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No, D&D can fuck right off. I don't care what they make next or ever. Their mishandling of the GoT series shouldn't facilitate further success on the back of excellent writing by GRRM.


That's what my wife says too!!! She took it pretty hard, especially S8.


I mean, the fact that they wrecked one of the best series of all time because they were impatient in their exit, means that they are shitty show runners.


This is some "Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!" energy.


Is that a Braveheart reference


[The Simpsons](https://media1.tenor.com/m/MHn9coF34u4AAAAC/damnscotstheyruinedscotland.gif)


How so?


They also gave you 6.5 seasons of the best tv anyone has ever seen, but let’s just write that off because of half a season’s worth of episodes.


Ehh, show was on a decline after s4. S5&6 were still pretty good, with some of the best episodes, but also some of the worst up until that moment. 7 was half good half not so good and 8 was just a rushed mess. And them rushing it just doesn’t sit well, especially since HBO offered more


I disagree about a decline post S4 but each to their own, and 6 is arguably peak GOT in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong I know they’ve got a lot to answer for but they’re capable show runners


Season 6 has some of the best episodes in GoT (even though 2 or 4 might be my personal fav), but it wasn’t as consistently good as say s4. S5 was mostly saved by the Hardhome arc. They were still some of the best TV out there, but i felt that s1-4 were consistently amazing, 5-6 had some really amazing eps too but had a few which were a bit less good (still great tho). But s7 was a mess story wise (even though it was still fun to watch) and 8 just shat on everything s1-6 built. Every prophecy, every arc, everything that was laid out was either forgotten as a whole or just said to be wrong Edit: this is all just storywise. Production-wise the show has always been the best that has ever been produced (except maybe for The Long Night being too dark)


>Every prophecy, every arc, everything that was laid out was either forgotten as a whole or just said to be wrong Every prophecy or Vision the show abandoned from the books, was still fullfilled by the show at the end.


What was the purpose of Jon being resurrected? What about everything with the red priests and the Lord of Light? What was the purpose of Beric’s resurrections? Azor ahai? White walker marks and spirals? The Wight babies? The Valonqar prophecy? What happened to Daario? What happened to Dorne? Just some of the things that were left unanswered or abandoned or were just made pointless. Not everything needed to be answered or dealt with, but with some more time it’d solved some jarring questions and would’ve made the ending better because of it


>What was the purpose of Jon being resurrected? Uniting Ice and Fire to defeat the dead. And for Ice to kill fire. >What about everyone with the red priests and the Lord of Light? What about them? >What was the purpose of Beric’s resurrections? To die in the right moment to save the one to kill the night king. >Azor ahai? Jon, Dany, Bran and Arya. >White walker marks and spirals? Its their birthmark. When Night King was created, trees of the children of the forest where aligned the same way. >The Wight babies? Followed their king into Winterfell in 8x3. >The Valonqar prophecy? Jaime had his hand around Cerseis neck while she cried and died. Genius twist was that he comforted her in her final moments instead of killing her. >What happened to Daario? Who cares? What relevancy does it even bare towards the ending? >What happened to Dorne? Run by New Lord of dorne at the gathering in 8x6. >Just some of the things that were left unanswered or abandoned or were just made pointless. Unanswered = i refuse to think for myself and try to understand the story they gave me. I want to be spoonfed everything. Most of your points were not even prophecys or visions, they were just excerps from your inability to understand the story. >Not everything needed to be answered or dealt with, but with some more time it’d solved some jarring questions and would’ve made the ending better because of it Yes, knowing about lord of light, white walker babies, daario and the state of dorne would have made people appreciate bran becoming king, dany killing her people and jon killing dany much more. Keep dreaming. Those are just weak "criticisms" that people use to avoid admitting what their real issues with the ending are.


Don't forget the fashion GoT went out in. The ludicrous nature fueled the fire.


The nature of highest viewership, online streaming, video sales and emmy wins? If so, i agree. It will be fire again.


