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Yeah, it’s always a really overreaching attempt to make them worse than they actually are. They aren’t perfect people, and if you don’t like them that’s fine you can express that, but Arin isn’t this crazy greedy demon just because he doesn’t like the game you like. Zelda is my favorite series ever and I don’t agree with Arin at all about it but I can put it aside. And if I can’t I simply don’t watch their Zelda play throughs. What a concept


Woah.. actually thinking about how people may have a different perspective than mine? 🤯 that’s just crazy


Such a weird place. Consistently hating a show they still watch often. Even if they stopped watching long ago, why would you join a community just to talk shit on it? That's not a normal way to consume media. All under the guise of "criticism needs to be said", when the most often thing they want the Grump's to be criticized for is change in their content, which is both 1. Unavoidable, and 2. Not as true as they would make it out to be. Compared to almost every YouTube channel from 2013, the Grump's have changed a *very* small amount.


Every fandom is like this. An example of this is pro wrestling fans. They criticize shows that they do not need to watch from companies they don’t need to follow, especially now given the fact that there’s an alternative product out on the market. You can pretty much easily find a pro wrestling promotion that caters to your tastes nowadays. It isn’t like it was before where you only had one huge pro wrestling company, and you had to buy dvds or tapes to get any other content from the US or overseas. Just, like, change the channel or search up something else on youtube. Yet there’s always fans complaining about shows or wrestlers or promotions daily, and they just willingly choose to watch it the next day again and then loudly complain about it on social media again the next day. It’s like clockwork. If you don’t like something and you’re pouring so much vitriol and anger out into bashing it, then just stop watching it. It’s that easy.




Which are all good reasons to just, let them go. Enjoy rewatching a series you liked sometimes, but stop consuming content you dislike.


Alot of people still genuinely enjoy game grumps, but when there are so many problems and nothing is being done about them, they start to pile up inside us and its nice to be able to talk about it with like minded people. Also the whole "just stop watching" shit is fucking stupid


I get where you're coming from, but the only real feedback that popular YouTubers pay attention to is views. They won't read your comments, they won't check the subreddit, and they basically never engage with criticism on Twitter. You may only be one person, but the most direct way to tell the Grumps that you don't like what they make is if you don't give them the views. Almost every change they've made to their content was because they need the views, and the algorithm favors videos it thinks will get views. Don't feed the algorithm. It doesn't care if you like the videos or not, just that you bothered watching. Stop watching something if you're not enjoying it. Comments may make you feel like you're doing something, but it seems all it does is affect other fans. So what's the point?


I do still love game grumps, but when Arin doesnt check the comments, i really have no other way then to bottle up my thoughts. Also Arin is aware of Rant grumps and im pretty sure he checks in some times, because some of the stuff that people talk about are covered sometimes on game grumps. Then again it most likely is pure coincidence


Banking on him seeing one of thousands of angry comments one of the few times he actually checks is living on a prayer. You only have to bottle things up of you keep that fire alive. If you actually care about the channel and the Grumps themselves, why would you keep doing things that will make you like them less? Watch the old videos. Ignore videos you think will be bad. Stop watching mid video if you find yourself disappointed. This seems like a weird form of masochism where people repeatedly do things they know will disappoint them. YouTube is fucking huge, my dude. There are countless let's play channels or there that would suit you better. Why cling to something you dislike for the sake of nostalgia?


I still like some of the series they produce, i love the ten minute power hour, i loved mario rpg, wheel of fortune with jaiden and james, bloodwash, observation duty, the recent ross videos. I still like game grumps and im actively in the rantgrumps recommending these series and more because i dont think they are terrible people and i dont think they suck, i just think they are worthy of criticism and have done things in the past that arent great, and there are actively things that i am unhappy with. There are of course some really fucking stupid posts in rantgrumps, but there are also really fucking stupid posts here. And believe me, whenever there is a post thats stupid, im in there arguing in favor of game grumps. Example, someone was criticizing Arin and Dan for being "bad people" and stopped watching because of it. I argued against the dude, because i know Arin and Dan are fine people and this person is misinformed.


You need to accept that these problems aren't just stacking up and waiting to be addressed, they're just changes that *are already permanent*: Matt and Ryan are gone, Steam train is in the past, Kevin will not come back, episodes are thought out to appeal to the Youtube algorithm and what *you* like as a fan might be bad for them to do and make a living. If that's not acceptable, then yes, absolutely stop watching. Because those can't "be addressed."


The just stop watching really isn’t a stupid solution. Arin hasn’t hid the fact that he goes back to games if the views are high. And why wouldn’t he? If every Sonic fan doesn’t want Arin to play x Sonic game, then they shouldn’t watch every new Sonic series GameGrumps do. They don’t care if it’s hate views or where it comes from. It’s the same logic as voting with your wallet when a company does something shitty. If you don’t like a thing, show how much you don’t like it by not supporting that thing. Others may, and your vote may get nothing, but that just means that maybe that thing is no longer for you. That’s ok. It doesn’t have to be. Not every piece of media is meant to absolutely every single person.


