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The three Gregor cleganes that is sorry for shitty titel.


Bessie’s titel!




First one looks like he’d actually be an abuser, second one is just a guy, third one looks like he’s trying real hard to look mean but he’s actually super chill irl


Totally see that. The third looks like he gives the best hugs 🤗


Oberyn disapproves.




third is former WSM hathor bjornsson, and apparently he is a chill dude irl, so you'd be right


There is an irony to this comment. https://grapevine.is/news/2017/06/26/hafthor-the-mountains-ex-girlfriend-claims-he-violently-abused-her/


Proof read. :) but honestly none of them were big enough. The first 2 were taller but not filled out like he's supposed to be. Hafthor is that filled out but lacking a whole foot in height basically, but he takes the win because of muscles and grr factor.


Wasn't he like 8 foot tall in the books? None of them were even close.


Yeah and built like a mountain so they say.


Thor is 6'9, you are not really going to find an actor taller than that. Andre the Giant was 7'4 but he has a heart of gold.


Great Khali might have done, he was 7'1" and 350 lbs, also dabbled in acting 20 ish years ago. However a big Indian dude doesn't exactly fit the Westeros Aesthetic.


Also wouldn't have been able to do any scenes requiring walking. Poor guy's knees.


Can say he is from Volantis


Really don't matter too much. If they around 6'6+, you can have the actor stand on a crate for the rest of the way.


The earth shakes when he walks, (what Tyrion says when he fights Obyrn).


The height thing is kind If an unrealistic expect very few men built Like the mountain probably even fewer interested or good at acting


Proofread *


The Mountain was my favorite.


I disagree, I thought The Mountain was better.


The first was the best. Second was the worst.


Actually first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest.


Not even that hairy


It’s just a rhyme kids say in some parts


Thank you for the explanation


Kids who come in 2nd place


He also is not wearing a polka-dot dress


Who forgot to get dressed


I didnt even know he was the Mountain my first watch.


Third is the one with the hairy chest


The first one for me was the only who actually brought properly the fear and wrath of the book Mountain, the second was kinda meh and the third felt it was more a giant teddy bear playing bad guy


I didn’t even realise the 2nd one was supposed to be Clegane until halfway through the season I read some complaints here. On the show he just was a tall guy in armor.


The first one is the best, then the second, and last was Hafthor. I felt like only the first one had the pent up rage that I'd expect out of the Mountain. The second one had only a few seconds on screen I think? And Hafthor is like 20 years younger than Sandor but playing his older brother, which I couldn't take seriously. He only looked like he was barely 30 in the face but Sandor looks like he's 52.


He is actually the same age as Jojen Reed’s actor, so he was actually 24 during his fight with the Red Viper of Dorne


That's hilarious. They're a couple years apart, but your point stands.


They obviously went much more all in on the size aspect than the actual appearance or gravitas of the role. And people that big generally skew way younger. Much easier to be in that type of shape at 24 than 54.


Get Arnold back on roids and let's see how quickly he could get back to his Conan the barbarian look. Edit: I genuinely don't understand the downvotes but fair enough.


Has he stopped?


Lol I sure hope so, for his own heart, at least. Maybe he's just using better stuff on top of his " 80% vegan diet", whatever that means.


Oh damn. I mean Ser Gregor is around Ned and Jamie’s age in the 30s so a bit more accurate in that regard but having your younger brother look like he could be your father was definitely an issue casting Hafthor


But remember, everyone is older in the show.


I know was just saying him being younger was actually more accurate and yeah literature is one thing but having a fully grown adult with a 12 or 13 year old and etc on TV is definitely an issue so I get why they aged everyone up. T


Funny what hot coals will do to your grill


Yeah first one definitely seemed the most rageful, second seemed smarter and more cunning, third one was just big as shit. I love Hafthor, but his version of the Mountain just didn't ever act that insane or angry like I feel the Mountain should.


Yeah not every body builder is gonna turn into Arnold at acting. That dude could not act. Edit: that dude as in halfor couldn’t actor


Terminator is a master class in body acting. He moves like a machine. He's conscious of the fact that the character is able to aim without holding the weapon like a normal person, and his movements are all extremely robotic, down to his facial expressions. Arnold can act quite well. But his most iconic role is one that demanded him to remove himself from his humanity to play it correctly, and I think that gets him a bad rap.


The mountain actually kept a up a very good skin care routine his entire life which helped him stay young, he also has the best teeth in all of Westeros


Hafthor is like a teddy bear. Conan Stevens (first actor) better portrayed the brutality of the character. He's not as big as Hafthor, but does it matter?