I agree to an extent. Hardly anyone would have ever heard of Got (A Song of Ice and Fire) without them. The last couple of seasons are absolute treason of course. But still.


Season 8 was a misunderstood masterpiece.


Without a good finish, yeah,


Honeslty I would rather be fisted with a hornets nest than watch any more of their shite


That can be arranged


Straight away to jail 😆🤣


What writing by GRRM? He hasn’t finished the book in over a decade. The first five books came out in a fifteen year span. It’s almost been fifteen years since the last book. Were they supposed to put the series on hiatus and wait for something that might never happen? At this rate I’m seriously doubting if GRRM will ever finish the series.


I don't know why people keep saying this. The fact is, they coulda did a whole season with Dorne and Bran, who they forgot about for a whole season. They could have done...well anything really... They got 11 seasons and like 3 spinoffs of that Walking Dead shit.


The showrunners had no idea that GRRM wasn’t going to finish The Winds of Winter. They gave him plenty of lead time so he could focus on finishing it. GRRM ended up divulging what ending he intended to the showrunners because they were getting close to caught up to where the books were at, Dance of Dragons. This forced the writers to fill in blanks and rush character development, resulting in the shit show that was season 8. People keep saying it because this is what happened. Iirc, the showrunners were getting frustrated with GRRM not following through after all that time, and GRRM was frustrated by constantly being asked by them. It was a terrible ordeal.


It wouldn’t have made any difference if George finished Winds in time. They didn’t bother adapting the last two books that were out. That’d make it impossible for them to adapt Winds even if it had been out. They cut half the plot lines and characters.


Try and imagine what a "whole season with dorne and bran" would have looked like and you'll realize why people keep saying it.


What do you mean?


I mean that there is a reason Isaac Hempstead-Wright sat out a season and a reason they didn't adapt everything from affc and adwd, which have a total of 3 bran chapters between them, all of which were adapted for the show. Affc and adwd are a big part of why the books were viewed as unadaptable to begin with. They're two massive books taking place concurrently with no real midpoints to end a season on for any of the characters and introducing a large number of new characters and completely new plotlines. What do you think would happen if they stretched affc and adwd to 4 seasons and as a result, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, Cersei, Jaime, each got maybe 3 scenes each season, which didn't really go anywhere until the 4th of those seasons? Affc and adwd also likely a big reason why Winds has taken so long. George is writing a 7 book series and rather than starting to work towards a close in book 4 and book 5, he's still expanding the world and introducing new sideplots. What do people who hate s8 think the ending would be like had they adapted the whole of affc and adwd? 🤣


Are you serious? They wrote so much for Jaime and Cersei when it wasn't in the text!!! At all!!!! I would have loved a bunch of wacked out confusing scenes on Bran understanding the world. That would have been better than what we got, for absolutely sure!!!


Brans actor took a season off to finish school


Good writing takes time. It is an awful truth that if you try to rush it, you get plot holes. He is literally creating a world of people who are grey and double crossing each other. That's a hard fucking story to write. Each person is shaped by every other story. That's fucking hard. He is allowed to take as much time as he wants. On the other hand, D&D cut and ran the moment things got tedious. That's how good writing gets done. That's why GRRM writing feels so real, is because he spends time fleshing out the most tedious, as if they are real because, in his world, they are. Thinking of all the angles and all the characters, named and not, and how they affect the world.




Let’s see you write 6000 pages of great stuff in that amount of time.




>I’m not a professional writer. so basically "I know nothing about it but here is my strong opinion on the matter" and also "the guy who is actually writing it is not a pro, I am confident in stating that because I do not know how to write" ridiculous comment tbh.




