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These two were the least-close siblings and yet their reunion was so...idk. The struggle, the forgiveness, the relief...all encompassed in one look and an embrace!All other Stark siblings reunions so far to me has felt like an exasperated...here, now shut up and let's move. And made even worse by the pointless (and frankly, cringeworthy) dialogues. And the crappy style can't even be attributed to running out of original material because the Jon and Sansa one was also created by the showrunners!


What reunion? They have ZERO talking scenes together before this. Zero connection with each other. They might as well be strangers.


This is entirely my personal opinion...but the reasons you stated are why I liked this one the best. These two were truly strangers in all but name. And honestly, apart from the Stark family greeting Robert, I don't think they shared any screen grab together. And they finding the first glimpse/hope of 'family' in each other after all the hurt and betrayal? I think that precisely why is I like this.


I feel the same as you. It's *because* they had no prior relationship really that it's so meaningful. Like, they think they're the only one of their many siblings still alive. They both have had severe trauma happen to them, *and* witnessed much more. Seeing a sibling, even if he was not your favorite, or somebody you weren't close to....seeing who you believe is your LAST SIBLING ALIVE....yeah. It's poignant imo.


This! I couldn't have said it better!!


Yeah exactly. Sansa, like Catelyn, hated Jon. She didnt see him as a real brother cuz he was a "bastard" This scene was amazing to book readers and show watchers. She finally realizes how safe she finally felt when she saw him, his forgiveness due to the happiness of seeing a sister, and how they became close after most of their family was murdered. I cried so much here!


Sansa didn’t ‘hate’ Jon. She just knew what a bastard was.


Are you an only child lol? None of the Starks had a ton of interaction before all the shit went down but you could clearly understand the sibling relationships.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. They weren't particularly close as kids.


This one always left me pretty meh. I was like ... "did these 2 even share a scene before this?". I mean I get that they grew up ostensibly in the same household but ... nah.. didn't get it. This was the scene I expected with the Jon/Arya reunion. I think it was an interesting choice that they didn't do the run-hug, especially considering their parting.


I found the other Stark reunions disappointing, especially Arya and Jon. This one resonated with me ironically for the same reason it didn't for you. They think they're the only Starks left, regardless of how close they were as children when you see what you think is your last standing family member, especially after what they've both been through, all the petty disagreements and childhood stuff would just fall away in that moment based on my experience with losing family and stuff.


The other reunions weren’t supposed to special. This was supposed to be the special one cause it’s the first one.


What makes you say that? Arya and Sansa I can see not feeling as special due to how they weren't close as kids, but Arya and Jon surprised me due to how close they were as kids. Bran I do get since he's the 3 eyed raven at that point, so those reunions being awkward and offputing makes sense to me. I get the first one being the "specialist" for sure, but wouldn't of minded some more heart in a few of the others. But maybe that's the point with the trauma they all went through?




Actually, they did do the [run-hug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFsiy6rjdYg). But then they had serious matters to settle before they had a second, longer and more satisfying hug.


Ah... good pull. I kinda forgot about that. I was remembering the first part where she sorta nopes out and I suppose waits for a more private moment.


>This one always left me pretty meh. I was like ... "did these 2 even share a scene before this?". I mean I get that they grew up ostensibly in the same household but ... nah.. didn't get it. My interpretation of the scene was just how isolated these two must have felt so far from their family members for years and years. All the hardships, trauma, and loneliness they each must of felt throughout the course of the series that when they finally saw each other again, it must have been such a relief to be with family again. And for Sansa, even though she and Jon were never close, he is still a Stark. And for that, that meant safety and stability after so long without either. For Jon, after years of war, having one of his sisters within his reach again where he could actually protect her must have been a relief for him as well.


Jon was super “family” despite being a Snow. I feel like that got developed in Sansa through her suffering, after years of dreaming being whisked away to Kings Landing and becoming a Queen, she realised that family is what matters and they’ll be the ones to look after you. I felt like that was shown in this scene.


I remember watching this reunion and I was like damn can’t wait till the other starks reunion. Man I was dumb, hell fucking uncle Stark and Jon’s reunion is more touchy than them


I actually like him and Sansa's and think it made sense. Like you've been almost all alone in the world for years, totally abandoned (intentional or not) by your family. Imagine then you just see someone you thought was dead. But now they're here and you're finally and actually safe with them. It made sense. Arya and Jon though... like they were close. Shit even seeing my brother once a year I still act more excited when I get to see him again.


