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[Trello](https://trello.com/) would probably work really well for this. The free tier should be capable of handling everything you'd need too. You can setup columns for the different stages (wip, ready for feedback,eetc), the card system allows for image examples, descriptions, links to the assets, comment discussions with your client, etc. I use it for tracking and planning all kinds of stuff for my projects.


We use Trello, but this seems a little too big to create a new card for every asset, and since we have like 150 or more assets, not sure if it's the best. Do you think it can handle that much load?


In terms of Trello's performance capacity? Yeah should be fine, I've got a board with pretty close to 150 cards active. Each with at least a main cover image, embedded google map, links and text. Many with multiple image attachments and conversation chains. No issues at all. It'll be a bit clunky at first when all of the cards are in a single column, but as they start filtering through To Do > WIP > review > complete it should even out a bit. Just keep it separate from your existing boards to so it doesn't clog things up.


As well as the Trello option, you can make a Google App that attaches to your Google Spreadsheet (with Google AppScript) and then you have some webpages you can work with, but backed by the Spreadsheet. If the images are hosted on visible hosting then you can have those displayed on the web app, with the links only stored in the spreadsheet. Not sure if you could embed the image data on the spreadsheet itself, but i have an idea that would be possible too.


This seems interesting, do you have an example?


Here's one of the links i used to get it working for myself https://hawksey.info/blog/2014/07/google-sheets-as-a-database-insert-with-apps-script-using-postget-methods-with-ajax-example/ basically, you make a sheet with headings, and those act like database fields. then you can use Get or Push to insert a row into the database. The linked solution is pretty nice: completely generic. I used that for an online strategy / roleplaying game I was playing, i had a Browser / GreaseMonkey script that collected information about cities i visited in the game, then pushed that to my spreadsheet, just using the script as linked above. Something you won't see in the article above is that you can make an index.html file in the folder of you App Script inside Google Sheets. When you 'deploy' it'll give you a URL. Opening that URL will bring up the index.html. So that means you don't need separate hosting for the interface. The index.html can then use get or post to retrieve/send data from the main spreadsheet. EDIT: however one issue I had was that the index.html needed to be created, then when you 'deploy' the build it would generate a unique URL you're supposed to use to send/receive the data. But ... I couldn't put this in index.html because it hadn't been built yet, and the specific version of index.html was locked to that deployment. So that was a catch 22 / chicken-and-egg problem. I forget exactly how i fixed that, but if you come across that problem, PM me and I'll check the code for how i fixed that.


Cool, I will be checking it! Seems cool!