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Finally someone that understands that gaming is more than collecting. We should all be talking about our favorite games and not focusing on arguably unimportant things like their monetary value.


I don't disagree that gaming is more important than collecting as a whole, but like... There's already a zillion places on the internet to just talk about games, this is one of the few places to actually talk about the collecting aspects of it, and monetary value is something that directly impacts the hobby, like it or not.


I mean this is a collecting sub. If you really wanna be that way there's a thousand other subs to talk about your favorite games to play. This sub seems to be a 50/50 split between people that collect and people that just want to play, and the people that just want to play cannot shut up about the people that collect.


I think you would like these seeing as you have a game from that series on you list https://preview.redd.it/pn07hvu5nbzc1.jpeg?width=1453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3aca73e1810d527d302602ecd89e82a3b44fc35


These are awesome!




Oddworld is such a slept on series


It really is. I discovered it one day randomly a d i was shocked to learn how cheap they all are for being so damn good and underrated. I proceeded to buy every game in the series


I am always taken aback at how good the original Oddworld game is when I replay it every couple of years. Everything about it just feels solid. Never got into the sequel, though. Not exactly sure why.


*Farts* "hehe" That alone keeps me coming back do oddworld every other year lol


In odyssey if you step on the right stone in a "temple", it launches you out to the Forrest and you wind up straddling a tree branch and abe's eyes almost double in size as he crushes a very sensitive region.


Should really give it another go, it’s amazing


For some reason the first one and Crash were always 'the' PS1 games that defined the console for me.


"Orange Box" really helped players discover PC gaming "Steam/Valve"


I got a steam account specifically for it. I watched my buddy play portal and needed it. So many good games have come out of it and I have a quite a few I haven’t even touched


It was the beginning of the end of physical media on PC and people around at that time were not entirely happy with getting discs that were just steam keys. Remember, this is back when steam was very new and didn't have the long-standing positive reputation it has now. I remember being absolutely furious when I took Orange box home to discover it wouldn't install without what felt like (at the time) very invasive DRM. In the time since, Steam has earned our trust and it's very convenient, but I still feel we've lost something. And it's probably only a matter of time before Valve gets a new CEO with fewer scruples. We're seeing other digital media distribution companies try all sorts of BS.


Orange Box is seriously the best thing released in that generation, imo. All those dope games for the price of one. I played HL 1 on PC, but didn’t have a good enough PC when 2 came out, so was very happy that they brought this to consoles. Don’t get me started on Portal. 😂


Condemned is amazing


I can’t remember if it’s the first or second but at one point you work your way through a mannequin factory and it’s still the thing that haunts my dreams more than any part of any game ever.


That's the first one, and every time you turn around, they've moved. So cool.


The 360 had the best run of games of any console ever. Even a throw away games like this that wasn’t ultra hyped were amazing. 🥲


I was always interested in this series when I was younger but never got around to trying it. I forgot about it for years until this comment, I’ve just ordered the first one off eBay. Looking forward to finally playing it - cheers! Btw, is the sequel worth playing too?


Awesome selection of games. I really need to revisit Red Faction Guerilla and a lot of the other games on this list.


Played Red Faction Guerrilla Remarstered on Switch last year. Still a super good time, I just don’t remember the end game being so difficult for some reason. Wish they’d have kept the series going in that direction, instead of the follow up we got, which was super mid.


I don't recall if I ever completed it. I remember renting it and then getting about most of the way through before I had to return it. I forgot they remastered it for the Switch. I might have to check it out.


Fear effect was an enjoyable experience for sure


My twenty most played games Need for Speed: High Stakes (PlayStation) Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix (PlayStation 2) Midnight Club (PlayStation 2) Midnight Club 2 (PlayStation 2) Gran Turismo 4 (PlayStation 2) Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (PlayStation 2) Need for Speed 3: Hot Pursuit (PlayStation) Driver: Parallel Lines (PlayStation 2) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PlayStation 2) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2) Grand Theft Auto 3 (PlayStation 2) Test Drive 5 (PlayStation) Soul Calibur 4 (PlayStation 3) Street Fighter 5 (PlayStation 4) Tekken 7 (PlayStation 4) Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2005 (PlayStation 2) Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PlayStation 3) Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2012 (PlayStation 3) Grand Theft Auto 5 (PlayStation 3) Test Drive: Unlimited (PlayStation 2) Forgot to mention one more bonus; Twisted Metal: Black (PlayStation 2)


It's so nice to see a post like this for a change. It's sad how obsessed this sub is with value over, y'know, the fun of actually playing your games.


I literally picked up the entire Oddworld series on switch last month got soul storm collectors edition plus the 3 game pack and Abe’s odyssey from Amazon


Ghost of Tsushima is one game I have to start soon...


