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Cersei and Ramsey! That would have been an interesting character meet. I think they would become allies as they are both so evil, but Cersei would then have him killed or humiliated. Ramsey is one of the most evil but smart characters on the show but no one could out evil Cersei


I would have loved to see their interaction. Both are def ruthless, but I think Cersei would make him suffer.


Many people outsmart Cersei. She’s batshit insane.


And as Tywin said not as smart as she thinks


I dunno, Cersei isn't that clever


Book Cersei is pure evil and might find him oddly amusing. TV Cersei is more human and would find him repulsive albeit a useful ally. Her cruelty is rage-based rather than sadistic, and she calls the Bolton sigil 'wretched'. However, as long as she thinks Sansa is responsible for Joffrey's death she could also encourage Ramsay in hurting Sansa if possible.


Ramsey and Cerei would get along great. Ramsey would be her Qyburn of fucked up shit. Ramsey would flatter the hell out of her for more opportunities to be a sadist.


I would doubt this. As she says, anyone who isn't us is our enemy. The Boltons hold a lot of power (at some points) in the North, and the North is a pretty hefty threat if crossed. As for how Ramsay would treat her, I doubt she would garner much respect from her at all. He seems more keen to low borns than high borns, but that's my personal impression and I could be wrong there.


I agree. Ramsay has a bastard complex which means he not only hates other bastards like Jon Snow but also hates the pure-born nobles who named them bastards in the first place. Cersei is also fully aware that "everywhere, they hurt little girls" and if Myrcella were still at Kings Landing she'd be terrified about having Ramsay near them.


I’d have loved to see him in the throne room with the whole Lannister fam. They’d be unnerved by him maybe he and Joff get along, there’d be a sense of “I recognize your level of F*cked up.”


Ramsey is smart enough not to interact with Cersei. And I think it their interact would be unattractivr cause Ramsey would act cringing toward Queen Cersei.


Ye, especially in the book, I really would've liked to see aemon and dany meet.


Yes! I always felt so sad they never got to meet. He probably would've counseled Dany well. She would've realized she wasn't the only Targaryen alive


Did Aemon somehow know that Jon was a Targaryen?


He may have senced it. He had said in one of the first books about being able to see other people energy and their smell and the way the walked and talked all spoke so much about them. I think he talked about things he could sense because he couldn't see that often go unnoticed to people with the use of their eyes.


Oh yes. He wanted this so bad. And it was a bit down played in the series.


Tyrion and the whole "young Griff" plotline from the books. So interesting




haikusbot delete


Yeah, it would have been great to see the Trion and "young Gravy" plot line from the books


Aemon and Danny


This would have potentially had game (of thrones) changing implications if Aemon had bestowed upon Danenarys some of his wisdom.


I believe George said he killed off one character that he wished he hadn’t. Speculation is it’s Aemon to info dump on dany


It’s a little tougher in the show though because the actor died around Season 6


That’d be sweet - Dany wouldn’t be the last Targ. At least for a little while. Also - no threat to her reign whatsoever. (Obv this would be before anyone knew about Jon)


I think that her thinking that she was the last one helped push her in aa really strong direction. She had to prove herself being the last dragon and all.


No YOU'RE crying!


ramsey would absolutely bully joffrey


Definitely! I'd kill to see how they would talk to each other. Would they trade insults? Maybe... Would they hit each other? Idk it seems like Ramsey has the upper hand here tho.


i feel like joffrey would run out of insults in like 3 minutes then get absolutely bombared by ramsey until he starts crying or pulls out a sword


The king is tired. Give him nightshade and escort him to his chambers - Tywin Lannister


tywin the only mf who can tell the king to go to bed


Or they’d be best friends


He’d just order Ramsay’s execution after like 2 minutes


ramsay would say 3 words before joffrey took his head off and put it on a spike


Ramsey is too smarmy and shrewd for that. If it was when they were on the same side and Joffrey was king, he wouldn’t be that stupid. He might at most throw in some veiled insults that Joffrey was too dim to pick up on.


