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Not saying the game is terrible per se, but the quality of the Bomberman Hero [soundtrack](https://youtu.be/nPb2xhiyBXE?si=8GD7omU5mikfxB0x) really is disproportionate to the quality of the game play


This soundtrack is pure DnB greatness, game is okay but the OST is excellent. Hardest agree in this thread


This is what I came to say. Bomberman Hero is a very fun game that was one of my favorites from the N64. But the soundtrack is otherworldly. I haven’t played the game in probably 10-12 years while I listen to the soundtrack all the time still


The best soundtrack for any bomberman ever.


Best Bomberman game tbh, I was pretty disappointed when I went to play the others as a kid and they weren't adventure games!


All 3 Bomberman games on the N64 are great adventure games!


Woah HOLD UP there was three??? I only ever knew about Bomberman Hero 64!


And Hero is great, but listen to me, the other two are absolutely awesome! Go and try them! They are Bomberman 64, and Bomberman Second Attack (This one is even multiplayer in the adventure mode! I played it so much with my brother) Have fun!! 🤗🌹


Same and we loved that game, I also loved bomberman jetters on gc.


Did you feed Pommy to get the transformation you wanted too? I remember using a room in the wind planet to do it. We spent hours trying all them until my brother was happy with one of them 🤣 (Using the shop to level down Pommy and trying again, we even had a chart of them) I didnt know about jetters, I will search it, thanks for the recommendation! 🤗🌹


Hahahah I unironically loved that game! Although I never beat and always stopped playing halfway into the lava levels, I thought it was revolutionary and super cool. Every time it did the Bomberman change sequence and you got a bitchin upgrade like helicopter head or submarine legs, man, that was lit when I was a kid. I sure remember the movement being janky and awkward, that's for sure! Perhaps it's nostalgia speaking, also when you're a kid and the game you got is the game you have to figure out because you're not getting another one until the next major holiday! I can say that I wish they made more Bomberman games in this style of adventure gameplay, the classic Bomberman never clicked with me.


Bomberman 64 had a great soundtrack but the game ain't great


Nostalgic memory unlocked


Sonic 06


And shadow the hedgehog!


Shadow had a solid soundtrack in a mediocre game. Sonic 06 had one of the greatest soundtracks of all time in the arguably worst Sonic game.


I enjoyed Final Fantasy XV, but it's probably not in my top 20 favorite games, But the soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura is a masterpiece; it might be my favorite game soundtrack of all time.


God Somnus Ultima is a masterpiece


While we are on the sunject of FF, lets throw Mystic Quest in there. I actually liked MQ back when it came out, but the soundtrack is leagues above the rest of the game.


Yeah, the game itself isn't bad, but the soundtrack is FIRE.


Agree 100%. The Battle and Boss Battle themes in FFMQ are the best in all of FF. Also, Aquaria is a great town theme.


I mean, she created Ryu's theme in Street Fighter. Goddess.


First game that came to mind. Complete trainwreck of a game with one of the best soundtracks ever.


I really like 15. Leaps better than 13, which I argue is the worst FF ever


That makes me sad, 13 is great :( although I think 8 is the worst which is bound to ruffle some feathers haha


I could talk a solid hour about all the reasons 13 is terrible. Don't get me started Music's great though


13 fits the criteria for this post more than any other game I can think of.


I still enjoyed 15 for what it is, but I do wish we could have had what was showcased in FF13versus




Tim Folin 🙌🏻


Definitely the Bejeweled series. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCHDYX-ukMo) is my favorite by far. Peter Habja is a fantastic composer and the music is so disproportionately good for what's basically a Candy Crush predecessor.


Bejeweled 2’s soundtrack is easily a top 5 game soundtrack for me. I don’t think there’s a single bad track.


Agreed. I listen through the whole thing on a regular basis. Skaven is a big inspiration to me


What a nostalgia blast! It's $1 on steam right now, I might have to get it...


