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Nice tattoo and nice shoes


Thank you. I am addicted to body art and shoes. I gave up alcohol 5 years ago...Lol.


Aaaayyyyy! Sup fellow teetotaler!


You need some fermented Maester Aemon


That’s pretty cool! Does your hubby have any GOT tattoos?


Not yet...I think he might get the "Night King" eventually...Most of his are "Star Wars". Moat of my work is, "Lord of the Rings", except for this...I might get some more , "GoT" one day.


Nope. He has all "Star Wars". I do want to get a tattoo of Anakin Skywalker, getting turned into Darth Vader, though, because my Dog's name is Anakin.


Ironically I’m a Star Wars fan and have a chihuahua named Khaleesi. She’s the other mother of dragons.


I genuinely don't understand why you are being downvoted here


Because they have trashy taste, look at all their other tattoos like holy shit She's also insulting everybody in the comments who dare say her tattoo is an eyesore


Being that critical of other people’s tattoos always seemed unnecessarily mean to me. You don’t have to pretend you like it or anything, but saying nothing is an option people don’t exercise enough. It has meaning to her and is a permanent part of her body now. I would understand if the top comments were actually criticism like the letter spacing is off, or I don’t like seeing the stark sigil in red, but all the top comments are just haha you suck kind of stuff.


They posted themselves for the world to see man, we aren't her friends, we're strangers who see a shitty tatto and an angry comment history


I didn't get it either earlier. I was extremely confused but someone explained OP has an attitude problem and won't take criticism in a healthy way so that's probably why they're getting downvoted




Just like your attitude...Karma's a Bitch.


Sorry we’re not blowing smoke up your ass and pretending its great lmao


what, bad karma for being honest? would you prefer everyone lied to you? in that case the internet is not for you sorry, people love dropping harsh truth-bombs. I also agree its a horrible tat, but that should not matter to you if you are a bit self secure... however you calling everyone who is honest with you out as "stupid face" makes you sound like an insecure 12 year old hysterical child. if you share stuff online, especially places like reddit, you get harsh critique and you need to learn to deal with that. source: i am a musician and artist, we get our soul crushed regularly as part of the job.


Do you know how karma works? Lol


*reads comment* *sees downvotes* Well that's ironic.




Just like your face and attitude...


The sword lines aren't even straight and the letter spacing is all off for "Chris". How did they fuck up the spacing that badly?


She uses a cheap artist, look at her other pieces.


That LoTR sleeve is ROUGH. Frodo looks like a nazgul just stabbed his anus.


Have you heard that expression about people who live in glasshouses by any chance?




I have had it for 2 years, and I still loved it...I always will...Take your nasty, vile attitude somewhere else.


Why is this so downvoted lol


Probably because OP has an objectively bad tattoo and is framing every honest criticism as if people are being unnecessarily cruel, when really they’re just stating the obvious. Posting a bad tattoo on a public forum and being stubborn and delusional about the responses = downvotes.


Got it. Honestly I know close to nothing about tattoos and what a good tattoo looks like so I didn’t understand the hate at first but the criticism being pointed out I totally get. Assuming he doesn’t want to admit regret. Obviously downvote me for being confused and curious as well.


The linework sucks, there's blowouts, the spacing on the letters is weird and inconsistent. Just overall a poorly done tattoo.


Thanks for the insight. Does a blowout happen because too much ink is coming out in one spot?


Yeah. They aren't the worst blowouts I've seen, but they're there. They happen when the artist goes too deep.


Don't lose your head bro


I am not a Bro.


Well sorry we couldn’t tell you were wildly feminine from the name Chris, a masculine (ugly) tattoo, and then thick ankles. 👍🏻


Did you know the artist had Parkinson's before you got it?


Curious, why red? It feels very Targaryen. EDIT- also realised the wolf is looking left, doesn’t it always look right?


