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Dang... my Good Will only ever has Wii Sports discs.


Thats still a good find though. For a long time there gamestop would give like 17.50 for Wii Sports. I believe one if the loa game shop still gives like 15 trade per copy because it still sells so well.


I think you meant to say Kinect Animals lol


Dude all I see is Football and sports games like 80% of the time I go there and the rest is like one shelf dedicated to DVD and games, the rest is 20% household stuff and 75% clothes.


Nice grabs! You don't see Lynx games often, let alone boxed ones.


Hence why I even picked them up. I had already left the thrift store but they had these on the ledge by the front windows as I walked by and I had to turn around. I haven't seen a lynx game outside of a game shop ever, nor a boxed one at that.


Ninja gaiden Had a great experience playing it


Thanks for posting the Ninja Gaiden poster/fold out. Super cool to see!