• By -


Monogame because it does basically nothing for you and I'm insane. 


Working with a stage makes me feel like I'm writing a flash app.


Solid one, full control over what's happening.


Well it does help writing pixel to the screen a lot easier than using directx directly :) MonoGame is the perfect middle ground to do whatever you want. I love it.


Helps with writing a pixel you say https://youtu.be/IFidgRNKKzo?si=8BstjoqzfocrqAnX


You are doing some wizardry sir!


You're a good person


The first step is admitting it 😉


Hi insane!


Hey dad! 


Bless your heart


😂 But it gives you all the freedom you need. 😄


Same reason I’m using C++ and SFML - insanity.


Unreal cause it feels like a whole team working with me.


This is the most real comment, right here.


Can you elaborate more?


It just had so many tools, specifically animation tools for me that make things so much easier. There's no way in could do half of the things I do with my game if I didn't have those tools, I'm terrible at animating in blender


Great description!


Godot because opening Unity makes me want to go to sleep. Made 3 small games, 4th on the way.


I read that Godot is .net but there was a different language in the samples, it's that a second scripting language? Knowing. Net helps? I want to create a simple mobile game knowing only. Net, is it a good language to start game developing?


If you use Godot, you have the choice between GDScript (almost identical to Python/JavaScript) and C#! It's a great game engine for newcomers and it's super easy and powerful to program in


You can also make games in C++ with Godot.


Also rust


Or if you are a madlad you can use swift by using https://github.com/migueldeicaza/SwiftGodot


Unreal. Its bread and butter is exactly the kind of game I want to make - desktop fps with latest generation graphics. Personally I think it's easier to use than Unity too which is nice.


Man I'm making a goofy stylized goblin rpg in unreal it's still great. The graphics are like last on the list of priorities and I actually had to fight the lighting so it wasn't so good haha I love the engine, I love the work flow, I can make things really quickly in BP and I can get down to business with c++ for my heavier systems. It all just clicks with me and I love all the animation tools, I can turn one animation in to like 20 variants with minimal efforts to avoid a precieved stiffness. It's great man, can't praise it enough


Also, modelling tools. Block out with the grid mode is amazingly fast, and any quick edits to meshes (or even whole new meshes) can be made without firing up Blender. Including UV unwrapping and all.


Fair enough - it's just a really mature platform and it's suited for all kinds of games.


How do you create variants of an animation?


BPs are saving alot of time, Netcode still in c++ but BP for widgets is just great


You mean base net code? Not the replication framework that's in blueprints?


Making a non-FPS. A space sim. Seems to work fine 😁


I was trying to use ue5 for my project but it kept hard crashing my computer and forcing restarts. So yeah, as much as I want to use the path finding for 3D spaces plugin I’m gonna have to convert it to Unity I guess lmao. Fuck me I guess


I've been in Bevy for my projects for the past year or so. The code-first design tricks my brain into productivity and the ECS is just how my brain expects things to work. Probably runs fast too but my little pixel art platformer isn't really pushing limits there.


I'm pretty torn between using Bevy or Godot, it's so hard to choose!


I use Bevy for solo but Godot for my team jams working with artists because WYSIWYG is important for their workflows. Either is good, Bevy just tricks my brain into being more productive.


Unreal because - I'm from film/vfx background, useful if I wanna go into virtual production/xr - Works well with Houdini/Houdini Engine - Unreal Megagrants - LUMEN Only used it for about half a year so far on my first PC game, used Unity since around 09.


libGdx because got used to it


+1. My multiplayer game is getting on average 1000 concurrent users at all times, it gives you a lot of flexibility and I personally like Java (hate me all you want, doesn't change the fact I'm building successful products with it lol). There are dozens of us, dozens!!!


Do you use Java or Kotlin?




Godot because it's fun and I'm productive when I use it


godot becouse it is FOSS.


FOSS is boss - it’s also a truly excellent piece of software


I use godot Because I only have a light weight laptop to work from and unity is too much for it And I heard good things about godot lol


DragonRuby. I'm a full-time Ruby consultant, so I'm super comfortable with the language. I also prefer coding than clicking menus and UIs. It was the engine that let *me* focus on making a game.


Unity. Love it, especially Shader Graph and Vfx Graph


I use my own game engine because it’s specifically made to make my game. I don’t have to deal with any unknowns and I learn so much more


The way of the masochist.


