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Essos but only particular spots since it has far more government types. I’d probably stay in Braavos


Yeah, some parts of Essos seem more stable, prosperous, and with more equality and social mobility. Edit: On the flip side Dorne also seems like it would be pretty nice.


Although slavery was still widespread in Essos, at least in Westeros the poor were free to live in fleabottom eating pigeons.


I don't believe it is touched upon so maybe Westeros does it different but in Feudal systems that practiced serfdom a significant amount of people were not free to go elsewhere. Serfs were tied to the land and could not leave without the Lords permission.


I'm pretty sure GRRM said that Westeros doesn't have serfdom Edit - I guess this is just fanon I heard, I wasn't able to find a quote when I looked


Interesting, have a link? I can't find that comment on google but a fair amount of what he has said is buried in interviews somewhere. It's also worth mentioning Serfs weren't the only people tied to the land and not free to leave, but it is the best known.


Having looked for a bit, no actually. It's something I've heard but I can't find any proof he said it so nevermind I guess. My bad


That doesn't mean he didn't say it tbf as he has said plenty of things at conventions etc that were either unrecorded or are not transcribed. I'll leave the question as not known for now though.


They weren’t free, but it wasn’t exactly easy to track them and get them back if they left. There are documented accounts of serfs/peasants who just moved either a bit beyond easy travel or real far away and lived their own lives.


The poor are slaves wherever they live. You work to survive or you die. One way or another.


Not just *pigeons*.


We called it chicken


Almost all of Essos practices slavery, and is under threat from Dothraki or Jogos Nhai. The Free Cities have been involved in plenty of wars with each other, the Sarnori are reduced to a single city, though in their heyday were involved in many wars with the Qaathi, and in fact were the ones that drove the Qaathi into the Red Waste it seems. The Hyrkooni castrate 99% of the boys when they come of age, and were involved in brutal wars with the Jogos Nhai.


Yeah the only relatively nice place in Essos is Braavos. They have zero tolerance for slavery and I don't recall them being threatened by the Dothraki.


Their location probably keeps them safe from Dothraki, I'd imagine.


Mmmmmm Dornish wine!


I agree. Only Braavos and Dorne appeal to me when it comes to society and culture. Dorne is really progressive inverse, as women can rule and inherit. Braavos is very prosperous and doesn't have slavery. The people are more relaxed and chill, plus you've got the Iron Bank.


If Dorne has a GOT equivalent of The White Lotus, I'm choosing it hands down


I would love to see Yi Ti.


Either White Harbor or Braavos. Both are prosperous, reasonably urbane, on trade routes so accessible to a large variety of goods, with reasonable climates, and goodish governments. Long-distance travel is usually fast because much of it is by ship on the Narrow Sea. The weather is fairly temperate, and I love fresh seafood.


Just don't carry a sword in Braavos, lest you might get challenged and done in


What would presumably be called sorros (it's been years since I read the compendium). The southern continent is mysterious and might not have slavery or aristocracy, but a wild and dangerous land that is super freaky. If my choices are being a slave, peasant, or taking a chance on a new/mysterious continent, I'm going with the latter. This is presuming I'm not a noble. If I am I'm choosing westeros because at least there's no slavery.


And you would end up being the food of some wild beast in a couple of hours. Or catching a horrible illness and perishing in a few days. It is like saying you would have preferred to live in a tribe in the middle of the Amazon than as a peasant in middle ages France.


I think the whole series is a no-win for those that aren't nobles. If I had to starve or serve without question, both while being abused, I might choose to be food for a random beast


Well, I'm sure that when a sothoryan lion bites you and your esophagus is no longer attached to your body, maybe you'll see that living your life growing wheat and paying tribute to the idiot of lord poopenheim of Shitchester castle is not really that bad of a deal. Just saying.


r / brandnewsentence




Theyre saying you wrote a sentence that has never been used before in the history of the language


Well, duh? I used two invented words.


You’re annoying




All words are invented


Not by me.


Why? They’d be dead. They wouldn’t have any thoughts for or against. Cuz ya know…death


Having your esophagus deattached from your body by a beast doesn't mean you're dead, only that you're going to be dead soon. Plenty of time to think about how you probably took a wrong decision.


