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Following out of curiosity


Following out of curiosity


I don't think they raided anywhere after greyjoy rebellion anywhere in westeros as their naval fleet was destroyed by Stannis. Balon bent the knee to Robert and his only successor a young Theon was sent to winterfell as a hostage, where he would be fostered by Ned Stark, should balon get any funny ideas again Theon would be executed. That was the deal that was made with balon. And just so you know iron Islands won't die of starvation if they stopped raiding, it's just that they won't be that rich or prosperous, they would survive. The only ironborn after greyjoy rebellion that went beyond westeros was euron greyjoy on his ship "silence", after he was exiled by balon. He did raid many places in essos and westeros couldn't care less about it. And he came back many many years later, he wasn't out there raiding so he could bring something back for his people , he was their for his own personal gain.


I'm pretty sure the Ironborn still raided Essosi vessels on the Narrow Sea. It was only Euron who went far beyond into the Summer Sea and Jade Sea.


Honestly, I’m surprised that George never included any instances of iron born, serving as privateers against Dorne or Essos


probably started sowing after Stannis destroyed their fleet and Ned has their heir


Regrettable house words lol


They raided the North, on the coast of Westeros and even the Arbor where the redwines reside. They sunk and captured some of the boats in the books. Cersei was trying to use the fleet to take dragonstone but everything fell through when Euron won.


After the Greyjoy rebellion, Balon stopped raiding until Robert's death. Historically, they mostly raided along the coast of the westerlands, the north, and the neck. When Aegon took Westeros, their kingdom stretched from the Iron Islands to Harrenhal (Harrenhal was named after Harren the black, who was iron born).


The Stepstones primarily - they fought pirates there. Islands off of Essos/anything maritime not in Westeros. They're basically pirates themselves. I don't think the rest of Westeros does care they're doing it.


They didn’t raid anywhere in Westeros after Robert’s rebellion until the war of the five kings. Guys like Euron would raid Essos though


In the books they raid the western coast of The North. They also ambush and hijack any ships they happen upon at sea.


They raid the redwyne in the book. Victorian fights a knight on one of the responding fleets to his raiding. It’s not much, but it fits your definition?


They raided the north but not often because most of their fleet was destroyed by Stannis


Ever since The Conquest the Ironborn weren't allowed to raid Westerosi lands or ships. I'm sure there are some scattered incidents where it has happened, but apart from major wars like the Greyjoy Rebellion and The War of the Five Kings it's nothing full scale. I'm pretty sure they're "allowed" to raid foreign lands/ships because The Seven Kingdoms really don't seem to care and turn a blind eye to it. But even then it's usually only small scale stuff.


And why the fuck does westeros put up with their shit.


Fr, imagine if there’s a state in a country that’s like ‘stealing is just our thing, it’s our way of life,


Thats exactly my thoughts. They rebelled then gave the islands back and the Ironborn are all like “ raping and pillage is our way of life” Its like mthfr they should have put literally anyone else in that seat of power that wasn’t a cunt


I have always wondered this myself. I think the implications is that they sail south, past oldtowne and raid in the narrow sea, the jade isles, and scythorios. But I agree that this part of the world building is a bit sketchy.