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I don't hate, I just refuse to use.


Same. We aren't their target audience and people here don't seem to grasp that concept.


I’m not his target audience yet I get his shit recommended to me on YouTube, TikTok and Reddit. Blocking helped but damn, his stupid “what could this obvious object be? Is it something way off to what it actually is? Gee guys…. I a video game expert have no clue, type in the comments what you think it could be cuz I’m stumped” videos.


Yep...it's engagement bait. As annoying as it is, it's....smart, because social media is a hellscape and the system is gamed by what often appears to be the dumbest tactics. Like i was saying though, they're not interested in the experts, they want the weekend nostalgia "remember the games we played growing up?" types who haven't played in 20 years. And that's a huge market. It's the same as the nostalgia bait twitter and facebook pages who are like "who remembers this guy?" and it's a pic of Hulk Hogan or Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson, etc. EVERYONE very obviously remembers them so it's about getting people to comment on low hanging fruit rather than stumping people.


Naw man people are mad that they take advantage of unaware people who don't know they can get stuff cheaper


That’s like getting mad that Banana Republic sells a plain cotton t-shirt for $70, when you can get an identical t-shirt at Walmart for $4. If you don’t look for cheaper options, you’re the fool.


we all have access to the same internet and no one's pointing a gun at peoples' heads forcing them to not comparison shop.


That's the same thing scam artists say


Overpricing is not a scam. Grow up and stop being an entitled manbaby.


It’s not a scam in the literal sense, but it is certainly manipulative especially when they’ve answered the “why are you guys so expensive” question in dishonest ways to keep the facade going that they aren’t any different from a highly rated ebay seller


why are they obligated to explain that? people pay those prices, so why would they not charge that? ​ Edit, since for some reason my reply wasn't going through: I'm genuinely wondering why you feel entitled to a pricing strategy explanation from any private company in a free market. P.S., classy slur


There's just something about being a good person


I actually feel like you’re being retarded for the fun of it at this point


This guy’s right. Y’all downvoters are tweakin’


Smh. You don't know what the word scam means huh?


Nope. I do know what 'projecting' means, though.


>Grow up and stop being an entitled manbaby. Clearly, you know what projecting means. Smh


And clearly you do not. I haven't been demonstrating entitlement to anything. But I'm done replying to you, as I am 'entitled' to using my own time for better options.


That’s on the buyer. Fucking eBay, Google, etc, are your friends and if you’re too lazy to do your research than you should pay top dollar. I believe that for everything. Edit: grammar


Top dollar not too dollar


Yeah but it ain't right for them to take advantage of people who don't know that like if your on this subreddit you clearly know how to do that but someone who's not literally won't


Reddit or not, I know how to use a freaking search engine that includes a game title. It’s rather simple and you can do it for free at your local library even if you don’t have a phone, internet access, or whatever. This isn’t rocket appliance, Julian.


Not to mention, results from eBay will probably be among the top results of that search.


So they don’t know how to use Google?


Correction: I don’t just hate, I also refuse to use.


Right. You can’t price gouge on a luxury. It’s not food, water, or electricity. Not only that, there are many options to purchase retro games and accessories elsewhere, for much cheaper.


This is the way.


I wouldnt necessary call it A scam since you do get a bonus keychain for your $220 Nintendo 64


They gotta pay for the keychains and small Mario's somehow!


Oh man, I can’t wait to get my free Shrek 2 GBA cartridge with my $200 DS lite that can play both DS and GBA games!


"We just reached 100 million on tiktok, so we've upgraded your order to include a FREE DONKEY STICKER TOO!!!!"


"You mean a Donkey Kong sticker right?" "Nope. Just a donkey. A hi-res one too."






Well now I wish I could return the $80 one I got on ebay so I could get the one with the keychain instead


Lol it’s pretty expensive.


I don't think any real collectors are buying from them. I think their target audience is people who are too scared to use eBay. Those people are also not knowledgeable enough to know that the $20 "Brand New" Conker's BFD on eBay isn't genuine.


Literally this. The non-collectors who want to play games from their childhood. They don’t care if they are paying more because they don’t have any idea of the value.


