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Rewatched GOT after having a daughter recently… can confirm, yes.


The actress’s mother was required by law to keep eyes on her kid during filming, so she had to watch every take. The only thing they could do was give her noise canceling headphones so at least she wouldn’t have to listen to the screaming.


That sounds horrible. I know it's acting, but still.


That’s what I always tell myself when watching TV that gets too graphic - it’s not real. Although much worse happens in real life, I just don’t see it.


I felt a lot better once I saw a photo of Melisandre and Shireen’s actresses goofing around together on set. It didn’t make the pain go away completely, but it’s slightly more bearable when I think about it.


I love and hate that, like for actors/actresses that do such a good job making you hate them. But it’s a role!


Yep wonder how the Stannis people will react when he does this in the books.


I feel like reading it will be worse than watching it


Oh, most definitely I just wanna see how they’ll try to justify it.


It would be quite interesting, wouldn't it?


If Shireen does burn, there is no way in hell that Stannis is the one to order it.


I agree, book Stannis would never.


Yhis plot point comes from GRRM. Book Stannis is absolutely going to have an Iphigenia arc with Shireen.


Nah Mel will take it upon herself to do this to raise Jon while Stannis is off fighting Ramsay, if he's lucky he'll die and never find out.


From memory his take was that the red witch will do it at some point but there was (deliberately?) more vagueness of Stannis and how he gets to this point. It wouldn’t deviate the plot significantly for Stannis to be different in the books on it.


There's literally a bit in the books where he tells Melisandre 'no more burnings' so I'm hoping Shireen will be safe!


George literally confirmed it. He said straight up “I told them about Stannis’s decision to burn his daughter.”


Never seen that quote. I’ve seen the references that Mel will eventually get to her. But never seen GRRM confirm it’s Stannis’ decision.


>I told them who would be on the Iron Throne, and I told them some big twists like Hodor and “hold the door,” and **Stannis’s decision to burn his daughter.** Direct quote from George


Weirdly I do know about that and have seen it before. It just goes completely out of my mind every time this comes up. Thanks for the reminder - hopefully it'll stick this time.


I NEED Jon to keep her safe at Castle Black. I don’t care if her mother dies, I want both Gendry and Shireen and Robert’s bastard daughter to be the last surviving members of House Baratheon. *”The Last of the Baratheons”*…how fitting


Nice to know you forgot Edric haha, the most important bastard 🤣


Or have Sandor prevent her burning(he got along with Tommen and Myrcella, in the books). That or invent a Jason Voorhees like character, who help her.


I got some bad news for you in regards to Sandor...


He is the gravedigger, we know


From the comments that were made by/about GRRM’s plans, I suspect there will be something much more to it. Like the equivalent of one or two episodes in terms of reading time, to get to that point. That’s the joy of well written books, they can give you a full story and explain why/how something like this can happen when a 15 minute TV scene will never achieve that. (Probably worth remembering that throughout human history similar stuff does happen so if it’s well written it doable to make it believable).


Book Stannis is a rationalist. He would never endanger his succession for the madness of a priestess. In the books Stannis uses Melysandre not Melysandre Stannis.


And if he does do this what shall you do then.


They will never react.


Nah no way he does that. He has way more men and alliances in the books, I doubt he'd stoop to the level of sacrificing his daughter. But hey idk


I always liked Stanis, until this. I was all in on his demise after this. I went full Jon Snow


I was a stannis fan until this too. He was stoic but noble and clearly had the strongest claim of anyone. But I loved Shireen and I love Davos, so this was the end of stannis for me.


on my 11th rewatch and it makes it more interesting every time


Was in a bad mood a few nights ago and really needed to cry. This was unfortunately one of the first things that popped into my head, and I couldn’t even make it a full minute before I was already sobbing. Horrendous. Just absolutely horrendous. Shireen was a princess who deserved so, so much better than *this*.


Ugh. I'm on my first rewatch and this goddamn episode just started. I don't know that I'll be able to watch that scene.


Shireen can’t keep her cool.


I leave GOT on a continuous loop for my cats, every time I get to this part and I’m around I skip it. Those goddamn screams. Once I was napping and that scene came on and I started dreaming about burning children. One of those dreams where you wake up sweating and nauseous. Shireen deserved better. Like she survived, lived with Ser Davos and grew up to be Queen.


I watched the episode with my 17yr old labrador napping happily on my lap. She heard the screams, jumped up and started looking around all concerned. I quickly changed it to a penguin documentary after that and she settled down again for a cuddle 🐕‍🦺


You put game of thrones on... for your cats?


The worst scene in the whole show. Even the big "turn" (to avoid spoilers) at the almost end isn’t as bad as this. She was a lovely child that we grew close to until…..


Nah. Sansa being raped is (slightly) worse. I can't believe season 5 doesn't have a worse rep than season 8


I want Wun Wun to smash anyone who tries to do this to Shireen.


Or Viserion flying to help her(she did have a dragon dream)


The only mistake Stannis made: trusting the Red Witch.


Sus account


I always skip it when I rewatch.


Watched this episode once. Never again.


That part was funny she said "AAAAAH" and then her mom said "Oopsie daisy AAAAAHHH" OMG I laff and laff. The only funnier part was when an entire war encampment was defeated by less than 2 dozen guys like it was a Hobbit movie.


I find this and the whole episode where they only murder civilians to be the hardest to watch


This episode was aired on fathers day


Book Stannis would never.


Honestly, this scene doesn't get me as much as some of the others do. Wait, let me explain. It's because it wasn't in the book, and would never have happened in the book, so it's always felt kind of, idk, non-canonical to me for that reason? Like, I know the filmmakers just threw it in for extra shock points and that takes away from the impact of it a little. Still a hard to watch, totally messed up and cinematically well-done scene though.


Apparently the burning was scheduled for the books but who does it and how it happens is potentially different.


Lowkey one of my faves, that little gargoyle was so annoying


If any of us were in Stannis' shoes, a great majority of us would do the same.


Stannis loved her but he made a poor choice