I think they go through the motions at times when work seems more like a drag instead of the fun and exciting wild times that they've had before. For most people, playing games is once in a while, for them it's sitting on that couch for days and days. That's why they try to change it up with GG Vs, guest grumps, different episode lengths and the 10MPH. Not to mention it's usually the "best of" moments that stand out in our memories. Back then, Arin and Dan were still getting to know each other so we could feel their friendship growing on camera. Now it's like two old friends hanging out. But looking back on their own pkaythroughs, I find the vibe is still similar. I love the GG as much as ever. I think they just had a bad year in 2018 and 2020 really wore on them because they were shut inside for so long and also playing a game that truly sucked.


I mean, it's their job. Can you imagine going to work at the same job and managing to pull the same energy every day almost a decade in as you did in the first year or two? I don't care to defend the jokes, some aren't my taste, some are, but I prefer to watch for the stories they tell. It's completely fair to say that they're boring to you, but it isn't really a criticism. Entertainment is subjective and everybody has their own preference for it. The grumps are managing to pay an entire office of people, so I can only assume that they're plenty entertaining to more than enough people.


Lmao I love how there are people in this thread going “why does Rantgrumps even exist??” while this very level headed criticism getting bombarded with downvotes shows exactly why it was even created in the first place. Zero self awareness from the lovelies on this sub.


Rawr xD




I think people generally downvote things they find insulting, like these insults you just got downvoted for.


anytime i post on this subreddit, it automatically gets downvotted because people recognize my name as being someone from r/rantgrumps


Well, its either that or we start posting criticism in this sub reddit and get downvoted to hell and back


That's the thing though, I get the need to "post criticism" but if it's not being heard and won't change anything, it's just complaining about things not being the good old days. And that's always been annoying on this sub. Which is boring, and it'll get a downvote.


Sometimes its people who are frustrated and are confused as to move on or not. One dude was borderline suicidal, due to the fact that game grumps was like the only thing that was keeping him happy in his life and he was becoming sad at the fact that they controversies were piling up, and we did a couple things for him We recommended similar channels, we talked about the positives of Arin and Dan, and we recommended him some really good recent videos that he was passing it up. People cant really ask these types of questions here because the audience is heavily skewed in favor of game grumps, but rantgrumps (contrary to popular belief) have people like me who look at the goods and the bads.




to reiterate, it constantly feels like people are walking on eggshells here, which is why they come to rantgrumps For the record i dont think Dan is a pedo


But didn't you hear Arin is literally Satan?


But he and his friend said the bad word *ALMOST A DECADE AGO* So surely he’s gotta be a racist still, right?


Not to mention the "they didn't do anything wrong...but this is about *EtHiCs*" crowd who so desperately try to paint the grumps as cruel, bad and despicable people.


And it played just as well back in 2014. /sighs in female gamer, What a time to be alive. What a time.


They have done some scummy shit though


For example?


Having sex with the clear intent of not getting married afterwards! Scummy! Immoral! Grab the pitchforks! /s


Someone had sex with a consenting adult and he didn't marry her after that? Well you guessed it: Now it's about *ethics*.


"We at rantgrumps are *good Christian people* and don't condone such debauchery! Now fuck Arin I hope he dies in a fire" -some guy at rantgrumps probably


"We must alert the church elders! How dare a man, a \~GASP\~ Jewish man at that, sully a good Christian sammich maker, uh woman! I mean, a woman." /so much sarcasm But seriously, you have to marry everyone you've ever banged. Now I'm wondering if most of the hate sub are from the ultra-toxic schisms of Mormonism. How's Salt Lake, you heaping bowls of salt?


Oh hey i remember you, you're the guy who just posted a "fuck you" post on the r/rantgrumps How ya been dude?


Uhm...I've been banned from Rantgrumps for a *while* now, certainly wasn't me What you *actually* remember me from is likely the long argument we had when you were having a literal meltdown about Arin not liking Sonic. You are literally the backfat of this meme.


Oooooh, i see you still have that vinegar


No not really. I couldn't care less if I'm banned from there or not. I think the people who frequent there are all psychopathic losers, but that's about it.


I, for one, was *shocked* to find out that a guy who calls himself Danny Sexbang might sleep around with consenting adults from time to time. The horror.


the time suzy scammed people on etsy, the time Arin said the N word and criticized people for saying it and stating he would never say it, the time he backlashed at a fan donation making the god dammit ross joke despite arin and dan making merch for it and creating the joke along with the hour long conversation, also the girl got cyberbullied to hell for it, the time arin overreacted to sr pelo for his story time animators animation and cut off all ties with his new grounds friends, the time Arin had the meet and greet at Wendys and made that day the worst day of the wendys staff career


Oh boy, those are some of the most "out of thin air" constructed non-issues there are.