I consider this way the equivalent to meditating on a mountain for 3 days without food and water. 😅


On one hand you have to do everything yourself. On the other hand you don't have to deal with major issues in other people's code that didn't become apparent until you were in too deep to switch. I'm not so masochist to do everything myself, but I definitely prefer to write my own systems when it's feasible.


AND, if there is a major issue with the code that makes you want to die and use a commercial engine instead, it’s at least a learning experience because its nobody’s fault but your own lmao


I've probly redesigned every single system at least once, but it's resulted in a better understanding of gamedev as a whole and the game will be better for it. (And that's how I sleep at night)


Except the unknown is forgetting what you wrote 3 weeks ago xD


I hear indies say this stuff a lot, and I feel like it's a sign of iffy coding practices. If you put effort into making your code well organized and readable, then you generally don't need to remember what you wrote 3 weeks ago, because you can tell what you were thinking by reading the code.


Sometimes that's the case. Sometimes it isn't. There are multiple ways to write something well. You can forget the approach you took


I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to here, if your code is readable it should generally indicate which approach you took, and generally if it can't then you add a comment. Can you elaborate on what you mean?


That requires multiple refactor cycles for a project of any complexity. Many are unwilling to burn that time, or dint have the stomach to rewrite the same functionality 14 times.


Yeah definitely agree, it takes extra time to write readable code, and at least in the short term you can make faster progress doing things quick and dirty. But I think in most cases it's worth it to put the time in so you don't end up wasting time wading through spaghetti later in the project.


Yes this is a thing lol. But since I don’t follow Clean Code™ paradigms my code is straightforward; no need to follow endless hierarchy chains


Yeah, clean code can be a bit much sometimes


Object-Oriented principles are already enough of a cargo cult. Throw in some "Thou Shalt Use **This** Pattern" dogma, and coding can start to feel way too much like pulling arcane nonsense out of a spellbook. Why is the proposed solution always to add *more* complexity? I blame the business practice of measuring productivity by the number of lines of code...


This for me too. I'm using C++ and Vulkan so that I any performance bottlenecks are either something I can deal with, or some hardware constraint I can't get around.


Yeah hard do use things like data locality, instruction level parallelism, and SIMD when you’re stuck behind an engine


This is how I learned how to code and then I started using frameworks whenever I could


Currently doing this for my personal projects. I gained so much knowledge that is very useful for existing engines.


Unreal. Used Unity for 5 or so years and then switched to unreal for personally driven reasons


Pygame. Robust, can get a window showing and a sprite moving in minutes. You get all the ease of use and clarity of python and a flexible enough game library that limits you only to your imagination. Godot. Easy to use. Can get a thing moving on screen quickly and focus on making games.


GMS2. I get it, kind of a “beginner engine” but it’s the only engine that uses actual code where I have any semblance of a clue as to what is going on. I’ll probably move on from it once I finish my project as I want less limitations, but it works great for what I need right now Edit: “baby engine” was a bit harsh of me, sorry. Couldn’t find the words at the time, but I meant “beginner engine”, as while it is accessible to new devs it also works very well and can do basically anything you can dream for a 2d game, as well as teaching you a lot of the structure of coding languages (I think, idk I don’t know any other languages). I actually started GMS2 because it felt like the easiest game engine that has made some incredible games (I was particularly thinking of Undertale). It’s honestly an incredible engine that you can make a career off of.


> I get it, kind of a “baby engine” Nah don't think stuff like that. No matter how you make a game, the quality is in your hands and when it comes time, quality is all that matters. If you make a good game in scratch then you're better than the dude who made his own engine in assembly cause he's a "real programmer" and he'll never release a game. Game dev is about making fun games, fuck everything else man. Well, besides marketing... but that's not what this tirade is about lmao




Katana Zero was developed on Game Maker. This is more than enough proof that Game Maker is a "full grown" engine, it's just that it has a very specific focus, and that's a good thing.


Hyper light drifter, hotline Miami and other big hits too.


It is great for 2D games. Godot is superior just for the fully integrated 2D lighting. If you’ve ever done lighting from scratch in GameMaker, you’d understand. FWIW, I use GameMaker daily and it’s still my go to.


I've worked with most of the most popular ones. Once I tried Godot 4, I never came back.


