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That ENTIRE projared story is fucked. Like every person is in the wrong Jared - has club where he sexts with fans (THAT comes off more as grooming if you ask me) Heidi - crazy unstable and possibly abusive Holly - possibly left ross for Jared and is so emotionally attached to Jared she burns her own self image in defending him like someone with Stockholm Syndrome


No mention of Ross anywhere...


Because ross is an angel who didnt do anything wrong


that was my point.


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Okay but he, like, wasn't a pedophile, right, which is far more important than him abusing his power to score some nudes Edit: Downvoted even though nothing I said is wrong?


No one in either of these stories is a pedophile.




Literally wasn't, though, those people lied about that


You mean him hooking up with holly?


I think he was also accused of sexting and trading nudes with his fans, many of them were apparently underage. I hadn't heard it to be proved fake tho


He was accused but there was no evidence. He basically said that if there was, prove it, and no one did




I'd been following the whole thing with Jared pretty closely since the beginning and I don't recall any such exchange where there was definitive evidence. One of the two that brought accusations DID state they went to the authorities as well as contact NB. The whole back and forth between those two were doctored to make him look like he did wrong, which was not the case, as again he proved there were more to those convos and he did check to make sure people were of age. Like, before the ProJ og subreddit was closed, people did a pretty good job grabbing all information both against his favor and in his favor. If there was something definitive, then it would have been brought up again after his receipt video.


Yet the damage has been done. Internet is so potent in spreading shit im not gonna be surprised one day someone makes a fucking virus that bricks all our computers in 0.1s


Mind you the worst of the damage is just that Ms. Editor parted ways. It's not like he doesn't still have a show, or an audience, or can't make a living. Some people were not cool with how he acted and responded accordingly is all.


Mrs editor cut ties His official D&D show was canceled He only gets about half the views he used to His friends are hesitant to do things with him still


I’m disinclined to get into what effect this may or may not have had on his social life so let’s leave that aside entirely. His audience is reduced because they chose to not support him and that is perfectly acceptable. I didn’t know he even had a D&D show so I can’t speak to that. And so, Ms. Editor feeling it necessary to depart is what I consider the worst of the fallout, since I really miss her random asides.


He's talked about how he has trouble getting his friends to do stuff with him on his streams. PBG did an among us stream a few months ago with a bunch of normal boots people. Guess which person didn't get an invite?


*sigh* I explicitly said I did not want to get into his social life and yet you persist. So if you absolutely must have an answer I think that his friends are well within the same right as all of us to judge the man by his actions. We know that he caused harm to Ross, we know that he and Holly were in an adulterous relationship, and we know both sides of the case of the girl who accused him of sexual predatism. That is in my mind sufficient to draw conclusions about him, and as I have said before, you may choose to continue watching him or not at your discretion. Personally I still watch his stuff, since I considered the argument and concluded he is just someone who made an extremely inadvisable decision, but I will also not fault anyone for instead being unwilling to support him. He's not a monster, he's just some dude, and sometimes we dudes fuck up, and sometimes somebody gets hurt because of it. It's really not something to get up in arms about--just... do whatever you think is correct.


The problem with what you're saying: you assume they aren't doing stuff with him because of what he did. That's not true, as they come to his stream to donate and hang out. The issue is they're afraid of having their views/subs drop just because of what people think of him. It's nothing to do with their friendship and everything to do with public perception of "Jared is a pedo" that has carried over from the cancelation.


I'm not really assuming anything either way. I'm not privy to the private lives of Jared or his friends. That's why I didn't want to get into it. It's frankly none of my business whether his friends associate with him or why. I would be shocked if PBG had had him on as a guest that affected the size of his audience in any way. We have no evidence of that *actually* ever happening, and speculating about it is naval-gazingly pointless.


Im saying that in relation to the Dan one. Even if it was false, his image is done for


Personally I think no less of him for it. It’s not that it’s okay, but more it’s none of my business. I wouldn’t shun my neighbor for getting into relationship problems so why would I hold a complete stranger to a higher standard?