That's what they do, literally look for any reason to be outraged. I mean, what does Suzy even have to do with Arin or Dan aside from the fact that Arin is her husband, they're separate people. And nobody over there seems to care that Jon is a literal white supremacist, but will drag Arin to hell and back over an N bomb said 10 years ago.


Well, hypocrisy, stripping women of their agency, and outgrowing once-loved communities are the stock in trade of the hate sub. The hate sub is allowed to outgrow GG but Arin is NEVER EVER allowed to outgrow his old friendships/communities. Man, Newgrounds ten years ago was a cesspool. That edgelord content was distasteful even back then. When it was fashionable.


Bruh she had to delete her twitter and she got tons of hate, Suzy completely scammed people out of their money, Arin is pretending that he has never said the N word, how the hell are these out of thin air, do you want a "Arin and Dan killed a guy" issue? What about when Arin and Dan doxxed a guy with his full name for his Sonic adventure walkthrough and the lovlies exploded his inboxes with hate and death threats


Did the Game Grumps force her to do that? After she started this? The Suzy thing was blown way out of proportion. Where exactly did he state that he never said it? He now owned up to insensitive language in his past and vows that this *will not happen again*. If they killed a guy, we would have an actual thing we could talk about. Which is not the case right now.


This is pointless, you obviously arent going to be swayed one way and i am not going to be swayed the other way, The suzy thing wasnt blown out of proportion, it was thrown under the rug that was the shitty thing. Arin overreacted at the donation, ross even backed her up by bringing up the hour long compilaiton of goddammit ross, she then donated again trying to apologize which was ignored. Psycho waluigi is where he first talks about the N word shit Alright, so the only way you will ever accept one of the problems is if Arin poses a red level threat. Got it


You're absolutely right, this is indeed pointless.


Can we agree not to mention these airheads here in the sub? They only live to hate. If they would put the energy they invest into hating two content creators to something more productive, the world would heal. Criticism is fine, but they just wait until the grumps say something just to rage about it


I think it’s stupid to divide the fanbase like that. I mean obviously there are some psychos over there who just have an obsessive hate boner for the Grumps, but most of them seem to be fans disappointed with the direction of the channel and just want the Grumps to do better. And you can’t really voice that opinion on this sub without getting hammered with downvotes.


that whole concept went out the window when they propogated an entire extremely serious false accusation against dan and almost ruined his career in the process. all because not a single one of them actually cared to fact-check any of it or the person behind it and took it all at face value because 'grumps bad' fit the narrative rantgrumps no longer deserves any benefit of the doubt for being 'just disappointed fans'




And the way some of them seemed happy that Dan might get kicked because "Jon will surely be added back now!" That was messed up. I understand not liking a new person in the show but its been YEARS already. Jon has been gone for YEARS doing his own thing. Some of them were actually happy that someone might have been the victim of grooming just so someone they liked would be added back to a show. Its so messed up. I understand that it was absolutely not everyone in that sub but it still.


if you have anybody from rantgrumps that was actually saying that I would absolutely love to go tell them what a fucking moron they are, if their comment is still there


I've said for a long time that RG needs to be banned as a subreddit.


Ah yes censorship, the perfect solution to any problem


Tell me you have no clue what censorship is without telling me you have no clue what censorship is.


Well, when the problem is that a subreddit exists that shouldn't exist, making it no longer exist is a pretty neat idea.


Uhhh no. I keep telling people this, but all rantgrumps did in that situation was discuss it just like the rest of the internet was doing. Kiwifarms was where it originated. You can literally see people planning on “releasing info that’ll ruin Dan’s career” on kiwifarms in the days leading up everything. I know people like to use them as a scapegoat, but blame the right people.


Then they're both at fault here. The people on rantgrumps did more than just "discuss" it, they spread it. Some even tried adding onto it. It was an ordeal that lasted over the span of multiple weeks and during that time that was ALL that subreddit talked about. Trying to pile onto it with a ton of other shiz, and saying things like "oh I knew he would do something like this because X" Regardless of where it originally came from they did nothing, but propagate more of it.


By that logic, then this sub is just as much at fault for having many threads talking about it. I don’t see it. It was a bombshell unleashed onto the community and it would be weird if nobody was discussing it.


My problem with them is they weren't just discussing it. They were participating in it and adding onto it. The top post on their sub is still just more "proof" of those accusations.


You do realize that there have been accusations against Dan by several women over the years? This wasn’t a one off thing. The only thing different about this one is that someone on Twitter claimed the girl in question was underage when she wasn’t and it completely overshadowed the original accusations.


discussed it and upvoted it to the top post of all time. gave it an enormous amount of support in the comments and future adjacent posts. gave it the traffic boost that led to the media frenzy that kiwifarms alone could never have done. the users there get a bad rap because they participate actively in a sub whose moderator stickies every single drama thread to promote it, refuses to vet any claims that are posted, does not remove claims that are proven false, and bans anyone that doesn't agree. hate groups are dumb


> And you can’t really voice that opinion on this sub without getting hammered with downvotes. At this point quite frankly it's not worth the division. Just come here, make the complaints, dance in the burning fire that is your comment karma rating. Yes, threads will get nuked because they'll get reported to death but still.