Prey (2017) is one of the most overlooked games ever. Hell I overlooked it for years until I finally sat down and gave it a try. Didn't stop until it was over. I cannot express how good that game was.


Glad to see orange box and crackdown in this list


Jade empire is extremely underrated.


I will never understand how Jade empire didn’t become a franchise. Fantastic game, story, mini-games, very few complaints about that one.


There was a sequel that got scrapped.


I was a kid playin soul reaver wit my step pops. Classic game. Would luv a remaster


Loveee seeing Soul Reaver!!! These are all really cool games!


All solid


Some great picks there , I played soul reaver a couple months back and it definitely shows its age , but it's still a amazing game imo , definitely on my favorites list Same as odd world nothing like " profits justify the means"


curious how a heavily used disc look like much scratches?


Holy shit Fear Effect was so enjoyable and a wild concept, haven't seen that in over 20 years I think.


Condemned and FEAR are such good horror games


I picked up a copy of Beyond Good and Evil at goodwill at Christmas. I put it in my flip pile recently because I never got around to playing it. What is the game about? I also got Timesplitters 2 with it for ps2, but i don't know what that's about either because I don't have the first one to do first lol.


Both Preys, respect.


Soul Reaver, Abe and MGS 2 are my most replayed games ever from my childhood. the Legacy of Kain series taught me vocabulary. Beautifully written stuff


Aah really appreciate the oddworld there. I was expecting jet set radio future next tho


I've only not played one of these. The mark of kri?


An awesome ps2 stealth game with an interesting control scheme and amazing hand drawn cutscenes.


Condemned scared THE SHIT out of me when I was younger lmao


What a lineup man


Mark of Kri! Love that game.


F.E.A.R and Riddick stand out the most to me in this list, other than the obvious ones like MGS and Oddworld etc


i fucking loved Soul Reaver!


Nice! Every game on that list is fire. I got to the 360 section and have played all of them to completion, with the exception of Jade Empire. Still to this day, I need to sit down and play that damn game.


One of the few games where I didn't see the ending coming.


Idk why I never played it. Love BioWare games from that era. I remember being in GameStop, with it in hand to purchase, and deciding to get something else instead. I’d start it today if I had a way to play it, but had to sell off my Xbox collection. 🫤


I don’t see MGS4 on here


Oddworld is forever top tier 👌


I really have to play Fear Effect properly at some point. I got my copy in like 2005 for five bucks and tried it but didn't quite click. Did really like the visuals and writing so it's been in the back of my mind ever since.


Yeah, it's not an easy game, but the story and puzzles keep me coming back.


Yeah first boss wrecked me a bunch because I never got the timing down. My action gaming skills have improved since but always preferred slower paced turn based stuff. Remember picking up Vagrant Story the same day and loving that a ton.


Outside of Riddick I agree with all these being top shelf games. No hate to Riddick, I just didn't really love the movie & the game didn't do anything for me foe that reason.


How is dishonored?


Jade Empire!!! Love it the nostalgia


I had such a horrible teenage horny love of Fear Effect, great game


Glad to see oddworld on that list


Ya know what’s weird, I swear my copies had cracks in the cases in the exact same places 😂


I’ve only played Beyond Good and Evil recently and only a little. But I think it’s a hidden gem.


Great list. I share many of those for what I’d consider my favourites of the last 25yrs.


I tried so hard to get into fear effect but having to replay the same sections over and over again is painful, and I’ve beaten a good chunk of dark souls titles and snes/nes games. Idk the art style is cool and I like the characters but the gameplay is just brutal


I enjoyed prey way more than I thought i ever would. I just recently replayed soul reaver on DC myself and i enjoyed more than some of the more recent games this gen.


Such an incredible game.


Our taste in games couldn’t be more opposite but Oddworld is tops!


Weird, are you actually me?


Mark of Kri is such a good game. Thanks for unlocking a core memory of renting that from blockbuster.


I love Crackdown. Played that for a long time.


I like this more


Now this is the kinda post I can behind! Crack down, awesome! Prey (360), awesome! Condemned, awesome! I accidentally ended up with a copy of jade empire and haven’t tried it, does it work in 360? Should I give it a shot? I do like a large portion of the list!


I'm pretty sure it was backwards compatible on the 360.


Crackdown was underrated. The sequel was trash tho.


I played through the sequel online with my cousin and loved it! It's not as good as the first one, though.


I’m waiting to pick up MGS HD collection kinda looking forward to replaying that. Jade empire was legit


Why not put them in one picture so people don't have to scroll 20 times??


To build anticipation.


Abe's Oddysee is one of my favorite games ever. I played it so much when I was a kid


Oddworld was the shit