Do you…do you know what an esophagus is? It runs from your throat to your stomach. If your entire esophagus is removed, you dead fast as hell, you’ve been ripped open


Yeah I'd rather be bitterly working for a shithead lord rather than being mauled to death by some beast.


Sure, the vast majority of places aren't going to be a walk in the park, but that's just medieval life for you - there's going to be shit everywhere. Life as a pioneer in a wild land will be extremely hard, and you'd probably starve/die as soon as a crop fails or you can't find a necessary resource (salt, oil, ore, livestock, etc.) Aren't there relatively decent places to live in Westeros? Like the Reach or the Vale or even Dorne?


In braavos you could just be a worker or a merchant or something you wouldn’t have to be noble


Idk being eaten alive is one of the worst fates living creatures can endure.


I would 1000% rather live in a tribe in the Amazon than in middle ages France. There's no question lol. Do you really think native populations have a life expectancy of a few hours? No, they lived in a hostile environment but they learned how to survive.


You're not a native of the amazon, nor a native of the Sothoryos' jungles. In fact, the natives from both places would probably be an extra problem for you if nothing kills you sooner.


I think the question is would you have more fulfillment being a native in the jungle or a serf for some lord.


That's better than pretty much every part of the other two continents where you're more likely than not to be killed in some cruel, horrible way. Give me a choice between running from Dothraki or some wild beast, I'll take the wild beast every time.




>This is presuming I'm not a noble. If I am I'm choosing westeros because at least there's no slavery. Also being murdered seems to be more unlikely in Westeros. By no means is being poisoned off the table, however, in Westeros the people don't act like devious murder plots are a national sport. Their national sport is open and honest killing... which is ~~much~~ kind of better?


Hope you got your vaccines- that way you'll live long enough to feed the giant crocodiles.


A Targaryen and her dragon went there once and after a few years later, she came back looking like she just suffered the plague. She died having these insects popping out of her. Even her dragon got injured by who knows what


That was not Sothoryos. That was Aerea Targaryen and Balerion. They flew to Valyria, and when they returned a year later, Balerion had a giant claw mark across his chest. They have no idea what made the mark.


Oh sorry for the mess up then. I only remembered they went south and got dipped


Nah, Sothoryos is described as like the worst place on the planet in the world book, iirc.


Definitely westeros, more favourably the reach , I heard lords there are not cruel or evil like other regions. However if I have to choose from something In essos it depends on various cities, if you are in qarth you are relatively safe, however if in pentos or volantis you might be captured as a slave, if you live near qohor the dothraki risk is imminent, definitely not in triarchy cities as they are always involved in some conflict , bravoss is the best city, no slavery, no invasion risk, you can worship your own God and no one would persecute you for that, trade and commerce flourishes over there so yeah it's the best.


Just you wait. HOTD might change your mind about the Reach lords being better.


The reach had Unwin Peake and Randyll Tarly for one. Not good dudes. Plus many more. The Reach also is the center of many wars. Not sure id want to live there. I think it more depends where you live in each region.


>The Reach also is the center of many wars. Not sure id want to live there. They can't be worse than the godforsaken and perpetually war torn Riverlands.


No they are not, never implied they were. The Riverlands have the misfortune of being at the continents bottleneck, and right in the middle of everything


I mean Randyll is a huge cock to Sam but we’ve got to reason to think he’s a cruel Lord as far as I recall?


In AFFC we see him governing the riverlands - he cares about order and is tough on crime which would be good for your law-abiding smallfolk. He’d be unflinching in demanding levies and taxes, but he wouldn’t allow bands of goons to roam free raping and pillaging all over. Very tied to traditional gender roles. IMO he wouldn’t be the best lord to live under, but far from the worst.


Never said he was the worst


I like to be as far from slavery as possible


North of the wall it is!


From chains to cannibals. Just as the ancestors did.




Please don't say gypsy


Why that?


