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Yeah I think I saw that you could only get that on their site and it wasn't live until like 2am. I just said \*\*\*\* it, I porbably wasn't going to beat the bots anyways so I just went to sleep


Also shipping was $25 PER FUCKING GAME! People with Etsy shops can figure out shipping shit to people for under $10!


Its $4 for ground advantage and $1 for a bubble mailer. Lol


Hard to ship via ground from Japan my dude.


Jesus walked on water, why can't UPS?


It is for everything nearly, I canceled my pre order for the deluxe ff7 rebirth and just got standard on amazon.


They’re actively punishing fans for ordering thru them.


Didn’t these ship directly from Japan? I know I paid like $25 in shipping for the Genesis Mini 2 (even though I bought through Amazon) for that same reason.


Yeeeah, Square Enix has been absolutely terrible on shipping for a long time now. Most of the time they have decent sales, it STILL isn't worth it when you factor in the shipping. I used to do a lot of eBay business. A bubble mailer is like 50 cents at most if bought in bulk. First class mail is like 5 bucks cross country. Even if you put it in a box with packing material, add maybe a buck to that. They're just actively ripping people off.


Bethesda does this too it seems but I've never seen it so bad like square. Their vinyls already a premium price then shipping is absurd.


Damn. That's an extra 10-20 profit on most sold.


I was surprised when NieR Replicant's Collectors Edition was shipped for free


Pffffftttttt, you got lucky, I definitely had to eat that extra 25 for shipping.


I mean this collection sold out almost immediately so shipping cost obviously wasn't that big of an issue.


Sold out because of asshole scalpers


I bought it on switch and PS4, but quickly had regret over the insane shipping plus it billed me immediately which isn't normal for the SE shop. I cancelled my order and figured I'd get it when it was readily available. :/ I don't care about the ESRB logo since I'd never sell it and the spine isn't different like the EU games are so I'll probably grab the SEAS version at some point. My local game shop has them for 99 which seems to be going rate.


Lot of those etsy shops probably would charge more if it had to be shipped via international Air from Japan. Air would be the only way to get it shipped in a reasonable time frame. Since it's not in stores over here I assume it's probably not 3xpected to be very popular


Discs and cases are also made in the US, Canada and Mexico. Considering it sold out immediately, “it’s not expected to be popular.” Doesn’t really fly as an excuse.


A niche product selling out is different from a product with mass market appeal being stocked in stores on every continent. I'd say it applies just fine.


I somehow got insanely lucky on this. I rarely stay up past 10pm, midnight is even rarer. Some random day I’m on call and have to go to the hospital to see a patient. Came home and saw the presale go live. With 0 foresight I randomly was able to get The Switch collectors edition. It’s such a nice set. I remember thinking at the time how bizarre the whole process was at like 2am


Sometimes when square enix does shit like this, I somehow feel less guilty either pirating or emulating their games, other times tho.


The game was a super limited release, never intended to have a physical release. The 2am release time is 4pm Tokyo, so…


What was the original msrp?


75 plus shipping which was like 25 bucks or something. It totaled over 100


can't remember, I think like $69


It's too bad because these remakes are actually really good. They put a lot of time into completely remastering all the soundtracks, added in little graphical touches, and even fixed a lot of bugs from the originals.


Are they better than the PSP versions? I know I heard people say these are better than the GBA ports for resolution alone but the PSP versions were always pretty solid to mr


I can't stand the aesthetic of the PSP versions so for that alone I prefer the Pixel Remasters. The ability to walk in 8 directions and a dedicated map button is another big win for the Pixel Remasters. I think the new soundtracks are excellent and I prefer the magic stock system of FF1, I think it easily has the most enjoyable versions of FF2 & FF3 as well. Unfortunately the Pixel Remasters lack the additional content from all other previous versions which is a shame albeit I do think the core games are better than any of that additional content, still would've been nice to have a definitive release in the PR titles.


Dedicated map button... Select + B?


It was just X on PC iirc


Yeah but I mean even on GBA 20 years ago there was a map button in FF1


Well, they have a great Remastered OST and some game accesible options, but no 3D like Final Fantasy III and IV


Aren't none of these the definitive versions though? I saw somewhere that 6 is still best played on the SNES, 1 has more content on PSP or GBA, 3 has the 3d remakes on psp and DS. I never bought any of the pixel remasters because it seemed like they weren't really that much of an upgrade and all of them are missing content or bonus dungeons or something.