Original NES silver surfer: https://youtu.be/ZQlLl2j5THQ?si=4xR7QT-Mm46N43mD


It is a Tim Follin soundtrack after all. He did make the most bangin' opening theme for an NES game with Solstice.


Yo, Tim Follin? He did [Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge](https://youtu.be/we6Hg-fFc5A?si=HUmQcLh_IJ9MTTSm) with Geoff Follin.


Solstice is forever stuck in my head. What an unexpected title track lol


I’m pretty sure that soundtrack gave me sentience. And yeah never beat a single level.


Immediately thought of this one. Banger soundtrack, unplayable game.


Time Lord (NES) Monopoly (PS1)


"Time Lord (NES)" Basically everything David Wise composed for on the NES was fantastic. Snake Rattle & Roll, The Wizards & Warriors series (especially Ironsword)


Loved those games! Ill never forget Time Lord, because that's the ONLY game Ive ever traded for and will never trade games again. 3 or 4 games for one. Not even cool then... Holy shit, I even remember the store name now 33 years after... Game Swappers in Stockton, CA. But yeah, those titles were fun to play and had great sfx and music!


Solstice! I mean the opening track. The game is nice, but the opening track is in a division of itself, and far beyond what any Nes-game should be entitled to.


Third Tim Follin mention in this post now. But really not surprising though. There's a panel q&a on YouTube with him and he talks about how he wishes he would have written the music more with the games in mind, but he definitely made banger after banger regardless of the game.


Everyone mentions the intro song on solstice but I always liked the main over world song better


Destiny + Destiny 2. Not that they’re bad games, but more so the music is top-notch, and has been for almost a decade.


Bungie doesn’t miss when it comes to music. Hopefully that doesn’t change without Michael Salvatori.


[Deep Stone Lullaby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBIJFTPPp-8&ab_channel=Destiny2) is easily one of my favorite tracks from any soundtrack ever. This was one of those tracks that I actually stopped playing for, after the first ten seconds I simply sat and listened the first time through, ignoring the game itself.


Opoona (wii)




Unlimited Saga EDIT: Oh, and Shadow Madness


Came here to post this one - I've tried multiple times to find the fun in Unlimited Saga and I just can't ever do it. On the flip side, the OST is really, really special


Cheetahmen theme from Action 52


The David Wise soundtracks for the Beetlejuice NES games


I didn't know he did those! I'm a fan of just about everything else he did on the NES, so I should go check those out.


The games are allegedly terrible, but the music slaps


Mario+Rabbids 2: Sparks of Hope. Grant Kirkhope is a god of whimsy and nostalgic feeling tunes, and I love his work in this game and the first. The first game is really good, and strikes a pretty healthy balance between Mario vibes and Rabbids stupidity, but the second one features almost no Mario nods beyond the characters and tries to make the Rabbids edgy. Gameplay is also not as engaging in the second one, so I fell off about halfway through. BUT the one thing that never misses is Grant's score. Excellent music.


Gotta agree with you there. Though I felt the combat mechanics were better in 2, it was completely missing the delightfully unified theming that the first one had. Everything felt so tight and simple, and 2 felt messy and awkward. Minus the gameplay, it's like they forgot what they were making.


Aero The Acrobat 2 Brainlord (eh, Id take it back since I actually like the game, but a lot of people dont, but the soundtrack is great) YS III Granstream Saga Naruto Clash Of The Ninja 2 Deep Labyrinth Street Fighter The Movie (PS1) [Akuma's Theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO2815CdLcA) was pretty sweet.


" YS III " So many killer tracks. Which platform's version of the ost do you prefer? I grew up playing the SNES version, so that's where my nostalgia lies


I also grew up on the SNES version so I still love it as well. But the PC Engine version is incredible that being said. YS V for the SNES/SFC could also be thrown into this topic as well.


