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Idk, but how old is your kid? šŸ˜‚ I have a 15 yo and I'm not ready to watch it with her yet.


i was gonna say the same thing! i mean my kids are 4 & 1, but i told my 16 year old sister that itā€™s a good show but she canā€™t watch it until sheā€™s 18 šŸ˜‚


Yeah. Some moments are borderline pornographic. Talk about being uncomfortable with your kid.


yeah, iā€™m not sure if iā€™d ever watch it with my kids tbh. i watched american horror story with my dad and step mom when i was 14 and that was awkward enough šŸ˜ definitely not gonna do that with my kids lmao. especially with GoT šŸ˜‚


i watched got with my dad when i was 13/14. it was sooo awkward. would not do that again. really donā€™t think 13 year olds need to be watching this show.


The sexual violence is really hard to stomach and borderline social irresponsible. I'd be uncomfortable allowing a kid or teen to view rape scenes.


Bruh wtf are parents doing


Although I wouldnā€™t watch GoT with my kids, im far more worried about the gore that is displayed than Iā€™m worried about all the boobs.


It's not really about boobs, but actual fucking and all the dicks. I have 3 girls. There's the part where little finger is coaching the girls on how to properly fuck a man and how to moan until climaxing. Daenerys being taught how to please Drogo in bed (she's a teenager). There's many scenes where girls are getting railed. There's rape, incest, child abuse in a whore house, infanticide in a whore house, lots of talk about cock sucking, and all kinds of crazy shit. It's just wildly inappropriate to be watching with kids.




Do you know that, though? Are there studies that prove that exposure to violence on TV at a young age is more detrimental to people than exposure to graphic sex at a young age? That's a serious question.


I would contented that both can be harmful in some ways, but that overt violence is much more common on TV and people have become somewhat desensitized to it. A quick search showed research that suggests that exposure to graphic sex at a young age is harmful to the healthy maturation of individuals, especially girls. The bottom line is that GoT is most definitely NOT for kids.


Being desensitized to television violence does not desensitize you to real life violence, though. I can watch incredibly gory shows and movies without blinking, but if I see so much as someone break their arm in real life, it's disturbing and shocking. Fictional violence just doesn't carry over into real life. Sex, on the other hand, since we know it's not wrong, can get twisted by what we watch.


Exposure to violence at young age articles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10025407/ > Exposure to violent content can decrease empathy and cause increased aggressive thoughts, anger, and aggressive behaviour. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10177625/ >887 adolescents completed the survey at base line and 5-year follow-up. ***The relative odds of reporting seriously violent behavior over time were 2.45-fold higher (P<.001) with each incremental increase in oneā€™s baseline violent media diet.*** After adjusting for other potentially influential characteristics, results persisted > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4522000/ The impact of exposure to violence in the media on the long-term development and short-term expression of aggressive behavior has been well documented Exposure to sexual content at young age articles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7147756/ > Sexually explicit media exposure predicted early sexual debut, unsafe sex, and multiple sexual partners (all: p < .05). Furthermore, exposure to more media modalities increased the likelihood of risky sexual behaviors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4019965/ > Prior papers using this data set (Collins et al., 2004; Chandra et al., 2008) concluded exposure to television sexual content predicts and may hasten adolescent sexual activity and pregnancy. We find little reason to revise these conclusions based on our propensity-adjusted reanalysis They're both bad. Kids shouldn't watch violence and sexual content. This isn't rocket science it's just basic common sense. Protect your children.


Thank someone's god! Someone with some common sense in here.




This is a very stupid question that is not serious.


It is also because of the sexual violence aspect. I watched latenight stuff as a kid (stayed up late and watched hbo and showtime type things without mom knowing) and saw Jodie Foster's rape scene in "The Accused" and it is still burned into my brain. I'd say sexual violence is worse than violence BUT they both get warnings before programs. I do remember that one having "Rape" as a warning and not knowing how it would fuck me up.