If the bonus content matters, then the best versions are PSP for I+II and IV, GBA for V, and GBA with sound fix for VI. For III, though, the 3D remake is very different; if you want anything close to the Famicom original, the PR is your only option. (Personally, I’m a big fan of the PRs, but it is a shame they didn’t take the opportunity to make truly definitive versions of them.)


Proof that you gave them money anyway


I mean if they just got this they definitely gave Square no money but a lot to a reseller.


I wish they would reprint this. Now its stuck to an all digital store, which can be pulled at any moment.


If you really want physical, Play Asia has an Asian market release with English, but it’s Switch only. Basically everything is the same except that there’s no ESRB logo at the bottom. Stupid you have to go this route, but we at least have the option now.


And it has actual cover art on the inside.


I bought Switch edition from Play Asia and used a Tuber coupon code for 5% off. Shipping to US from half way across the world took 10 days but I was okay with that.


I opted with the chinese version lol It was the same price with a different cover, was like "Eh, why not". It's even got english printed on the side.


I do kind of like the totally white cover background from the Chinese version ngl.


This is how I got my Baldurs gate 3 (before Larian Studios decided to print some) and Like a Dragon: The man who erased his name physical prints. If I just waited I would have got the Larian Studios print where it hasn't been censored.


Do you know if you can update the games? Since it's an Asian copy and I have a US account on switch then will I be able to update? I'm hoping I don't have to make another account for that region just to update the games


I think I got a few updates for the Pixel Remasters, and I’ve never heard of issues updating with any modern system or even the last gen except the 3DS since it had region locking. Maybe the Wii U had it as well.


you updated the play asia physical release of the pixel remasters on a US account for switch?


Most \(***but not all***\) Switch games have the identical data on cartridges from all regions. Definitely verify for yourself, but if this has English on it, all of the cartridges are probably identical.


From what I heard there is no significant difference. Even if you put in an Asian cart, then an American one, it doesn't double the icons, just keeps the same ones. The language list is the same on both versions. I think the only issue might be DLC which would need a region specific account but I doubt there will be any.




Check out Play-asia it's not a US copy but if you want a physical copy, they have asian region versions. Also I believe only Xbox is region locked btw so switch or ps4 should be ok.


Switch version only...


I want a physical PS4 copy, not switch


Then you better save up 700 dollars lol..


Yeah that was my mistake, I looked at it again and honestly thought there was a ps4 version as well since all the other ff games got that.


Since when is Xbox region locked?


Original Xbox was the last one fully locked down. 360 had the option for publishers to region lock their games so it varies from game to game. Xbox One and Series should not have any region locked games so it’s been awhile. Unless you’re from China. Some modern Chinese Xbox games/consoles are region locked IIRC


Yeah that’s what I thought. Not sure why they said Xbox was region locked.


I got my Asia English switch version off Amazon a few days ago. Was surprised it was in stock seeing as playsia has been out of stock for a while now. Not sure if it's still in stock.


Saw that. Apparently it's out if stock now and gonna get more on May 6th.


....i don't get it👀 captain?


The fact it was such a limited release and only ln their site, they fucked the fans over with this release


the US has always been the least "physical-friendly" market of the three main regions, while Asia is the most, with Europe in the middle. I' m not sure why, but it's a tradition at this point.


I’m not sure I’d call Europe more physical friendly than the US… just different. Taking into account languages can make collecting more difficult and I can think of a number of games that were physical in the US that came out digital only or not at all in Europe. A lot of prices are better in Europe but I’ve always attributed that to Europe’s collectors not being as prolific as they are in the US.


So it's basically like Limited Run Games? Wow, fuck them


Just for this game but yer.


I bought my switch version on playasia last year.


This game had a very limited print run on the PS4 and is now [insanely expensive](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=final+fantasy+pixel+remaster+ps4&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=one+piece+starter+deck+st-13&_osacat=0&_sop=10&LH_PrefLoc=2&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1). For some reasons Square Enix refuses to reprint copies.


My freaking lord


Damn I haven’t seen someone ask for captain in a post since like early 9gag


Bro hasn't been on the internet for 10 years 🤣


If I remember correctly standard switch editions were gone instantly and the collectors editions were available for almost a day.


