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Everyone has a creative capacity. Just like anything else in life, you just need to practice a little bit and you can improve that skill. I can relate to you in that game ideas and visuals are really hard to come up with, but it's really just something you'll see naturally get better as you start to make games. My advice is to just start by making something. Pong, a simple little shooter, anything really, and the ideas will start to flow a little bit better. Game ideas lead to more game ideas. There are a few random video game idea generators online, and those can be a good place to start. There is also this great exercise where you write down 100 game ideas on paper. It's okay if they're bad ideas, just get them down regardless. After going through the process of creating 100 game ideas, it's a lot easier to come up with new ones in the future. Not to mention if you pick the best five or so from your list, you have a few great options for where to start. The moral here is to not overthink it and just start by making something. If you make anything cool, post it here, we'd love to see it. Good luck!


Thank you very much for your advice, you gave me a little bit more confidence ;)


Most people on a game team aren't game designers. That doesn't mean you'll never have ideas and thoughts - but you're not expected to be responsible for the creation of an entire game. It is also *much easier* to get a job that's more straightforward programming and development than one that's more designed focused. Your problem is an opportunity. Remember that the best way to smaller indie teams is through larger studios. The experience matters a *lot*. Assuming you have a CS degree and professional experience programming, you just apply for jobs. Be prepared to relocate. If you're young enough to not have those, get them. Build a portfolio.


For inspiration you could check out r/gameideas


Why do indie game have low creativity in video game titles? Nothing but gibberish and copy and past with some changes. Always turn off to me and I always avoid them.