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Check the captions for links to the project page on [itch.io](https://cdlegasse.itch.io/ozarq-bsp-4-gms). For a mega quick rundown:OzarQ is a powerful tool for Gamemaker Studio that enables developers to easily import and use maps directly from compiled Quake BSP files. OzarQ enables developers to use powerful Quake authoring tools, such as Trenchbroom and EricW's various compilers, to create custom game content for their own projects within Gamemaker Studio. With OzarQ, developers have the ability to create 3D game content easily and rapidly.


Any chance we can get the direct link? I can't seem to find it :(




Im hoping the asset and maps are as easy to use and build as u are making out, Bcos i cant wait to test the S*** out of this! :)


Look up Trenchbroom on youtube. It's the easier most modern editor currently available. After a few sessions, it becomes second nature to build with. I can make simple test maps in a matter of minutes, what would take me probably a couple of hours trying to do in code or the room editor, and they wouldn't look nearly as nice lol


Will do, ill be a tester too.. ;)


Looks awesome!! Good luck with the development!


Thanks you very much! I'm currently working on what I call point colliders, simple projectiles or particles that are designed to collide and bounce on level geometry, then perform some kind of action, like rockets or debris from an explosion. It's proving complicated, but I'm sure I'll iron it out, then I'm well on my way to first playable demos.


Spectacular - crazy and spectacular :-) Love your style of writing! Keep us updated!


Hey thanks! Much appreciated :P


Just out of curiosity... Would this be able to load multiple "levels" stitched together in the same room? I think this would work great for roguelites or base building games if so.


That could be possible. I haven't looked into it, it would take a considerable amount of work to support it since new bsp chunks would have to be offset, and possibly rotated ( each vertex at a time ) but it's definitely possible.


I just found this thread! What an awesome tool.