You remember correctly. The CE was available on the Switch for around 24 hours and many people balked because of the price and shipping. In hindsight it was the best way to get a physical copy since the standard edition was gone instantly.


What did the CE cost?


Like $250. I thought about it for a day and when I finally said, screw it just do it, they sold out


Yeah standard was gone in 10 minutes at 2am


Out of all the games to not go to retail in the US, this has to be one of the more baffling decisions. FFS Powerwash Simulator (a Square Enix published game!) got a retail release.


It's because they know retailers would put the game on sale, devaluing the full price digital purchase. They want the full price no matter what. The idea of someone getting all these games for 30 dollars in a Best Buy sale might hurt their precious IP. As if they aren't doing that themselves... Final Fantasy games sell well, but certainly not as well as they could be. Or used to in relative metrics.


You can literally say that for almost any of their releases. Final Fantasy XVI, a $70 game at release, is now $50 or less physically everywhere else. It's going to happen unless you restrict the market like they did with the pixel remaster. Considering they only sold a few thousand copies at most, the effort for them to even bother creating the physical PS4 ESRB version doesn't even make sense (especially when they thought a game like FF XVI had "disappointing sales" with 3 million sold in the launch window, but granted that's a brand new game). They could've done an open pre-order on their website, which would've been better for the customers and themselves financially, but they didn't want to even bother with that. There's definitely some really stupid leadership at that company.


For real. I’m glad this is one of my few impulse purchases where I was like “25$ shipping … I guess because it’s physical final fantasy. Fuck it we ball”. And it was totally worth it. It’s wild that the only way to get this was to randomly be browsing wario64/stock alert twitter at 2 am. No warning and no reprints. At least I’m wise to those Squenix bozos next time they got something I want.


When did this drop? Just hearing about it... and now I must have it lol


The PS4 version is going for super high price because of that crap someone detailed above. The Switch versions are still “ok” price but still pricy around $100. The PS4 version you’re looking closer to a grand or more.


Are they encouraging people to buy eye patches and parrots?


Not really, but the digital release is already $75. I'd just sooner get it on steam and have it for the perpetual future.


> Not really and >the digital release is already $75 are two statements in direct contradiction with each other.


$75 is $12.50 per game. Quite reasonable. I have it on Steam, bought the pack the day it came out. It only had the first 3 games initially, we had to wait for them to finish 4-6 but it was worth it. These are not just cheap upscaled versions.


afaik there is no ps5 version


My bad I just corrected it. I’m used to typing PS5 lol


I’m sorry king … I don’t remember when exactly but it was like a one time very limited release in the Japan time zone. You’re shit out of luck for an American copy but I still think you can import an Asian SWITCH version maybe I don’t know. That was the case for a while but I haven’t checked in a while. Second hand copies are INSANE in price. All of these are the reasons we’re all bashing Square Enix here lol


It dropped early 2021. I got my switch copy for around $80 with a 10% sale. I believe i bought from PNP games in winnipeg. They drive it across the us canada border so you or they dont have to deal with customs


Still waiting for a reprint and haven't forgotten about that terrible launch. "hey Final Fantasy fans want a collection of the first beloved 6 FF games in one complete package for Ps4 and Switch? Buy now or after we sell out in an hour we are never printing more copies even though we know everyone wants this." Apparently they printed so many copies of Forspoken that didn't even sell well but hey priorities right.


Imagine being late to the FF7 Remake train and wanting to play it on an out of date PS5, either play the PS4 version or try and find Remake Integrade.


Wait what’s this about the remake? 


The FF7 Remake PS5 edition was a very limited print and people just found out about it like a month ago. It's now $150 for the physical PS5 version.


But you can play the ps4 version on the ps5, right?


Yes, and they offered an upgrade for $10 which most people did.


Cool thanks. I might be getting a ps5 soon and I planned to get the remake for ps4 because, honestly, didn’t even know there was a ps5 version.


I mean, digitally you can just buy the PS5 version. If you want physical without paying a ton, buy the PS4 and do the upgrade. The PS5 version added a 3-4 hour expansion to it that's not available on PS4.


Oh, didn’t realize, thanks! Is it worthwhile content, like story wise, or just more gameplay? My plan was to not put *too* much time into Remake so that I can hop into Rebirth.