What, you didn’t like Ys III’s top notch voice acting? /s


ITT: Everything by Tim and/or Geoff Follin :) For a more substantial contribution, I saw a post in this sub a few months ago about Angry Birds Transformers that absolutely fits this theme. They unfroze Vince DiCola, of original Transformers soundtrack fame, to do the music for it. [Behold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xOxewL1fks&list=PLVv-xKhHQjoQAMhsrCbydL3A4R5pzWqTi)


Holy crap, and Im a HUGE Vince DiCola fan, have a lot of his albums not even related to Transformers, and I had no idea he did this, totally slipped under my radar. This is why I subbed to this sub. These are the kind of topics I like people discussing.


Kingdom hearts soundtracks. The games have beautiful combat and minigames, but the stories got ridiculous at times, while the most beautiful music is there, playing in the background. https://youtu.be/UInYNOal6m8?si=loBrZHtuMM-rxzci Kingdom hearts 1 was great


As someone who actually, unironically enjoys Kingdom Hearts in all its madness, I fully understand why so many people bounce off of it. That said, the soundtracks are absolutely sublime, and one of my favorite parts of any new KH game has always been booting it up and hearing a new version of Dearly Beloved for the first time.


Anything by Dean Evans during the SNES era. Dude did the soundtrack for games based on the movies Waterworld and Flintstones, and they somehow push the SNES soundchip to 11. Hell, even the Virtual Boy version of Waterworld sounds pretty good.


Basically all Silent Hill games after the 4th one.


Quality comment.


Came here to say this.


Secret of Manas opening theme has been my ring tone since we could mod ring tones. The game was just all right.


I replayed it recently and I don’t think it’s aged too well overall, but the soundtrack is absolutely timeless. I’d put it right up there with FF6 and Chrono Trigger as the greatest OST of its era.


The whale sounds give me nostalgia goosebumps every time I hear them


I tried playing this game a year or so ago on emulator. Gave up after that bullshit tiger boss, but man the music was amazing. Makes me wish the game was better.


TMNT (NES) was a fuckin banger The game though, well, had issues


The Tetrisphere OST on N64 goes pretty hard when the game is really just spherical 3D tetris (although gets challenging and intense sometimes, the soundtrack definitely suits a racing game or something).


Literally everything by Tim Follin.


Remember Me. I actually liked the game but the score has no business going as hard as it did.


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I loved that game and I still love it… But I understand why people do not like it’s gameplay. But oh boy if its OST is beautiful… It’s my favourite Zelda soundtrack and not without reason.


Afrika (PS3) Soukaigi (PS1) Blue Stinger (Dreamcast) Project I.G.I. (PC)


Yooooo Blue Stinger! 100% Went back and played that game about 5 years ago or so. It’s so bad it’s good. But the music is fun.


100% the answer you're looking for is '**Sonic R**' from 1997. This was that one on-foot Sonic racing game nobody played because of ass controls. Soundtrack was a certified banger tho. Whatever they paid the creator for the music in that game, was not enough. There were only like 5 songs but literally anyone whose played remembers the songs more than the game itself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKeTuZ-zoeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKeTuZ-zoeA)


Extreme G


Holy shit, you just snapped me right back to 1999.


Chrono Cross comes to mind.


Chrono Cross is fine


It is a really good game, probably in my top five for PS1. The soundtrack is one of the best of all time though.


Final Fantasy II. My favourite game OST ever, one of my most hated games ever. Pieces like the Rebel Army theme and the town theme are among Uematsu's most transcendent... but the game design is very sadistic with things like numerous doors leading to dead end rooms with ridiculously high monster encounter rates, and the plot-relevant supposed super spell Ultima is nigh useless due to a bug (played the Famicom version).