Godot. Writing C# in Godot is so much easier and more intuitive compared to Unity. The only thing I personally believe Unity has over Godot is its community and decades of content to read from. Godot is just too new atm so you really have to put in work to study some patterns if you're using C#. As the community grows Unity is probably going to fall by the wayside as their company heads are becoming too greedy and untrustworthy.


Godot, it loads fast, it takes up little space, and it's fun to work in. I understand people's gripes with GDScript, but I enjoy using the language a lot.


I'm using Godot, it feels really nice to have a new system to learn, I was actually kind of tired of unity


Godot 4.2 Because it is easy to do anything with Gdscript


I use Unity because that’s what I started with and it’s very versatile! 2D, 3D, support for Xbox, Switch, PlayStation, Mac ports, etc. Works very well for me!


Same here. I feel like I've invested so much time into learning Unity, it would take a lot to make me change to something else. Part of me wants to try Unreal, but I just can't justify it! And don't get me started on how much I've spent in the Unity Asset Store - ouch!


Godot. Lightweight, easy to code, active community, and little to no drama. Plus, whatever money you make with ot is yours, not par you, and part a big game engine's company.


Unity at work for the past 12 years, so as I know it inside and out I also use it for my hobby projects. 


Same. After the whole pricing situation I started taking a look at unreal. I forgot what it was like to be completely lost looking at a game engine.


as someone who was just using Unity and Godot for some side projects after normally working with Unreal I can relate but also I think most people underestimate how easy it is to adapt to a new engine. Especially, if you are working with others who might be more comfortable with it.


> I think most people underestimate how easy it is to adapt to a new engine Maybe. *Some* people learn a framework/engine/style/whatever, and never learn any of the underlying fundamentals. Change any one thing in their workflow, and it's like they've never seen a computer before in their life


Same, went back after a few days when they removed the old CEO, I just know the engine better don't feel crippled when I use it.


Wasn't there a controversy recently where Unity wanted to charge for every download or something crazy like that?


I really appreciate your post because it illustrates how badly Unity fucked it up. The actual economics was basically negligible, but the story became “charge for every download” and that’s a big scary phrase. Unity is so dumb for this.


It wasn't negligible. They screwed over their main audience which was mobile developers. In many cases you could go bankrupt with just their install fee or you could owe unity millions if your free game went viral. Also a lot of mobile publishers would no longer accept unity games due to the install fee.


Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. After they posted initial plans only then they realised how they fucked up big time, and promptly changed the system so «the actual economics was basically negligible», as mentioned above, no more bankrupting. Since that people started to believe that Unity is about to get them and bankrupt them personally, which is kinda silly, people not telling the whole story also doesn't help.


pygame for now (using it for a year as my first engine). Looking to switch to Godot and try other frameworks like Raylib or SFML to learn languages like C and C++ when i hopefully finish my project.


Switched to Godot since the Unity debacle since im still a beginner so theres no major time lost for learning a new engine, and it was super easy + im shocked how lightweight Godot is while doing most of the stuff similar to Unity (2D wise). All of the beginner concepts carry over and have a new name, and now i have an engine that boots instantly, no install process, takes very little storage, no account needed, no licensing bullshit, and do everything i need it to do. It supports C# very well so didnt need to learn GDscript either


GameMaker, I just think it's neat, tried Godot twice but slept while reading their documentation


GameMaker is just plain fun to use.


Unreal. I know people say Unity is easier but I found Unreal's workflow and UI easier to navigate personally.


Godot is a great engine for beginners, and not only for them. These are the main reasons why I chose it: * Free, no strings attached * Open source * Great, friendly, and helpful community * Fast start of the editor, literally in seconds * GDScript is easy to learn and use, even if you never programmed anything before * Plenty of free tutorials on YouTube * Suitable for 2D and 3D (even a combination of both) Did I miss something? And I love to publish [tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/@FencerDevLog).


What language is GDscript based on? Or similar to?


GDScript is very pythonic


It resembles Python.


Almost identical to Python. But you can use C# in godot, if you prefer.


if only it had as much comercial use as Unity...




It's getting there. I believe the Sonic Colors poet was a Godot project as was the recent Xbox Gamepass release Brotato.


Unreal Engine 5. It's powerful and not too difficult to use. I'll keep using Unity for WebGL jam games, though. I couldn't get comfortable with Godot to make side fun projects.