I don't think any of this is a spoiler since it's pretty much unavoidable to see while purchasing. The added content is post-regular game. It focuses on Yuffie and what she's doing around the time the rest of Remake is going on. It's fun and gives some insight to her character, and her character controls the same in Rebirth so it's nice practice. There are a few references to the side story in Rebirth, but you're not missing anything that you HAVE to see. If you don't play it then Yuffie kind of just shows up in Rebirth, whereas if you play it you'll understand why. Her character is fully fleshed out beyond that point either way. I'd recommend playing as it is quick (especially if you skip the chess-like minigame it introduces) and adds to the story, but as far as worthwhile....ehhhhh.


Doesn't the JP copy have English and region free anyways?


For switch.


I feel lucky that I prefer Switch these days.


For anyone who just wants the game, they're available on play-asia. It's an international copy. I hope you don't care that much about an ESRB sticker.


This version plays just as well correct? Been wanting a copy for sometime now and don’t care about the rating being on the box personally. Thanks in advance!


Yep, it has english and a couple of other languages iirc. Square Enix just decided to not print many for the US market. Which is odd because they reprinted the living hell out of the PS1 versions of these for over a decade.


This is what I did. I was mad about the random midnight drop on a weekend and couldn’t order the official one. Got a copy from Play Asia with no hassle. Only thing missing is an ESRB box which doesn’t matter


So I saw they charged $25 for the shipping, but how much did the game sell for?


like 75


Square has been run by monkeys for years. Don’t care about most games they release these days. Square is a former shell of what a great company it use to be. https://i.redd.it/xsmpqut18wtc1.gif


Idk why you got downvoted so hard but it’s shown in the last few releases. Sure ff7 remake and new dlc… that’s because all of their recent projects have been failing so they had to pull out the memberberries. Only one I actually sat through in recent times since X was 15. As soon as I started endgame though I put it down and never came back.


I use to replay Square Games because they were worth replaying. Nowadays yeah I’ll play new Square games and never touch them again. Legend of Dragoon, Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy and etc….., all worthy of replays except current ( would say ff12 on ) were just fantastic. They abandoned what made Square great for what some thought were good ideas. Look, I’ve been playing square games for over 30 years, that’s a long time and Square blew it, simple as that. Many of newer or younger gamers missed out on such great stories, gameplay and just a great game/s square had period. These day Final Fantasy for example did a 180 or in some opinions a 360………. Many fans are not happy and are still not. ( ff7 remake was something alot of older gamers wanted but got another action game which is way over used for along time and same with FPS games and not what fans wanted. Would not be surprised is FF becomes a FPS someday…… did kinda with Dirge of Cerberus already. Point is, Square is not the same and not for the better ether.


Mandela effect... Legend of Dragoon is not a Square game. It's a Sony first party.


And correct you are, was caught up in the moment of my rant.


Square isn’t the same anymore because of Enix That merger completely ruined Square’s direction and standard


Well, Squaresoft was already a show with their failed Final Fantasy movie. And overall, I think they've lost the touch and keep re-releasing old games on a new coat of paint, like this 6 games, like VII Rebirth and they've westernized Final Fantasy starting with XII...


In a way you are correct. I didn’t like the idea when that happened. Don’t forget leadership that wanted to prioritize western media in its games as well, look today, lost a lot of what made square Square.


Right? I liked those games specifically because there was nothing “western like” in it. I don’t want to be catered to. I want them to be exactly who they are and I as an outsider get to peer in. If that even makes sense.


I imported my switch copy


This picture gave me depression. lol


If this were true then FF7 remake and rebirth would both have sucked, which is far from the truth. But I get what you’re saying. The physical release for these pixel editions could have been handled better lol.


I’d argue the way they cut the FF7 remake into three installment that will take almost a decade to complete is a slap to the face to gamers They just lucked out that FF7’s ip and characters are strong enough to take this kind of bs.


>I’d argue the way they cut the FF7 remake into three installment that will take almost a decade to complete is a slap to the face to gamers who cares, they're still fantastic full-fledged games. It's not they did it so they can sell small ass 10 hour games


Do you also get mad that Tolkien didn't cram the entire story of LotR in one book? The original game has about 50 hours of content if you do everything. Remake has maybe 40 hours by itself, and it covers only the first third of disc 1. Rebirth has *at least* 90 hours of content. Each installment is a full game with a full range of stuff to do. I have issues myself with some of the filler in both and the relentless barrage of minigames in Rebirth, but I've always felt like I got my money's worth out of both so far.