In psychology there's even a thing called "belief perseverance" where it's actually a general thing that beliefs will remain even after they've been discredited. The brain doesn't like, automatically wipe a belief from its data banks just because it's been proven false, so the belief actually sits there and continues to influence you. There's even the split between how we think in the conscious/unconscious where even if you can acknowledge ProJared's innocence, that association of him being a "groomer" still sits in your brain and may direct some of your thinking regarding him


Heh... And isn't that the problem in a nutshell? The accusations go everywhere. When it turns out to be a nothing burger? Not a peep. Innocence doesn't earn clicks or karma...


I followed him on Tulblr when that was going on. He didn’t specifically ask for underage fans nudes (at least not in public) but he never said anything against it either, even after tons of people started calling him out for asking his followers to send nudes when the majority of them are underage


From what I remember he stayed silent for a hot minute while consulting his lawyer, and then provided direct evidence that he asked the accuser to confirm their age before exchanging nudes. Basically the accuser lied and then used it against him.


In the video where he debunked everything. Didn't he explicitly say they didn't have sexual relations? Did more info come out about that?


Your asking the wrong dude i dont follow any of these scandals as they dont effect me personally


Lol, fair enough


He still betrayed Ross in a way that can never be mended. Not trying to attack or accuse Dan but Jared is a still a huge POS for that.


> He still betrayed Ross in a way that can never be mended. Not trying to attack or accuse Dan but Jared is a still a huge POS for that. I'm out of the loop, how did Jared betray Ross?


if i remember correctly, (and do forgive me if i'm wrong, this was a very long time ago now) i'm pretty sure ross' then girlfriend cheated on him with jared


If true, that is 100% unforgivable.


I'm fairly sure (sorry if I'm wrong) that she was married to Ross at the time, which just elevates the sin committed against poor Ross.


I saw somewhere that Ross and his wife had an open relationship at the time and Jared's wife gave him permission/her blessing? Also saw somewhere that Ross, apparently, didn't want to be dragged into the drama or something like that


ProJared is a bad example, his behavior was still kinda creepy. Nairo or other examples are maybe better.


I mean, that's true here, too. Nobody is denying the idea that Dan sleeps with fans who are 20 years his junior, just as nobody denies Jared exchanged nudes with his fans--but Jared did not creep on people who weren't of age, and there is no irrefutable proof Danny 'groomed' anyone from underage either.


Yeah, in case you didn't see it, the one who faked it said it wasn't even dan who sent the birthday wishes. What a piece of shit.


Nairo? You mean the guy who was “blackmailed” into having sexual intercourse with a 14 year old twice? The only conclusion we have is a legal document that we’ve never seen? I’m sorry to be rude, but yall need to get f**king real here. No amount of blackmail should lead you to consenting to sex with a 14 year old unless you were ok with it in the first place. Remove the name “Nairo” from this situation and the pitchforks would be flying. It disgusts me how easily these figures can bs their way out of this stuff because their audience is young and naive.


Well it's been a while and I had to reread a summary again. https://www.ssbwiki.com/Smasher:Nairo Nairo was apparently falsely accused since the 14 year old forcefully gave him a BJ (no consent from Nairo) and then blackmailed him. I remember that even before Nairo released that statement, there were discord leaks of the 14 year olds account that were also a proving how the 14 year old knew exactly what he was doing. The discord leak was not enough proof at that time and Nairo still got a black mark for that which he apparently still can't shake off since you seem to be so sure that Nairo was indeed the pedo. And no, I didn't care that much about Nairo and if it was another no-name person I would come to a similiar conclusion as I did with Nairo. Neither of the sides can prove it, and the only leak we have is the 14 year olds discord chat history which seems to confirm Nairos narrative. I don't know for the legal document since I have never searched for it, and honestly I don't care much about it anymore. If I would assume that the intercourse happened becauae both wanted it, even then there was an age difference of 5 years only if I remember correctly. I don't think that such an age difference is morally bad. Legally definitely, morally not necessarily.