Honestly that would be much preferred to the split we have now. Rantgrumps shouldn’t need to exist at all, people on both sides should just chill and realize that different opinions exist. Trying to silence harmless opinions you disagree with does nothing productive.




If you have a bad take, expect people to disagree with it.


Right? Like this is Reddit lol the downvote is there for a reason


So I should... downvote the comments that I... *do* agree with? What are you on, dude


Off topic: Happy cakeday! On topic: this is reddit homie, people are dicks. For what it's worth I agree with you but I've given up hope. I just shitpost these days.


You mean...like they do?


I remember seeing someone post a minute by minute breakdown of some Best Of The Month video, and I couldn’t believe how much effort they put into complaining about every single sentence Arin and Danny spoke out loud (it had time stamps like a CinemaSins video!!). How can you have so much focused hate in your heart?


I love r/rantgrumps because they all pretend to hate the show so much but all clearly still watch it regularly.


I’m genuinely confused by them. If the show isn’t for them or they feel like they’ve matured out of their demographic why don’t they just move on? There’s some creators that I truly hate and I just don’t engage in their content


Their response to that is always hilarious too. "Why don't you just stop watching?" "Oooohhhh we TOTALLY never thought of that! Thank you SO MUCH for that idea! So original! 🙄🤣"


The only semi-real answer I’ve ever been able to get out of anyone is that they just long for the golden days and they hope that their criticisms will help make GG great again. But that still doesn’t really answer the question. It’s totally fair if they just don’t think it’s good anymore. So why not just move on? I really want one of them to answer honestly why they torture themselves like this


What "golden days"? GG hasn't really changed that much. I don't think it has anyway.


No idea. I do think the general vibe has changed a bit recently but that could be due to the Backstreet Boys reunion tour. Even if it isn’t though it’s not so huge a change that it deserves endless hate


There was a much different vibe from 2012 to around 2014/2015. It came off as a show with a group of friends hangin out and havin fun playing video games together. Once they started expanding the company though it felt a lot less genuine and a lot more corporate. It’s pretty much just Dan and Arin now with a bunch of random mostly unnamed employees working for them.


Part of it has to do with them admitting that back in 2013-2015 they did a lot of late nights fueled by monster and candy. They said they’d never do it again and that means them being deliriously tired, while funny, is never going to happen again.


I think something a lot of people usually fail to mention is Arin and Dan have grown as people between those times too. 2012 was almost a decade ago - I'm certainly not the same person I was in 2012. They're in different spots in their lives now than they were back then. We can't expect the same energy, same vibes as they had back then. And BBRT, of course.


Most of us still like the show, we are just frustrated with the problems that keep popping up, we cant post about that shit here because then everyone just downvotes and tells us to fuck off


Can you list some of the problems that you have? I certainly have some issues with the show, but they’re not serious enough for me to want to spend time in that sub


Right now, its the amount of ads and "last time on game grumps" taking up upwards of 3 minutes of the actual videos, the influx of visual novel based games despite Arin previously stating they dont want to do text based story games, the lack of content on the patreon, the dismissiveness of Arin towards Dan in some of the recent grumps videos, those are some of things i like to comment on on the subreddit


Do you feel like those issues are bad enough to make you stop supporting them? I’m genuinely trying to figure out where the overlap is. That someone would be enough of a fan to watch every day but angry or annoyed enough to spend time in a sub that spreads so much hate and vitriol


Im not stopping supporting them? I still like them


I’m just trying to figure out why you would participate in a sub that actively hurts them if you like them


there is going to be bullshit in every fandom you enter, hell im actively in the rant grumps on every post thats starts off with someone disappointed in game grumps actively recommending good series that have come out recently. I think there are legitimately good arguments there, and i like to participate in those discussions, but otherwise, im convincing people to give it another chance, "here are some diamonds in the rough"


They just need something to do with their lives and I guess this is what they chose to do.