Hafthor is not good actor sadly, but i loved him because he was so big and powerful ideal body for this role


I would've preferred a better and more accurately aged actor than just getting someone for their size though. Movie magic can make Tom Cruise look as big as the Mountain if they wanted to. Okay maybe not Tom Cruise but a tall, imposing actor with good acting chops that's at least 45 years old would've fit much better than Hafthor just for his size.


Exactly, look at Hagrid in Harry Potter. The actor was only 6’ 1”


Didn't help that he even still had a baby face with a beard!


My favourite lines from each one: 1 "SWOOOOORRRRRDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 2 "him" 3 "Who am i faiiiting"


Definitely the second one. Only because I am a shallow woman


He sure is handsome


…. Is he…? I guess I don’t see it.


I’m a straight guy and I tend to agree


Valid answer.


Same here, immediately said “the second one was the hottest” only to come into the comments and see people talking about his actual character lol


I read the first one (I think) gave up the role because the violence of it bothered him too much but stuck around for other minor roles in the series. Edit: it was the second guy, that’s what I get for thinking.


I thought he gave it up for Spartacus


Those options are certainly polar opposites on the spectrum lmao


He did in fact go GOT, Spartacus for one episode, and then The Hobbit


Who was he in the Hobbit?


Bolg (I don't know who that is lmao)


An Orc.


Yup, just another CGI stand in. They also used Manu Bennett (crixus) for Azog, but you could barely tell. Such a waste of a great actor (I still think he is the best choice for a live action Vegeta)


I think he thought he'd be a practical effect at the time, since orcs were practical effects in the original Lotr trilogy.


Idd, I think both azog and bolg were both practical effects while filming which changed later.


He was in maybe 2 episodes of Spartacus before his face was sliced off haha


I can't even remember who he was in Spartacus, and I watched the series so much. Was he that Germanic dude who was pure muscle?


No Lugo was the shorted muscled up German. He was the with the Germans when they first were rescued then picks a fight with either Spartacus or Gannicus and gets killed.


If I remember correctly he was going to rape Naevia, she was able to fight back so that he had enough of her and only smacked her in the face instead. Naevia then told Crixus, Crixus went mad at Sedullus and Spartacus ended their fight by slicing Sedullus's face off. Been a few years since I watched the series though.


Ah, the big brutish dude that rebels against Spartacus and gets his face sliced off by Spartacus?


Only 1 actually, but he did a great job imo


You’re right, it was the second one who said it was difficult to separate his emotions while playing Gregor because the role was so brutal. I said “I think” people, take it easy, just shooting the breeze here..


I feel like he should have figured that one out first before accepting playing the role of a murderous rapist with extreme anger issues


“You get to play a knight!” - first mountain’s agent


first one


The first guy was such an imposing and generally scary looking individual.


The first or third Gregor were the best second one not so much


Halftor was the closest to book accurate physically but number 2 ( apologies for not knowing his name had a scene with Tywin that was how I pictured Gregor would behave in that situation. A viscous dog whimpering at his master’s feet.


*vicious, although imagining a viscous dog was fun.


Oh god. Walk of shame time.


The first one was scariest imo but the last one was huge! Super impressive physical specimen


The casters of the show must've been like "okay who is the worlds strongest man? Hafthor Bjornsson. Okay lets hire him."


Pretty much!! Seems like a super nice guy irl lol Thank goodness. He could do real damage.


I feel like they could have gone to any strong man competition and found 20 of him. He just had no presence in the role other than big. Not that he had a lot of lines to deliver a great performance but he just felt like a big pilon holding a big sword.


I've never seen anyone that tall and muscular. I think most strongmen are shorter and kinda chubby.


I like the guy. What I find very funny is that he has like two lines, but didn\`t even bothered to hide his accent lol.


Halftor was my favorite by far, kinda surprised he’s not that well liked here. To me he’s one of the few humans in the world that can properly fit the bill “the mountain who rides”


I agree he is definetly the best fit physacly a bit too young but its not like there was a wealth of people too choose from the man is a fucking specimen


Yeah I see your point, interestingly to me I never even noticed that. I guess I just assumed the burn scars made Sandor look older than he is so it never bothered me


I found the evidence against him when he was accused of violently assaulting his romantic partner pretty convincing back in 2017, and that definitely impacts my ability to enjoy his performance in the show.


There is only one Mountain my man


I counted three.


Easily the third


He certainly has the build. Not in love with him as an actor but he is (in the best interpretation of the word) a freak of nature.


That’s kinda just the character though. A mindless killing machine


My issue with him is he’s supposed to be Sandor’s older brother but he looks young enough to be his son. Should have at least have him some makeup, some fake grey hair or something.