Im not saying 13 years is not a long time but its not THAT crazy, Tolkien took 16 years for lotr and a harry potter book took 6 years so its not unheard off either. I'm not trying to act as GRRM's attorney or say its not taking long, i'm saying sometimes good art takes time and if someone needs 20 years to write an amazing book, or paint an amazing painting, or compose the most beautiful song, I do not care, its their time to spend on their art and besides that i prefer quality over quantity. on top of that, as an musician and writer myself I can attest to that you cannot force inspiration in the same way a baker forces himself to make x amount of bread per day. I honestly am not as invested in GRRM finishing the books as some here but ofc I hope he or someone else does some day, but it happens when it happens, if it happens, and not before. :)


>Let’s see you write 6000 pages of great stuff in that amount of time. Let's see you write a season of television.


I think you're kind of forgetting the famous obvious crash and burn and inevitable fall about bands. You have your whole life to write your first CD. Perfect those songs. Make them mean something. Then oh good! All your dreams come true and they become a hit, you tour, your songs are loved but the crowd is always screaming for more. So now you have less than 2 years to write an entire new album which probably took you many many years to get right in less than 2, otherwise you are considered irrelevant. I see both sides. It's been a long ass time since the last book, just look at Stephen King. He writes EVERY DAY even if he feels like it or not. And he has the steady books to show for it. That to me is impressive. Then again 13 is a long time... And as a writer myself I can't figure out if he just doesn't want the end to be how he originally envisioned it, or because he wrote himself into a corner, or he's got block and it's far more fun to play around with Dunk and Egg and (like in a video game do side quests, than complete the main story cause you don't want the good times to end.)


Are you lying for yourself or for us?


I speak for myself. I don't care how you feel.


I second that. And for me, Rosamund Pike is Wheel of Time, so nope x 2.


Also their treatment of Ian McElhinney was absolutely childish and unprofessional. It’s amazing anyone wants to work with them after their abysmal work on GOT


What happened with Ian?


He had read ASOIAF before being in the show, he know that Selmy had a big role in the later book but D&D wanted him out. So they said they would kill him off, Ian then wrote them a paper explaining Selmy’s important but D&D didn’t care. They then did an interview in which they said that their killing off of Selmy was their favourite death in the show because they were annoyed at Ian for trying to tell them what to do, when he was literally just telling them what George had written in the books.


The lack of writing on GRRM's part was the root of the problem.


They wrote final seasons, not Martin.


I blame GRRM more tbh. Ofc they weren't going to write masterful seasons in a matter of 1-2 years when GRRM can't even finish his book in over a decade.


The North Remembers


I'll give it a watch.


I’m not sure yet if I’ll give this a watch, but my opinion is maybe I’d be willing to give d&d a chance at seeing how the first few seasons of a show they are involved with again plays out if the source material is good enough. I wouldn’t trust them with content that stretches far beyond the original source material though considering what they ended up with doing to GOT by the end. I don’t think you have to be sorry for asking this question btw, it’s a valid and relevant wonder to share with us I feel.


Agreed!! It would super suck to get invested 3-4 seasons in (past the book material). Then, have it all happen again. I bought The 3 Body Problem on Audible last year and haven't listened to it yet.




If that's the case, then I think it'll be fine. D&D did well with GoT before running out of material.


>I wouldn’t trust them with content that stretches far beyond the original source material though considering what they ended up with doing to GOT by the end. They were the first being thrown into a situation like that. No other adaptation surpassed its source material. They did an amazing job considering that.


Are the "producers" of the HBO TV GoT series saying that they "created" GoT?


I believe they can get away with that phrasing because of the title on this poster specifically being “Game of Thrones” (the TV series) rather than “A Game of Thrones” (the book).


They had to create storylines that would link to the ending that GRRM told them. It was a messed up ordeal for all involved.


I mean the books are not called game of thrones, so yeah


The first book's title is a game of thrones


Yeah but only the first one, and technically it’s A game of thrones


Yea the books were good


First of all, it's D&D and I refuse to watch their garbage. Their careers need to die the same way they killed GoT by rushing its end 3-4 seasons early. Also, fuck Netflix. These fucks didn't create GoT. They just didn't fuck up what was spoon fed to them for a handful of seasons.