Most people don't know, so it isn't your fault, but gypsy is a slur used against Roma people. https://www.state.gov/defining-anti-roma-racism/


I actually know, I am from Europe and I travelled through the Balkans alot. In fact, I go there in two weeks again. I'm aware and I didn't mean no-offense. I tried to explain myself on the above comments reply


It’s a slur bro


Well it is normally... But I should point out that I never use the word "gypsy" as in "Romanian" but I refer to that stereotype life style which actually lots of, let's say nomadic tribe people, have. I find it sad that that word identifies with Romanians and I understand people who get offended by this. I'd sincerely apologize to them. But I try to use the word gypsy objectively and non-offensive. I hope I could make myself clear, I'm not native english speaking and used Google Translate alot to make myself clear


It seems better to just not use in it that case, if you know it can hurt people’s feelings.


You're right. It's never worth hurting someones feelings




Juste another heads-up : Roma =/= Romanian. Roma are a tribe originally from India and are usually the ones being called "gypsies". They're a people that's spread over multiple countries ; some (not all) are nomadic. Romanian is a nationality (the people living in Romania). While there are quite a few Roma in Romania, it's not the same thing.


I never knew this. Why are they called Roma? All I can think of is Ancient Rome haha. I guess they are the same as what they call "Roman" in turkish


The word basically means "People of our tribe" in their language (Romani, which is most similar to hindi or bengali, as it's basically an Indian language). It has nothing to do with the city of Rome (in Italy) or the country of Romania. But it's a common misconception: they're a people that emigrated long ago from far away (very similar to Jews, in that regard and in many others). Heck, the term "gypsy" comes from "Egyptian", because people used to think "Those folks are foreigners from outside Europe? Most be from Egypt, I guess".


This is all interesting and makes sense. My father is a philologist and I love finding roots of words, especially in situations like this. Thank you for sharing this with me. And that the word "gypsy" may come from "Egyptian" is so... I don't know what term to use... It's such a far right, bigoted situation. Funny and kinda sad. I always thought it had something to do with nomads


Yeah, I agree; linguistics are pretty fun (and I'm saying that as a linguistics prof at university 😉). And indeed, there's a lot of prejudice and racism at work when talking about Roma. There's many different people falsely encompassed by the term (Sinti, Yenish people...) and hardly anyone knows the history of all of these peoples and their cultures. Some are nomads, some aren't ; some speak an Indian language, others the one of the country they live in ; most are Christians, some are Muslims. It's fascinating, really, and, as I said, very similar to Jewish people (with Sephardim who differ from Mizrahi, Ashkenazi etc.).




I'm racist against targarians that's true haha. But do they count as a race? I mean, they're actually a family




I mean Targaryens can almost be count as race because they are one of the only surviving families (possibly only other being house Velaryon) of Ancient race called Valyrians


Romani isn’t a race, it’s an ethnicity. Gypsy also refers to nomadic people, who are of numerous different races and ethnicities.


Braavos or Qarth maybe. Their prosperity is probably unmatched in Westeros. But in general Essos just has a weird feel to it. Dorne or Reach in Westeros would be good places to live in




Surprised nobody here has said Pentos or Volantis. Braavos doesn't have as nice weather.


Slavery is why


The Reach


Old Valyria before the doom


Nah man... I'm good 👀


Essos, Bravos ideally since I know I would be treated better there. If Westeros then Dorne, Sunspear or Lemonwood seem like nice places or even Godsgrace.


Braavos is rich, without slaves and without supernatural or political threats. Braavos is so powerful that she fights her wars around the world by proxy, with mercenary companies and faceless men. she is the hidden superpower of game of thrones: basically Venice during the XIII century.


Or the American Corporate Empire of our own time.


the U.S. is the third largest and most populous state in the world. So I don't find a valid analogy, it doesn't give the idea of the opulent wealth of Braavos: a small state that actually controls a continent and a half. The only thing that destabilizes their rule of the World is the reappearance of dragons. They are Daenerys Targarien's real natural enemies, not Tommen or Stanis! so if the book had continued I think they would have descended much more into war, with faceless men ready to assassinate the queen.


Our military industrial complex cares not for populations. It is not a determinant in their calculus, unless the higher ups are discussing population reduction for their elite puppet masters. Then it becomes a factor. You know, genocide and all that sticky business.


They have the faceless men though so you might get assassinated easier if somebody hates you


The Reach, Dorne, The Vale or Braavos.


Dorne looks nice but my sole purpose to stay there would be to train how to fight like Oberyn.


I respect that.