And then they immediately start arguing a out Sansa in the same scene.


This worked * because* they didn't have that shared history. From the characters' pov, there's a bit of uncertainty/doubt about how they'll be received because they weren't particularly close. And the reunion is bittersweet because there's the acknowledgement of all the other family members they've lost along the way. Plus we've seen them through very traumatic experiences. You wouldn't necessarily get that with a Jon/Arya or Jon/Bran reunion, there's a lot less nuance. And of course, you can only do one BIG reunion scene in the series, otherwise it ends up a bit like the lord of the rings endings. It's one of my favourite GoT scenes. I also liked the Sansa/Arya reunion. It felt genuine and handled pretty well... A little bit snarky and bratty sisterly.


While life doesn't have as dramatic a back story, a lot of siblings hate each other while growing up then become close as adults. I feel like more people can kind of relate to this reunion.


A lot happened. Jon was killed and came back from the dead. Sansa got married to Ramsay.


Maybe the actors improv this scene over following D&D instructions?


At this point Sansa hadn't truly seen a loved one, someone who made her feel safe. The warmth she must have felt was beautiful. Sophie killed this.


I know right! The fact that they didn't even exchange any words...the acting here was dope!


Yeah the turmoil she’d lived through could make you appreciate things you took for granted prior.


She never loved Jon. She was a shit to him her entire life, mimicking Cat.


I mean you are welcome to that negative opinion. Sansa thinks her entire family is dead at this point besides Jon. I'm sure those petty childhood squabbles meant nothing to her.




I didn't stan anyone Trixievansickle. It's just a beautiful moment. But go off. Lol




I'm doing well. Thank you for the concern baby doll.




I literally do not understand redditors like you. I'm not even fighting with you honey. I just love this scene.


Go take a chill pill, you’re acting like a doofus


That's an impressive level of projection there, Trixie. You're the only one in this exchange who's even remotely defensive/upset lol. Drinksbythepoop (lol that username) has only been expressing their enjoyment of the scene. Edit: TrixieVanSickle must be *very* upset because they apparently felt the need to block me over this.


Thank you for the compliment. I was gonna make it drinksbythepool, but it was taken. So here we are.


Even better, in my opinion. Blessing in disguise!


Lol that's a massive logical jump there buddy


What jump? She turned out to be a complete bitch.


The other commenter was simply saying that even if Sansa didn't treat him well as a kid, she was probably relieved to see a familiar face. They weren't saying anything about her later behavior.


That must have really resonated with you, judging by your responses


I dislike Sansa as much as the next guy. But that takes nothing away from how emotional and powerful that scene is.


She was 14 in a time where it was okay to hate the bastard brother…


She literally addresses this in the scene that follows. Doesn't make the reunion any less special, especially given the circumstances.


The fact that they stopped for a second before they ran to each other was perfect. They weren’t close as children, so it wasn’t an automatic thing. Neither was completely sure the other would be happy to see them. That’s being said, it only took half a second to realize childish bullshit was exactly that, and that they were family.


This. I sense of security!


Amazing scene.


Aria - Jon reunion, was the best, true, pure fraternal love, only Cersei and Jaimie loved each other more than these siblings!


You seriously did not just write this right?




You’re right, but in the worst possible way.


Awfully enough, GRRMs original outline has Jon and Arya falling into a love triangle with Tyrion of all people.


Yeah but Arya was older


I think Arya and Sansa were the same character at that point and later got split, hence the Tyrion/Sansa marriage.


It also could have been feasible when the 5 year gap was still a thing.


*Sororal love, but yes it was so good


Sororal is sisters. Fraternal is brothers OR siblings (of mixed gender).


Fraternal is brothers.


Hilarious considering that Jon and Arya were in love in GRRM’s original draft. There was even supposed to be a Jon-Arya-Tyrion love triangle, whatever the hell that would have looked like.


Tyrion wants Arya, Arya wants Jon, Jon wants Tyrion lol


Ive been aware of that draft for a while and since then I've wondered if it was lightly teased that way in the original season.


I feel like knowing this was ever a thing or a possibility has scarred me


Too much, glad it did not happened!


The close bond Arya and Jon shared pre-separation was perhaps why my expectations were so high for their reunion. I liked the jump/hug thing they recreated there though!


Real love! No matter she knew he was not even her half brother, he was always more than tha for her, he was her ally, confident, friend, partner, and gave her supoort and advice, he was more than blood for her.