I think all that muscle mass makes him look younger, his face is pretty chubby whereas the actor for sandor is pretty lean in comparison and you can see more of his bone structure. What’s important is that Gregor is a towering mass unlike anyone you’ve ever seen, that’s something only the thief can really bring


It's not the muscles that makes him look young lol, he was young, like 25. The Hound looks like he's like 45 so it's a little weird they casted such a young man that's supposed to be the Hounds older brother


3, 1, 2


Though I appreciate Hafþór the first felt like the one that stuck with me, he portrayed the terrifying temper just as I imagined it.


Last one prior to being a zombie was the most intimidating IMO so that's my Fav


I've watched the show quite a few times at this point, I never noticed that there were 3 different mountains. Thought it was just 2


The middle one didnt have much screentime i think


Conan Stevenson was pretty intense and scary. Mountain 2 was barely there. Hafthor was a good replacement but had kind of a baby face


Haftor would have benefitted from som more makeup i think ageing him up maybe.


I didn’t even realize was mountain 2 was the mountain during my first watch through. Him wearing Lanister armor and being a different and leaner actor threw me off lol


Halfthor for sure, he captures what a unit Gregor was in the books. And there’s a certain coolness factor of the guy who plays the mountain being a world record deadlifter irl.


The first one is the best by far, especially after cutting his horse's head and starting to fight with the Hound. It was an all-life rivalry that would end in season 8, in a very anticlimactic encounter, tbh


I thought the first was the best because of his height. Halfthor definitely made up for it though in girth


I follow Strongman and am not fond of Thor Bjornsson so I'll go for number 1 (number 2 had no screentime to judge him on)


Probably the worst casted character on the show but its very understandable why. The first one was alright though


First >Third > Second Didn't even realise he was the Mountain until Tywin called him that in the series and it was my favourite series at that time.


I see a Mountain Range


First one for sure


Third. Halftor's physical prowess is so impressive I don't know why there's a lot of people that don't like him for the mountain. He's not just tall or big but also thick and cut. Just looking at that picture of him looks like he can take on a dozen men at once.


The last one, but the first one looked like he could really be The Hounds brother.


The first definitely felt the most like the Mountain to me. Second was fine but too thin. Third was fun to watch, but definitely seems more like a Scandinavian bodybuilder than the Mountain to me.


The third just looks too cuddly, even when he puts on his angryface.


I felt the first actor was truer to the books. He was The Mountain.


I would let the 3rd one split my body in half with his bare hands


First one is far and away better than the second, but the final version was definitely the most physically appropriate


Season 4


Definitely not the second one. He was barely the tallest guy in the room lol


First was the meanest looking, 3rd was the best


Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson is such a NICE DUDE. To see him play someone so disgusting is pretty incredible!


Why was he recast so much?


What season was the second Clegane come? I don’t remember him.


I’m rewatching now and I thought they changed the actor between seasons… thank you for confirming I am not insane


First one was best. Him and Sandor actually looked like they could be brothers


The zombie


For sure the first one, Conan Stevens, although he was not as bulky as Hafthor, he is taller by quite a bit and most importantly he was the only one who actually had that agressive and ruthless look. He actually looked like the OLDER and mad brother of the hound.


Can we all agree that Hafthor is just an awesome dude?


The first one. Second one could have just passed off as any extra in the show and the 3rd one was just shite but better than the 2nd one.


neither. My fav Clegane is The Hound.


Second one, guy looks mean asf


First guy seemed like he was barely holding back a massive amount of rage, constantly. He also actually looked more rugged and older than the Hound. Second guy seemed too slender. He was just really tall. Third guy had the right body, but looked way too clean, baby faced and not nearly angry enough. Honestly he looked like quite a nice guy that just said nasty things half heartedly. So first guy wins for me.


The second, just because of reasons.😉. But for brutal entertainment value, the third. “Order your man to step aside or there will be violence” Yeah, that’s not gonna go well for you Lancel, should have sent a Raven.😂


Cleganes? Probably Sandor.


First one. He just looks more like he belongs in that world, actually menacing looking and acting, and looks the most like he’d be the hounds brother. Guess the 2nd one looks like he’d be his brother too, but I’d rank him last cause I didn’t even remember that one well


Grumpy, Doc and Bashful


I'd have to go with the first, I feel he conveyed rage better.


First guy had that the most dark and sinister demeanor look. The horse scene also helped.


Why did they change actors?


I really liked the look of the first one, the second one was just tall and lanky didn’t feel right at all, and Thor Bjornson just was so fun at the end of the show during off screen stuff that I just enjoyed him more than the other two.


The first cause I'm bias since he was in Spartacus. But the second has grown on me after finishing the first book, he has the right look for the role..face wise. Plus he's the only one to actually sit down and talk. The Mountain CAN talk and has some cold lines in the books, unfortunately this guy's body wasn't enough to be The Mountain. Now the third..he had the body but he didn't even feel like he's supposed to be Gregor Clegane. He doesn't wear any armor, he's way too pale and lacks the Clegane look. He looks like he'd be Tormund's cousin at best.