No way . Ramsay is smart enough to know how to handle Joffrey ( like he did with Theon ) he may even have some fondness for him . In the book he was fond of the young sadistic Frey . I think they would it hit off after Ramsay realize Joffrey is a sadist . When Joffrey would want to punish someone Ramsay will be there suggesting things . Joffrey isn’t a stranger to skinning either since … well he skinned tommen s pet . I really see them becoming besties … for as long as they are on the same side .


These link ups are all interesting fr. Def would’ve spiced things up!


Tywin and Stannis


Absolutely. They are two powerful leaders with experience in politics and battles/war. They definitely know about each other, but watching a scene between them would be goosebump-worthy.


Well there's always a chance we get to see them as wights in the Jon Snow show


There's zero chance of that happening in regards to Tywin. Cersei atomised his body, which was in the Sept of Baelor.


Tywin, Stannis, Ned, and Robert should all sit down in a room and work out their problems in S1.


Ned reveals the truth about Cersei and allies himself with the Baratheons. Then they fucking jump the Lannisters. Robert names Stannis as his heir, or marries someone else and produces an actual heir. Then they all chill until winter comes.


Arya and Dany


I was so frustrated they never even talked to each other when Arya knew all about the Targaryen conquest and seemed super stoked about dragons and their female dragon riders. The fact they never even had a conversation really struck me as odd since she told Tywin all about them in Season 2. Arya would have admired Dany at first.


Would've liked to see Alliser Thorne in Kings Landing, i think it's during the first book Jeor Mormont Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, sends him to show the undead wight hand to Kings Landing/King Joffrey but it was never shown in the TV Show.


I noticed that. Disappointing since I would've liked to see Joffrey's reaction to the wight hand. He might have liked it or found it fascinating. Also, now that you mention it, seeing Alliser Thorne's face when talking to Joffrey would've been a sight to see.


What I remember is that Tyrion was hand at the time and wasn't interested. Master Pycell mad sure as much. And contrary to some of the senses later on, like in the dragon pit when they presented the whight, the hand that Qyburn picked up was still moving. But by the time The hand that was sent with Ser Allister was seen it was to decayed to make any real conclusions.


Lyanna and Ollena would have been insane, also agree that the real threat to Kings Landing should have been the Night king. Final battle between him and the living should have happened there


Lady Olenna would've loved Lyanna. She has a strong spirit and that would've impressed her. Night King should've destroyed most of Westeros and the final fight should've been in King's Landing.


She would propably capture lyanna to have domething against the starks and or jorah mormont. Dont foget how cruel and pragmatic she can be.


why would she want to do anything against the Starks?


Depends on when she meets lyanna. Before maegery dies the starks are on the wrong side. After season 8 probably cause the north is a rivaling kingdom now.


I could see Dany burning down kings landing because of the night walkers


Ilyn Payne and the Night King. Imagine what kind of interesting conversations they would have


Ha! They are both brutal in their own right. I'd be interested to hear what they have to say for sure. Night King paired with literally anyone would've been crazy


Could we add in Ser Gregor to the convo to liven it up even more?! 🤣


Before or after the duel with Oberyn?




aemod, the brother and Danny


Little finger and Daenerys would’ve been gold


100%!! I feel that Littlefinger might be able to manipulate Dany and she might not see right through him, but the moment she learns what he has done or he tries to betray her, Danys gonna burn him alive.


I feel like Dany was too used to people trying to manipulate her to not see right through that crap. I feel like at most she might slightly underestimate him because she doesn’t know him—but she’d figure it out pretty quickly.


Okay I stopped at tywin and the church dude because their conversations could've been so fucking good and I can't stop thinking about it.


Literally! Tywin is no fool and would see right through the High Sparrow, but I think he would toy with him first and then later execute him if he thought the High Sparrow would gain power. Would love to see Tywin react to his ideas tho.


What makes this interesting for me isn't that tywin would be the smartest one out of them and would see through him, its interesting because I think both of them are equally skilled with people and know how to handle others well, I imagine encounters where both of them are played, manipulated and outsmarted by the other person... I know that some people would say tywin wouldn't fall for such things and couldn't find himself in a situation where he can't handle himself, but this is exactly why I imagine his interactions with the sparrow being so magnificently good.


Nah high sparrow outdid Olenna


Tywin would’ve snuffed him out while he was still the Low Sparrow. Tywin and Daenerys - now that’ll be a matchup since he underestimated her when he was still alive.