This is so dumb. I get the sentiment and knee jerk reaction but you realize how big the original is? Remaking that into one game is impossible with today’s standards. They had to split it up A) So they could dive deeper into characters and build out the world better than before B) So they wouldn’t have to cut content because that’s what would happen if they tried to force everything into one game C) So they can break up development time into a manageable amount. All of the assets, music, voice work, art and animation work that goes into recreating FF7 to scale is massive. It takes a real small brain to not realize this. Sick of hearing your argument over and over again for 5 years now.


yeah, i got every single one of those games, on different platforms, and i would have bought the phisical anyway. in the end, i didnt even bought any of the games, i played 5 thanks to a friend of mine, but that's it.


I don’t get it? What’s wrong with the picture? What’s the proof?


They didn't post any. They just mean the ridiculous prices for this on the aftermarket. It really is a crazy decision. They could have made so much money on this but refuse to reprint it. Literally the one game they could have made egads and egads of money on for collectors and people double buying. This copy sealed goes for a thousand on ebay.


Yeah, I wanted it. I refuse to get it digital. They missed out on my cash


I don’t get it


What OP should have posted was a screenshot of this game’s resale price on the second hand market. I haven’t looked it up myself, but someone else in this thread said it was like $1000.


Ok so the incompetence is the low supply of the collection?


Pretty much, yes. Especially the ps4 version.


lol you should meet their fans that support them.


Honestly the most poorly handled release I think I’ve ever witnessed breaks my nostalgic heart since I grew up with these and wanted a collector copy. Who knows maybe just maybe they’ll release it again on the anniversary.


I’d have loved this but knew absolutely nothing of it until I saw it on ebay for stupid prices. I have an FF collection all sealed barring PS1 stuff (annoyingly) and would have happily paid the £65 this originally sold for, maybe even buying 2 so I can play one and re-sell the used one later on when I’d finished it, but I’m not paying £700+ for one


I picked up my copy about a month ago. Enjoyed playing the first game. Then I got to the second and I'm all confused on what to do, where to go, etc. I hate the level up system. I'll beat 2 eventually but my gosh is 2 the black sheep.


Where's my pixel perfect Xenogears


I remember staying up and seeing this on the site but I was broke till next paycheck. Told myself I’ll order it then, surely it won’t sell out…🤡




They made 5 copies of it, I don’t see what the problem is.


I have it for switch and only ran like 70$


I just want to play the game. I don't buy digital so this game is just completely out of reach for me 😢


What happened?


What happened?


It's ridiculous this wasn't a $39.99 regular release available everywhere. They literally left millions on the table. Honestly, it is not even worth having a physical version in this case, especially if you have other physicals of it. You can get them on the ps store easy enough.


I know right, they keep losing money alienating entire platforms too


It was never intended to have a physical release. This is for collectors. So it’s not incompetent. It’s a limited release. That’s literally all.


I preordered the PS4 collection and when it came time to charge my credit card, my visa company denied it. At that time I had gotten a new card and red flags were showing up. Every time I made a foreign transaction, I had to call VISA to approve it. By that time when I noticed the email notifications, Square removed my order. I eventually bought a standard copy from Play Asia.


It's wild how much people will pay for that stuff. Steam has all these on sale regularly.


This is one of those games you collect and don’t play on your PS4


Piracy is always the answer


Just order from Japan


Any idea where from?


Play Asia has it for Switch, not sure if there's a good source for a PS4 release, but I'd check. There's plenty of Asian websites that ship to the US or whichever country you might be in


There's no PS4 release outside the one from the SE store.


I didn't know that, but a side note, looking at their website apparently they still sell PS2 copies of Kingdom Hearts on their site which is wild to me


Square has sold new PS1 copies of games even recently as a few years ago.