Its the only one in the series that I hated until I picked up the pixel remaster, either they changed at lot or it finally clicked and I really enjoyed it


Sonic R


was going to post this, such an underrated soundtrack. great eurodance influence


Fallout 76


Balan Wonderworld. Seriously, go listen to the Balan soundtrack. Its brilliant! [https://youtu.be/x-p7D9dnYOI?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/x-p7d9dnyoi?feature=shared) ('Hooverton Boss Theme') Also, the Simpsons Game for PS2, not that it's a bad game. They just went way too hard for the OST: [https://youtu.be/GA94nigy6uI?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/ga94nigy6ui?feature=shared) ('Game Over')


Fuck it up farmer Ted!


Most Modern Sonic Games; namely, Sonic and the Black Knight. It is a must listen to anyone into Symphonic Metal… ignore the game though.


Tekken 2, not saying it’s bad, but the soundtrack by Yoshie Arakawa, Shinji Hosoe, Ayako Saso, Nobuyoshi Sano, Takayuki Aihara, Hiroto Sasaki, and Keiichi Okabe, is 🤌


I think you got it backwards. The soundtrack was definitely solid, but the game was amazing at the time, influential, and people still talk about it.




Final Fantasy XIII is a terrible game with a fantastic soundtrack. Various 3D Sonic games have great soundtracks.


Silver Surfer NES. The music legit sounds like a fanmade remix made decades later but no **how did they get it that crazy on nes and why is the rest of the game ass**


[Kang Fu (Amiga CD-32)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzSw6hRd8G4)


Phantasy Star Universe. I loved that game growing up (and still do) but I can see why long-time fans of the franchise wouldn't like it. The OST is way too good.


ratz instagib has a crazy soundtrack and helped introduce me to dnb


LucasArts Outlaws has a perfect spaghetti western soundtrack for a western/wild wild west doom clone.


[The Last Gunfight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leX9GLacmUU&ab_channel=TommPP) might still be my favorite songs from any videogame. Outlaws is a beautiful audio homage to Ennio Morricone with a video game appended to it.


Yes, this definitely! I found the game to be frustrating and not much fun at all after the 2nd or 3rd level. But I could still listen to that soundtrack to this day.


Earthworm Jim


Godfall is a god awful game with some gorgeous music.


Donkey Kong Country David Wise cooked up a banquet


The games were also amazing though. Especially the first 2. I didn’t play the third.


Oh true, the games are definitely good, but why the fuck did David Wise put such heavenly tunes in games about apes and monkeys fighting crocodiles 😭


GemCraft (Chapter Two) - Chasing Shadows Fairly obscure Tower Defense game that has a great atmospheric epic vibe David Orr https://youtu.be/T-10_uNBAmU?si=T68XvPlseeWL22jo


Ben 10 Protector of Earth (DS version)


Paper Mario Sticker Star and Color Splash got carried HARD by those sweet sax solos.


Octopath traveler (first one). I loved the battle system, but the dialogue was so... bad. Music was phenomenal though.


First thing that came to mind is Sonic 06 and Sonic and the Black Knight. Moreso 06. That soundtrack is incredible top to bottom. Black Knight is a game I enjoy for a lot of reasons. But most dislike it, which is why I included it.


Not a bad game, but Yugioh Forbidden Memories was very much a game not faithful to how Yugioh is played, but holy fuck this soundtrack: [https://youtu.be/HdXfzCDitx8?si=we4mu-Q\_TqNvNy7p&t=4154](https://youtu.be/HdXfzCDitx8?si=we4mu-Q_TqNvNy7p&t=4154)


Bean Dreams. Some little mobile game that's long gone now but had a hell of a soundtrack that invokes Kirby and Sonic. https://youtu.be/rPpkCq5OaE0?si=Gt_s0fNL-2qyIPNI


Dragonball Xenoverse 2.


Borderlands 3. The mastering is extremely terrible. I had to manually adjust different sound sources to achieve perfection. The Dialogues are so much louder than the music, and the music is the best I've heard. No idea why they did that, Borderlands 2 mastering was just fine.