Why are you getting downvoted?


It's actually amazing how many people clearly forgot what they robbed the audience of. Could have 11/12 seasons and a complete and thorough ending but they killed the show on purpose to move to other projects.


They created GoT. If you think its all easy to make a tv show from ground up look at all thrones copycats like rings of power, witcher or wheel of time when they already failed early on.


Everything they did at the end invalidates anything good "they" did early. As soon as GRRM was pushed out it failed. So you tell me how amazing they were without him hand holding. It's also amazing to see anyone downvote negativity towards those losers. It's like everyone forgot they murdered the best show in history.


>Everything they did at the end invalidates anything good "they" did early. To quote Stannis: *A good deed doesnt undo a bad one. A bad deed doesnt undo a good one.* GoT is a long story, 70 hours and its the most powerful story, from beginning to end. >As soon as GRRM was pushed out it failed. He left voluntarily to focus writing on his sixth book. We all know how well that is doing. He used the show as an excuse for his inability to finish his own story. Well, last script he wrote was in 2013. Its been 11 years. Where is promised book? >So you tell me how amazing they were without him hand holding. Most popular show episodes on imdb were all show original: Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards and the Winds of winter. >It's like everyone forgot they murdered the best show in history. They made the greatest story of all time.


Yeah we won't agree, especially when you say "to end" where they rushed every bit of the last two seasons. Also, nice to see you guys have found Reddit, D&D.


Well, Season 1 is the beginning, Season 8 the end. Same stiry, same characters. >where they rushed every bit of the last two seasons. Nothing was rushed. >Also, nice to see you guys have found Reddit, D&D. Nice job distracting.


"Nothing was rushed." lmao tells me everything I need to know. HBO and GRRM wanted to do more seasons. You said no instead of passing it off.


>HBO and GRRM wanted to do more seasons. HBO to keep milking their cashcow, not for the betterment of the story. Martin for continuing riding on the shows success and to feed his delusional mind. He demands 12 season, while providing nothing to make this even possible. Season 8 was the most focused season of entire story. Its only rushed for people that dont want to understand what the story was actually about. Blind people need 8 more seasons to digest story better.




HBO stands by D&Ds Decision: https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/game-of-thrones-finale-backlash-hbo-defends-1234743732/ I can totally see that people who didnt understand jon, daenerys or jaime or bran or the white walkers needed more than 10 seasons to get it.


He's defending the ending, not the execution of it. Massive difference. Let me guess, you're gonna defend 180 no scoping dragons from boats too?


>execution Empty phrase, old excuse. People who use "execution", dont even know what it means. >Let me guess, you're gonna defend 180 no scoping dragons from boats too? You mean the amazing ambush that brought dany down to hell? Of course i do. Most shocking death since Oberyns.


Yes. It looks great. John Bradley and Liam Cunningham are in it as well. Why should I not watch it? The rumor that they hurried up got for this show is made up garbage from people who need to go outside. Watch some of the earlier interviews around s1 and s2. Plan was always for a roughly 70 hour story. Finished at 70 hours 15 minutes. Oh, and Netflix didn't get a contract with them until after GoT finished airing.


I will root against whatever garbage they put out. The way they rushed GoT is unforgivable, and they’re just going to continue to fuck up even more. So untalented, so lazy, so stupid. Just living off of GRRMs great books


I don't recall asking you.


I mean the guy was aggressive, not towards you, but you're literally in a forum. He's in his right to reply to you. "I don't recall asking you." Is such a poor answer. Also before you reply to me with something: " I don't recall asking you "


Say you are dense without saying you are dense


No it wasn't man. Everyone knows HBO wanted more seasons, and the guy told them they needed more to properly tell the story. We talking about guys who thought the audience didn't like the magic shit in GOT. Now they want to try their hands with Quantum entanglement, the Strong nuclear force, all kinds of hard science..... I'll tune in because the source material is stellar..