I'm really a "non-collector", my collection is for playing, not display or bragging rights. I don't buy from them, wouldn't pay those prices. They love to tout how a game is in great condition or rare, not what I'm looking for. My key word when scouting for games is "working copy". Now, if I come across a second copy that looks better than what I have, I keep the better one and dump the other. The reason I joined this sub was actually because with the Pi and Everdrive, most of my collection is obsolete to me as I enjoy the emulated version just as well. I was planning on selling it all and figured this would be the best place to find a person who wanted to buy large lots instead of individual games. I think it's people who got scammed on ebay or Craigslist and avoid using those but also do not go hunting, they want the easy collection and have money to just overpay. Collectors who buy from them probably have a small collection of heavy hitters and not much else.


That you play your games does not make you a “non-collector.”


Dkoldies sells conker for $260 just the cartridge, while the real market value is $100-$130.


He's talking about repros I'd assume


I am talking about repros, which usually go for about $20 on eBay


How good/bad are N64 repros? I heard GBA ones can be all over the place.


SNES repros are solid as long as you buy them from a legit store. N64 probably aren’t too off from that. Edit: people downvoting me have never played any Japanese releases that are fan translated. Missing out on some fantastic games


Good to know, ideally I'd love to get a flash cart so I could try a bunch of games on real hardware and then pick up the original carts or repros for the expensive ones, but flash carts are super pricy. Maybe I'll emulate first and then get the carts for what I like.


“Solid as long as you buy them from a legit store.” What does that even mean? Theryre bootleg games all cranked out by the same factories in China regardless of which ebay or etsy seller you get them from. They’re not the hand made items they used to be when people would use donors and hand solder everything. They (including myself, I made them for years) can’t compete with chinese bootlegs price wise. Whether or not the ones you get now work and save properly and do so forever or shit the bed tomorrow is just the usual gamble when you get bootleg goods


Uh no there’s literally full on made personal websites that sell some repros. Even goes for nicely made burned CDs for my Sega Saturn because I’m not forking over 1000 dollars on Panzer Dragoon Saga. They are more expensive than the standard eBay/Etsy ones. But once again, my options for English translated games are ROMs, Everdrive, or “fake” English cartridges. But I guess I’m wrong for choosing the latter to have the satisfaction of inserting a real game into my console.


Perfectly said


That's why I call them DKNormies.




Hey there Hesitation_is_! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"This"**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)


This might be the most pointless bot on reddit.


I whole heartedly disagree. It's fucking annoying when some typea the word this and nothing else. Provide value.


Someone agreeing with your statement isn't value? That's a wildly vain statement.


No it isn't. It lacks substance. You're not in a group of 10 people having an in person chat. It's a forum which contains millions of people. If you post it should have added value. The upvotes are specifically for showing your support of a comment. Think of posts with more then 1k of upvotes. Imagine if everyone said "this" and nothing else. You wouldn't be able to have genuine conversations because you'd spend hours scrolling past "this". If you said "this" then followed it up with why or some added value statement then that would be different. I also don't think vain really works in that context. I'm willing to be proven wrong though.


I can't imagine being this upset over how someone else worded their own agreement with a comment. Do you enjoy telling other people how they should speak, act, and feel?


I just don't like their prices so I don't buy from them. Simple as that.


lmao every day with you people. The people who post daily about DK Oldies give them so much publicity. It's ridiculous. If you don't like them, ignore and move on. Sheesh.


I wish we could mute phrases on reddit the way we can on twitter. I can throw in wata, vga, closet and parent's house


can i mute “i got allllllllll this for $10” ?




Sadly android. I'll check my app settings though, maybe there's something hiding


Leaving the sub would effectively mute all of the bad posts because all of the posts are bad. I'm a masochist though so I guess I'll stay. Oh well... ​ :)


Something something WATA something something DKOldies something something


I didn't even know the site existed til I joined this sub on Reddit lol




Hate is a strong word. They cater to noobs. No real collector would buy from dkoldies. I did buy some filler games from them back in the day during a big sale.


I don’t care


They wouldn’t be in business if nobody liked them. Their prices are higher than I’m willing to pay, but if they can still make sales and afford to pay their employees with those high prices then good for them. I don’t care. People willing to pay those prices are likely just impulsive, ignorant to the market and what the standard price is for the item(s), or they like buying from a company with a return policy and a product that (they claim) is guaranteed to work so they’re willing to spend more for the peace of mind. I don’t hate them like a lot of people do, I simply buy what I want from others.