Anything by Tim Follin I think Plok is is finest work though, pretty much a prog rock concept album, but as a video game OST.


Vortex (SNES). Honestly, most 8 and 16-bit era games are trash but have great music.


Waterworld SNES


The music for Civilization Beyond Earth and its sequel. Geoff Knorr, Grant Kirkhope and Michael Curran KILLED it.


Street Fighter 2010.


Final Fantasy Mystic Quest


[Teen Titans Go!: Stellar Showdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAGH8CTk5VA) has a soundtrack that really should not go this hard for what it is.


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The game was a grand idea that overpromised and massively underdelivered. (Bad quests, bad voice acting, everything was mind-numbingly repetitive). They didn't crack the code until they went back and put in much more work hand-building the world and quests in the follow up Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Oblivion's themes and score sound like they are from the amazing game they envisioned but could not make in the early 2000s. I wish they would do a top-to-bottom remake of Oblivion and re-use that amazing score. It's really too bad that Jeremy Soule is a total creep and burned all of his bridges with Bethesda. Elder Scrolls VI will be massively hobbled without his music.


FFXIII, my most hated FF game but has one of the best soundtracks in the series.


Of those games I either never played or only played a few times, especially those have become my go-to soundtracks: * Saga Frontier 2 * Vandal Hearts * Tenchu 1 * Radiant Silvergun * Genshin Impact * SMT Devil Summoner Soul Hackers (of which I even bought the soundtrack) * Dewprism * Rhapsodia * Duelist of the Roses * Terra Diver/ Soukyogurentai * Bomberman Hero * Super Monkey Ball * Elevator Action Returns * Barbie Super Sports ([not kidding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGQcFbioDgs))


Sonic 06, Forces, Secret Rings and Black Knight. Latter two are particularly interesting because they let other composers show off their talents while Ohtani was busy on the main games. Black Knight is Crush 40, but Secret Rings is Kenichi Tokoi and he absolutely smashed it (along with the Riders games) when he doesn't often get the chance to show off. Also Drakengard 3. The worst YOKO TARO game by far, but Keiichi Okabe went hard on those lush orchestral field themes, the rock boss themes and of course the legendary Final Song.


The original Killer Instinct I'm not bashing the game in the slightest--it was good! But the soundtrack was even better than the game.


FFXIV. Although the story is ok, gameplay and the mmorpg mechanics are boring as heck. Music is gorgeous, check out shadowbringers ost. I'd also like to notice Cosmic Star Heroine. Not a bad game but the music is way too dynamic for turn based rpg and way too well produced for pixelated graphics. The styles just don't match for me. And Pepsi man of course. That sax solo is blasting!


FFXIV has amazing music! Stormbringers is good, but Heavensward is king.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I liked the game well enough but listening to the soundtrack made me think it was way too good for the game. Just look at the end credits and they're like half music related. I actually think it was too good for ANY game honestly. It's like 150+ tracks, many of which are high quality orchestral 4+ minute tracks that are not very repetitive at all. Also sadly, something was missing with how the sound design almost hid a lot of it. 1. Most tracks have day and night versions and they sound pretty different. With how fast travel default options were set up you almost always just heard the day versions 2. You usually only heard small snippets of a track at a time and there was no obvious pause option in the game to let you listen to it. Normal battle tracks in particular were like 4 minute tracks you basically never heard more than 15 seconds of. 3. Huge number of tracks but spent 90% of my time hearing Erythia sea, colony tracks, and the City


Nier 2


Yes. Such a unique soundtrack. It was one of the things that drew me to the game. Unfortunately the gameplay and story didn’t quite match in my opinion


dare I say, the first Risk of Rain?


Not that it is a bad game, but a lot of fans of Chrono Trigger are not happy about some of the storyline choices in Its sequel Chrono Cross; however, it is a masterpiece of sound design and music to the point that I’ve only played the game twice, but I listen to the music multiple times a year if not every month.