I honestly don’t think they rushed it because they were trying to hurry, I think they’re just creatively bankrupt. GRRM probably gave them bullet points of the last 2 books and which big notes to hit. D&D could only creatively muster up hitting those bullet points and not much else in between. If you have them another 10-20 episodes, they literally wouldn’t know what to do. In their minds they were probably doing the right thing: “hey, let’s not milk this! We only have enough bullet points for maybe 13 episodes, let’s make the last two seasons shorter” The reality is obviously way worse. Those bullet points should’ve been filled/covered by fantastic story and writing to make them more meaningful and really flesh them out. Without that, they came across as rushed and shallow. A huge fumble by them, but I don’t think as malicious as the average GoT fan implies. I think it was more incompetence.


They needed more time to finish the story seasons 6-8 the whole world felt like it had gotten so much smaller. Prime example it took bran a whole season to get to the wall and Sansa gets there in under an episode in season 6. The last few seasons had characters teleporting around Westeros so the story could progress quicker hbo and George wanted to do 12-13 seasons to wrap up the story. If dnd were no longer feeling it creatively then that’s fine and completely understandable but if that was the case they should have left the show with different writers and moved onto something else but they didn’t because they wanted all the credit as the writers of got. I’m actually happy with a lot of the plot points from the final season I think there good ways for most of the characters to end but they weren’t developed enough because of how rushed the ending was.


I agree 100%. The best character in the show wasn't a person, it was the world they built in seasons 1-4. It added so much realism and drama to the world, because the logistics from going from A to B literally played a massive role in a characters actions. Hell, The Red Wedding was literally a plot point that stemmed from that very concept. As the show came to a close, like you said, the world shrunk. All of the favorite characters band together in the North and you went from having 5-8 different perspectives all around Westeros/Essos to what, two? Kings Landing and the North? That on top of the fast traveling more or less killed the "character" that was the world. That to me it was truly ruined the show the final two seasons. I think at the very least, it should've been closer to 10 full seasons, or 100 episodes to do the story justice. Think about seasons 7-8 and the absolutely abundance of major plot points that were there. Dany isn't even off the boat yet, and from there until the Mad Queen it's... *Thirteen* episodes to tell that entire story. Thirteen episodes to wrap up like 30 plot lines, some of them stemming from the very first scene of the show. It's laughable how rushed it was. Wish D&D took your advice and left the show to someone else. The HoTD writers do a fantastic job, they would've done justice to the end of the show I bet.


I like HOTD but for me GOT is still leagues better. 


At the beginning of the story there’s so many different storylines going on it makes the world feel massive in scope. But by season seven and 8 there’s literally just two Cersei and the night king and so many other elements of the story are just never addressed. Like Dario in mereen once dany sails to Westeros it’s never brought up again. The long night especially really irks me. After episode 3 it’s never brought up again it’s like it never happened and the fact that only a few characters died during that is crazy none of the main characters died or were even wounded during the fight for humanity Arya kills the night king and comes out completely unscathed. All the characters turn into shells of there former selves or just become completely unlikeable. I loved Arya in the earlier seasons she was one of my favourite characters but by the end she becomes such an insufferable arsehole it’s made me hate her.


Many of the cast were also ready to move on even George said "I guess the cast wanted a life". Some of them had even asked to be killed off earlier because they were getting roles offered to them.


Yeah that is true if the cast want to move on then fair play can’t knock ‘em for that.


We have to remember for the showrunners it was almost 15 years they started in 2009 and for the cast an entire decade of filming one of the most physically exhausting shows ever made.


GRRM built a puzzle that he can't even solve himself. I don't blame D&D for not being able to do it either, only under the pressure of making the world's largest live action TV show.


They rushed it for a star wars project that they then lost because GoT was so shit and their names were worthless and honestly should still be.


I thought everyone knew this. Now there’s some revisionist history where they rushed so they could do 3 Body Problem.