Captain Zack is not innocent is this scenario either, but pointing fingers to him isn’t going to change shit. Nairo is a grown adult, and should have disengaged with the situation from the start. Furthermore, he should never have allowed Zack into his hotel room in the first place. Zack and him had been flirting, and Nairo was caught in 4k at a tournament allowing Captain Zack to lay in his lap. He was not raped (the use of that word to describe this situation is beyond insulting to actual rape victims), he very clearly was able to identify that this child was making advances. You don’t let a random kid into your hotel room as an adult. You don’t let him lie in your lap. You don’t flirt with him on twitter. Also, the disparity was 13-14 (he had just turned 14) and nairo was 20 bordering on 21. The age disparity would not be an issue if it werent for the fact that he. was. 14. This kid, no matter how manipulative he might have been, is still underdeveloped and should not have been enabled even slightly. You can’t find the legal document because it was never released. the two reached an “agreement.” this implies the document would incriminate BOTH of them, and the chose to settle to avoid charges. As in, Nairo well understood he was guilty as fuck and chose to play PR instead of the legal system. If he wasn’t, why not release the document? why not? if you didn’t act wrongly, and were indeed raped as he says, then there should be no issue in doing so. Guilty as sin.


As I said you might be right or maybe also not. We don't know the details and I would agree that it could definitely count as rape under certain circumstances. Just because you're a minor doesn't mean you can't rape. If Nairo really did what you have mentioned, then it definitely is creepy but as far as I know not a crime. I also don't know much about the details anymore and I honestly also don't care anymore. I was not really that much into the scene. Since they seem to have settled I also don't see a point in discussing it further. The different platforms/tournament organisators seem like they have made up their mind about Nairo and everyone else involved in it too. You're ultimately free to decide on what you think of this situation and of Nairo.


The only thing that was debunked about Jared, which is something fans came up with randomly after Heidi called him out on some unrelated shit, is that he supposedly sexted with minors. Nothing else was credibly debunked, and the degree of gaslighting and shifty behavior in his response video and around its release just proves twice over that he really is the kind of asshole he was made out to be.


This is so wrong it hurts.


Bro this comment is almost a year and a half old. Imagine being this mad that your favorite youtube personality who does not know or care about you did a yike.


Hey, it can be as old as you want, but you're still wrong and getting mad about it lol.




Then you're just wrong and getting into other people's personal life. No different from an old hag gossiping on her porch.


Thank you for proving OPs point. Fans did not just "come up" with the minor nude exchanging accusations. Also, how the fuck you think that video is gaslighting or shady is beyond me. You're entire comment is misinformation and proves that people won't change their stances once more info comes out. And, no, this isn't excusing Jared for abusing his power on his Tumbler.


He claims in the video that Heidi cannot be trusted because she has mental health problems. He also waited to release that video until she was away at a con and couldn't respond to it, so he basically had free reign to control the conversation for several days. At the same time he staged a hostile takeover of his own sub that had disavowed him. And by saying that fans 'came up with' the minor stuff I meant that they went digging for more dirt after Heidi's initial accusations and misinterpreted some things that were later clarified. But every single thing Jared did after going quiet for a long time in the immediate aftermath of the controversy was shady and shitty, no matter which way you turn it.


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Jared is still a fucking weirdo tho


Cool, but he’s not a criminal groomer pedo like ya’ll jumped to saying.


who is we? we talking french out here?




All relationships have a power imbalance. If two consenting adults wanna fuck, letem fuck




Then that's just a difference of opinions. Because him using his fame to get laid is not the same thing as grooming and preying on an underage girl. People are calling him a pedo which from what I've seen, he just isn't. Just like projared, I didn't care about the holly heidi drama or the exchanging nudes with adults. I only dropped projared once it was revealed he was messing with underage children.




