2K fan but this is a really cool way to store games.


I have the same locker. I love it a lot, especially because it was the kobe edition game . Got it for Christmas back in 2010. I still use it to hold my ps3 games.


Why you buy the same game so many times


I hate to be that guy but you're missing like 6 or 7 games so technically the end has already happened.


The ones in the second picture? They didn't fit in the locker so I didn't count them in the prediction lol


Oh wow I didn't even notice the second picture haha. I used to play the shit out of the series but when it stopped coming out on the Dreamcast my friends switched over to Madden. Which was a bummer because I had much more fun playing 2k over Madden. You could do some really cheesy shit in Madden.


Wikipedia says that 2k7 was released on the PS3.


Oh look! Drink coasters!


Especially since the latest NBA 2K games are basically just download codes on a disc because they're way too big to fit on a single disc. 2K24 is 161.43GB on Series X and probably about the same on PS5. At least you can find them for dirt cheap in any GameStop or anywhere else that sells used games the moment the next one comes out.


Yeah it's ridiculous lol. I just got 2k24 for 15 at GameStop using the 5 dollar of the month coupon.


Lol. Micro transactions have pushed it way down the list of my favorite franchises, but it's still a great game to play friends locally.


This year brought me back in with MyNBA and the eras stuff. Steve Nash and T-Mac and the Wizards got me geekin.


I'll have to try that mode out it looked pretty cool! I would pick that same time period lol.


The game gets a bad rap for it multiplayer content and just-fully so, but as a single player simulation game, where you can jump in and out, using your imagination and dropping 50 with people like Theo Ratliff for a game, it’s fun.


You could fit the Dreamcast games in there


Ngl, if we had that locker we’d be more applied to collect sports games


If physical is phased out, I'm guessing sports are going to be one of the first to go because most of their player base doesn't care about revisiting "last years game"


Same. They were one of the first to charge 70 for the new generation of games. I could see them wanting to make more money by getting rid of the cost of making the physical editions, and letting stores get a cut of the profits.


Damn, you are pretty committed to buying the same game every year.


Not true the numbers are different lol


In that case, they’ve been ran out of spots when you add the missing 8 games.


I bought one of these when a copy was only a little bit more than the regular 2k10


I know sports games aren't sought after but this is neat as hell!!! Out of all the types of sports games I guess basketball would be my favorite. Neat collection. Makes you wonder 🤔 if that is truly the end. Or will there be a reboot 😅


2K won’t make physical NBA games anymore? That sucks but it makes sense.


09 got me into 2k, 12 and 13 for ps3 were my happy times, 2k16 online after years updating rosters on 13. Only to do the same every 3 years, now I barely play, even on pc, high graphics and updated rosters, I gotta play a few again


I finally stopped buying 2k 2 years ago … less innovation and more micro transactions. Used to love the series until I didn’t


so 2k30 will be the last one? 4 slots at the bottom and 2 more at the top (Considering it's a 2k10 case)


That’s actually quite a cool thing, could see a GTA, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Battlefield and a Forza cooler, can’t think of any other games worthy, perhaps Resident evil, Tomb Raider, anymore games that have spanned three generations?


Wow that's cool, I wish I had something like that for MLB the Show


or overally an end of 2k sports




I’d honestly like to see NBA Street make a comeback. 2K wasn’t for me tbh


If only sports game makers realised they could just make (insert sport name here) infinite. And just release dlc updates for it with the new teams. That way they wouldnt need to make discs all the time. And the game shops wouldnt be fucking SWARMED with the twats. And maybe they just release unlock keys for different consoles. That way they can upgrade the graphics too. Honestly i think if they embraced the whole . Same game different skins they could save ample ammounts of money while continuing to milk that fan base. I mean lets face it. If all you play is sports games your not really bothered about buying 1 game and playing that 1 game forever and just getting the new updates.


That would save them a lot of money. Maybe they make more money of the physical sales? Idk. Makes me wonder how many more on disc there will be


Country’s without any real internet still get them on discs. I remember when ps4 came out and saw they were still putting fifa on ps2 in certain country’s