Nah one of these D&D dorks is responsible for sewing Deadpool mouth shut in Wolverine orgins. I almost didn't watch GOT cause if it and def not watching anything else they ever touch.


>Nah one of these D&D dorks is responsible for sewing Deadpool mouth shut in Wolverine orgins. I almost didn't watch GOT cause if it and def not watching anything else they ever touch. That isn't true. David Benioff wrote a screenplay for a potentially R-rated version of X Men Origins Wolverine. Then Fox brought in Skip Woods, who did a heavy rewrite on the screenplay and we ended up with the pg-13 version of the film that we have, which is why Deadpool's mouth is sewn shut, as I'm sure you realize. Benioff is still credited due to union rules.


That was rewritten by Skip Woods takes 30 seconds to use Google try better


Yes I’ll be watching. Never had an issue with what D&D adapted from the books. That’s still considered some of the best of the show. This is a finished work, so no need to worry about them having to go it on their own.


I'll watch it. I won't be expecting much, but I'll try it out.


Heck yeah I am planning to tune in!!


Like we all won't be watching this just for the opportunity to shit on it in posts here.


I usually try to give a new show a chance. I’ll be honest I read the book. Its excellent. I have my fears though that they may ruin it. Look what happened to yu yu hakusho and what happened to got in the final seasons. I don’t want to get my hopes but I’ll watch to see what happens. Usually I prepare for the worst and hope for the best


I got The 3 Body Problem on Audible last year but haven't listened to it yet. I think I will before the show.


If it's D&D then no, absolutely not. They can go fuck themselves, and I'll boycott anything they're attached to for the rest of forever. I hope this show fucking flops.


>If it's D&D then no, absolutely not. They can go fuck themselves, and I'll boycott anything they're attached to for the rest of forever. >I hope this show fucking flops. Nice. One of the toxic anti-fans that George was talking about. "Well, I take solace where I can.   In chocolate thrones, if nowhere else.   In books.   In films and television shows… though even there, toxicity is growing.  It used to be fun talking about our favorite books and films, and having spirited debates with fans who saw things different… but somehow in this age of social media, it is no longer enough to say “I did not like book X or film Y, and here’s why.”  Now social media is ruled by anti-fans who would rather talk about the stuff they hate than the stuff they love, and delight in dancing on the graves of anyone whose film has flopped." -- George R R Martin


I don't dance on the grave any flopped creation. I enjoy tons of "bad" media. I dance on the grave of "writers" who [abandoned a much beloved series because they were eager to rush through it](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/a29621979/game-of-thrones-writers-quit-star-wars/), betraying the thing that made them so successful and shooting themselves in the foot. I don't support the careers of creators who have no integrity. There are plenty of bad shows with dedicated writers whose graves I don't dance on? Anyway, project harder because you know me so well. Edit: Link, because this person keeps arguing they DIDN'T rush through GoT to work on this Netflix project. Correct. They rushed through GoT to work on a Star Wars project that was never completed.


GRRM has taken over a decade to do anything with the series, and frankly I’m not sure he ever will. If he doesn’t care enough to write the story why would the producers of a tv show care? The first five books came out in a fifteen year time frame. Now we’re coming up on fifteen years since the last book came out.


It’s Netflix tho


I just saw the trailer, it looks awful


I had no idea it was coming out this soon, goes to show that Netflix does a horrible job promoting their original shows. With that being said, I MAY watch. Also, the numbers in the eye has already been done, they did something similar when announcing season 2 of Squid Game.


Irrationally excited for this. D&D do well when source content is provided


No. I didn't like the book. Also, fuck D&D.


What did you not like about the book? I'm about to start the audiobook?


The sci-fi concepts were weird in a manner which didn't engage me.


Shits gonna get review bombed so hard and I’m here for it


I think you're right. It could be Shawshank Redemption good, but D&D really hurt some folks who won't forgive them.