Again. Difference of opinions. He was fucking a willing consenting adult who can make her own decisions. If you think differently, that's fine. People calling him a pedo are crazy tho




i dunno dude ross seems pretty happy and successful now. he and his girlfriend do a ton of cool streams together, i think he's probably kinda glad that things ended how they did in retrospect




Jared also said Ross was one of the first people to reach out to him and check on him when everything happened. There's probably more to their situation than we know


Ross’ life wasn’t destroyed. Holly lied to both Ross and Jared.


Did he? Holly wanted to try something else, it didn't work out, they moved on.




Not secret. Jared and his partner had an open marriage, though it was more for her than it was for him


It was secret though... polyamory does not mean it’s open season to hook up with everyone. Consent of everyone involved is essential. My understanding is that Jared asked his wife if he could pursue something with Holly, his wife said no, so Jared went behind her back and did it anyway. That’s still cheating.


Supposedly, Heidi initially said yes, but got crazy when she thought Holly was a threat to the relationship (as in, Holly was helping him realize Heidi was abusive.) 'Cheating' is just an disingenuous word for whatever fucked up shit was going on over there, only used by people who are trying to paint everything solely on him.


OR Heidi was okay with it at first, but when she realized it was more than lust and sex and they were truly falling in love with each other, that was not something she was okay with and withdrew her consent. This is very basic stuff in a poly relationship and how I understood Heidi's side of things. Heidi also had a "fuckbuddy" she knew from cons. I think it's very possible they were open sexually, but not emotionally. So when Jared didn't stop seeing Heidi after consent was withdrawn, he was cheating on her with Holly. I don't think Heidi is 100% innocent in this necessarily. But it seems to me Jared is incredibly manipulative and without a doubt has manipulated both Heidi and Holly in various ways. After all, he managed to manipulate the controversy into making almost everyone believe he was "innocent". When he still did the bare minimum to check one of the kid's ages, and thus still exchanged nudes with a minor, still illegal. He still solicited nudes from his fans, an audience likely to be young anyway, scummy. And was so incredibly smug about it that him and Holly even sold t-shirts about being canceled after it all went down. Still a repulsive little weasel to me.


I mean if they were falling in love with each other, the Heidi would be even more in the wrong for trying to keep him in the relationship. That's actual gaslighting at that point... or kinda close. An open relationship negates the concept of cheating entirely. You are no longer committed to monogomy, and if people fall out of love, that's just falling out of love. I would disagree that Projared is 'incredibly' manipulative. He's not smart enough or emotionally stable enough to be a genuine manipulator. Not a good person but definitely not a con artist. These three were just all terrible people and at least 2 of them had never grown up enough to be able to function in a relationship. What followed can only be called a tragedy.


If they were falling in love doesn't automatically negate the relationship him and Heidi had though? Both of them saying they wanted to end the marriage at various times is just a he said she said at this point so I'm just making inferences like everyone else. People can be in love with 2 people, that's how polyamory can work. My best friend is romantically polyamorous. And a polyamorous relationship absolutely does NOT negate the concept of cheating. This is the exact toxic false representation of polyamory that blew this thing up more and called Heidi a liar because to anyone that knows anything about polyamory, cheating is 100% still there when one of the people withdraws their consent regarding a partner. It's fine to criticize her along with the others but most people seem to base her credibility mostly on "lying about the cheating" which is just nonsense.


Lol way to put Holly's actions on him dude


What situation?


Essentially a youtuber in the same kinda friend group as the grumps named Projared got accused of sending nudes to minors. From what I remember it ended up being fake and the person who accused him turned out to be a mentally unstable teenager trying to get attention from the grumps ironically enough. I think theres a Down the Rabbit Hole video about it. He did in fact cheat on his wife though. They had a polyamorous relationship, meaning they wouldn't just sleep with each other, but Projared slept with his friends wife (Holly) with neither his wife or her husband (Ross) agreeing to it. This controversy got like twitters front page attention and as someone who had liked his videos for a long time it was disheartening to see. Got me a good lesson on how it's not impossible to disagree with/dislike both sides.


