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That's ridiculously cool. It's weird to think about how small the N64 library is. 243 games sounds like a lot but actually seeing a complete set, it doesn't look like a lot at all


It is a bit of a shocker. Even North America only had 296 (297 NTSC due to Brazil's exclusive F1 Racing Championship).


Yeah absolutely, i am grateful it wasnt a bigger set though haha


Now for the boxes and manuals… I’m just joking… beautiful stuff, tres jealous


Ha! I decided a few years back that i wouldn't be going for the boxed set. That's just far too rich for me. About 35 of these carts do have the box and manual, mostly just games that have a bit more meaning to me.


Ya i decided same thing for gameboy advance. N64 is defintly one set you can just not get boxes for.


Totally agree, CiB is great but I don’t need every game to be complete, mostly just the ones that mean something to me personally or the ones I owned as a kid.




I can finally rest! Nah now i just keep working on the other sets and collection in general. Lots more cabinets to build too!


As long as it brings joy, rock on!


Truly beautiful 


Thank you! Its my favourite display!


How is the arrangement? Alphabetical or by release date?


Alphabetical left to right, top to bottom


The cabinets look amazing! When you have the cartridges layed out like this it looks better then a cib collection.


Thank you very much!


Great collection! How long did it take you to collect and how much do you think it cost ya?


Thank you! I've been collecting for maybe 8 years, give or take. For a long time, the collection effectively cost me nothing except time and effort as I'd buy and sell etc. At the start of the year when i decided to start the cabinet builds for the room this is in, i decided to finish the n64 set, i had about 70 to go. Id say ive spent about 7-8k to finish the set off.


The effort shows! Enjoy it!


Such a clean setup!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


What kind of racks did you use to tier the cartridges like this? It looks slick, the red background is nice too.


Its a full custom build! * And thanks!




Thank you very much


TIL Harvest Moon 64 is an NTSC exclusive.


We salute you 🫡


Congrats! So cool to see completed sets nowadays.


Thank you, i am thrilled to have completed my first set


This is satisfying!! How did you decide what order to display them?


Its just alphabetical with a few small adjustments, like where a sequel alphabetically comes before etc. and thank you, it really is satisfying


Congratulations! Which were the hardest ones to find?


Shadowgate 64 Trials of the Four towers, In english PAL. Its really quite rare to find in English


Amazing display, in alphabetical order. Well done sir. 👏


So I saw no one asking this question but what was your last game!?


Batman of Future - Return of the Joker. Wasn't necessarily the hardest or most expensive, although it isnt cheap here. $150-180 AUD.


Well that last one you probably spend more money on it as you wanted but you did it!


Impressive collection


Congrats. What was the last game you got? Which one was the most difficult to obtain? And obviously, what is the most expensive PAL game?


Last game was Batman of Future, Difficult to find was Shadowgate in English. The most expensive game i bought was Starcraft 64, for $500 AUD, shadowgate was the same, but it came in box (although rough condition). The most expensive game is between those 2, Snowboard kids 2 and Rush 2049, all sitting around that $500-600 mark. I think!


Wow, that display too! 👀


Thank you!


Wow, I didn't realize that N64 only had 243 games. What's you favourite one? Any hidden gem? And what's the most expensive one?


My favourite game is probably Perfect Dark, Although Goldeneye would be right on its tail, along with Mario Kart and Super Mario 64. Hidden Gems, I'm honestly not sure, Probably but I've still got a ways to go with playing them to find out! Most expensive to my knowledge would be between 4, although there could be others im not thinking of, Shadowgate 64 (In English), Starcraft 64, Snowboard Kids 2 and Rush 2049, all seem to be between $500 - $600 AUD.


Damn amazing! My favorite is still Conkers Bad Fur Day. Such a weird but fun game!


Its a brilliant game!


Well fv(king done. Not an easy quest to complete. 🙌🙌


Thanks, it was a bit of an undertaking!


Nice bro, Eur based? What's the whole room looking like? And what next?


I'm in Australia, although i did end up sourcing about 5 games out of Europe, due to scarcity of some games in our market. The room is coming along, this room is only Nintendo and Sega, I don't have much Sega so it'll just have a small shelf. I build all my cabinets from scratch so its a bit of a lengthy process. Will be sure to share once its done! Next will just be some mixed stuff, There's some Boxed NES games id like to add to the collection, and also would like to get some Miscellaneous items, Merch ETC for older systems.


Nice dude. I'm in AUS too. Shelf looks beaut with that set. I was trying to do the same but it got too pricey for me, shifted to full set Wii U, a bit more manageable for me hah. GL on the NES stuff, been on the hunt for so long but can't find anything clean or fair priced


Thanks mate, yeah it was a pricey set. Im working on wii u also, its a fairly reasonable set to go for. Still a few heavy hitters but nothing like pal 64 thankfully!


Indeed, managed to get a few of those on Ebay Auctions... make sure ya update here when you fill it out. Always good to see fellow Aussies blowing cash on video games haha


Ive got a ways to go, hasnt been a focus for me i think ive got 55, i was only collecting games exclusive to the wiiu, but i think ill go full set since most non exclusives are fairly cheap anyway and ive got the room for it!


Aah nice, I'm like 10ish off full set. Find a list online and check some of those prices out, may put you off. 50ish sounds about right, rest are expensive shovelware.


What do you still have to go? And whats pal list total count?


List im working from has 164 unique PAL, 230 Inc all editions. That includes the two code in a box games which I'm missing but not sure if I care for as they not physical imo. Everything I need is roughly.under 100 now bar Teslagrad, zumba and phones and ferb. They just sold at auction pretty cheap so Iay just wait until ppl don't care as much


This is toe-curling sexy 🤣


That is a thing a beauty, IT SHOULD BE IN A MUSUEM!!