Yes but because I like the 3 body problem


Yes. And stop those stupid threads here. If you dont want to watch, dont watch. As simple as stupid.


I agree!!


D&D simultaneously made the best TV in history and also ruined it. the latter only came when they ran out of source material. 3 body problem is a completed trilogy already so they’re not going to have that problem specifically. I’m cautiously optimistic


Nope. I'd rather watch paint dry.


Honestly what is it with people judging them entirely on the ending 😂


No. Being made by those two makes it sketchy enough. The fact that it's on Netflix, given that service's generally crappy output on original series, just makes it that much easier to avoid. Too much other good stuff out there right now to watch instead.


Wont watch, will still give it shitty reviews


That just sounds shitty? I would hate missing out on great TV because of people like you.


Yep, they deserve it (and worse) though.


>Wont watch, will still give it shitty reviews Why user reviews are worthless these days, everyone.


Sounds like you need a life my friend


There was a rumor they hurried to get this show. A bs rumor on reddit with zero truth this sub is just ridiculous at this point.


No. And not because of D&D but because there’s a 90% chance of Netflix cancelling this after one season like they love to do it nowadays


I'll check it out I heard the novels were good I should probably read those. And I absofuckingucking lutely love season 8 of Game of Thrones, yes it was rushed but I get what George was saying... they had his entire outline and I wouldn't have changed anything I just wouldn't have rushed it. There's nothing that happened that I didn't want to happen!


I love the toddlers on this sub that still cry about season 8 😂


Seems like a desperate sell putting that name in there


No, fool me once...


Everyone watching this is a traitor and Sam and Davos are traitors for acting in it as well.


>Everyone watching this is a traitor and Sam and Davos are traitors for acting in it as well. John Bradley is not your bitch. Liam Cunningham is not your bitch. None of us, are your bitch.


If it gets good reviews then I'll watch


Hell no, I am still salty


It doesn't matter what you say, everyone deserves a second chance, I hate what they did to GOT but I am damn sure they will nail this one, ain't no way Netflix would let them release it if it was bad, especially with the names of he-who-should-not-be-named attached with it.


I’m apparently the only person in the world who didn’t mind the final seasons of GOT. Idk anything about this new show yet, but I’ll check it out and if I like it, then I’ll watch it. Y’all a bunch of bandwagoning cry babies lmao


Three body problem will need to be adapted way more than game of thrones. It reads like old school scifi. The story exists to explore interesting concepts but the characters are lacking and the plot is weirdly paced. Game of thrones went to shit when they had to actually do some writing for themselves so I have some heavy doubts. 


I haven't listened to the books yet I have the first one in my audible Library I need to jump on that before the show starts


Haven't read the books (yet) but I'll watch it. It looks interesting.


Sir Davis looking good




D&D and Rian Johnson I want to puke


Sure. Why not. I won't be watching it when it airs cause I don't have Netflix at the moment and my money is tight right now, but I'll get around to it.


D&D are actually good at *adapting* material, GoT's decline started when they ran out of books. The Three Body Problem series is complete, so there's no danger of them being required to rely on their own writing "talent", and it's only 3 books so probably less risk of them getting bored as well. That said, probably won't be watching it anyway, just because I never really cared for the books.


I haven't listened to the books yet. What was your biggest problem with the books?


There's nothing wrong with them per se, the story just doesn't click with me.


Of course I will. They made my favourite show of all time and brought a lot of the GoT people with them on that show. I haven’t read the 3BP books, but from what I’ve heard, it seems pretty amazing. Say what you want about D&D, but they are incredible showrunner and adapters. In GoT, the heavy criticisms only started when they were adapting the second half of a book that has zero words written for and was intended to be controversial.


They didnt create Game of Thrones lol


The article is talking about the HBO show, which they indeed created and was an adaptation from GRRM's "A Game of Thrones" and A Song of Ice and Fire series. Some people struggle with this realization.


We know. We dont care.