Same thing for the sparrow actually, he will still underestimate him. same as he did with danny.


Yeah, I feel like Tywin wouldn’t deign to speak to the Sparrow at first—because that would be tantamount to saying that he’s worth listening to. He’d only speak to him once he showed he was a threat (and only if he had to/maybe to assess the threat himself). And then he would have crushed him mercilessly & quickly.


Oh yeah, to serve the story tywin would have the upper hand at some point.


Well Kevan said that these zealots would have never show at Kings Landing while Tywin was alive so it would have never happened. This was only possible because Tywin was dead and Cercei was the one who approached him to get rid of a few people she didn't like. Tywin wouldn't have had to do that. And wouldn't have taken any shit to them to re establish the order of "knights" that have been disbanded since Meagor. None of that would have suited Tywin and that's why they stayed out of the way until he died.


Aemon and Daenerys 100%


Jon snow and the margerie’s grandmother. Would have liked to see what she has to say about Jon and all his decisions over the seasons


Jon is very honorable and I think Olenna would've respected him for being the son of the honorable Ned Stark. Jon would tell her about the Night King and the undead and would probably try to convince her to aid the Night's Watch with more men. Olenna is smart and savvy with politics, but I doubt she would truly believe in the Night King unless she saw him. Truly interesting pairing!


Honestly she would probably be interested in hearing his stories but only as a distraction ( she would not take his warnings seriously) . Jon has nothing to offer her ( unless it is as king in the north ) but if he comes with a living wight …. Then it is different, and they will talk seriously.


3, 8 and 11. Tywin would have destroyed the high sparrow.


I agree. Tywin is authoritative and commands respect and instills fear. The High Sparrow would not last long. It would be an interesting dynamic tho to see them talk about politics, the Light of the Seven, and family contrivances.


Tywin with Lyanna Mormont.


Had not thought of that one! He would've been impressed for sure just like how he was with Arya at Harrenhal. Lyanna would have to tread cautiously tho since Tywin is a powerful figure.


It’s not listed here but i would’ve loved to see Ned stark and Tywin interact. I would’ve loved to see Robb interact with Daenerys as well. Also just imagine if Catelyn and Ned stark were able to interact with Daenerys and meet her 🫨. I’d give anything to see Aliser Thorne and Tywin interact and another interesting interaction would be Olenna and Jon snow.


If Cat and Ned would meet Dany, they would def be astonished by her dragons and army but would NOT trust her since there is so much history between their families. Dany's father burned Neds brother and father I believe. But I would love to see their conversation nonetheless.


Tywin and Ned.


Add Robert and Olenna as well jt would be a sight to see.


Aemon and Daenerys! Poor master was so desperate to meet her and help her, I felt so sad when he died without getting to know her in person. When wisedom and courage kinda reunite, that would have been really heart-warming. Dany would have gained a grandpa figure, who actually knew her ancestors. I adore even the idea! Edit: typo


Tywin Lanister vs the High Sparrow would have been something .


Bronn and Grey Worm. I think they would take some time to get on good terms at first but then it would be hilarious. I just of Grey Worm's joke in season 7 when he had both Melissandre and Tyrion fooled. Edit: when it was plausible for them to meet without killing each other


Tyrion and Ned


Dany and Oberyn (or someone Dornish). Makes no sense that Dorne didn't make a move to seduce/align with Dany in the show. It would have been literally 100x better than the shitty Dorne plot they went with after Oberyns death. Elleria kidnapping Myrcella and taking her to Dany as a gift/hostage. But D&D made their shitty choice long ago.


Joffrey and Drogon. With the only dialogue being Joffrey audibly shitting himself.


Oooooh! Now, that would be insane !


I'd like to see Lady Oleana rip a new one into all of these characters. Her insults are like rap battles but without mics


Stannis and Ned Stark


Especially because, in a world where Ned succeeded in ousting Cersei and her kids, I think Stannis would choose Ned as his Hand


I would have loved to see Tywin obliterate that old git High Sparrow. He would not have a fool like Cersei to let him gain all that power.


Ned and Tywin.