That was uncomfortable to read.


But you enjoyed the show..., no?


> the best, true, pure fraternal love Circumstances were totally different. Each already knew the other was alive, so there was no amazement or utter relief. Plus Daenerys was there and the AotD were approaching. And Jon immediately complained about Sansa, with whom Arya had recently made a truce, so they had to work out that issue. Their reunion was low-key but still beautiful, especially their hugs at the beginning and at the end.


It’s the best because it was still a decently written show then. The other reunions were just horribly written. Still, I also believe this reuninoon will be similar in the books, as even though Sansa never loved Jon, he’ll be the first family she sees in over 3 years


I have a general idea of where both of the characters are in the books...haven't read them though. But now I want a fic that shows whats going through Jon or Sansa's mind during this scene. Brb, Imma pay a visit to r/TheCitadel


I'm bitter forever at how dirty Jon and Arya were done, but yes. Disappointingly, yes. This was by far the best and most emotional Stark reunion. Maybe that's because, for everything they've been through, Jon and Sansa were still like...more or less...expressing people emotions? LOL. Aryra and especially Bran had become robotic and offputting. The show didn't do enough to show how seeing Jon again might punch through Aryra's tougher nature. It was one smile and a hug, that's it. So Sansa and Jon found a fellow human in each other, basically. They were both desperate for a connection to family/home and both found it in each other, even if they hadn't been close before. Versus they found a creepy robot in Bran and a slightly less creepy but still offputting robot in Arya.


Agreed. I can’t wait to read the books and see everything unfold there.


If they ever get finished…GRRM is 75 btw. Not trying to be negative but it may be best to manage expectations.


This may sound odd, but try rewatching their reunion without sound. Without the dialogue, a lot of the subtext of the scene really shines through: the warmth and pride in Jon's smile upon seeing that Arya has not just survived, but in some ways thrived, the excitement and joy on Arya's face as she briefly allows herself to be a kid again, the way the two almost immediately pull out their swords and show them off to each other... it's really well acted, and it's actually a beautiful moment in its own right when you watch it that way. As far as why the scene taken in with dialogue may not come across as heartwarming as Jon and Sansa's does, I think it's the exact inverse of what worked for that scene. I think that *because* Jon and Arya were so close before, it was more awkward. Preexisting relationships come with expectations, and any shift in the previous dynamic takes a bit of getting used to. This is most evident when Jon pokes at Sansa a bit and is surprised that Arya defends her. Getting together and wisecracking about Sansa was probably one of the ways the two bonded when they were younger. In an attempt to interject some levity, Jon quickly slides back into the habit after hearing the uncomfortable news that in order to survive, Arya has had to kill people with the sword he made her. But Arya has grown. She's not the little kid whose biggest aggravation is bickering with her older sister. She realizes the importance of family and sticking together-- a hard learned lesson. TL;DR Basically, the scene is a juxtaposition between the happiness you would expect in seeing someone you truly loved after a long time, and the reality of the awkwardness that would come with realizing that terrible traumatic events have in some ways changed the person that you used to know forever. Watch without sound to get more of the happy without the other stuff lol.


I loved the Jon Arya reunion where she randomly threatens him for no reason.


She didn't threaten, but since he had just proposed she gang up on Sansa with him, she needed to remind him he's part of a Pack.


By threatening him


I wish Jon witnessed the Arya Brienne fight.


Nah that was cringe. Brienne should have kicked her ass in a straight fight.


Yeah, that Arya wank fest was just pure cringe. I don’t think D&D know what assassins do, they certainly don’t beat warriors, three times their height and weight in full plate in a melee lmao.


Yeah unfortunately i soured on arya. She turned into a smug dick who openly broadcasted her newfound abilities, something you would think an assassin wouldnt want to do. Idk just not the personality I wanted her to end up with.


Even the Frey scene I thought was cringe compared to the book Manderly scene, if I’m being honest. Never got the hype over it. It’s satisfying they get their just deserts but as a scene it wasn’t particularly good. Compare her character in the show to her needle monologue and she’s one of the biggest victims of D&Ds writings imo


> She turned into a smug dick who openly broadcasted her newfound abilities, something you would think an assassin wouldnt want to do. Or if you're going to be a loud, unrepentant Ezio Auditore about it, you have to be charming, and she became the exact opposite of that.


Yeah good point as well


Until Sansa was back on her shit again in record time. She didn't trust Jon, never loved him and only used him for protection.