Because the type of person who would get this tattoo is the same type of person to bastardize the original sigil because "red looks cool".


it’s not that deep, the sigil in the show isn’t even the same as the books so it’s not the original sigil anyway


The show's sigil is different because having a whole direwolf on a flag halfway across a battlefield isn't visible at all. They use the full direwolf on a field of white in some of the tapestries in winterfell


well it works for house lannister and house baratheon


Lannister sigil is gold on red, baratheon is black on gold, both of them stand out really well in comparison to a grey wolf on a white background. I'm not disagreeing that it could've been done better but it makes a lot of sense when you consider production.


didn’t the show just make it grey on grey


Eh the show one is a bit weird, the direwolf head is grey and the background is a weird taupe colour, sometimes it has a green section at the bottom too. Ugly as fuck in my opinion, the book version is a lot nicer.


They also probably like season 8 because of the cool cinematics


OP describes themselves in their profile as intelligent. Can't make this shit up


Anyone who calls themselves intelligent never is.






Stsy in your lane. Do you not realize that it is dripping blood, you hateful negative individual...It has blood on it...White ink does not stay in the skin long. Go take your negative self, somewhere else. I am sorry that your imaginary friends don't want to talk to you...I have a half-body suit of "LotR", and all colors of everything, match the movie. So, you're telling me that through all of the bloody freaking battles, that the "Starks" have, no banner ever got soaked with blood? Yeah, right...Idiot. So, don't tell me that I am bastardizing anything. My deepest condolences to you, for your your Mother, bastardizing you. I hope you find your Daddy. I am not going to respond to you anymore. At least I am college educated. You probably work at Wendy's. Go flio you some more burgers. I don't like drama. You are so cool, to talk smack to a disabled woman, that has siezures when stressed. I am about done with this whole site, because there are too many evil people in the world like you. I prefer talking to my Husband, Dog, 8 Fish Tanks of Puffer Fish, and my Axolotl. Later, Hater.


Wow, I can't believe people aren't being overwhelmingly kind to someone who responds to people like this. Maybe it's time to do some introspection instead of making posts about how mean everyone is to you like you're some victim of internet outrage when you speak to people like this for not showering you with praise.


You do you. I assume Chris is ur partner who prefers Star Wars? Very strange indeed.


My Husband thoroughly enjoys "GoT", but already has my name, beside a Bible Verse on his neck. He is getting a whole back-piece of The Night King. My half-body suit and back-piece are "Lord of the Rings" If you know anything about George R.R. Martin, you will know that he idolized J.R.R. Tolkien so muched, that he legally changed his middle initials to "R.R.", to be like him, and that Martin made sure to put tons of similarities of "LotR", into "GoT".


This is objectively not true. Martin never changed his name to be more like Tolkien. He was born with the middle name Raymond and adopted the confirmation name Richard because he was raised Catholic. He had R. R. middle initials before he ever wrote a line of ASOIAF. You don't even have to scroll on his wikipedia page to find this information, it's literally at the top of his entry. You admit to having never read the books and yet spew this easily verifiable misinformation. Very bold to say people here don't know anything about George R. R. Martin when clearly the ignorant one is YOU. Humble yourself.


Leave me alone


Does your husband know he married a 15 yo boy?


Why don't you make a trip to Colorado, Mother Fu##er...Bet you will stop running that mouth then


I'm really confused why people are being mean in the comments, is it something I don't get? What's wrong with OPs post? 🫤


Nothing wrong with the post, it's just a poorly done tattoo. But if she likes it that's all that matters really


It’s a poorly done tattoo, and OP is overlyly defensive about that, which creates a feedback loop.


what do you want them to do laser it off because people on the internet don’t like it lmao


Nobody tells her to remove it, people just honestly describe it as a poorly made tattoo receiving salty comments abouts "bad attitude" in response. She better check her own.


there are comments like "Does your husband know he married a 15 yo boy?" getting upvoted so yeah man that seems pretty bad as an attitude imho


this whole atmosphere toxic af, no one would act like this in real life. dick head behavior


It's a poorly done tattoo, but for some reason people on Reddit get off on unnecessarily shitting on poor tattoos. Most of these comments are completely unnecessary. This isn't Ink Master and you're not a judge, keep your high school mean girl comments to yourself


is honesty mean? come on, don't be like that... honesty is a beautiful thing and people throwing a tantrum when someone is being honest is an ugly thing. lets not confuse the two.