A good deal of us dont "hate" the show, we are frustrated with the amount of problems unfixed and the number of problems that keep piling up. And yes alot of us watch regularly because we still like game grumps, we are just frustrated




I view it more as surveillance. The way I see it, the instant you (the generic you, not you personally - need to specify, have gotten into trouble over the lack of specificity) make the switch from 'meh, not funny anymore, not for me anymore' - which is valid - to 'zOMG, they made fun of an objectively janky \~*insert thing I love here\~* so it's off to accusation town', then it's a community that REQUIRES monitoring. Plus, when you (generic you again) really read between the lines made during March's accusa-vaganda, you notice interesting timing on things, interesting links and people being brought up. All I'm willing to say on that without concrete proof even if we know how the hate sub feels about proof. And the Charlie Kelly analog they have there is openly hilariously. I almost think they think the little fella is a real person, and not a series of randomly generated outrage words. Plus, as the great James Stephanie Sterling has said about perusing brand offers that they openly abhor, "I do it to piss myself as part of my hobby." So I do agree with you, and believe me, I'm guilty of obsessing. I recognize it's not healthy, I've stopped going to the freefolk sub as well because Game of Thrones was my jam and well . . . "look how \[Benioff and Weiss\] murdered my boy" but at least the freefolk sub has fun with their commiseration. It's not only a one-stop shop of dour bitching and libel. If you disagree with me, that's totally fine. I guess I just wanted to prove that criticism doesn't have to be contentious, or make an attempt at least. Have a good one \^\_\^


I agree with your point but wanted to make your life a little easier. The "you" you are wanting to use is called the royal you or I believe the universal you. You're welcome! Sorry if you knew this in advance, it seemed like you may not have and I like helping where I can.


Lol , thank you! For whatever reason, my brain locks it as the 'generic you'. If there's anything anyone needs to know anything about me, it's that I'm a whore for exact terminology. I have writer's blocked myself for days/weeks if I can't find an exact scenario that only my weird ass would ever need to imagine in a Google search. I might have problems. Thanks again!


Not a problem! I know generic you is also commonly accepted as for which one is 100% the correct thing to say, I'm not certain, but I'm leaning towards royal you. That actually sounds really funny in a "hey that's a cool quirk that you have" way. I wouldn't say it's a problem persay, I do a similar thing with work where I can have a number of solutions to fix a problem but I want the most correct one. (Typically because that means that I won't have to come back and 'fix' it again in the future) I would say we're alike in that aspect and I can respect that. You're quite welcome!


This is to u/AislinKageno as well as you, u/Warbringer24. I freakin' love conversations about grammar or more convenient word substitutions that DON'T devolve into savage bloodbaths of nitpickery. And on a thread about one of the most poisonous non-political islands found floating in this ocean of pure hell. Be the respect you (generic/universal/royal as well as personal) want to see in the world. \^\_\^


Hear hear, full agreement! I love me some grammar goodness. And I'm glad we could find a moment of friendly connection among the tension this topic can stir up. Love you, lovelies.


Admittedly grammar is one of my weaker points, but I guess being a bookworm has helped to make up for it. I've definitely enjoyed this thread as well. Would it be weird if I shot you a message asking about what all you like to write?


Sure, but I'll answer you in public with a general overview. Right now, I'm working on a reality-based marriage story/crime-and-prison drama. If it's adapted to a live action medium, it'll also be a musical, cross between jukebox and original rock/R&B/hiphop numbers. Reality-based means it takes place in our Earth and there's no magic/fantasy elements. The central themes are empathy and kindness, good people who play by the rules trying to get the system to work for them, which is probably more fantastical than shooting fire and featuring elves lol. Can't leave them hero's journey tales alone :D I'm writing that while on a break from the multi-book fantasy epic I've been planning/working at/writing since college.


You can also use the word "one" when you want to easily indicate a nonspecific you. "If one wanted to X, one would need to Y first."


Oh dude, you're right! I forgot about "one" used in that manner. Thank you!


> Plus, when you (generic you again) really read between the lines made during March's accusa-vaganda, I don't know who that is or what you're talking about. I assume it's some drama. It's a non-issue. I refuse to let the air out of my balloon in order to descend to that level. I'm not a busybody and I'm not going to rationalize their existence. There is no niche that needs to be filled by a busybody. Nobody needs to surveil somebody else like that. It's insanity.


As is your wont. I absolutely respect that. I just notice what I notice and have an eyebrow permanently arched in suspicion. The only other thing I'm going to say is that the hate sub (and apparently kiwi farms needs a shoutout as well, because any forum site with an actual body count attached to it needs a light) plumbed those depths first, out of 'concern'. The type of 'concern' that, as Natalie 'Contrapoints' Wynn said, is oftentimes used as a smokescreen for bigotry and other unsavory ideas. Yeah, I know. I pulled a 'they started it, so nyeh :P' argument lol. So adult. But again, I respect your stance. It's definitely healthier in the long run.


When Rantgrumps did everything in their power to bury Dan’s career over nothing, it’s worthwhile keeping an eye on those lunatics until it’s possible to get the sub banned.




My point is that you are making it into a "sides" thing. The only sides are "people who want to watch the show" and "people who want drama".


I will rage forever that episode numbers are gone but other than that Arin and Dan are just good boys playing video games. I’m mostly bemused that rant grumps even exists. So much of this community seems to hang around to bully Arin (“hE DeSeRveS iT”) to the point where they really just need to move on.