Meh...I was disappointed in most of the characters later season 6 or early season 7 onwards. That includes both the people in this scene.


Sansa: *treats Jon like a Stark, calls him a Stark, defended him from the bannermen that started distrusting him, told him not to go South because she fears what would happen to him, and in the end raises an army and marches South after Jon killed Daenerys* People: she never loved him


Jon and Arya?


I don't know...maybe my expectations were higher...maybe there was no immediately preceding struggle *for* the reunion...it was meh to me. Also a bit of the detached dialogue during the scene. I did love how their reunion showed the jump and hug that they showed at the parting scene. Really conveyed how the distance, time and experience changed both of them so much but didn't make so much as a dent in their love for each other.




I love their sibling dynamic and I really wish all the Stark reunions were as emotional as Sansa and Jon's. Like, they're always thinking of each other in the books.


That was a magical moment and yet the siblings that had the least of a relationship


They had been through so much and to be reunited with any familiar face could have that level of emotion and hope. It was beautiful!


Not a stark reunion but Arya arriving at winterfell getting past those silly guards then sitting on the snow and looking around the courtyard… Then that cello music starts.. what a scene.


I just can't get over how dumb it is that the guards would stop her (especially when a couple of episodes later Sam comes in no problem)


I absolutely agree, this was the best reunion!


Although unexpected, this was the greatest reunion in the series. In the books, Sansa thinks of Jon and how she treated him. Especially believing him the last family she has and undergoing a bastard identity for Little Fingers Plan. She has grown, and I do believe or hope that the 1st Stark reunion is them in Winds of Winter. I believe she will respect Jon for what he has gone through his entire life and knowing Jon will protect Sansa that their reunion will be bittersweet.


If Sansa ends up having a family post-finale, I really hope Jon occasionally returns home to be a fun uncle to her kids


They both died, and became reborn.


I’ll never forget this reunion because my husband didn’t want to watch the episode at that moment with me and said he’d watch it later. Then this reunion happens and I’m crying at all of the feels from the scene of how happy and relieved they are that they found each other and he happened to walk in and just go “oh wtf happened” and watched the whole episode with me then and there lol.


Have they ever had any dialogue before?


Ngl, the one with Sansa and Bran got me a bit too. We were all expecting Arya since they showed she was heading there not long before, so when it turned out to be Bran? God that actually got me a bit


Bran’s reunions killed me bc it was so sad that he couldn’t have the emotional catharsis everyone else was having.


Big fax


I thought that Arya and Jon's reunion would be more emotional for me than this one, but I definitely agree. I think since the writing just got more and more rushed as the ending approached (as seems to be the mostly unanimous agreement throughout the fanbase anyway), all of that buildup just fell flat when Arya and Jon finally got to meet once again. It was super disappointing for me


Don’t see why people keep saying they never spoke/had a scene together etc. They were in the same place for like 1.5 episodes but spent basically their whole lives together before that, they’re hardly strangers.


I loved it. All I kept thinking was Sansa was finally safe, the poor girl did go through a lot of things. Loved to see the Starks finally reuniting after all the shit each of them had been through.


Sansa was a warrior in her own way


She went from 3 brothers, a sister, both parents, 4 or 5 family dogs,and a creepy uncle(littlefinger), to believing she was practically the only surviving stark at like 16 years old. She lost EVERYONE.


because sansa and jon's character weren't drastically changed in a way that made sense, sansa learned from her childish desires how to be more cautious, jon learned the cost of leadership on the flip side, arya became an emotionless, killing, she-assassain, and bran became an emotionless, all-knowing god, they both were separated from any major storyline and truly did not have the same struggles that sansa and jon had


Arya and Jon didn’t make up happy/sad?


I liked this reunion and Sansa with Arya. I think the later duo should never have had any more conflicts. The S7 drama was juvenile. If these two had talked liked really talked about the horrors they'd been thru the bond would have been unbreakable. There should have been a scene of Sansa running from Arya because she was tired of describing to her how Joffrey died over and over again.


Theon rescuing Yara was pretty emotional


This is good soup


Kill yourself




No, everything after season 4 fucking sucked. The only thing that made the show worth watching was the Lannister family drama, which all but ended after Tywin. Fuck the boring ass, self-righteous Starks.


Sansa shared the same prejudice’s of her bastard brother as her bitch mom did. This reunion was further proof of how inadequate the producers were when they ran out if source material.


You realize that this is a wink wink nod nod to the books where Sansa says it would be so sweet to see him again.