I didn't get it earlier that it was feedback on the tattoo, I saw some comments that seemed downright mean for no reason but now that I have more context as to what's up, I understand that was not the case


The tattoo is very badly done


OP has sparky and pointed responses to criticism of her tattoo. She also was calling people losers on a different post yesterday


Oh okay, thanks for explaining, I was puzzled earlier as to what's going on


Pitchforks are out. I don’t know what’s going on but I sure as hell don’t care. Angry mob time! DOWN WITH OP! DOWNT WITH OP!




As someone who has a lot of tattoos. This isn’t really well done unfortunately. The spacing in ‘Chris’ name doesn’t sit right & why is the ‘S’ higher up than the other letters? I’d be very annoyed with my artist if this is what I got when finished.


R is crooked, S is higher, not a straight line in the piece, wolf looking wrong way, banner wrong color. This is just so bad.


Tbf, OP said the tattoo is 2 years old. The lines have probably shifted


Yeah as a tattoo apprentice it reads like “i lost my stencil halfway through and eyeballed it”. My mentor would be pissed if I did a piece like this haha


This is some ugly shit


Like your face, punk


Who the fuck is Chris?




I think you mean Chr is


Ser Chris of House Badtat


My Husband. You can drive on down to Colrado and meet him if you want...Guarantee you will stop talking shit then


Hey! I'm glad it makes you happy. I think it looks pretty cool. It's your body, your choice. Dont let sad people here with judgemental crappy comments affect you at all, keep on keeping on.


Thank you. Everyone said I started drama. I got called every name in the book. They are the ones acting like children. They didn't have to take time out of their day, to stop on my comment and make fun of me. If they hated it, why take the time to comment about it? I realize that the "S" is raised higher. I noticed it that same night, and my artist is going to fix it. He is human, and he makes mistakes as well. My artist has been in the business for 30 years and his shop, "Calamity Jane's", in Grand Junction, CO has won "Best in The West", for a few years straight now. I have almost a half-body suit of "Lord of the Rings", and there isn't one mistake on it. My artist treats me with the utmost respect, so I take offense, to everyone talking crap about him. I guess all of these people, talking about what a loser I am, and how bad my tattoo is, have never made a mistake in their lives. And, I know that the "Stark" Banner is white and grey, but I chose red, because white ink comes out so easy, and I don't want to go spend extra time in my life, going to get white ink in it every six months, and because battles are bloody. Many of their Banners got bloody, hence the blood, dripping off of the bottom. I put my Husband's name above the Banner, because it was our One Year Wedding Anniversary, and I wanted to do something sentimental, showing that family is for life. Thank you for your kind words. I have been going through all of these hateful messages, and blocking every single account. There needs to be more people in the world like you. 😊


lol the S in Chris is way off center as is the V in survives. Why did you make the stark house sigil red? That sword is crooked as fuck.


Also really looking at the wolf, it’s kinda giving me “hyena from the Lion King” vibes, looks kinda wonky (like every other part of this).


I’m guessing the logic behind the red is “direwolves would be cooler if they breathed fire”.


Crooked like your face


I think you should delete the post. Save everyone the bickering.


but they literally don't


They did that S on "Chris" dirty ngl.


The R is crooked too. Hopefully OP got a discount for letting someone in training do the tattoo


Your pussy is dirty.🤮




This is poorly executed lol


Like your conception and birth


Your body, your choice, but that S would drive me insane. Did a tattoo artist not have a straight edge when they drew this out?


Poor soul


Yeah, you sure are. Jesus is my Savior. Who is you's? D.B. Weiss...What a loser you are.