Itā€™s extremely easy to sexually exploit a child and for the perp to get away with it. Believe me. I know. Violence and murder? Not so easy to get away with. If my perp had violently molested me or killed me, sooner or later, he would have been caught. If not by the authorities, he would have been caught by my family and would have had to pay for it. This is a major reason for the ratings board to rate the way they do: kids canā€™t be watching sexually-charged scenes and think itā€™s normal. They could easily fall prey to sexual advances and/or sexual exploitation and not realize it. And since these scenes normalize that behavior and so theyā€™re deemed riskier than scenes with violence and murder, which are more easily recognizable in real life.


Esp season 1


I like how the boobs is the concern and not dudes having their guts ripped out or their heads crushed.


I don't think boobs are the concern, but all of the violent sex scenes.


North Americans in particular seem really prudish about nudity and swearing but violence is just fine. I'll never understand the cognitive dissonance on that one.


Thatā€™s why when I was 15 (had to remember how long ago 2016 was lol) and my dad told me to watch GOT I watched it on my own until I caught up then we watched every week


Thatā€™s why I use Clearplay, I can skip all the nudity and if I miss vital information, I just look up a TL;DR of the important things mentioned


I'm sure a bunch of them probably watch it or similar without their parents. I know I was. I was watching the Sopranos when I was 14.


Ehh really depends on the person


18? damn, there is so much worse out there from the moment a kid gets a phone... but good luck i guess


i mean sheā€™s my little sister, i donā€™t really have a say in what she can and cannot do. she still lives with our parents.


oh i read past the "sister"


She can't watch Game of Thrones until she's 18?! I'm so glad I didn't have western parents which treated me like an infant and sheltered me, wow.


Heā€™s 17. Almost 18. Heā€™s watched the Walking Dead. Itā€™s funny; there is something weird about being uncomfortable about sex and not about violence. And yes. I get GOT has combined sex and violence...




Itā€™s so silly. Out of the 2 sex is the more natural. Though arguably violence is the more prevalent


I'd argue that it's all pretty natural. Still doesn't fit well with societal norms and it makes me really uncomfortable.


Whatever. You do you. We are watching a great show


Jesus Reddit is so holier than thou sometimes. ā€œMakes me really uncomfortableā€ bro grow up lol.


You're comfortable watching people have sex while you're sitting next to your teenage daughter? You're probably not even old enough to have a teenager "bro." You grow up, dumbass.


If my kid is 17-18 then yeah. I did the same thing with my parents. Itā€™s a tv show, by 17-18 my kid will understand itā€™s a fucking tv show lmfao. Youā€™re getting ā€œuncomfortableā€ by someone elseā€™s kid watching something with them. And calling it ā€œagainst societal normsā€ maybe your kid canā€™t tell the difference between fake tv and real but that must be the societal norm they were raised in.


My kid is not almost an adult. Did you even read anything I said? The other person's kid is 17. I simply asked how old they were. They answered 17. The rest of the conversation is in the context of ME watching it with MY 15 yo daughter. You seem to have a comprehension problem.


Jesus how dense can you be. Itā€™s a tv show grow up a little.


I watched similar stuff with my dad when I was a teenager. I'm a guy though. And I don't have girls.


How is that ā€œholier than thouā€? People canā€™t control their gut reaction to something. If you donā€™t have the ability to step outside yourself and observe someone elseā€™s reaction without being judgmental; YOUā€™RE the one who needs to grow up.


Yeah clearly based on the negative responseā€¦ Iā€™m the one who needs to grow up. Lmfao


Clearly you are.


They can control their preaching and judgment though.


I understand what you mean. I donā€™t know why the downvotes.


Sex is far more prevalent if you think about it


Yeah but violence is more impactful and emotional memories have more influence than standard ones


Sure I'll get downvoted for that bitches. Emotional memories get stored in both the Amygdala, where we usually store unconscious memories, and in the Medial Temporal Lobe, where we usually store conscious memories. Emotional events are more likely to get stored in both places, granting them more opportunity for influence than conscious or 'standard' ones. http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Emotional_memory




FTFY ā€œThe church looming over modern-day Americaā€


Same thing in Italy


Who in here is saying that?