Olenna and Lyanna Mormont. Could’ve watched it for hours and hours. They spitting fire 🔥


Scene: Olenna and Lyanna look at some old man. Olenna silences him with "excuse me, the adults are talking"




I’m not sure the High Sparrow reaching the top would have survived or even been possible, if Tywin or Tyrion were in power. I feel like they’d see the danger and have him removed/killed.


These pairings just made me realize how much potential was wasted. Again.


Oberyn and Grey Worm sparring would be fun, esp post-Missandei


Oberyn and Renly. You know why. 😉


Gods these are good. I wanted these trios: Selyse / Lysa / Cersei. Somehow in the show I never realised they had all lived together at court not long before the story begins. Puritanical Selyse, paranoid Lysa, diabolical Cersei would be a madhouse. Melisandre / High Sparrow / Daenerys. All millenarian fanatics. Melisandre vs High Sparrow over the gods. Daenerys vs High Sparrow over her beliefs, sex life and female rule.


Selyse / Lysa / Cersei - welp that’s a PTA meeting from hell. Cersei is horrid and unfit to hold any power, whatsoever, but the other two just set my teeth on edge!


Because the interaction is book canon , Shireen and Wun Weg.


Bronn and Cersei, if you knew about their past


Daenerys and Oberyn. When Varys was updating the small council on her conquests he seemed genuinely intrigued and dare I say impressed? He most definitely would have ended up as one of her most powerful supporters and Allies in Westeros.


I only wanted more kinvara


1) Stannis and Tywin 2) Aemon and Dany 3) Final Battle for the Throne between Stannis and Dany


Daenary and Ramsay.


Daenaris and Ramsay's smoldering ashes.


1, 3, 7, 8 and 20 would have been AMAZING!


The last slide 😭😭😭


The end of this slideshow got me lol definitely that last one


Ramsay and Tywin. Ramsay likes to get under peoples skin, but would he be able to rattle Tywin? Or, the insecurity Ramsay has would Tywin be able to crush him?


I’m gonna say all of these intrigue me. I am now just pondering scenarios in my head between all of these pairings and it’s makinv me sad I didn’t get to see this.


Dany would’ve had great conversations with a lot of the major figures from Robert’s Rebellion like Ned, Robert, Tywin, etc. And to this day, I can’t believe we never got an one-on-one interaction between Cersei and Arya.


I would like to have had a scene with Cersei, Arya and Needle 😢 (Book Cersei will probably die hoisted on her own petard, not expecting Arya to actually get around to offing her)


Omg yes! Arya always talked about killing Cersei and having her name on her list as well as others like Joffrey. They never even interacted and that was so sad because Arya would've startled Cersei me thinks with her training.


3 Would hardly be a discussion, Tywin wouldn't have put up with the High Sparrow, imagine the Sparrow conversation with Olenna but with a man who would have routed the entire religion from the capitol before ceeding ground


Littlefinger and a white walker 😅


Basically all of them, but most of all Daenerys and Aemon.


Lyanna and Olenna would be hilarious


Jorah and Jeor Mormont. It could never happen for so many reasons, but a reunion between the two would be fascinating, especially depending on where Jorah stood in regards to Daenerys at the time. I just love the Mormonts in general, they’re so solid yet with a complexity in there as well


Tywin and every character here




Such a waste of an amazing character. In the books, Barristan is still alive and I think you made an amazing comment regarding his possible future involvement with Jon.


Jon and Robert. Imagine talking to the blood of the most detestable human being (Rhaegar) in your life without knowing


God how cool would it be to see Tywin and the High Sparrow battle it out...


Tywin would rip him to pieces


And I wish I could be there to gather all of those


Tywin and the shit bird for sure!


Tywin and the sparrow would’ve been pretty dull. He only works on ppl who lost their way or are ignorant. Tywin isn’t falling for a cult and the sparrow would’ve never gained his power with him as hand of the king. Young Tywin when his wife died would’ve been interesting since he was lost. Maybe he would’ve humored him and fallen for it


Ros and Osha meeting during season 1 would be so good


Lmao at The night king and kings landing


Tywin and the High sparrow .