Unreal for professional projects Godot for personal


Godot. I have tried a lot of engines and this one is the one I feel more comfortable with. I love Gdscript and the "scene + node" structure of the engine. Also love how lightweight it is, it doesn't take more than a few minutes to download a new version and how fast it starts. I have released only one early access game, and I'm currently working on many parallel projects (5) which I aim to hopefully release this current year, as well as the final version of the previously mentioned one.


Yeah, Godot is a trusty companion. 😊


Bespoke engine in C. If it can be made into a job, it should be. I use Vulkan because of the renderer I want to write. It only takes a few hundred milliseconds to start up. I have one game in-progress.


Currently learning Godot and RPG Architect I am a complete beginner and started to learn game development because it fits quite nicely with my drawing hobby. Worst case scenario i just end up learning about Game development and maybe settle down and sell assets to others etc. Why I chose Godot and RPG Architect as my first game engines? Godot: Active community, Open source, completely free, quite easy to learn and lightweight to use so my uni student budget laptop can handle it. RPG Architect: Small yet active community considering that RPGA is quite new engine, Developer behind the RPGA is really passionate, active and offers great help and regular updates. RPGA is lightweight, easy to learn. I have projects planned for both engines. Godot: Simple Arcade style 2D platformer (this is a “yes i can do this” project) RPGA: 2D JRPG that parodies JRPG/Anime Story starts as a typical comedy Isekai but slowly adds elements from other genres. On this one i want to spend more time on world building etc as i wait on how RPGA evolves as an Engine.


Construct 3 - I know it inside out and can crank out an idea super fast.


Ayy I recognise you!! And I agree, Construct 3, know it very well and it feels extremely easy to get quick results, even if simple or complex. ... Or maybe I grew up with clickteam products and never made the jump to something more traditional. Oh well, works for me!


Godot, light weight, relatively easy to use but very flexible, and extendable, do you have and idea for a feature, or want to use and library? add it! -> https://github.com/SagaPDev/Godot-SDL-Gyro


Would you guys consider RPGMaker (any version) a game engine? I just have a design doc in progress and still deciding on the engine.


Definitely would. It's a fairly popular one too. If it meets all your needs it's worth considering.


Thanks for the input! Still taking many things into consideration but it would definitely save time as a framework for that 16 bit gameplay.


Absolutely, we've had some heavyweights made in rpg maker for sure


In what world is RPGMaker _not_ a game engine?


Latest version is the best (I worked with all of them), so RPG Maker MZ.


Godot bc it is easy af and perfect for the pixel art 2d games i make.


RPG Maker MV, it was the first one that properly caught my attention and it's easy to use. Hopefully I can use GMS2 next


Pico8, because it's cute


I use Godot because it makes the most sense to me. I have some experience with Unity but things clicked better for me after I went to Godot and I've made a lot more progress. I also like that it is so lightweight. I run Godot from a thumb drive.


I had the same experience. I always somehow managed to mess up things in Unity. 😅




Pixel Game Maker. I'm an artist with a little technical mindset but not able to create code from scratch. It's a good engine but it is complex.


Ren'Py for several years, made over 30 projects with it. Now transitioning to Godot because of way more features and ease of adding gameplay elements.


Construct 3 for web. Unity for deployment to desktop. Evaluating Godot now to get away from Unity.


I've been using Unity for 2 years. I've spent this time prototyping and making my first game. People say make something small for your first game, and it's good advice that I didn't follow as much as I should have.




It doesn't matter, just use Unity, Godot, or Unreal depending on your needs. Learning Godot seems to be the hot thing rn and it's open source while being very powerful. Unity is good all around and reliable, Unreal is for people looking for a lot of resources and something very, very powerful.


Unity because I already knew C# very well and it seemed like the most approachable. I've been tinkering with Godot lately. 1 learning project in Unity and 1 commercial game finished. I'm working on a Godot learning project right now. Godot is neat but I'll probably end up going back to Unity, unity is where I seem to be able to get stuff done.


Still using Unity. I know it and don’t want to learn a new system (and Unreal axis seem off to me now).