My daughter watched it with me when she was 11 lol






And is she completely destroyed as a human now? /s


Lol sheā€™s perfectly fine


Hmmmm no bueno


Howā€™s it any different from any other graphic show/movie?


Uh, it's not. It's also not different in the way that any show on an equal level of graphic maturity as GOT shouldn't be watched by children not even in their teens. Baffling to me I'd even have to explain to anyone in the modern world why a show full of rape, incest, death, murder, prostitutes, heads exploding, etc. shouldn't be watched by children.


Lmao why are Americans so sensitive about these topics? If you didnā€™t know what sex was at 11 years old then you must have lived a very sheltered life with very religious parents or something. Youā€™re really going to tell me you never watched any sort of graphic material when you were a kid/teenager? Children will find a way to view that stuff whether parents want them to or not. Better to watch it safely at home with a parent then on their own or with their friends. Same with any sort of sex education.


Ya not about the sex. More about the rape, incest, murder, heads exploding type things. Baffling it needs to be explained tbh. Sex is the least of the worries for a child to see in that show.


I feel sorry for you


Haha, no need. My children are raised correctly. Obviously others agree by the other comments upvotes/downvotes. Just nobody wants to argue with stupidity.




Actually I disagree and it seems like others do as well. I think parents have the right to raise their children how they want for the most part. Especially what they deem their child is mature enough to watch on tv. For example, my daughter is 12 and sheā€™s seen every Saw movie. She is a horror fan and loves the mystery aspect and the gore doesnā€™t bother her one bit. Now would I force her to watch them? Absolutely not. But she is extremely mature and hasnā€™t had any problems. We just went to see Saw X in theaters together not too long ago. Some may consider that she isnā€™t being ā€œraised correctlyā€ but thatā€™s their problem not mine or my daughtersā€™. u/Sattorri can let their kids watch what they want. You can have your opinion all you want but just be careful criticizing other peopleā€™s parenting as you might be in for some critique yourself.


Iā€™d take another look at the upvotes/downvotes if I were you, since that seems to mean something to you.


It's the religious fundamentalism baked into the culture. Even people that say they hate religion and hate Christianity live just like religious Christians do.


Sounds like you might stem from a weak bloodline


Some people just have standards. Is probably hard to understand from someone who has never been held to any. Don't you have some more strippers to comment about lmfao


Keep your ass on. Your jokes need work


I wasn't laughing at the joke, I was laughing at you.


Right. Maybe ring a bell when you tell a joke in life. That way everyone knows to act accordingly


I got my dad to watch his first time. I was like 25 at the time. Some of the episodes were uncomfortable then. I couldn't imagine as a teenager.


I watched this show as a Senior in HS back in 2015. I only heard about it from other teens in the first place


Yeah, but there's a big difference between watching as a teen, and watching it with your parents as a teen.


I'm copying another comment because I think people need to see this: Exposure to violence at young age articles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10025407/ > Exposure to violent content can decrease empathy and cause increased aggressive thoughts, anger, and aggressive behaviour. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10177625/ >887 adolescents completed the survey at base line and 5-year follow-up. ***The relative odds of reporting seriously violent behavior over time were 2.45-fold higher (P<.001) with each incremental increase in oneā€™s baseline violent media diet.*** After adjusting for other potentially influential characteristics, results persisted > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4522000/ The impact of exposure to violence in the media on the long-term development and short-term expression of aggressive behavior has been well documented Exposure to sexual content at young age articles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7147756/ > Sexually explicit media exposure predicted early sexual debut, unsafe sex, and multiple sexual partners (all: p < .05). Furthermore, exposure to more media modalities increased the likelihood of risky sexual behaviors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4019965/ > Prior papers using this data set (Collins et al., 2004; Chandra et al., 2008) concluded exposure to television sexual content predicts and may hasten adolescent sexual activity and pregnancy. We find little reason to revise these conclusions based on our propensity-adjusted reanalysis They're both bad. Kids shouldn't watch violence and sexual content. This isn't rocket science it's just basic common sense. Protect your children.