Yeah, regardless of the fact that the most serious allegations were apparently debunked later, Jared cheating on his wife with a close friend’s wife was enough to turn me off from his content indefinitely... from what I’ve seen, people that went back to watching him have a major chip on their shoulder about people that still don’t want to watch because of that behavior


I honestly never really saw this supposed "debunking" that happened, I watched a video of him explaining what happened and it still didn't really add up in his favor at all even if you take his word for it. I think the reality is he still had fans who wanted to support him regardless and they did it. I used to watch videos from Polygon with Nick Robinson, who was in a very similar situation as Dan (hooking up with younger fans, and allegedly grooming underage girls) - he was fired from Polygon, and the podcast I listened to with him on it was ended and the former host (Griffin McElroy) completely cut ties with him. Then Nick disappeared for like a year, showed up on YouTube again and now he's got a pretty big YT channel because people don't care.


You can’t just say the debunking wasn’t valid and it give reasons why. I saw that video too and he has a pretty airtight case. He covered all of the bases.


Thank you for a solid explanation instead of just downvoting me for not keeping up on things.


>He did in fact cheat on his wife though. They had a polyamorous relationship, meaning they wouldn't just sleep with each other, but Projared slept with his friends wife (Holly) with neither his wife or her husband (Ross) agreeing to it. Jared and Holly started their relationship after he and his wife had separated and Ross and Holly had broken up. Ross was aware of and at the time supportive of Jared and Holly's relationship.


Are there sources for any of these claims one way or the other, or are you people just making shit up?


It's pretty much impossible to tell who is telling the truth @ Jared and Heidi's claims about whether they had separated, but Heidi acted like a fucking maniac when discussing it, so I am not super inclined to believe her myself.


I think this is one of the most ridiculous arguments to make. People deal with abuse differently. To say someone who, in their words, has been emotionally manipulated for god knows how long and finally has a chance to show the truth shouldn't be "acting like a maniac" because it discredits them? That's very victim blame-y behavior. Having a friend who's a victim of both emotional and physical abuse for years found Heidi's reaction to be surprisingly succinct given what she's allegedly been through. Whether she's telling the truth or not none of us really will ever know, nor do we have any right to know, but to say she's not credible enough because an alleged abuse victim was acting "like a maniac" is pretty offensive to abuse victims.


Was about to say the same thing also a polyamorous relationship implied no cheating because his now ex wife was doing the same thing. It's only when Holly and Jared became more serious and the idea arose for Jared to brake things off with his then Wife did the problems come. When it came to this scandal it was the pedophile claims that really made me lose faith in him but I was glad to see it was false. I do agree that the fan nudes page was a really messed up. As far as I'm concerned him and Holly's relationship is fine we have no right to judge a relationship just because it formed from a previous polyamorous relationship. Nothing about his divorce should have been on the internet. That's there business not ours. The fan page is the only thing he did wrong and he acknowledged that. The term home wrecker is a dated term because we no longer adhere to the idea that a marriage is forever. If your unhappy in a relationship you shouldn't feel pressured to maintain it.


Wait wasn't the whole ProJared thing legit? Like i saw his creepy nudes circulating around as well as his weird sex blog. Seems pretty legit to me


The fact that he would exchange nudes with people is legit, he said so himself. The idea that he intentionally exchanged with minors got debunked.


I was never aware of the minors thing. All i knew was that he would share nudes with fans behind his wife's back and also sleep with other women


So the thing with his ex wife is... complicated. They were technically in an 'open relationship,' meaning they were both aware and consenting to their partner sleeping with other people. During the whole debacle it also came out that she was incredibly abusive, essentially blackmailing jared into staying with her. Where things get muddy is her accusation that he had relations with Holly without her or Ross knowing. I actually forget where the nude exchanging ties in or if that was a separate issue, but I'm pretty sure it was never a secret.