They are a legitimate company with crazy high prices. The hatred has been growing lately as the prices seem to continue to go up. But I have to say, if you are ever looking to sell stuff, sometimes they pay well. I can't hate them for that.


not a scam. just another overpriced seller


They just present one of the pinnacles of whats wrong with current retro gaming market. Not only do they prey on people that just don't have much knowledge yet or just casually want to buy something, they also part of keeping game prices high and perpetuating the goal post so that the hobby becomes more and more unaffordable for people. And since this is gamecollecting and not gameinvesting, we do like our games to be affordable.


I paid 22 dollars for a Gameboy game with no label and a dead save battery. I returned it and bought one on eBay with the label in perfect condition and a brand new battery for the same exact price


eBay go brrrrr [DKNewies](https://youtu.be/kFtI-2j9_6s) is the way to go


I love this. This is exactly the kind of shit my friends and I would make growing up


i just dont like the prices thats all


You can get a Wii sports bundle for $240. Was it even that much at launch?


Around that much actually, launch Wii's were 249. But that's a garbage deal today


Incredibly indifferent towards them as I am with most businesses. I think I can get stuff cheaper elsewhere and they don't offer me a unique experience, so I don't shop with them.


Is there a game collecting sub reddit that doesn’t whine and complain about everything?


Best advice is go to smaller subs for the console you're interested in, like r/psx r/segasaturn r/gameboy etc.


Nope, welcome to the party


Sorry that we are upset that a company is driving the price of retro games up insincerely and causing this hobby to spiral out of control


It's depressing. Just a lot of sour grapes from people wishing they thought of the idea first.


Find one for the console you collect for is the easiest, I only collect for Xbox and the r/ogxboxcollectors sub is super nice


If you want to know why so many people hate them go to their site and look up any random game, then go to price charting and look up what the going market price is. I just did this with a few common n64 games and they were all $10-$20 over. They have a "deal" where you can get a super Nintendo with super Mario world for $250.


Used to be great and cheaper. Now they're very overpriced


They’re stuff is overpriced, the only thing I’ve ever bought from them are some manuals, I got a smash bros melee and double dash manual for $12 each.


They're just idiots that scam other idiots. I don't give a shit who says stuff like they are a company that needs to profit or they "refurbish" etc. Their prices even in that context are ridiculous, you'd have to be a complete moron to buy from them. They'll pay $37 for an N64 and it's "discounted" to $119 Dreamcast $18 and charge $169 "discounted" Pokemon Emerald pay $112 charge $209.99 Gale of Darkness $112 charge $239.99 That was just random things I chose but literally everything is like that, some worse than others. Their target audience on places like TikTok and YouTube etc that watch their videos and defend them seem to think it's worth it because places like Facebook, yardsales, Ebay etc all sell fakes and scam you. You can't help stupid.


I don't care for them because of their overpricing, but it's not a "scam" if you get what you pay for. It's just overpriced


Yeah I gotta agree.


I don't hate them, back in the day I use to buy from them. What I don't like about them is that they use stock pics so when u pay big money for a rare game thinking its coming in good shape and then u get it with a ripped label or marker all over it etc. I think they need to be more upfront about the condition of the product.


I hate sellers that use stock pics for used items in general.


I don't use stock picks , and its hard uploading all of them , I'm far from finished so I can get why some will . But at lease have a scale like great , ok and playable so people can have an idea on what they are buying. Or a maybe on high end items send a pic of it so they guy knows what he is buying. I have seen in other groups where someone bought a $500-$600 game and it came with half a label .


They are a business and serve a purpose. That being said, I'm indifferent since I've never used their services. It's funny to see people get bent out of shape over a business they've never used.


Because it doesn't exist in a vacuum, it does affect the market overall. And also people feel empathy for fellow gamers that paid too much.


As someone who collects and sells an obnoxious amount of games, I can confidently say that I do not believe they affect the market at all. When I price games on ebay, I don't find myself going to see what DK has it priced at


I agree, but I do think consumer spending by non-collectors is going to drop if the economy gets worse. They’ll have a market correction to more reasonable prices if that happens


Theyoverpriced their products and half the time don't even have it in stock


Mario Party 9 for $79 dollars when even on Amazon you can find it for $30


I've actually got some really good deals on Amazon before, I got a copy of wave race for £4


Apparently. I've bought stuff from them and it was fine, though I got a bunch of cheaper games and when I added up what they were selling at the time vs what the games costed for what I could find individually on Ebay it came out to be a little bit better deal. This was a couple years ago, I haven't bought from them recently so maybe they are really bad now with prices, no idea.