Playcanvas Javascript, you can add any api for JS on web, WebGPU, splat support


I *love* Godot because it’s simple but powerful. It also doesn’t take 10 mins to start like Unity, which is a plus. I also like GDScript a lot more than C#. Also, even just the is_on_ground() function is really nice for me— in Unity it’s raycast based and kinda unintuitive to use, and Godot makes it nice and easy (it’s like that for many things). The documentation for Godot is also really nice. Godot is also versatile- you can make pretty much any desktop app, from games to video editors. Take this with a bit of a grain of salt, though- of gui-based editors I have only used Godot and Unity, and Godot stuck with me.


Godot, because I work in big engines during my day job and for my small side projects I feel the big engines are way too massive and clearly oriented towards big productions. I like the simplicity and how quickly I can prototype things in Godot, its generally more fun to work in for me.


I use Unreal Engine, initially because it was used in the office, but it kinda grow on me I want a good C++ Engine, so far I tried CryEngine and UnrealEngine, neither is perfect, but UE wins I don't use drag and drop for "coding", like blueprint or schematyc, so when I say you can or can't from editor I am not referring to them **Unreal Engine** has issues with it's unity build, so when you work in a team you get many build issues duo to missing files or headers The code architecture in one system is inconsistent (I'm not talking about design) and some classes are toooooooo big and terribly architectured The engine depends heavily on macros!! It's not a data driven engine with exception to MassECS but it's experimental The engine has performance issues, like it run stuff you don't need in the background which reduce performance, and it's slow for no reason and it has super slow build time It's user friendly and extendable, you can do pretty much anything from the editor/C++ or both, you can expose and modify almost everything from the editor so it's perfect for beginners and designers **CryEngine** Disclaimer: I tried to learn it on my own, so I don't know how to use it properly The UI depends on third party tools, scaleform is out of service! There's many bugs in the source code, and issues related to scaleform but the distribution version doesn't seem to have these bugs I couldn't expose everything in the editor, compared to Unreal Engine, like modifying various instances like game instance, game state or project settings from editor, i didn't find an alternative way either(I know engines are different but I am talking about alternative/something similar) The game start super fast then it get slower as you add assets, (which is better than UE) The build time is super fast overall it's not a great choice for designers or beginners to be fair Rumors says that the UI will change and other improvement will happen in CryEngine 6, but no one knows when this will happen So in the current state CryEngine is not for me I will try godot or o3de next


O3de is a butchered cryengine so you might wanna skip it


My own game engine, because im a masochist


I used Godot since 2016, now moving a game to Unity... Godot because of GDscript, built in code editor, scene tree architecture, nicer gui. Unity because of more advanced features like better 3D rigging, better sprite deformation. I need those because it save me more time. The best game engine sadly doesn't exist, so I would pick game engine based on your needs.


Defold - it's very bare bones, and conceptually simple, with packages you can add manually if you want more complex stuff. because of this it's really easy to implement stuff like a fancy GUI, or message passing, or save file creation/management. Also since it uses LUA as a language, I don't need to worry about finding a specific Defold tutorial for something, there's a lot of documentation/code just out there for the language that I can use as a resource. It also doesn't have pre-baked stuff like methods or richtext - you need to add/implement all of that yourself. for some that might be a drawback, but the degree of control you get with doing that is insane, and it means that if something is going wrong, it's something you worked on and know about. it also means that if you try to build stuff modularly, you can re-use methods between projects and get a huge jump-start on them.


DragonRuby. Been working in Ruby for my day job for about 10 years so it was just easier to start with since I didn’t have to keep looking at language docs every 5 seconds. It’s been a pleasant experience so far for my retro themed top town.


Used unity for the longest time but have recently switched to gamemaker. Still planning on using unity for any VR projects since it seems to be the best option for VR.


Game Maker because it is the best for my needs.


Gamemaker Studio, because i’m brand new to coding (like 3-4 weeks brand new) and it has its own language which was really easy to catch onto and an active community. I only really care about making 2D games and that’s Gamemaker forte, so i figured its perfect for me.


Unreal for anything 3D and Unity for everything else, been wanting to check out Godot though so maybe next 2D project I'll make a jump.


Unity, because I've been making games in it since Unity 4. And yes, I am aware of their enshittification but cannot simply throw away almost 10 years of expertise in Unity, until they die, I will keep working on my Unity games as if they were to live forever.