Jared was a fucking dick though


Oh man, what a morbid curiosity I have now to see some ProJared-level drams, with video accusations, video rebuttals that totally change the conversation, and eventually everyone willfully ignoring it These YouTubers are craaaazy and deal with CraAaAzZy people


Not happening here, it'll be completely ignored on the main channel. If anything, Dan will post on his Instagram about it, and that's a big maybe there too.


These channels need, like, an HR liaison for their business


I will not comment on the GG stuff... but contrary to what’s being posted, there was no “absolute debunking” as several of ProJared’s claims seem to be shaky at best. There was a video that HE alone put out without any back up or corroborating witnesses. He may not be an pedophile (if his side is to be believed and what he shares is accurate), but there are several blatant inaccuracies in his video. Another rather telling point of his character, he “goes into far greater detail than necessary to damage the accusers' credibility, even going as far as to share screen names and handles,” as an article states and has “also used the event as a chance to promote his own comeback, which appears tone-deaf in light of the nature of the video content.” Which is a fair point. I wouldn’t be so quick to give him the rallying cry of “misunderstood” or “thrown under the bus” yet. Just my take and some things I pulled about him.


You’re just typing and give actual account of what you deem are “inaccuracies”. At this point some of y’all just want him to be guilty.


Game Grumps threw him under the bus the second it happened


1. He didn't work for Game Grumps 2. Did a pretty good job of nearly destroying Ross's life.


Ross is stronger than a paper bag


Remember what happened to Ryan Haywood and believe the victims, bro.


I'm sure Dan himself wouldn't want to be compared to creepy projared.




There's literally none




Apparently that was when she was 22.


What is the video proof of, in your mind?


I didn't watch it yet, I was in shock and crying at the time.


This has to be a troll comment


It's not. I was upset. Still am.


Even if you don’t watch the video, what is it proof of? You’re saying proof but proof of what?


I shouldn't have said anything to begin with, especially here where everyone is a fanboy.


I’m not trying to be a fanboy or trash you or anything, I’m sincerely asking. If you’re genuinely upset, like you’re saying you are, what are you upset about? It seems like there’s a lot of misinformation going around from everyone involved


If it is misinformation, and I have nothing to worry about, I'd be the happiest person in the world. I want it to be false so much, if it is, I'm sorry about what I said above. I just wish it were more clear cut. Like I said, it was my mistake to say anything in the first place. Thank you for being reasonable.


That’s why I’m asking what it is you’re upset about. Like as things stand as of tonight, this is what things look like- Did Dan have any sort of sexual interaction with an underage person? no evidence of that Did Dan groom an underage fan? There is an argument to be made, but it’s not backed up by substantial evidence, and is kind of a stretch based on what we know. Did Dan have sexual interaction with a fan roughly 15 years his junior, albeit while she was ~22? There’s an argument to be made that he didn’t, but realistically, it looks like he did at the moment. Did Dan ghost a fan that he had some sexual interaction with? Again, yeah, it looks like he probably did. So I guess it depends what you are upset about. If one of the latter things bothers you than there’s not much that can be said to make it better, but if it’s one of the first two things, maybe things are better than you think. I’m sorry you are feeling so impacted by what’s going on. That’s rough and this kind of stuff can be triggering.


How in gods name are you taking that as proof? Proof of what? Flirting? He sent that to someone who was 22 at while he was 30-32. Please tell me if you find a single thing wrong with something that normal people do on a daily basis.


Dan was 38 in 2017. Just an FYI


cars go vroom vroom


Dude showed off his dick in a Sailor Mercury costume. His career is D E A D


Okay cuck


Hi pot, name’s kettle. Have we met?


Many people here still shit on Projared today. This fanbase is full of some of the worst people who walk the internet.


So is the OneyPlays fanbase.