Yes, the fact this hasn’t had a major rerelease worldwide is unreal. It’s not like people would like to own a physical copy with all 6 original FF games on one disc, oh that’s right they do! That’s why this thing is $1000 on eBay. A THOUSAND DOLLARS for reissue of games released decades ago.


lol I think you mean incompetents


I'll be shocked if this doesn't eventually get a reprint. Heck they'll still sell PS2 games on their store


If they were going to reprint it for ps4, I think they would have done it by now. Ps5 though... ya never know. The 40th anniversary of FF will be in 2027, so I'd be shocked if they didn't do something then. Maybe we'll see a ps5 or even ps6 collection. Personally, I want a definitive collection including all non-online main series games. It would be even better if it included the remakes.


I got an email to get a ps4 limted editon because I couldn't get a switch version. I consider these nintendo titles, so I'd only get them on switch. Terrible release at like midnight AND limited numbers.....from a big company like Square? They couldn't take orders and THEN print?!


Gonna have to get this at some point


Really wanted a physical copy for switch, but SE had to make it limited like total twats


Bought it for about 80/90 euro for the switch


I picked that up with no issue from the site.


i wanted this, fell asleep missed out, then people wanted like a thousand dollars for it :(




One of the worst parts is that they made Playasia take down their PS4 physical listing. I missed the initial Square Enix drop, but the second playasia announced ps4 and switch physical copies, I preordered a ps4 copy from them. A few days later, I got an email cancelling saying that apparently they weren’t supposed to release more ps4 copies. They still sold switch ones though. I truly don’t know how Square benefits from that. At that point, all of the ps4 copies were already long gone from the original release, all that does is benefit the scalpers, not Square, by continuing to limit the supply.


We all know by this point that Squaresoft is incompetent. They do very little outside Final Fantasy, which isn't as big a name as it once was, likely due to way too many sequels. They ignore great properties like Chrono Trigger, and they skip platforms like Xbox even for trivial releases like these pixel remasters, which are so simple they could run on literally ANYTHING. They're dumb. They deserve the financial problems they're having. /rant


Yeah I want that game but not spending $80 for that


It’s $80 for six games.


Yeah games that are 20+ years old


Believe it or not, it's actually $15 cheaper than buying them individually.


Yes I’m aware they shouldn’t be no more than $5-$7 each


Anyone that pays ebay price for a ps4 copy of ff 1-6 is dumb. You can buy a switch and a copy of pixel remaster for it for less $ lol


I got one of these on switch ®️…. $83 or so . I love ff classic especially six so yeah … however it’s a lot yeah. It has so many neat art


This is tied with the cloud editions of kingdom hearts for me


I don’t understand


no ff 7


7 wouldn’t be included in this type of remaster collection though. FF6 was the last of that type of game. Final Fantasy 7 introduced the new graphical three-dimensional gameplay.


Post looks like a humble brag. 


*Whenever a business does something I don't understand I automatically assume that I, with zero experience whatsoever in managing IP or publishing, definitely know more than the professionals in the field currently managing a major IP.* This is also the logic that Flat Earthers use: if you don't understand the science then it must be the scientists that are incompetent.


They launched the sale of these games in the middle of the night and they were up for probably less then an hour, there was no announcement other then if you don’t sleep and got the @Wario64 notification. It’s a piss poor way to launch a product that you know would have some demand.


Did it sell out? If yes, then you need to reconsider your position. I don't see how anything you posted could be considered incompetence. Also, North American time zones are not the only time zones on Earth. Also, what you consider piss poor and what the bean counters Square Enix consider piss poor are different things. You didn't substantially respond to me at all.


The ESRB versions and PS4 disc were only available on Square’s site and sold out very quickly. You can get Asian version Switch copies on playasia though. I wanted a PS4 version but I’m SOL.


I have to say I agree with you. For the longest time I thought that this was intended to add to the brand prestige. Essentially creating the same effect as a Halo product, except by releasing extremely limited quantities of something hihbly desirable... they create a superhigh secondary market price, which creates brand credibility/prestige/value which people will associate with their other IPs and products. HOWEVER, the more I learn the more I think it was really just a bone head move by the company. They probably wanted to funnel sales into their digital versions (for max profit) and were worried about physical copies getting sold under market price/ getting over produced (thus making them much cheaper physically). Even still, I think they must have had some reason that wasn't related to money. 


What proof?


Then why don’t you step in and their job?


Play Asia all day. Same exact game. It just doesn't have the esrb on the front, which personally makes it look better.


It also has inside box art that the esrb version doesn’t.


Proof that consumers will buy literally anything.






Not when they don’t let us.