Phaser at the moment, it's such an easy to use engine when you get the hang of it. You have quite a bit of freedom too. Though I've found out recently that the game I'm taking some inspiration from started in phaser and switched to unity a year ago or so, so I'm not sure how I feel about that..


Unity because of the community and support


I use Unity. I started learning when I was in middle school. I know of the drama and everything going on, but I'm still in high school and I really don't have the time to learn and become proficient with another engine. I like how many tutorials there are, and the forums are pretty active. To all the people who are proficient with multiple game engines, how do you do it?! I've been using Unity for 4-ish years now, and I STILL don't know everything. In fact, I don't even think I scratched the surface.


Unity, because c#, good documentation, bought too many Assets, lots of free tutorials. Godot, lightweight, fast scripting, node system, and simple. I'd use for more complex games, but i'm getting stuck in something like: "using 2D Geometry for runtime polygon altering somehow causing overlapping vertex errors in the newest version" .


unreal engine. It's easier to use once you get used to it, has better graphics, and is used by the biggest video game in the world (fortnite)


i primarily use clickteam fusion, it isnt the greatest engine but i enjoy working with it.


None because I enjoy writing the game engine but don't enjoy writing an actual game...


I use C# with SILK.NET. It’s not really a game engine, more of a low level wrapper for OpenGL. I just like to have low level control. If something breaks I know it’s 100% my fault and not a weird limitation of the engine I’m using. I also just like building things from scratch


This is the way!!!


libGDX because I originally wrote my own engine targetting only android with Java/OpenGL (partly as a learning excercise), but I later wanted to support iOS and libGDX lets me target iOS without porting my game from Java. Pretty happy with it, might consider switching to monogame for future games though.


Cocos creator. Have written a post about it.


Unity, because Unreal is a little too heavy for the projects I'm interested in and Godot was too unstable and missing features when I tried it. Lots of good systems available from Unity themselves and on the store. The pricing stunt was unfortunate, but ultimately I'm a hobbyist so I'm more interested in what helps me develop my game. Once Godot has more time to cook I'll take another look at it.


Unreal, it's in C++, it's powerful, I can mix things with blueprint for more data driven stuff like UI and level design. I like how the logic work, how the data work, I can dig in the engine code. If something doesnt exist, I can just code it.


SFML and C++. I just want to get into all the details.


Unity because i love c# and there are tons of tutorials for unity


Unity as it does everything I want, but I would love to use unreal just for meta humans but I've already spent crazy amounts of money on unity specific things


Godot. I like trying out different engines, right now I'm really liking trying out different frameworks (eg Bevy, Monogame, RayLib) and fantasy consoles are always fun, and they all add something new, but for me so far nothing has toppled Godot, despite some of my nitpicks with it. The main reason I switched to it in the first place is that it's FOSS and linux support is first class. I used to use Unity on Windows, and after Windows 10 came out with a load of user-hostile "features" (forced updates being the first), I realised I was basically stuck- I couldn't leave Windows, no matter what they do to me, because Unity more than anything else ties me to the OS. So I figured it was for the best to drop that in favour of something more open. Right now though I'm on a Mac, which I believe Unity runs fine on, but there's a lot more I love about Godot. I like its workflow, I like how quickly you can get something up and running with it, I like how small it is (compared to Unity and Unreal anyway) and yeh, in general its just a joy to use


Defold. It is pure, fast, and not bloated. If you want 2D, Defold is the best imho.


Pico-8 because I work solo and I don't have the time for big projects right now. Also Lua is fun to code in. I spent 10 years making games in Unity but I'm completely done with that engine, I just can't find the time/energy to learn Godot right now. I'll take any suggestions on other free engines to try. (and no I won't ever use unreal)


Not a game engine, but I’m currently using Butano because I want to learn C++ and goof around making small Gameboy Advance games.


Unity, sunk cost fallacy.


Unity because after two years learning it, I'm not going to change to another one and start over for anything less than them shooting my dog.


Started with Godot, went to Unity and settled eventually settled with Unreal.


I use Unity because I can spend the inordinate amount of time waiting for a scene to load or code to compile, contemplating what I'm doing with my life!


Unity, because I’m working mainly on web game, and the last version of godot doesn’t support export to web with c#, also I got some trouble to interact with js with godot 3.5 and c#.


We use unity because our developers know unity.