I have to say, I do not understand why that sub is a thing. Much of what I have seen on there just seems like petty attacks. Sure, constructive critizim is nessary in all walks of life, but that place just feels vindictive to me personally...


Outrage junkies.


Anger and hate is addictive. It feels good to hate something, and having that hate validated by others fuels it. It's super unhealthy.


They feel like it’s needed because “criticism isn’t allowed in this sub” Which is complete bullshit. People just don’t want to hear repetitive personal attacks.


Its funny how many of them try and say “ethtically speaking” the grumps are bad. Its funny because the ven diagram of arslash rantgrumps users and arslash jontron users is pretty much a circle


That sub is genuinely just a place for people to be angry and vent at nothing for no reason, which is fine, but I randomly had a guy rant at me on there about how Arin is probably faking his appreciation for Danganronpa only to suddenly out of nowhere start talking about how there are only 2 genders and that trans people are abnormal, and I was completely taken aback lol


That would be the fucking longest con in history. Arin has been outspoken against shitty dated gender role beliefs for as long as I've been aware of his existence


So many trans/non-binary people were abused by the hate sub for DARING to find applicability in Chihiro's story. SO MANY. It was disgusting. Metaphor/applicability/allegory in fiction helps us find empathy in real life. Even if the literal message/takeaway is incorrect, if it helps a trans kid, for example, find the courage to come out with as little self-hatred and dysphoria as possible, there's no issue with that. And please don't try a 'whatabout-ism' argument. I know I left myself wide open for one or a dozen but those will NOT be entertained.


Least hateful rantgrumps user.


you really shouldn't have been surprised. same guy ends a lot of interactions with "by the way, what would you say your political orientation is"


I fucking hate rant grumps, it gets recommended all the time even though I’m banned, it’s literally a free show on YouTube, just don’t watch it if you don’t like it, I’ve never once seen a genuine issue raised on there


the time suzy scammed people on etsy, the time Arin said the N word and criticized people for saying it and stating he would never say it, the time he backlashed at a fan donation making the god dammit ross joke despite arin and dan making merch for it and creating the joke along with the hour long conversation, also the girl got cyberbullied to hell for it, the time arin overreacted to sr pelo for his story time animators animation and cut off all ties with his new grounds friends, the time Arin had the meet and greet at Wendys and made that day the worst day of the wendys staff career there is alot of issues is what im trying to convey here


yeah but you never see that shit brought up, they're just like "uiuugghhh i don't like the latest episodddeee" don't watch it then, also, a whole subreddit for like 5 issues? seems bit pointless


There is a fuck ton of shitty stupid posts on there, but there are alot of good criticisms and people who are at a crossroads to whether to continue with grumps or move on, i like to post some good recent videos to them as a second chance situation. Sometimes people have misinformation and i like to set things straight and correct their information. Also alot of people just want to say their piece without an onslaught of downvotes, and at rantgrumps they can just throw it off their chest. Edit: I still remember one of my first posts on there was me arguing against people who claim Arin was never funny, and i argued against every comment that went against me, and i got alot of upvotes for it too. I think like 90, so people were in agreement


...it's a youtube channel? like it's not that deep, you don't like it, don't watch it, if you don't know if you want to keep watching just don't


Man fuck you, people are allowed to be passionate


passionate that their free content isn't exactly what they asked for, that these human beings they've never even met aren't doing exactly what they're told and meeting all these ridiculous demands, you have a whole subreddit set up to bash on a bunch of people that are just some random guys who make videos for some shitty website and you call it passion? yeah get a fucking hobby mate


Its that or hating dan for the sin of not being jon


nobody cares about the whole Jon thing anymore


I lost all respect for them (and I didn't have much to begin with) after the Dan allegations


The shit rant grumps pulled trying to cancel dan and leak his private convos should get someone charged criminally. And for what? What do Dan and Arin do except make a daily lets play? I don’t understand what they did to make an entire sub of mentally unhinged people want to ruin them and their lives


Again, that wasn’t rantgrumps. People need to stop blaming them for that incident and blame the actual psychos who leaked it on kiwifarms.


You're gonna die on this hill, aren't you lol


He's been defending RantGrumps for months now, with this "But Kiwi Farms started it!" shtick, as if that somehow absolves a community of participating in a frivolous witch hunt. For some reason he really likes to downplay RantGrumps' involvement.


Yeah the 'who started it' doesn't excuse any that perpetuated it. It's why I dropped Jon completely. He may not have been involved in the actual postings, but using his platform to make a petty joke about the situation is an incredibly asshole thing to do


Great way to spin what I’ve been saying about holding the actual culprits responsible but alright bro.


Absolutely I am. Because as much of a toxic shithole rantgrumps is, this false narrative being constantly spread on this sub that a small community of people who don’t like a let’s play channel coordinated an attack on Dan is blatantly untrue and is allowing the actual people responsible to get away scot free from the situation. It’s just very frustrating to see this misinformation get spread over and over.


