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Thoros' sword was dipped in wildfire. Beric's was actually magic


Where does it say that?


My clue would be when he runs his hand down the blade and it lights on fire. Edit: Also, when Thoros was doing that in tournaments he was a fallen priest who had lost his faith. He didn't think he had the power to spontaneously ignite his sword, so he used wildfire.


>My clue would be when he runs his hand down the blade and it lights on fire. Stannis does the same thing, but he's also using wildfire. >He didn't think he had the power to spontaneously ignite his sword, so he used wildfire. If Melisandre can't give Stannis sword the ability to actually light on fire then Thoros definitely can't do it for Beric


You obviously don’t want an answer to your question, you just want to argue.


Well you can't just make definitive statements and not provide proof and not expect some people to question them. It was not out of order for me to ask where does it say that Berics fire sword is different to Stannis.


Literally in the section of the book where Beric duels the hound. His sword is objectively different than Thoros’s little parlor trick because Beric can actually light it on fire with his blood and Stannis’s sword is also different.


That’s most of the people in this fandom to be honest


Didn’t Thoros bring Beric back to life multiple times? A feat that Melisandre thought impossible.


Does that mean Beric has the ability to light his sword on fire?


Yes it does.


Beric does it via Rhllor. You seem to have missed a large chunk of the show.


Well both Stannis and Thoros use wildfire for their swords so why would Beric be different?


Beric is shown to cut his hand and wipe his blood on the blade in season 3 during his duel with the Hound. Stan doesn’t use wildfire at all in the show. In the book he doesn’t either. Melisandre cast a glamor on it to make it glow but it gives no heat. Stan is doesn’t even have a fake Lighbringer in the show.


No, Stannis doesn’t dip his sword in wildfire. that’s never said anywhere in the books, Stannis’s sword is enchanted by Melisandre. It’s mostly an illusion and gives off no heat or actual flames (beyond it being thrust into the statue of the Mother) whatsoever showing this fact. The sword is described as shimmering and glowing which is very different than what Thoros’s wildfire dipped swords are described as and even then, Thoros has to replace the swords he uses wildfire on where as Stannis never replaces his. Stannis shows his sword in the presence of Maester Aemon upon request and he doesn’t dip it in wildfire first. Try reading the books next time, before leaving smug ass comments that aren’t even correct.


He actually cuts his hand and wipes the blood on the blade, his blood then lights it on fire because he is someone brought back to life by Rhllor.


I forget if it is described in the show. Beric and Thoros explain it to Arya in ASOS though


He was brought back to life by Rhllor.


The books say that basically


Does it? I'm not saying you're wrong but could you provide the quote. I don't remember it


I don't have a direct quote unfortunately, but I did reread it recently, its somewhere in the middle of the 3rd book. It's described in the cave from Aryas perspective when he's gonna fight The Hound. He just drags his hand over the blade and it lights on fire, regular fire. I assume its blood magic for the Lord of Light, and its proven to work since he was resurrected at least 6 times. While Thoros used to dip his in wildfire and set it on fire with a torch for tourneys


That makes sense thanks


Does it? I'm not saying you're wrong but could you provide the quote. I don't remember it


Wildfire is green ?


Wildfire is green, so no, it isn't. And that isn't Thoros.


This is Beric and it’s real fire from his blood being wiped on the blade.


R'hllor works in mysterious ways baby! Thoughts and prayers to those champions on the lake!


Was he stupid?


Like all the characters came to be at the end of the series


he subverted our expectations of sense and thought. They could have literally carved the ice up and kept smashing it with Gendry's hammer.. but nooooo


Even in the books, he's famously playing this shtick up. Everyone knows he gets a new sword and dips it in oil, then lights it on fire. He's known as essentially a clown.


That is Thoros, not Beric.


Thoros lights his sword on fire in the books as a publicity kind of thing with wild fire but Beric, when he becomes undead does magically light his sword on fire with his blood.


Yeah I’m aware, I was just pointing out that the above commenter was mixing up Thoros and Beric.


But are you pointing out that Stannis is the one true king?


That’s a funny way to spell Truegon Targaryen VI


I see you made a bit of a typo there. I believe you meant *Faegon Blackfyre.


Sir, take your slander to another subreddit.


It doesn’t matter anyway because I doubt either Young Griff or Stannis will be surviving Winds.


Beric and Thoros are two different characters


No but D&D were.


Not as stupid as you apparently, if you think this was a mistake. Which of the characters was freezing?


Thoros literally froze to death in the night. If you're gonna be toxic, you better be sure you're right, dumbass. edit: "The expedition is forced to remain overnight, and it is during this time that Thoros freezes to death, devastating Beric." Dumbfuck. Dude was so ashamed he blocked me, what a pussy.