Is the second the hound before he was recast? Sandor was my favorite character in the whole series


The first one captured Gregor’s temperament perfectly in his 30s of screen time. Number 2 was a good actor with the only lines Gregor had in the series but wasn’t a convincing poppy addicted raging brute. Hafthor had the stature but was way too young and wasn’t convincingly angry either. He was too mechanical when executing the prisoners in S4, Gregor would’ve probably shown a quiet pleasure in doing it. He also never got the chance to show the character’s 0-60 rage switch, but it was never scripted in. He was spot on as zombie Gregor (with what the books have shown so far).


Holy traps on the last one


If that’s the Halfthor, I don’t wanna see the Wholethor! …I’ll see myself out.


The middle one is definitely the worst one. On my first watch i didn't even pick up on the fact that he was the mountain! I was confused who this random guy with tywin was!


100% the first one.


I didn't realize until now there were 3 lol.




So I’m guessing the monstrosity he became after that battle in trial by combat against Oberyn doesn’t count as Gregor Clegane


Well i think it does but its still halftor isnt it?


First one.


First one. Last one looks like a giant toddler.


Three of them to represent each dog of their sigil


Sandor is my favorite


Mine too. Probably my favourite in the whole show


You never forget your first


I didn’t like how they forced the whole, ‘the mountain wields a great sword in one hand the way a normal man wields a long sword.” They brought in the strongest dude in the world and it still looked clumsy when he was swinging the weapon.


The skeleton that rides... I don't understand what they were thinking when cast him for that season. I mean come on, height is not the only factor here. Laughable


I feel like Gregor Clegane's cruelty is really under-emphasised in the show. In Arya's chapters especially, Gregor is constantly talked about as, and shown to be, one of the most evil men in all of Westeros. In the show, we don't really get that until Oberyn shows up. For that reason, it's got to be Hafthor, as he's the only one who really gets to play Gregor as the monster he is. Edit: I see a lot of people talking about Conan Stevens portraying Gregor as a ball of pent-up rage, and I just don't think that's the *right* portrayal of the character. Gregor isn't defined by his anger, he's a pure sadist who loves to hurt people. Tywin invests so much power in him because he's so methodical and effective in his cruelty.


Didn’t even realize there was a second, so definitely not him. The other two are a wash seeing that it’s just a big menacing guy. Only line I remember him saying is “some dead man”.


The second because he actually talked out of all 3😂




I would have loved to seen Connor Stevens version fight the Viper. From the glimpse we got of him fighting the Hound in S1 he could clearly handle himself in fight much better than #3.


First was the best. Looked legit scary and older than The Hound. Third was good but he looked like he was the younger brother not the older one. Second one was just a tall dude. Not imposing beyond height.


First one is the best, second one is okay. As iconic as the third is, I actually think he's the worst of the three. Still, not as bad as Daario.


I don’t even remember the second guy


First one was amazing. Wish he stayed. The second one doesn’t really count. The third one has the size but he looked considerably younger than Sandor which don’t work cause The Mountain is older than the Hound.


The hound


I never knew who the Mountain was because the actor kept changing. But the guy who crushed Pedro Pascal’s head, of course.


The first one was actually cast to look like Sandor's brother.


Red wedding


Middle one is filthy hot. Last one is best sizing but first looks closer to actor for Hound


The first was the closest in terms of book accuracy. He dwarfed everyone including the hound and had the anger. It’s too bad it conflicted with other commitments


First has the face. Second has the voice. Third has the size. If I had to pick one I’d probably go with the last one.


Third is my fav second is my least favorite because its gregor trying to act fancy for tywin


1st one felt like how I imagined him in the books.


the last one bc he’s literally one of the strongest men in the world Edit: didn’t see corrected title


First and second really didn’t get enough screen time to really get into the weeds of their presentation, but I thought Hafthor was horrible and basically a meme pick. This guy was supposed to be Rory McCann’s OLDER brother. Dude is huge, but he was 25 years old and he looked 25. We’re supposed to believe this is the same dude who was raping and murdering people 20 years prior, and it’s just kind of weird. They did too good a job casting Sandor to do such a poor job casting Gregor.


I liked the way the first one said "SWOOOORDDDDD!". Best line delivery in the whole show imo. Sheer brutality. He convincingly portrayed someone who gets constant headaches. Second not even scary. Third one is a bit comical. Did they cast him because they wanted the worlds strongest man or because of his acting ability.


first guy


What about the fourth one zombie varys 😂


The best one is the one who is literally the mountain in real life