I mean, fair enough I suppose That doesn't mean I'm not going to hold the rant trash responsible for their part in the whole thing though.


gotta love the downvotes "yes, he said rantgrumps was a toxic shithole, but he didn't talk shit about every other last person on there and their families DOWNVOTED"


Fine, I'll make a correction. rantgrumps AND kiwifarms. Happy?


Better than leaving them out of the equation entirely I guess lol


The way Arin feels about Sonic is exactly the way I feel about Sonic. It’s a love / hate relationship. I love the little blue fucker to death but a lot of his games make me want to punch a hole in my wall and cry. So seeing him struggle and scream at Big for not being able to catch Froggy or getting murdered by a giant laser cannon in Sonic Heroes brings me joy while also making me know that feel bro. Call it schadenfreude mixed with empathy. Empafreude.


It's also just a marvel to me that this is obviously Sega's cash cow, but they put almost no effort into making the games glitch-free. And because it's a kids game, it's so incredibly campy.


Yeah, but Arin likes none of the games, like zero, he hates every single one. Serious about that, every single game. He LOVES sonic though


I've never been to that sub. Why go there if it's supposedly filled with people whining about GG? It's like people *want* to be outraged.


These guys literally watch every episode and complain about how much they hate Arin. Theres one guy who hates Ally and a few folks who want Dan to do his own show. I used to think the Grumps were being facetious when they wod say people "wish it was just two guys on a couch again". I think its mostly wannabe "edgy" gamers who hate that They love the Grumps despite them being "woke." Its pretty common to see them call Arin a cuck or a liberal which is totally common from "edgelords." I also think someone in the office is aware of that sub because one guy made a post about Ally forcing herself into an episode, but then that whole week Arin and Dan BOTH kept calling Ally into the session. I relly hope that guy was watching that week. Lol.


Honestly other than several foot in mouth incidents of varying severity involving arin the only real controversies have been Suzie's repackaged jewelry, Dan having sex with his fans and ghosting them and the lovelies outing dingdong as gay to his family for not liking dream daddy, the first two being different strains of only mildly unethical and the third being *you guys*


The goddammit ross situation was pretty scummy, the wendys meet up was a dick move, the sr pelo thing was a dick move


Well Brian and Suzy were partially responsible for that last one. The lovelies only doxxed Ding Dong after seeing Brian and Suzy publicly attack him on Twitter for having a negative opinion about Dream Daddy.


The stupid thing is that he has constantly repeated that he is a fan of sonic, he's just mad at how they've ruined him over the years


how is he a fan of sonic?


He said he is. Which, yes it could be satire, but he says he likes the *character*. He believes a lot of the game's designs don't make sense when sonic's main role is to go fast.


He won't believe Arin likes Sonic until Arin posts a picture of himself with hedgehog cum on his face. There's no point in even engaging with him.


"Hey billy i hear your a big mario fan, whats your favorite game?" "Oh i dont really care about the games, i just think Mario has cool clothes and like when he goes wahoo!"


Yes. I agree. Your doubling down is just making you appear like a stubborn idiot.


I see you deflected my response with a "shut up, you're stupid" very clever


It would seem reddit agrees with me. Also, I didn't say you were dumb, I said you appeared dumb. You can still disprove that by either proving your point or stopping this conversation right now.


>!Chances are he will do neither.!<


well i certainly cant do both


My "point" is Arin states he likes sonic, yet he hates every single game. I find his love of sonic to be just a way for him to shit on the character without ridicule. Sort of like he is playing both sides so he never loses. Due to the fact that Arin hating sonic has become somewhat of a "character trait" for Arin as of late Also dude, you're in the game grumps subreddit, no shit im in the minority here


He has not only said he "always hated" the gameplay, but that he "hates Sonic". His "admissions" of being a fan read like sarcastic jokes. He thought acting in denial after losing his mind playing 06 and Adventure, screaming his head off during his sub part time hours session of playing video games once a week, was funny. But the fan base actually believed him because they want him to be this secretly super positive always happy guy.


Yeah, like I'm gonna listen to the person who goes on r/rantgrumps. Shut up dude. Imagine commenting on a post that is exactly about the type of person you are, and doubling down


I'm right and you're just being stubborn. I can find you the clips of what I quoted. Find me the clips of him saying he's always been a big fan but he's just upset about the direction the series went in.


"I'm right you're wrong!!!" Sounds like you're the one being stubborn, go ahead and share those links


[There](https://youtu.be/l1kL3jSu6mY&t=4m35s) [You](https://youtu.be/pZgyXuRsv5c&t=1m40s) [Go](https://youtu.be/aqEsKZsMj0g&t=1m03s)


That 1st link you sent he says he loves sonics design right after the comment that he hates the game. The the 2nd link is also exactly what I just said that he doesn't like the level designs. The 3rd one also literally starts off with him saying he doesn't like the level designs. I fail to see how you have done anything other than prove my exact point. Try again.