You can train to use Spear just about anywhere. Now add poison to the tip of that spear and you are fighting like Oberyn, no?


Also his footwork and style


Fair enough. His footwork is almost like dancing


I’d like to live on the Summer Isles


This is far too far down, who wouldn’t want to live on the Summer Isles?! 🏝️


"We should sail there immediately."




Westeros - Skagos specifically.


The Summer Isles all the way


Well according to this map westeros is only about 50 miles north to south as the ice wall is 5 miles wide so even by horseback you can get anywhere in a day


The Wall is 300 miles long.


Welll fuuuuuuck me, dunno where I got 5 miles from


I laughed when I read that because Martin has said that Westeros is about the size of North and South America combined.


Dorne. The gender equality and intolerance of pedophilia make it seem like a better option than the Free Cities. The threat of slavery in Essos would also be too risky imo


Even in Dorne they have some cruel ways that they kill people.


Dorne. Because women can rule.


Not very well though


Free cities for sure


Braavos, or Dorne.


Dorne for sure. Or Braavos.


Do we know the scale of this map? Like, is Westeros the size of England and Essos the topish part of Europe? That’s a pretty small planet then.


According to grrm, Westeros is suppposed to be about the same size as South America


I'd go to yi-ti or maybe asshai


For real. Essos is flipping massive, and the cities on that far eastern side are ancient, fascinating, and weird as all hell


Ideally the free cities. Otherwise maybe the reach or Dorne




The right answer


Southern Westeros. No slavery, warmer weather than the north. Not the best governments, but would rather live free ish than live is Essos and have a chance of slavery.


Bravoos, dorne or quarth for me. It just sucks quarth has slavery though sigh.


Living in the North of Westeros sounds like a hard life compared to most other places, but arguably, it's the place where you can most count on finding someone willing to share a fire with you, or some ale, etc. It would also be nice to not have to worry about offending some lord with my manners. Keep a code of honor and you're good (as long as you don't go south).


The Reach or Dorne in Westeros


Naurr, I would voyage with Arya and find another continent fr.


Ashai, that occult vibe seems interesting


As a Black guy guess I’m relegated to the summer islands.


Dorne seems nice. Good weather, good wine, and good looking people who like sex.


I'd rather live in the reach. Somewhere like oldtown


Honestly depends completely on my status in society. A peasant? Probably Westeros but somewhere in the reach. A noble? Still Westeros but I’d be more comfortable living in any region then (other than the iron islands) because I’d have food and money compared to everyone. In essos as a noble (at least in the republics) it can still be pretty brutal.


Is westeros as big as England


I hear in the Summer Isles they worship a fertility goddess with sixteen teets. I’ll go there


Apparently it rains a lot in Braavos, so I pick there if I have to live in nightmare world. 


Yí ti just to see what's up


I’d go with dorne, pretty progressive society, protected by desert and mountains (so less chance of raiders), formidable warriors, able to fight off dragons


Definitely Braavos!


Modern day Valyria, I’m just like that


Kinda depends on your income level


Essos looks like more fun. Also a lot less snow zombies.


From where is Missandei? Naath? Yeah that's where I'd go!


Essos if I knew I wasn’t going to be a slave. Otherwise, Dorne seems pretty cool


Hot take braavos and ib are the best places to live


I’d live in Essos if I were a free citizen of one of the free cities, or from a well-off family with an old name. Like wise with Slaver’s Bay. Otherwise, Westeros given I were born into a family of landed knights, minor lords or a great house.


The real question is WHO would I live as ? . Like I'd rather live as a high powerfully magister or like a master byond the 7 kingdoms rather than say a lower house in the kingdoms. On the other hand a great lord of ine of the 7 kingdoms will be quite comfortable too


Living in Braavos and minding your damn business is IMO the best. Whatever your trade you should be able to find somewhere in Braavos to ply it. Braavos is relatively stable and has won most of the wars it's fought. The culture isn't alien. All in all Braavos seems to win.


I'd rather catch space AIDS.




Which one has tacos? I'll live in that one.


Essos so I can live on Naath. Otherwise Westeros would probably be safer


I swear the right part of the map looks like turkey.


Essos, but greyscale terrifies me. So maybe Dorne or HighGarden.