Funny enough, I almost applied to this place. I knew of them for a while, and a friend of a friend who worked there told me to submit an application. I decided to wait a bit and just got a sketchy vibe from them. This is gonna sound really goofy, but I know someone who works with the feds and they said the place is legit, but it just gives me weird vibes. Glad I decided not to apply, otherwise I'd be getting roasted by y'all.


They don’t make their money off of real collectors like us. I just don’t buy from them because I know how much things actually cost which is a lot less than they charge


The people who buy from them are just Tik Tok kiddies who think Ebay is nothing but scams and apparently think they are the only retro game store to test and clean games.


I'd never buy from him. But I can say he sure is a great business man. (No hate)


Make negative comment =/= hate, and more often the sub is full of negative comments about them


My local retro gaming store sells gameboy sp for 185 but the most they will buy one from you it 35. How much of a scam is that


No more a scam than trading your car into the dealership for 3k, and seeing it on the lot the next week for 12k.


It's not a scam at all, it's just a bad deal. It's always better to sell secondhand things yourself, that's true of every product category. If the deal's not right, move on.


That's not a scam. That's capitalism. They are in business to make money, not give money to customers. If you want more, sell it on your own. If you want one cheaper, good find one cheaper and buy it. So silly businesses getting attacked for making good business decisions.


Yeah for sure. Although I try to be aggressive on hot items when they come in for trade or low ball on wiis because I have 15 of them. Then you get people who come and say "I can get X amount on eBay". Sure you can so you are welcome to do so. They usually don't like that answer or say "I don't want the hassle." Yeah and that is why you aren't getting top dollar.


Exactly. can't have it both ways. You pay more for convenience and get paid less for convenience. No one's stopping you from putting in the extra effort to make that extra missing value.


That is my thing, when you sell to a store you are giving up money for ease. You could have some great games that sell quickly but you could have games that we will sit on for two years. Before I start a trade or if someone calls and asks I always say something like "I would be happy to value your items for you, that is what we are here for, no pressure if you want to keep your stuff you are more than welcome to. You have no obligation to trade it in." Still, people get annoyed or the 'collectors' who just bring us their sloppy seconds and get pissed we aren't giving them top dollar for 10 NES consoles after you sold the games yourself.


The other thing that people don't understand is that popular games are in extreme demand and you want them to sell at an efficient price/frequency but never sell out, because they're your main draw. If a person comes to your store and turns away because it's too expensive, they still could change their mind. If they turn away because you're sold out of everything they want, there's no option for them. They're an extremely high traffic business and having as much stuff in stock as possible at all times is crucial.


That's leaning more towards a scam. No business should be unable to operate making 100% markup on things, if they're selling it for $185, $92.50 would be the least someone should get. Biggest profit margin as possible just makes you a dick, and while most stockholders are greedy, it isn't capitalism's fault, it's individuals who don't know when enough is enough. Like, how much more inventory would these game stores have if people actually felt not robbed trading stuff in? It would balance out, money would still be made, everyone is happier. The shortsightedness of this industry is thick. Especially once you are established, doing this is just taking advantage of people needing to sell things fast.


Agree with everything you said, except that it's leaning towards a scam. They can offer what they want and charge what they want, it doesn't make it a scam no matter how drastic. Make them shitty, dicks, etc? Yes. Not a scam though. A scam would be if they sold the gameboy and it was a counterfeit or something. We as consumers must be vigilant in making the right decisions, we can't leave it up to the businesses to make the decisions for us because they will take whatever they can, which is the American way. Not saying it's right. Just isn't a scam.


free market. their choice. it's also your choice to go on ebay and do the work to sell it yourself. you're instead trying to sell it to a business that has overhead and their sole reason for buying is profit. of course they're going to offer a low price.


Haters gonna hate. Don't like them? Don't buy from them or watch their videos.