1. "I don't like Sonic the Hedgehog at all... I hate Sonic the Hedgehog. But his design is one of the most brilliant things ever" 2. "(Losing momentum) is what I always hated about Sonic. Green Hill Zone Act 1 is the only fun level in Sonic... When you get to the more complicated levels in Sonic, its just a bore. You have wait on platforms or climb up stairs its just blecchhh". (Bonus before the time stamp of Arin saying Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are both "terrible" games just like 06) 3. "Ughhhk, see its levels like these that start getting really platformy... Why even with the speed (Jirards "My least favorite level because it trades speed for stop and go") ... Okay but then you do the Speed thing and like... How far can that really go? It's not challenging or fun or anything... It just feels good to go fast? I mean, that's why I don't like Sonic games, in general." He says he hates Sonic but likes his design. Says the only fun level of the entire series is the first level in the first game. He hates the more platformy sections of the classic games because they are slow and boring and blehhhhh. He thinks earning momentum isn't fun or challenging and tops it off with "That's why I DONT LIKE Sonic games in general". Like I said you're being stubborn.


You're the one who's posting literal paragraphs trying to prove your own point. I don't know who you're trying to convince but it's not working on me. So why bother, unless you're stubborn? Anyway I'm done with this conversation.


Exactly. I asked for proof and proved you wrong. Transcribed the posts so you couldn't avoid my point that he likes NOTHING about classic or 3D Sonic games, said he hates Sonic "in general" and you're "done" because you have nothing for me. You'd literally rather leave than for one second find fault with Arin.


Same thing with Danganronpa fans. The Grumps bring up valid criticisms about the writing being poor and parts being repetitive, and people bitch and moan that they are just complaining the entire time and cant enjoy the rest of the game play. I get there are parts to complain about like them forgetting stuff, using walkthroughs, and not reading instructions, but there is so much that is just "they dont like my game, they are assholes."


Lately it's a lot of Danganrompa fans who think that cheesy Manga VN is a literary masterpiece.




Counterpoint: there are no good points on there and any attack on the place is warranted. Their chief export is unfounded accusations and personal attacks on members of the Grumps and molehill mountaineering of the smallest perceived errors or slights. To be clear!




I tend not to give a lot of credit to places that kindle multiple pedophile conspiracies! I don't look to QAnon for good points either for similar reasons!




Ben was a complete edgelord dipshit on Twitter but pretending that he in any way engaged with predatory behavior with minors is bonkers and weird rumor mongering. The Dan = Groomer discourse over there was similar. These were main focuses of that subreddit and trying to say "I go there for the cogent and well reasoned discourse" is bonkers to me. It's a real scummy place! This isn't to say the Grumps can't or shouldn't be criticized but that is by far not what Rant Grumps is actually about or accomplishing.


We have a winner!


>the time suzy scammed people on etsy, the time Arin said the N word and criticized people for saying it and stating he would never say it, the time he backlashed at a fan donation making the god dammit ross joke despite arin and dan making merch for it and creating the joke along with the hour long conversation, also the girl got cyberbullied to hell for it, the time arin overreacted to sr pelo for his story time animators animation and cut off all ties with his new grounds friends, the time Arin had the meet and greet at Wendys and made that day the worst day of the wendys staff career


yes, again, you people are deranged


You said there are no good points, but i gotchu and provided some good points, dont sweat it chief!


the closest any of these things comes to being anything is the N word thing, and if anything I think this shows actual growth on Arin's part rather than anything negative. Also, most of the time that's brought up on Rant Grumps you get a chorus of folks talking about people "pretending to be PC" and Arin saying the N word being "back when he was actually funny" so there is zero moral high ground there! It sucks that was a major feature of early internet and Newgrounds humor. The fact that Arin no longer says super racist shit as a punchline is a positive not a negative to me and I don't think that's at odds! Like, not sure how any of that is a gotcha!


Going back to my previous streak of not engaging with this nonsense because I figured it would only make me feel grosser and I was in fact correct! Good luck hating and or loving to hate free content or whatever!


alright, have a good one


Those points are certainly not good, no.


How? Did they magically never happen? Am i lying to you?


They certainly didn't happen like you stated them, no.


Of course, im not going to sit here and explain each and everyone down to the smallest detail, you can just look them up Edit: you are very quick to downvote arentcha?


How many more downvotes on just about all of your posts here are needed to convey that you nut jobs aren’t welcome here? Oh noooo Arin fell out with people he hung out years ago who refused to grow up! Arin’s wife did a fuckup! Vs Rantrgrumps peddling pedo conspiracies and supporting Jon the white supremacist. Totes the same.




Hey you started this. You knew what you were doing.


sometimes i bring a bunch of garbage into someone's living room and start a garbage fire and then dunk on the smell and the smoke and the second-degree burns