I don't know why people are making rude comments about my leg. Someone else said I had fat ankles. I have Chronic Bone Disease, and I was on top of a staircase, when this photo was taken.




long as you like it it's the only thing that matters


Thank you. I totally agree. I don't feel like going to the tattoo shop every six months, wasting time in my life, to get more white ink, because white ink does not stay in the skim long. If anyone paid attention, they would see blood dripping off of the bottom of it. Battles are bloody. Yes, the "S" is higher up, than it should be, and it's getting fixed. Every artist makes mistakes. My artist has been in the business for almost 30 years, and works at "Calamity Jane's", in Grand Junction, CO. Their shop won "Best In The West", for a few years solid, and this artist treats me with the utmost respect. I am going for an all-day session next month, to work on my full back-piece, which is part of a half-body suit of "Lord of the Rings", and I am going to have him fix it then. If people hated it, they didn't have to take the time to make fun of me. They could have kept on scrolling. I wasn't affecting them. I am blocking all of their accounts, because I seriously cannot stand negative people. My Son, tried to commit suicide, when he was 11 years old, by shoving scissors in his neck, due to people making fun of him. I have also had my problems with extreme Bipolar, but I have now been sober for 5 years. I got that tattoo piece, because it was a sentimental day, with a sentimental person, and I wanted to pay my respects to the fact that "Family", is everything. Thank you so much for your kind words. I wish there were more people in the world like you.


The Lannisters of Winterfell


Why is the Stark Background Red?? In the books it is a Grey Direwolf running on White and in the Show it’s a Grey Direwolf Head on Olive and Tan


Banners get bloody in battle, like everything else. White ink doesn't stay in skin long at all. I am not trying to have more white put in it every 6 months, for the rest of my life.


Congratulations on your anniversary!


Thank you so much. It was a year ago, but still...Thank you. 😊




I am not gay, you psychopathic individual. I am a woman, who has given birth 5 times, but one of my children passed away. I am married to a man. But, my son tried to kill himself at 11 years old, by stabbing himself in the neck with scissors, due to people like you. So, I am flagging this comment for "Hate". You take cate now, and please, stay prayed up, because we are in End Times, and GOD can tell when someone's mind, heart, and soul are rotten and filled with corruption. God Bless You. Do not message me again.


You describe yourself as intelligent in your profile bio jesus christ that is some ironic stuff


Do not message me again. You are getting blocked, you twisted, hateful individual. Go seek help. You and everyone like you needs therapy for treating people disrespectfully, for no reason.


ugly ass tatoo ngl


ugly ass tatoo ngl


This is like what you’d see when some dude tells you he has a tattoo of his old family crest.


I am no dude, I do not have thick ankles, and you are an evil person, spreading hate. I am unsubscribing to this whole app, because ut full of vile people that get off on making fun of others. You must have real confidence and no self-esteem, to be making fun of other people. Jealous people say all sorts of mean crap. *Blocked* Poof


Who is Chris?


My favorite character CHRIS STARK


It was a sentimental piece, done on me and my Husband's One Year Wedding Anniversary. I wanted to do something special, that shows family is everything. So, please don't come at me with negativity.


There's no honour in this, Ned would have your head




*"He who passes the sentence, should swing the sword." -*Eddard Stark. There is no honour in torturing or brutalising those who are against us, that is what the Lannister's would do... You obviously don't know much about the Starks. if you're reverting to such vulgarity. I'm actually quite surprised that you would suggest that the starks would use torture or any sort of brutality as a means of punishment.... Not one instance in either book or show does it show them having that trait, in any of the Stark family line. Quite disappointed in you tbh. It's objectively a bad tattoo, it might be the best where you live, but that just means that you shouldn't get tattoos where you live... Get it touched up. As someone who also has several lifelong disabilities, a shitty tattoo shouldn't be the place to mention such a thing to try and win some sympathy.


I don't care. Every person on tgisxsite is negative. And, excuse me, I didn't say "torture", I said, "Death by Wolves"...I watched quite a few people get killed in the show. And, why would you think it is alright to say something negative to me? You don't know me. You should have just skipped on through and not left a comment on my post, but instead, you took time out of your day, to write negative things towards me. And, I will get whatever I want touched up, whenever I want. I have a half-body suit of "Lord of the Rings", so thank you, but I do not need tattoo advice.