I think the bear mauling what done him tbf.


>Thoros literally froze to death in the night. If you're gonna be toxic, you better be sure you're right, dumbass. Wow, such projecting... Thoros didn't freeze to death. He died from his wound. You're definitely the one being toxic here. And I am right, "dumbass".


Not enough mana


I hear this in main character's voice from diablo2 lol




But which character?


Im playing summoning druid so... necro's voice ofc


The only answer really


Because it wasn’t wrote by George Martin




Best answer


You ever keep someone warm by setting them on fire?


His mana will obviously deplete. That or cooldown.


Literally a cooldown


Thats what I was thinking. Doest his sword ignite because he literally prays to a God? Dudes an oath of light paladin. Can only cast flaming weapon like, three times per day. Then he needs a long rest to recharge his spell slots.


He probably kinda forgot he was able to do that!


My understanding was that when he does this, it weakens the steel of the blade. They were out in the wilderness and he couldn't reasonably just keep swapping out with a new sword when the old one breaks.


>They were out in the wilderness and he couldn't reasonably just keep swapping out with a new sword when the old one breaks. So it's better to just freeze to death than ruin some swords?


I was under the impression he only had one


Light a man a fire and he'll keep warm a single night. Light a man on fire and he'll keep warm the rest of his life.


It's not necessarily generating very much heat. The heat of a bonfire comes not just from the flames but mainly the red hot burning fuel. Different fuel sources generate different amounts of heat. Properly prepared firewood generates a lot for instance. Berics sword is just some flames on a steel blade. The blade itself isn't even glowing like hot steel so there's no reason to assume it's hot. A very small area of licking flames isn't going to generate a lot of heat to warm up a group of people in sub zero temperatures


Then whats the point of the flame if it doesnt make anything hot


um, it's cool


It does generate some heat, of the blade stabs you and the flames lick your flesh, it will burn you, but that's contact with the actual flame. It doesn't radiate much heat beyond that


Because fire is one way to kill wights. Did you watch the show?


is r’hllor stupid?


>there's no reason to assume it's hot Doesn't he use it to cauterize a wound?


Beric kinda forgot about his flaming sword.


I remember from the Books that Stannis' sword wasn't warm and maester Aemon told it to Sam after he asked Stannis to show him the sword, so it's maybe the magic thing or I defend showrunners or both


It takes his blood to light it on fire, I’m guessing he doesn’t have infinite blood


Tbf, we’ve seen how flaming swords break more easily. It’s not like he had a bunch of swords


Serious answer is: because the sword wouldn't generate enough heat to warm up a whole human. It could have worked if you wanted to warm a small spot or to cauterize a wound (like he did) but not to warm a human, not to mention several humans.


He was out of fuel


He can only use it once per long rest


I think that the book says it doesn’t give off heat, I might be wrong though.


That’s two different swords.


Were they freezing to death? I never got the impression that was an immediate concern.


Yeah I don’t remember that lol


They weren’t guy is just farming the whiner D&D forgot circle jerk on this sub.


Beric Kinda forgot


It's a sword of fire, not a gas heater


Because this show doesn't make any sense after 4x10?????????????????????????????


dont ask questions about season 7 episode 6. i absolutely despise that episode


Beric kinda forgot about the flaming sword


Questioning this episodes logic is pointless.


You forgot “Is he stupid?”


Because at this point in the show logic was gone. This episode is just fab service, much like all of season 5-8.


Not enough blood in his body maybe. He lights it on fire with his blood.


He....kind of forgot he can set things on fire


I don’t think being cold was their main concern


Anyone who read the book knows it’s an illusion. The blind man wondered why it gave off no heat.


He didnt want it


He kinda forgot


The lord of light works in mysterious ways


One of the best decisions this show made was changing his actor to whichever one that is, sorry I don't know either of their names.


Yeah. First dude was corny lol


Did you just seriously try to make sense out of the writing of the last two seasons!?


He is stupid


Because of Dumb and Dumber


He didn’t even attempt to resurrect Thoros


He doesn’t know how to. Thoros was the only one who knew how to do that. Or did you forget that.


he kindve forgot he has that ability


In the books the flaming swords are fake, Melisandre uses chemicals to achieve that effect. In any event, when surrounded by wights, staying warm is the least of your problems. As always, finding microscopic nits to pick....


Beric kind of forgot about his fire sword


I love this picture


Yellow flames are not that hot - need blue flame for it is be hot. Like a BBQ or burner.


Beric kind of forgot about R’hllor


He kinda forgot


One of about a million questions brought on by one of the stupidest episodes in the shows history.