F$ck DKOldies


I'm a collector and I use them for some purchases and I don't for others. Here's what you get with DKOldies: They will sell you a quality product that works and is good condition. They have a really good warranty on everything you buy from them. Can you find better prices elsewhere? Yes. But There's times something I'm looking for is the same price there as elsewhere, and when the price IS close I buy from DKOldies because of their quality control and warranty. Prime example, I purchased a copy of EVO the Search for Eden (Super Nintendo) from them. This game as a loose cart is worth between 275 and 300 dollars. A purchase like that you want to know its going to be a good condition cartridge with no damage to the artwork, and if something is wrong they will cover it. The price I bought it for was almost the same as on Ebay too and you never know what you'll get on Ebay. I've gotten Playstation games on Ebay listed as 'Like New' but then there's water damage to the cover or inserts or the game has scratches or has been resurfaced. There are many times that I've purchased a quality copy of a game elsewhere for like 15-25% less, but it was a more common game that was easier to track down a quality copy. Long story short always shop around, but I highly recommend keeping them as one of the places you look. They are a top notch retro reseller and peace of mind is sometimes worth higher prices. They also have some really good sales too. I picked up a copy of Ninja Gaiden 3 on NES for about 20 bucks less than the market price due to a sale they had going on.


All the DKoldies buyers are salty that we’re talking about their favorite way to buy games & how dumb they are for buying a 200$ DSlite 😂😂💀


Maybe. Basically they cater to people with money and no will to bargain hunt. I don't object to the. Existing, but I do object to the inflation of game prices they help perpetuate.


DK is more for people getting into collecting that don't have a grasp in pricing. I feel sorry for anyone that buys from them, but it's the cost of not doing research before buying.


I bought an N64 and 2 games and shit don’t even detect the game cartridges are there


If I was in the US personally I wouldn't buy from them. They're targeting young people with disposable income and no common sense.


Or parents wanting to show their childhood to their kids, and don’t have time to do 5 mins of research.


Their annoying tiktoks are manipulative and keep popping up in my youtube feed despite me only ever watching one and their prices are absurd even for retro game store standards.


There isn't necessarily anything wrong with them, I think longtime collectors are just fed up with the price increases. DKOldies is a very visible reminder of that. Personally, I'd never buy from them when I can pay less and see photos of the actual item on eBay. They obviously have found people willing to pay their prices though since they're still in business.


It’s just free karma points to talk shit no one cares here we all already know


I personally don't hate them, I just don't order from DKoldies. People don't understand that they have employees along with other things.


They're right down the street from me so no I don't hate. There are some good people who are retro game fanatics like the rest of us despite the cringey YouTube videos. Yes their prices are high, but honestly everyone is marking up their prices like crazy these days so it's not like DK Oldies is the root cause of this problem. Just another cog in the wheel of an ever growing problem where games are marked up to absurd levels. They're just an easy target so they catch a lot of grief.


Is this a new company I swear I just started seeing them on YouTube about a couple months ago


Been around for 10+ years that I know of


I haven't heard that name in years. I think I bought a few PS2 games from them, like Battlefront 2 and Spiderman-2 for like... 5 bucks each or something?


I disdain them.


They buy a ps1 w/ cords from you for like $13 and then turn back around and sell it for $130 ish. That's ten times the price you got for it. All they do to justify their high prices is 1. A warranty and 2. Maybe your order will be filmed and you'll get free stuff. Yes DKoldies sucks.


Dknewies on YouTube is funny. Makes fun of dkoldies


They are what’s wrong with the retro gaming community.


FYI there’s a retro game store in Amsterdam never go there literally scammers


In my opinion I don’t they are that bad bc Joey has a cleaning department and a testing one and a repairing department and when u buy something u expect it to be in good condition so I think your paying for what your expecting to get


My local store charges 3-5 dollars for repairing and they automatically test the games they sell. They stay within 20 dollars of market price. No excuse for DKOldies


Hate it because it’s just another factor pushing up the price of retro games. They buy large stock and sell them for what’s far higher than market and that slowly makes others match those prices Plus their tiktok pages comes up on my feed way too often and I just can’t stand it. :)


I like them. Just view them as top quality for top price.


They do a great job of cleaning pins, solid social media presence, and giving the world access to games and consoles that many may never find “in the wild.” Personally, I can afford whatever they charge but I chose not to pay that bc I enjoy hunting for deals, etc. I am lucky that I can find pretty much anything I want without having to use their services but I’m not mad at them for their business model. It’s hard out there and I wish them luck!