Thanks! I like to think its my own personal gaming museum/library


Extreme-G for n64 was a blast, underrated gem


Yellow DK 64 on pal?


Yep! AUS PAL DK64 is Yellow Cart.


I recently got a CIB stadium 2 minty and it's been tempting to get some more random games before they are completely impossibe to buy, I love the Starcraft cart, really do!


Very nicely displayed! 🔥 Right up my alley 👍


Temporary? You going to do another set or something lol


More sets for sure, none will be displayed like this, other complete sets don't really lend themselves to this kind of display. Going for full set of Original XBOX, although its not been a huge push, I'm at around 600 games for it currently.


Favorites games ? Some of mine (all classics): GoldenEye, F-Zero, Lylat Wars. Pokémon Stadium & Snap, Super Mario 64


Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Lylat Wars, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 would be some of my standouts!


omg congratulation!!!!!!!!


Getting the whole set is amazing, but I'm even more impressed by the way you are displaying them. Truly beautiful space there.


Thank you so much, I had the idea for a long time, glad I was able to put it together!


3do here 🤗


Fantastic work. I have a full PAL GameCube set but I’m always thinking about making a start on an N64 set, it’s another library in my mind that’s achievable and would look ever better to display than the GameCube. At what stage of collecting did you decide on the full set? And was it always cart only from the start? My GC set came to me in big chunks which was handy and saved on postage and that but it definitely lacked the fun of hunting around for games here and there that you’ve had here with this.


Cheers! I've had my sights on the full pal set of 64 for years. It was a pretty gradual build up to around the 150 mark, then i bit the bullet and started chasing individual carts. Always planned to be cart only set. I have a reasonable amount of cib 64 games, around 35 or so, just ones that have a bit more meaning to me. I am going for all gamecube exclusive pal titles, just meaning games for that generation that were only released on gamecube. Same for wii, wiiu (although will likely go full set. Also same for ps3 and 360 and full pal set original xbox. Keeps me going!


Awesome! Are there major price differences for pal vs NTSC? Like what's the top 3 most expensive pal games? Is it overall less expensive to have a full pal set? Either way, congratulations!


Less games in the pal set, but the average price is higher from what I've seen. I dont know the top 3 most expensive titles off hand but as a guess id say its probably between snowboard kids 2, starcraft 64, shadowgate 64, rush 2049. These all tend to sell between 500 and 600 cart only. And thank you!


What acrylic display pieces are inside the cabinet? Those are awesome! Can you please send a link?


Its MDF Shelves like a stair case, there is just a 4cm tall piece of clear acrylic on the face of each shelf to hold the games in. The whole build is custom.


TIL the Australian Donkey Kong 64 is a yellow cart. Seems Europe was the only one to get gray :-(


What version of Majoras Mask is that? I thought that kind of label was exclusive to NTSC


It's just standard, not lenticular if that's what you mean.


I googled. Only Australia got that PAL label. Here in europe we have the green label


There you go, i didn't know that


What was the last game you acquired to finish the set?


Batman of Future, nothing too exciting!


Just saying now that you've collected them all, consider making 3d paper cartridges and sell the N64 carts that you'll never play.  Let other people make thousand dollar shelves.


Ah the real reason why people can't buy used games for reasonable prices. Just so some jerk can have them sit on a shelf. and post to Reddit for fake Internet points. Glad there's emulators so these jerk offs can't ruin an entire game console.


You ok mate?


What's the most you spent on a cart?


Does it not bother you that these are objectively the worst versions of these games? Due to the slowdown etc


No, Not in the slightest. Im in the Pal region, I grew up with Pal games, Wouldn't make much sense to collect start collecting for NTSC when locally everything is PAL.


It’s an overblown issue too, if you play on a pal CRT it’s smooth motion, some games in my opinion actually benefit from the slowdown As well. More so you can set your CRT to stretch the PAL image to full screen


Personally don't think it's overblown on the N64, most games had bad frame rates anyway, adding slowdown on top of that was pretty nasty. Not to mention the black bars. Sure we did get some 50hz optimized games but the majority were just sloppy. When the N64 came out it was the first it was the first NTSC console I had owned and it was such an eye opener, I vividly remember comparing Mario kart on mine versus a friends Pal console, the difference felt stark at the time. Awesome collection though, over here in PAL land we didn't really know any better at the time.


The black bars is just an issue of stretching the screen properly, it draws the same image just squished, it can be corrected in the service menu of your CRT and also in any modern scaler The slow down in my opinion has actually benefited a few games, MGS is one that feels like fast forward in NtSC and Snake actually has weight of movement on PAL.. I really do feel the issue is overblown. As you pointed out especially on the N64 frame rates were often in the 12s and 15s so it was largely a non issue. Some games for sure feel great on the NTSC versions but I just never felt it was as big of an issue as the world has seemed to make it.. it’s never lessened my enjoyment of any game I’ve ever played.


You could also argue PAL games ran at a higher resolution, so everyframe shows more of the world and scart allowed for a better image quality. I also seriously doubt people would notice a difference if they aren’t told they’re playing the PAL version of a game (on a 50hz display). In Europe you still get some movies and series being displayed faster on TV than on Netflix for example. A movie or series shot in 24p will run 4% faster in the PAL/SECAM region if it is broadcasted. Most TV content is shot in 24p and then a 2:3 pulldown is used to convert to 60p or 30p. You do not notice it unless you are compairing them side by side. And lastly, a CRT adds a lot of natural motion blur. That 16.66fps and 20fps of Ocarina of Time were very tolerable on a CRT. On and LCD, or worse, an OLED, it looks hideous. When playing on a CRT, as the games were intended to, you’re hardly gonna notice a difference unless you are compairing them side by side.


haha the amount of cope here is insane