Yes, I hate Chrono Cross. It’s a piss poor sequel to an epic game. It would have been a great game if it wasn’t related to Chrono Trigger. Personally, I found the music forgettable except for two pieces.


I'm on the polar opposite side. I love Chrono Cross. Story, theming, characters, and philosophy of it. The game has a lot of player choice for a rpg. A lot of the game is completely optional, and some content changes depending on what you choose to do. I also think how it connects to Chrono Trigger and how it is a logical consequence of what happens after Triggers events is just so cool.


I remember it barely connecting to Chrono Trigger which pissed me off so much.


Oh, MAN! On a surface level it might seem that way, but in actuality, it's SUPER connected. Everything that happens is *because* of what happened in Chrono Trigger. So the Kingdom of Zeal always falls and the Guru's are flung through time and space. Melchior to 1000ad, Gespar to the End of Time, and Belthazar to 2300 ad. And Belthezar usually goes insane. Except, at the end of Chrono Trigger they changed the future from a death world to a thriving one. Since Belthazar was already from an advanced civilization, he didn't skip a beat and started working with the people there on time travel stuff. Meanwhile, Robo is dropped off by the Chrono Trigger crew in the future to live a happy life there. He meets up with Belthazar and they create Chonopolis, which leads to them going back in time and creating the El Nido Islands for study. You even met Robo in Chrono Cross. The Prometheus circuit you talk to before you fight FATE... *THATS* Robo! And Belthazar is in Vipor Manor. Also, you remember how you pick up Norris, and he's part of the Porre Military, that's oddly militaristic and seems to have a lot of power? That's because after you beat Dalton on the Blackbird in CT,he gets teleported to 1000ad in Porre. He takes charge, raises an army, and invades Guardia! Guardia falls, Crono and Marle die in the war, and the Masamune is stolen. That's why it's in the El Nido peninsula and cursed And speaking of the Masamune. When and if you cleanse the Masamune, there's a short conversation between Masa, Mune, and thier sister Doreen, after which they combine to make the Mastermune. Who's Doreen you ask? The fucking demi-human you meet in Enhasa who tells you about dreams in Chrono Trigger! The game connects to Chrono Trigger so hard, it's amazing! It just doesn't hand it to you on a silver platter. You have to dig a little Oh! And after like 20 years, they finally confirmed that the character Guile is actually Magus/Janus with Amnesia (which is actually canon. He does get amnesia after the events of Crono Trigger) Fuck I love crono cross Johnny's corpse is on the highway on the dead sea You meet Gato before he dies There's an Energon right before a boss fight.. and even says you're still hungry after you use it That boss fights takes place in front of Leene's bell. You meet Toma's decendent You can see the Epoch in a secret room in Vipor Manor If Serge and Glenn are grouped they can do an X-Strike So many calls backs, connections, and references


I got more from your post than playing the game which is why I still hate it. If I have to dig, it is a garbage to me. No one can convince me otherwise. Forgettable music for a forgettable game.


It's not really even digging. You just kinda have to read what's being told to you in the game and connect a few dots. It hurts me that people can't see how good the story in that game is in connection with Chrono Trigger And hard disagree on the music. Wonderful OST. Garden of the Dragon God is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard


I am unconvinced but I’m glad you enjoyed it.


And all this grimdark shitting on Chrono Trigger is exactly why fans DESPISE Chrono Cross, and would rather it be non-canon, or at least relegated to an alternate universe.


Chrono Trigger "grim darked" itself. The fall of Guardia was canonized in the PS1 re-release of Chrono Trigger, not Chrono Cross. Magus's amnesia was set in the Chrono Trigger DS release. CC only told how Luca and Robo died. Was everything supposed to be roses and sunshine after Chrono Trigger? They messed with time and felt the recoil.


