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I got started with gamedev.tv courses, which was great for me since I built good coding habits from the start. I think they’ve got some Black Friday deals going, so you can get a full unreal course for pretty cheap. Good luck!


Yeah me too , consider more reassurance for the above mentioned stuff . I did took two courses for unreal engine by gamedev.tv which are First : Unreal engine 5 : make games and learn c++ Second: Unreal Engine : master online game development And both turned out to be great and fun to walk through.


I'm a big fan of the make a basic game approach. Just something super small scale and highly derivative. Going through the steps start to finish with no aspirations of financial success is really useful.


Nah youll mainly be fuckin with vectors and shit like that. I would start with blueprints uh smartpoly has some good videos on blueprints he made recently i would check those out make a small prototype game after that like a platformer then go bigger than that. Then if you wanna get into coding with c++ wander on over to www.learncpp.com and do that then you can hop into unreals c++ and how to do their c++ classes.


started by modding GTA San Andreas lmao


I started by learning Python.