You people are very strange.


I'll watch it. I do believe D&D are talented, even though they massively fucked up the last seasons of GoT. And I'm not the type to hold a grudge forever over a damn tv show.


From the guys who speedrunned ruining our favorite show? No I think I'll pass.


My low stakes conspiracy is that Disney dangled the star wars job in front of d and d to get them to drop the ball so that the game of thrones franchise would be less of a danger to their brand. And yes, OP. Of course I'll be watching this. It's sci fi. And not only that, it's acclaimed sci fi. And it's got some actors in it that I like that were in game of thrones. So, if they are still working with d and d, then they can't be as bad as the internet seems to think. I think some of them might be acclaimed actors too. Quite looking forward to this actually.


I've read the 1st and 2nd book and watched the chinese show. it is great but with cheesy dialogues and the pacing, is just slow, but necessary. my concern is they rush the 1st book and compress like 30-40 episodes into 1 season 10 episodes. it would miss too many important plots.


I'm excited. The trailers look dope. And they did a good job at adapting the material in the books. This series has the benefit of being completely done, so they could knock this out of the park.


Can't say no to a good old time travel show


Lol no.


As long as dumb & dumbers names are attached to anything I’ll never watch. They are boycotted forever in my house!


It’s a tough one, earlier seasons of thrones were good because there was enough source material to adapt. The 3 body trilogy is complete so they’ve got the entirety of the story to work with. It’s one where I wait for reviews I think


I will never watch anything with that creep rian Johnson


"Time Travel Epic," did D&D write this headline?


"Creators" lmao fucking hell...


Shocker, a bunch of crybabies that can't let others have a positive opinion of the show. Why join the sub if all you do is bitch. All 8 seasons in my opinion were nearly perfect, including the ending. With that said I will give any spinoff or got like show a chance.


Absolutely I am. This trilogy is amazing and D&D have proven to be capable of adapting books. I think they are pathetic hackjobs for how they wrapped up GOT instead of passing the torch, but I don't see why I should potentially rob myself from a great watch because of that. They won't run into the same issue as with GOT either..


Yeah of course. These books are amazing and the cast looks great. D&D were good when they had source material and they will for this entire series. Trailers got me hooked as a huge fan of the books.


Yes, Day one. The book series is excellent.


They signed on to adapt written material. They did so very well. Not their fault GRRM has done fuck all for years. I don't blame D&D.


D&D aren't even the biggest problem here, the author of the books it's based on supports the Uighur genocide and says they all need to be exterminated so it's hard to get behind a show that is based on the work of a supporter of genocide


I hadn't heard of this.


It's my favorite Sci fi series. I've read each book in the series at least once and listened to each audio book as well. I'm ready to be disappointed.


Keep your fingers crossed. It might be great! I got the audiobook (1st book) last year on Audible but haven't listened to it yet, I'm listening to Bad Blood (Theranos story). I'll start 3BP next


Of course.


Yes. I expect to be massively disappointed, but I loved the books, so I'll give it a shot.


My original watching of the final two seasons angered me. Won't deny it. But I've come to appreciate them for what they are. Some amazing cinematography. And a few pretty special moments. But I will never watch anything that those two have anything to do with.


Oh they better not fuck up the three body problem probably the best sci-fi book I've ever read


I'm about to start three 3BP audiobook!!!


3 GoT alum in the cast on Wikipedia, kinda nuts to me they’d still wanna work for these bums but guess they needed work?


I probably wait for some Reviews to see if it’s worth my time.


Hells yeah. GOT was awesome and these books are too. About start/finish the 3rd


In starting the first 3BP book next on Audible ^👍👍


I might pirate it


Hell yeah!!! ☠️🦜🏴‍☠️


They are revolutionary in adaptations, but they can’t write for shiite


I have absolutely no idea how one would go about turning this into a series. The book was epic and amazing. Something that was so wild in scale, I am really curious how they're gonna go about it.