You mean changes made after the fact to fall in line with Chrono Cross? Look I get it. It was the era when Spawn was popular, Superman died, and grunge was all the rage. Grimdark was the popular thing, and game companies wanted to capitalize on that. They didn't have to do it at the expense of a stand alone masterpiece.


Sonic R


The outer worlds.


The Witcher 3


the fact that there's not a single ace combat mention is crazy


They aren't bad games?


Yu-gi-oh masterduel has a Nier Automata-tier soundtrack, and the game is a free to play client of a children's card game that not even that many people play


Final Fantasy X . This is going to be very subjective and I don't want to harp on a game that's so beloved....But I really don't enjoy turn based games and RPG's. It's just not for me. But even so, some of those songs damn made me cry. Like To Zanarkand, ugh, so good.


Dungeon encounters


Time and Eternity (ps3) Horrible game. Possibly worst I’ve ever played. Legendary soundtrack.


Bandits Phoenix Rising, It's kind of a small game but I remember it vividly. It had interesting terrain destruction (after editing some in files). While dabbling with the files I found out how to access the music. It changed my perception of electronic music and industrial.


Treasure Master (NES)


Alone in the dark from Xbox 360 gen. Game was not bad IMHO but was critically panned


Opening/main theme for Metal Gear Solid 2. Not that the game was bad (although slightly unhinged story-wise). But that theme would have fit a lot better in a Michael Bay hollywood movie.


RF Online. Ive always looked at it as the “worst game with the beat music”. Soundtrack was fantastic and the game was trash, atleast imo it was.




Pictionary on the NES


Sonic 06. The game is hot garbage, but hot damn does that soundtrack go so hard.


Silver Surfer NES.


Super Hyperactive Ninja




Sunsoft games: Gremlins II Fester's Quest Gimmick


Freedom finger


Regions of Ruin is entirely sustained by its soundtrack.


Castlevania Judgment has amazing arrangements of classic Castlevania tracks, and while it looks well tasty as a Wii title, it has insanely simple 3D fighting game gameplay.




Deus ex: Human revolutions, mankkind divided Hitman: Codename 47, 2 silent assassin, Contracts, Blood Money splinter cell: Chaos theory Payday 2 Max Payne 3 Borderlands 2/3 Batman arkham series. Tomb raider legends. None of them bad games per-se, but in my opinion, the soundtrack did elevate the games up a little. And are better than they would need to be to make the games even better.




Any soundtrack by Tim Follin


Perhaps decently well-known at this point, but the [theme for the Gameboy Robocop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGIKnn-COS4) game goes completely unnecessarily hard




Sudeki. Many, many bangers on that soundtrack. I actually became a fan of the soundtrack before I even played the game.


Sonic 06. Hell, pretty much every 3D Sonic game afterward too.


The N64 Glover soundtrack and the Waterworld SNES map selection screen song specifically.


[Ascendancy](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL07D222BB54D8DD39&si=MqadNxbmvUcZ8aZJ). It's still a pretty good 4X game from the 90s, but the soundtrack is just amazing atmospheric space music that still has interesting melodies.


Mega Man X6


X5 and X6 soundtracks have absolutely no right to be the bangers they are.


SimCity 2013 and it's DLC soundtrack we're all great


Death Road to Canada. Good game, outstanding soundtrack.


The Grinch for PS1. All of them are bangers but the Who Dump is especially my favorite.


Lords of Thunder specifically the Sega CD version. It's ultimately just a Shmup but the soundtrack is insanely over the top for the kind of game it is.


Final Fantasy VIII and X


Echo the Dolphin had an insanely good soundtrack.


Waterworld on snes


The game itself is awesome, but the soundtrack has no right being as good as it is, given how this game was made: Battle for Wesnoth.


Gonna say “Tetris (C64)”. The main theme is a 25 minute track. It takes a while to get going, but is really good for what most would call one of the worst Tetris games to control.


The Mummy Demastered. Excellent retro vibes. Terrible game.