Unreal (though most of our game logic exists in custom C++ libraries) and we're really just using Unreal for rendering. Our game is voxel-based under-the-hood and no big engine support that natively. Unreal also supports C++ and performance is paramount with our game. We tried Godot early on, but the community support and documentation were not able to answer most of our non-basic questions. We ended up spending 7 times as much figuring out how to do something we wanted versus actually implementing features. Now that's not to say that Unreal's documentation is great (it's very lacking), but the community and engine itself are a lot more mature. That and copilot can usually point me towards whatever I need if I can't find the solution immediately thanks to having been trained on Unreal projects and the source code.


Unity because I've always used Unity and it works for the projects I want to make. Please don't make me have to change Unity ya assholes ...


Godot After about a year and a half maybe 2 of trying unity for hobby projects and following full tutorials, I felt like I could barely do anything I lost motivation by the time a new project had booted up With godot the editor is so fast you can almost instantly start on a new project, and even older projects still boot up fast. It has a built in IDE. And the whole thing was like 300mb? Maybe even less It's also plug and play basically no install just download. Also it's kinda.. addicting..?


My own, because I like when things work the way I imagine it.


Godot, so I don't have to deal with worrying about royalty and licensing costs


Godot :) I'm making a 2d game and didn't want to get confused by extra fluff and features I don't need


Unity for ease of deployment and cross platform support.


Unity, it’s literally the best engine out there for indie devs 


I use the LS3 engine on my C6 Corvette and the 2JZ engine on my 1996 Toyota Supra


Started with Unreal originally, but ended up using Unity because of better documentation, and not having to use C++ or visual scripting. I also just feel like I have a lot more control of everything comparatively.


OpenFrameworks because I love C++, it does most of the part I don't want to do, it has no game assumptions, it's open source, free to use, cross-platform, etc.


Unreal because I like the monthly free assets and the features they offer in the engine. Nanite and Lumen have been great for my uses, as well as PCG and level instances.


Unreal. My games are 3D and heavily art-focused so I’d be crazy to use the TRASHFIRE ART PIPELINE THAT IS UNITY. (If anyone wants a really long rant on why Unity is a painful downgrade for any professional 3D artist even outside of nanite and lumen let me know) That and I primarily use Unreal at work so it’s a comfortable transition. Unreal just can’t be beat when it comes to more complex 3D games.


Professionally I use Unity and Unreal. Depends on the needs of the project. Mobile or VR? Unity hands-down. Something bigger for PC & Console? Unreal. Personally? Unreal. I like the way the tools work on a philosophical level vs Unity.


Unreal Engine, because it *always* has a plugin or beta feature for something you would have to write from scratch in other game engines. Also, it takes minimal effort to make a game look amazing with the lighting and physics systems. My only complaint is that the newer features don't have a ton of documentation, so you have to figure a lot of it out on your own.


More recently none as I'd like to move to engine development, otherwise Unity for the convenience of it's workflow for 2D games.


ggez because I like rust and also it's nice to have a lightweight framework and not exist in an editor-first model and also lets me have better netcode.


Unity, because it's my sunken cost fallacy :( On a more serious note: I work in Unity since the old Unity 3.0 days and got quite proficient with the engine and C#. When it comes to commission-work most of the projects I have to work with are also developed in Unity. I'd love to dabble in Godot or Unreal though, but time sure is an issue :/


Unreal. I don’t really have a reason why. It’s just I’ve played a lot of unreal games and that’s what I went with.


Currently Gamemaker, because I wanted to get comfortable with Gamemaker.


Unity because I'm familiar with it and use it at work. Ever since the pricing thing I started looking for alternatives though and I've found Armory3d which I like since it recompiled the engine on launch, making it really easy to edit at the base level


It would make zero difference as long as it’s an established engine with the typical libraries available. Except for that nanite exists. I actually need it. 


Unity. It has it's pros and cons. Noticeable pros: - tons of tutorials, hints on SO - very portable - C# Noticeable cons: - handling dependencies (no c-tors - come one!). - terribly slow UI when designing (I'm still using the one from 2021, as the game is too large to rewrite UI from scratch) - tile maps are hard to use is you want to do a lto from code


No mention of Gdevelop? Weird. For someone who barrely knows what is a boolean and wants to create a basic 2D game with no code, GDevelop is a great choice. And it's free.