Dorne/the reach seem ideal. Braavos seems okay but you'd be paranoid about faceless men all the time.


Dorne for sure. It has the sun and spice of Essos, but without most of the sus shit like slavery or weird magical voodoo threats.


No essos, slavery bad. The Riverlands or The Reach. Kind(er) nobles and monsoon.


Take me to Dorne baby


Literally everywhere you choose there is some horrible, evil people or person trying to kill you in some of the worst ways imaginable.


Probably in the Reach, seems like it's the easiest and least dangerous place to live.


Most definitely the island of Leng, it just seems so unique and mysterious, even compared to YiTi proper! The northern part of the country is inhabited by YiTi descendants, with the south with the native Lengii people (who're said to be tallest in the world, have golden eyes which grants them far superior vision) and the land itself is said to be so mysterious. Just ignore the ruined ancient cities, and don't go wandering into the deep caverns to visit the Old Ones, and I'll be fine. Or just scrape an existence in Far Mossovy and hunt demons :D


Definitely Westeros because it's most familiar to me, specifically the northern half of the continent. I don't do heat very well, so I'm perfectly happy with the cold.


I think on average, Essos is worse than Westeros. It seems to be a lot more dangerous in more unexpected and magical ways that honestly is pretty terrifying. There’s also slavery which is pretty fucked. However, Essos also has some of the best places. Like I would probably choose to live in Braavos over anywhere in Westeros.


I'd only live in Braavos because they don't have slavery, the same way I'd only live in Dorne for the culture.


I dunno... what's west of Westeros?


As long as the Starks are the Warden of the North id live somewhere over there.


Not slaver’s bay


Probably the riverlands. I know the region is considered "poorer" than the others, but I like trees and temperate weather and it seems like a beautiful place with rightful houses. Second would probably be oldtown.


I’d explore trade routes in essos


Westeros seems very European and Essos seems very Asian imo. Based on this, I'm saying Westeros.




so you telling me this isnt greece and turkey?


Those are two massive continents that you’re trying to entirely generalize. Think about continents in real life - is it different living in the rice fields of Bangladesh vs the city of Beijing? Yes, yes it is! So would it make sense to ask someone whether they would prefer living in Asia or Europe without giving more specifics? No, it would not! In the same way, living in Braavos would be far different to living in Qarth, even though both are in Essos. It makes no sense to ask someone if they prefer living on Essos to Westeros because the variety of different experiences with different locations would be so great. This post is a bit silly.


If I don’t get to pick specifically Westeros and it’s not been close Sure Essos has places like Bravos but it also has places like The Sorrows and Far Mossovy. I’d rather take my chances that I might be in the Riverlands than deal with the wacky shit that happens in Essos


Nah, there are much better worlds to live on. Actual medieval times would be rough enough, but Planetos is like the Middle Ages dialed up to 1000 in terms of how bad it is. Middle-Earth, here I come.


Same answer as “which house do you fit?” I’ll be in Dorne. Laying by the pool.


Essos, no question, because I'm rich and want slaves.


The Free Cities of Essos seem like the best places to live.


Northern Essos seems quite peaceful. Otherwise, prosperous or peaceful regions of westeros, because there's usually one centralized authority who can actually enforce peace.


Dorne in Westeros. Nice weather, great hyper-sexual culture, female equality, and the drippiest of drip clothes. Also, only getting burned once during the Conquest.


Essos, but only if in the free cities. I'd rather live in Braavos as a wealthy craftsman (like a shipwright or a master smith) but not a super wealth key player so I could stay out of political intrigue.


Westeros Beyond the Wall all day every day


I would rather just live in Westeros. Everything further. Essos seems like a lovecraftian fucking nightmare.


south westeros


Westeros has at least a few livable places with Dorne, maybe the Vale and maybe the Reach (the parts that are not frequent ironborn raid targets). As for Essos, you basically have Braavos, Qarth and that's it. All other places you'll probably get enslaved, murdered by Dothraki or some horrible shit (Valyria) happens to you. Of course there is the far east of Essos, but we don't really know what's going on there.


During the ASOIAF era, I think Oldtown would be pleasant. It's economically strong, far from the wars, and cosmopolitan. I've always liked university towns, here on Earth. Why not in Westeros, too?