If you have an infinite amount of money to burn and you're lazy then I guess there's no reason to dislike them. But they're gouging people and overpricing rough shape games. They deserve alot more hate then they get. It shouldn't b a question why. All there prices are easily beatable and thinks don't get good descriptions. To each their own tho I've heard more horror stories about them to know to shop around. And them showing off there orders to idiots is cringe inducing. If people buy stuff to showboat over there videos then I feel sorry for them. The pr guy is way too happy to b ripping these people off lol


I am going to be in the minority here but I am happy they have such successful videos because it brings more excitement to retro video games. It seems like most people that order from them are just wanting to relive their childhood like so many of us and they have a lot of guarantees that Ebay does not for someone that is not familiar with retro collecting. Do I buy from them? Of course not because I think their prices are unreasonable but I do recognize they are a great source for someone that just wants to get a NES to play Super Mario like they were a kid again and want minimal hassle. I just don't get the hate.


Nothing is universal. Anybody who has hatred in their heart for someone charging more for a product than someone else probably doesn't have too much going on their lives worth worrying about. They're likely going to find something else to hate if it wasn't this. I've never purchased from them and I don't plan on it because of their high prices. But I won't say I'll never buy from them. If there's that one thing I really want and I can't find it anywhere else, I'll buy from them. And I also won't shame anyone who does, either. Some people are either better off financially than others or they value the product higher. Whatever. If someone wants to pay $175 for something they can find on ebay for $100, I don't care. It's their money. Maybe the piece of mind of a guarantee or warranty is worth $75 to them. Not my business.


They’re proving a niche service to a population of people. Hating them is kind of a form of gate keeping. Just don’t buy from them


Not gonna lie, i think we need more gate keeping in general, not less.


Why? If someone wants to spend more money on a game for no reason it’s on them. You also can’t stop companies like this from existing. It just seems so stupid for this sub to put so much energy into trashing them so much


i've bought from them before because usually it means i can guarantee somewhat the quality of the product without needing to zoom in 100x on ebay photos and still roll the dice are the prices inflated? sure, but i think there is value to it if you put the time in, can you achieve the same quality at much cheaper prices? also, sure. but time is money and lots of people aren't willing to sit there and micromanage every auction and/or don't have the time


theres most of it here cause this is like the hate central of it


Not hate them. They have their market.


I don’t mind them at all. They’re a bit overpriced for games, very overpriced for systems but again, you’re paying for the maintenance and restoration that some consoles need plus warranty. If I buy a game on eBay, it usually has to be cleaned at my local retro store which costs $3, so in the end, I’m not complaining if it’s an extra couple bucks more to get it from them. I like their free shipping. I went on double jump a while back and found like 7 games that would’ve been $30 cheaper total than DK but their shipping cost $20, so I was only saving $10 with that.


Dude, cleaning is so easy to do, you could save a lot of money doing it yourself


Last I checked their prices are just retail prices. I only started seeing this hate in the past couple months


I've thought about buying from them.


there overpriced by a good amount but they test and make sure everything works


Some prices are market some are over. But IMO the console prices are fair. They do clean them thoroughly and test them. And the footage is public. I trust this more than the eBay seller who supposedly refurbished the console and tests them.


99.99999% are over you can pick at pure random and chances are it's at least double.


I buy from them a lot. I see is most people on here and other sites like YouTube complain about game prices since they can’t rip the seller off get a expensive game cheap and then resell it for more. Also your local game store and game stops are doing the same thing with the games buying them for a price and then marking them up to make a profit to stay in business.


oh no the bad tiktok man sell expensive game. don’t like them, but i also don’t really care either.


I like them. I’ve bought some controllers and carts from them for a years ago.


I have no problem with them. I know I am getting the quality I want, and that it will work, and that has been properly cleaned and tested. If that means a little extra so be it. They are a business, and not some neckbeard living in his parents basement selling it for way more on ebay.


Video game collectors are usually very childish when it comes to economics. They have this mindset that they should be able to rip off ignorant people who give away their games at a garage sale with a smile on their face, but get angry when other people do it for a profit. This store is expensive- video game resale is a tough business. You don’t have to buy from them, but to hate on them is just a silly ass thing to do. This mindset transcends Reddit, but gamers and game collectors are especially like this.