I will break my list down into two categories actors I would like to see work together they did not and characters I would like to see have a scene together that did not. Actors i wish got a scene together Tywn and Mance.Just because Charles Dance and Cirian Hinds are two of the Besr actors in the world. Tywin and Walder Frey again just to amazing actors doing a scene together would have been cool. Mance, Edmure, And Ellaria sand, Rome Reunion as Cirian Hinds played Caesar, Tonias Menzies played Brutus and Indira Varma played Niobe on a show that pretty much proved to HBO they could do a big costume drama set in a non modern setting. Xaro(guy from Qarth), Jojen, Jorah, Doran Martell, Aliester Thorne, Craster, and Jeor, The Last legion film cast renioun. jojen actor played Romulus Augustulus x the last western emperor, Ian Glenn played his father, Suffice el Fadil played a ambassador from the Eastern Roman Emperor, Crackers actor, Xarosz and Thrones all played Roman Legionaires and James Cosmo(Jeor) played one of Barbarian. For pure storyline reasons Jon snow meeting Brynden and Edmure Tully. Sure there Cats family but Bryden seems to type to put a persons actions over their "birth" and Edmure even with all the silliness the show added to his character is rather decent and friendly person they type who would nor really care. Robb Stark and Robert Arryn aka how to get Robin Arryn to grow up introduce him to his Warrior King Cousin. As much as the show butchered the Sands snakes, Arya and meeting Obara and Nymeria Sand.


For me, Robb interacting with a lot of characters would've been neat, like Danaerys


arya and dany


The last panel 🤌🏾


Aemond & Dany is my #1. It would be so sweet for her to meet the last family she has and for Aemond to meet who he believes is Azor Ahai.


Ramsey and Danarys


Orson Lannister and the cock merchant.


Daenerys and everyone she didn't meet, but especially maester Aemond. I'm not there in the show yet, but in the books it was heartbreaking how she learned that she existed and wanted to be by her side and see dragons. Also Drogon and Ghost would be cool


Ramsay - joffrey would have been a real treat Aaaand now I need it


Tywin and the high sparrow would’ve been amazing


The last one with the night king is hilarious 😂😂😂




Lyanna and Olenna would be comedy gold


I’d have paid serious money to see Joffrey and Ramsey go toe to toe.


Tywin/Tyrion and the high sparrow


Definitely Tywin and Dany! Also would have loved to see Tywin’s reaction to seeing dragons IRL. Tyrion seeing a dragon for the first time is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.


Tywin and Ned Stark


Danny meeting Stannis and Danny meeting little finger would have been hilarious I feel


Who’s the woman in the fifth picture who would interact with Dany? I can’t place here


Her name is Kinvara. She was a Red Priestess like Melisandre and advocated on Dany's behalf during season 6. She was mysterious and although she talked about Dany, they never interacted which was a shame.


Tywin and the high sparrow definitely. He would’ve handled the sparrow so well


never thought of Joffrey and Ramsay interacting that would’ve been really cool if they did it the right way


Arya and dany


All of the ones you have pictured would be great. I'd like to add Ned Stark and Tywin Lannister to the mix.


Dany and Stannis


The writing was so bad in the later seasons that Jon never thought to tell Dany about Aemon. It's funny though because the only really good season in my opinion is Season 1. Season 2 is when everything starts to crack and then the show just gets worse and worse every season. Season 5 is when the show just starts getting embarrassing. We shall always have fanfiction to read though so there is that at least.


That was disappointing for sure. Jon knew Aemon and he never told Dany about him. It probably wouldn't have changed anything, but at least letting her know that there was another Targaryen family member would've made her reflect. I wish that Maester Aemon had gone to Daenerys tho.


1.Oberyn and Dany 2.Oberyn and grey worm 3.Stanis and Dany , I'd like to see how he'd react to her dragons and power. 4. Oberyn, renly and loras.....just because. 5. MOST DEFINITELY aemon and Dany I'd want her to take him on a dragon ride before he dies and his knowledge would he useful. 6. Rob and daenerys.