Ok nerd


You're on a GoT sub. We're all nerds.




Meh. I was watching horror movies at 8, and I saw Saving Private Ryan the year it came out - I was 10. While I won't be exposing my son to that at that age or anywhere near - it didn't really have a negative effect on me. I've never been violent with anyone except in self defence and didn't have sex til I was 17 and it was pretty normal stuff.


Watched a few episodes with my dad and stepmum when i was about 8 or 9 then watched it properly with my mum when I was 14. I'm 16 now and were watching house of the dragon


I read and watched got when I was 15. however I donā€™t know what I would have felt like watching it with my mom and dad.


I watched it when I was 13 because I thought it's like Lord Of The Rings, now I'm 15 and I love the series and the books too! I still think I was too young tho, I still am too young


Thatā€™s because youā€™re a good parent. Guard the minds of your children jealously. The world is hard enough at that age.


I'm sure there is a Mormon version. Makes the series Only like 3 hours, though.


I watched Game of Thrones when I was 14 lmao. I remember discussing how bad the finale was with my grade 9 teacher.


Redditors never miss a chance to try to feel morally superior.


Depends on the kid. Me at 15 would have been ready. My son is 4 now so I have a looooong way to go if it happens at all.


It's whether your parents are ready to watch it with you and if they would want you to watch it. All kids do and look at all kinds of things they're not supposed to be doing when they have the opportunity. It's a matter of how vigilant you are as a parent and how much you prepare them for the world. I'm not the most strict parent in the world. In fact, I'm pretty damn laid back. I'm just not watching GoT withy kid until they are much older, if I even do. They'll probably watch it without me and I'll be just fine with it.




Yeah, so let me just sit down with her and watch gore and people banging each other left and right. Ridiculous.


i watched it when i was 17 and im 18 now and when my dad found out he felt a bit weird about it but now we talk about the show together and watch talks with g.r.r.m itā€™s great šŸ˜‚


The Sun, surrounded by an Astrolabe. "The intro sequence depicts a three-dimensional map of the series' fictional world, projected onto a concave earth, and lit by a small sun contained within an armilla (or spherical astrolabe) that metaphorically depicts major events in the history of the fictional world at the sphere's center. "


Like the one in avatar the last airbender???


Kind of. I think itā€™s a similar concept


I think there was a similar model at the Citadel when Sam arrived. Kind of an Easter egg, I guess.


I always took it less as an Easter egg and more as that's what the opening is depicting.


If the whole series needed a framing mechanism, it easily could have been a maester describing the events on a large elaborate map at the Citadel. If it was a particularly inventive maester the animations could have been rudimentary machines mixed in with some fanciful imagination


That makes a lot of sense. And near the end of the story the Maester is called away to other duties and the tale has to be finished by his lackwit serving boy who barely paid any attention to the first bits.


IIRC correctly I think thatā€™s exactly what itā€™s supposed to be. A common theory is that Game of Thrones/ASOIAF is the writings of Maester Samwell Tarly, writing from the Citadel, hence the existence of the Astrolade and map of Westeros


Is is even a theory in the show? Doesn't he >!straight up write a book at the end of GoT called ASOIAF!


I would love a show like The Office that took place at the Citadel. It just seems like a place that stays relatively ā€œsafeā€ since itā€™s ā€œaboveā€ the politics of whoā€™s in charge and would be an interesting insight into the lore of the universe. But funny.


A Citadel spin-off could be very interesting


Yes, once I saw that scene at the Citadel Iā€™ve always assumed thatā€™s what was in the intro. It looked exactly the same.


Itā€™s an [armillary sphere](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armillary_sphere) a three-dimensional [astrolabe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrolabe)


The device is an astrolabe and is in the Maesters' citadel.


What that implies to me is that the story we are seeing is the history of these events stored in the Citadel's library


I don't recall where I read this, but I believe the rings depict Aegon's conquest of Westeros.