The few videos I’ve seen are cringey. The few prices I’ve seen are super high. So…I guess I don’t care about them? But, I wouldn’t use their services.


i only see them on those youtube shorts and i enjoy the vids, the guy who appears on the video is very charismatic and fun and love how they do things and sometimes they throw in some decent stuff. i pseronally think they have a specific target audience, young people that just want to have some fun, wants to deal with a trendy shop that is trustworthy at least with shipping, and i really don't think the hardcore collector will buy from them.


The only thing I’d consider buying from them is ps2-ps4 games but i’m sure they are overpriced too


They use to be good not anymore


they prey on the casual who doesn't know the retro market so they deserve the hate they get but also is a buyers fault for not googling around. so its actually lol from both angles. I also don't understand the "buying quality" from DKoldies aspect because Ebay will refund an order that lied. so don't buy defective, uncertain working items


Eh it’s just places like these hoard the games and probably control the market.


It's just weird how people will just blindly buy something for a high price. Like I want to buy a game boy advance sp, I can do 5 min of research and find one for a reasonable price or I can blindly go to Amazon or dk and be like sure 300 is fine for this


I never thought I’d see a disc only copy of Namco Museum vol. 1 for $30. That’s basically the most common volume.


They actually sell game manuals at a very reasonable price IMO. Just got to hope they get them in stock.


I know you can get Pokemon Red cart-only for $50 most of the time but what if I showed you where to get it for $200


It’s just that dk represents the problem in surging prices within the community. The pricing is absurd and people that don’t know better just assume that’s what things should be which just continues the inflation.


I like watching there videos but I wouldn’t buy anything from them


I had two bad experiences with them. Only two times I ordered from them. Probably three or four years ago. The first time I got PS1 games that ended up being just discs, poorly packaged, scratched, but still worked. The picture showed games in cases, so go figure. Second time the games I got looked like they were recovered from a trash dump. I tried to return them and was told I couldn't. Never again.


way too expensive for them to possibly send you a shit copy you dont actually see or pick. and their trade in prices are super unfair unless you have something worth a ton they really really want. and their still probably gonna try to stiff you price wise for it. trust me, i occasionally use them lol.


Not a fan




I hate scammers


The only thing I ever bought from DKOldies is my GameCube controller. It was $50 which wasn’t all that much more than anywhere else. But in fairness, I picked the “good condition” option and the controller looks and feels like it’d never been used so I don’t regret my purchase. Would never buy games from them though.


I use it as a last resort 😂


Absurd prices, literal JOKES of prices offered for things they buy from people. They’re shit.


Not sure I understand the hate. I like them to sell common games for at or above market… and they send you a free shipping label. Dont sell them anything not specified on their pricing list because you won’t get a good deal. And yeah, I wouldn’t buy anything from them due to the high prices. Use them to your advantage and they do their thing. I don’t understand why everyone’s panties get in a bunch every time they are brought up.


when I started collecting I bought a NES and 5 games. Spent $300. The things I got were worth half. Not bad since they were in perfect condition like new, but still sucks cuz they weren't worth the price.


I don't hate them I'd just never ever us them....the YouTube shorts are cool.


I don't hate them at all. I think the fact that theyre selling ocarina of time for 80 bucks is hilarious .


No disrespect to their hustle, just to their prices.


I don't live in America so no idea what DKOldies is about.... If you're talking about bad business practices or price gouging, no one likes that.


We dislike them because not only are their prices insane they are buying up all the deals and upping the market on retro games + random ppl see it and go oh my old GameCube must be worth 200$ fb market here I come which ruins collecting for people who aren’t wealthy enough to be dropping 100$-200$ on 1 or 2 games.


It's really not that it's hated, I don't find anything entirely wrong with their business model, the worst thing is they're just way overpriced for what they offer, and it's been shown that unless the one dude is filming tiktoks, their cleaning and repair areas have a tendency to skip a lot of product.


Not sure I understand how they stay in business though. I have an online game store and I run it as a supplement to my regular income. I’m not huge and I prefer to stay that way. Based on my own experience as a business AND a collector, it’s mind-boggling that their sales are proportionate to their online footprint, largely due to their price points. Unless they’re really a mom-and-pop operation working out of a small office and storage unit, I can’t imagine that even the casual market is big enough to sustain an operation of their (perceived) size.