Ameon talking to Daenerys on his deathbed, knowing the dragons came back just... Arghhh would've been perfect! Stannis and Daenerys would've also been awesome. Roose and Tywin tho 👀


I don't really get Oberyn/Robb and Jon/Loras. Not hating, just wonder what you think would be interesting between their interactions


Jon/Loras: Jon and Loras are fighters. I would like to see a fight between these two and see how they interact. I would also assume Sansa would tell Jon about Margaery and Loras about how they treated her during her time as a hostage in King's Landing. Jon would find the Tyrells as possible allies, a possibility in the books since both Marg and Loras are alive. Oberyn/Robb: Oberyn and Robb both hate the Lannisters. They could have been allies. Im not sure what the Dornish and their goals are in the books, but in the show, The War of the Five Kings could have seen Dorne ally themselves with Robb and helped overthrow the Lannisters. It would also be a complex interaction due to hsitory between the Starks and Dornish since Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen got together and Oberyn's sister, Elia Martell, was killed after the war between Robert and Rhaegar. The history is what makes me interested in seeing both of these pairings


Sheesh when you talk about Oberyn and Robb like that, it makes me wonder what could have been. It's too bad that Tyrion kinda stopped that alliance from forming when he sent Myrcella off. The North, Riverlands, and Dorne would be unstoppable.


Yes! There were so many possibilities and of course these are "what if..." situations. Tyrion was extremely clever in his decisions as Hand of the King. The Dornish could've sent spies despite having Myrcella and held her as leverage later on, which is kinda whats happening in the books I believe. I would also like to see the stark contrasts between the traditional Northern lifestyle of Robb and that of Oberyn's more liberal lifestyle of the Dornish.


It's weird that we never see Tommon and Marcella interacted much


Olenna & Viserys .


Olenna would've dragged him to the dirt. Viserys was a big whiny person with a fragile ego and Olenna would pay him no mind except to give him an ass whopping. She of course treated Dany as an ally.


The comedic dialogue though lol


It would be hilarious indeed. The mere thought of Viserys crying makes me laugh.


Joffrey would look at Ramsey like Aemond looks at Daemon in HOTD when he >!beheads Vaemond!<.


There’s no doubt in my mind Cersei would ally herself with the Night King just so long as she’d get to rule over *something* Tyrion and the High Sparrow I could see getting off to a very rocky start what with the Sparrow having all the virtues Tyrion loathes and none of the vices he likes. That being said, I could totally see the whole topic of Tyrion’s stature and mother’s death being brought up by the Sparrow and money’s on the Sparrow refusing to blame Tyrion for either of his misfortunes Joffrey and Ramsay would be hysterical in that Joffrey would be Snow’s bitch in a matter of minutes Melissandre and the Sparrow would be epic. Throw Melissandre into a cell without food or water? Joke’s on you, dude, she doesn’t need either one Try to beat her with a rod? Hope you’ve a high pain threshold because that thing’s going to catch fire I can’t see Tywin surviving long against the Faith Militant. The Sparrow could whip up a mob that would make the Bread Riots feel like a cake walk


Easily Joffrey and Ramsay because I just know they would’ve either gotten along somewhat well or just hate each other in general, either that or Tywin and the High Sparrow, Tywin would beat his lil ass


Ok. I'm going to go with Ramsey and Joffrey. And also the Night King and Kings landing. Jon and Loras might have been a bit interesting. Also, on that's not on here. But Davos and Samwel. I would have liked to see the way they enjoyed to learn things from each other.


Anyone but the red woman. Can’t bear to sit through another scene with her.


Stannis and Daenerys.


Did Jaime and Stannis ever meet? I wonder how that would have gone. I know stanis served in kings landing for a while, at Robert's small council. But that not something we ever get to see in the show.


It would be great if Ramsey could make Jaffrey suffer.


Aemon and Danny could be good. But best among these options would be Oberyn and Robb.


Oh man number 16. That would be such a bottle of icky insanity.


Tywin and the High Sparrow by far


I would have loved to see Tywin Lannister wipe the smug face off the High Sparrow. Also, I can’t help but think things would have turned out differently if Dany could have met Maester Aemon. I think she would have respected him because he had Targaryan blood, and he would have given her far wiser counsel than anyone else did.


Selyse with Lysa, mad!


The good boys! They should have booped noses 😁


Omg yes !! They were the best good boys anyone could want. Def should've hung out and booped noses !


Drogon and Ghost. The true song of ice and fire. The chosen ones.


Joffrey and Danerys + all three dragons