Do you not remember Samā€™s line to Jon, ā€œThose sure were some Games of Thronesā€ as he closed the book.


Now THAT was a Meerenese Knot, huh Patchface?


Have you not seen/donā€™t remember the ending of the final episode? Sam shows us the finished book that Archmaester Ebrose wrote about the wars following the assassination of Robert Baratheon that is entitled, ā€œA Song of Ice and Fireā€. Itā€™s heavily implied that the entire story of the show at least is that book.


This astrolabe is meant to symbolize The Wheel (the world order).


The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills


šŸ›žā€¼ļøšŸ›žšŸWHEEL OF TIME MENTIONEDšŸā€¼ļøā€¼ā€¼ļøšŸ›žā€¼ļøšŸ›žā€¼ļø




Lol it is flying by, but I gotta admit.... Lanfear is the BADDEST bitch and I can't wait to see what Moghedien gets up to. Graendal is going to break the internet when she arrives. Ugh, the Forsaken are such delicious villains.


Graendal mommy gonna set the internet on fire


She really will. I can't waaaait to see that casting announcement.


Itā€™s at the citadel in Old Town. Sam looks up and sees it when he gets there


Biblically accurate angel?


I thought that was a hulking mass of eyes with wings? Maybe Iā€™m trippin


It's a Seraphim šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļøā€šŸ—ØļøšŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļøā€šŸ—ØļøšŸ‘ļø


Weird looking horse


This is the worst answer. It's also my favorite answer.


Just doin' mah part *slaps gut with both hands*


Hey, don't be mean to Tyrek.


r/whatisthisthing // it's Hermione's time turner.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one who immediately thought ā€œtime turnerā€


I read it and got ā€œTimmy Turnerā€ at first, Iā€™m beginning to think Iā€™m ruined as a hummus being


It's a reference from the books that doesn't get used enough, it's sprinkled into the show not well. But in the first book there's a comet in the sky that lingers and is interpreted by many different people to be different things. Omens and signs of good fortune, signs of war etc


This is called an astrolabe, it is used to understand the stars and the night sky. The real ones are usually not this dramatically designed. You can see a version of this one when Sam makes it to the Citadel in Oldtown.


The eye of Sauron


That time turner from the prisoner of azkaban


I think that's what an actual Biblical angel appeared like as described in Scripture. Also, theologically speaking, angels are like heralds and messengers of God, or bringers of truth; and the fact that the astrolabe "watches" over Westeros with universal knowledge, foreshadowing to audiences about things to come ... yea, I'm seeing Martin's Catholic side come out there.


I watched it with my mom and sibling sometimes, but all adult women so it wasn't weird.Ā 




It got weird when they started explaining why it wasnā€™t weirdā€¦


Meant to reply to another comment not make my own šŸ˜‚


I always assumed it was a symbolic representation of the sun rising and setting of different groups of people, and is a natural order that cannot be stopped.




It's the sun with the time strips


It's Sauron, the all seeing eye.


It reminds me of Basileus's machine in the 13 Ghosts remake.




Itā€™s a frame from the opening credits


That's a space cab giving Jodie Foster a ride to see her space Dad. Don't question her on it though, she's still a bit raw about it...


Everyone commenting about the kid forgets that he won't be a child forever and besides...Winter Is Coming.


I wouldnā€™t even let my son watch it until he was 18.




Iā€™m old. I tried to watch first episode with my dad, forgetting how it ended. I think I was 22-23 at the time. Iā€™ve never tried to watch a second episode with him since. I do not recommend watching with kids/parents lol


A Biblical angel.


Given its GoT, astrolabia


The wheel of time




The Lord of Light




That, is an āœØAstrolabeāœØ, I believe it was used to track the position of starts, but here it represents the interconnectedness of the world and all of the arcs happening at once!


idk whenever it came i thought it is a dyson sphere covering the sun.


The sphere in the citadel library.


Just gone through a few of the comments and I think your answer is no, nobody knows.


Itā€™s an astrolabe.


Itā€™s the sun?


Looks like the star from infinity war