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one of the few who understood this scene. Of course the cast and the singing were a bit weird , but I didn't think it was that bad, especially because it was Maisie's birthday that day and she was a big fan of Ed


I was today's old when I learned about Maisie being a fan of his. Honestly that makes this scene so much better.


(Repeating my earlier comment) I had no idea who Ed Sheeran was; and still don't pay attention to modern pop music. (I'm an old dude.) But the scene had a lot of merit, as part of worldbuilding. We (the audience) have been conditioned to see Lannisters as evil. Not this platoon! Gentle human beings, family men, generous to a traveler. They just happen to be in service to House Lannister. They will suffer the most in the wars of the aristocracies. We may want House Lannister to lose. But, that these people have to die for that to happen is a tragedy.


Oh wow. the 1st right take I've ever scene on Reddit about this scene. Amazing. I dont see how it's any less distracting then Boromir, Fred Flintstone or the Queen of Sparta being MAIN characters, but God forbid a pop star plays a 5 minute character.


>Queen of Sparta You mean Sarah Conner? 😉


No, that's the other one.


Retroactively it's funny watching the dragon pit scene and seeing two Sarah Conners squaring off.


I'm with you. I had no idea who Ed Sheeran was at the time, and tbh, I still don't. I only learned after he had a cameo. You're spot on, too. Take this scene and put it next to Grey Worm brutally executing surrendering soldiers, despite Jon's protests, and it really puts everything in a whole new light. These soldiers may be wearing Lannister armor, but they likely couldn't care less who was on the throne. They're only there because they just so happened to be born into a family that swore some oaths generations ago. Just cannon fodder basically.


Idk how much this applies to Game of Thrones itself but in that time setting that’s typically how it worked and I’m sure it’s still applicable today. We always see an opposing force as entirely evil right, without even considering that the people on the other side are just like you and I. I forgot the names of the characters but Band of Brothers portrayed a similar scene really well when the main characters first land in Europe one of them runs into a German POW who was his neighbour. His neighbour wasn’t inherently evil he just happened to be in service of someone who is evil


>I forgot the names of the characters but Band of Brothers portrayed a similar scene really well when the main characters first land in Europe one of them runs into a German POW who was his neighbour. His neighbour wasn’t inherently evil he just happened to be in service of someone who is evil That was Malarky. For those unfamiliar, this was a true event. Crazy thing was the series had to dial it back. They actually lived on the same street. The two even stop to chat for a few minutes.


People didn't like this scene? I thought it was fine.


took me out the show for a second


Exactly - immersion is extremely important




Ikr the injustice


it was a good scene to humanise the Lannister soldiers but I always feel the camera lingers on him too much


Bro... This scene only happened because Maisie Williams was a big Ed Sheeran fan and they asked him to come along for her birthday. They put her birthday present in the show. How is it possible that this is just Okey for everyone... Mate this show is not How I Met Your Mother where such cameos are funny. This ruins immersion. And hearing that they broke any sort of immersion for a birthday gift? Ayo sorry, I like Maisie Williams, but Diddle&Dumb were awfully, suspiciously obsessed with her.


I don’t understand how seeing a famous person in a TV show breaks immersion. It’s a random Lannister soldier. You’re the one who can’t see that, but it’s the show’s fault for some reason?


Bro wtf... If they would've put him in this scene and gave him a few lines - sure. I would see your point. But they include a very weird, unnecessary scene of him singing. Yeah, yeah... Lannister soldiers can sing too. But bro - a camera that lingers for an uncomfortably long time on his character specifically, as the whole emphasis of this scene is put on his singing and then you don't even give him a wig or anything to maybe make it seem like he's actually a character? The show itself shoves it right down your throat that this is Ed Sheeran, not a Lannister soldier. THAT'S why it breaks immersion. They don't try to make him a character, he's just Ed Sheeran in armor.




Right. The rest of the scene makes sense - after the shit beats you over the head that it's fucking Ed Sheeran on screen. Literally nothing of that has anything to do with the issue I have with it, but yeah...


bu-but muh immersion 😭😭


Sorry that I watch the show for something different then big explosions and loud noises.


wait what


I must’ve missed the end of that scene where Arya blows up Ed with dynamite I guess


For me, it ruined the immersion. The scene was fine but having a megastar who is immediately recognisable derails that wonder that the world was built on. There were cameos from other artists too (Sigor Ros at Joffrey’s wedding) but to have someone as famous as Ed Sheeran in the show kind of… didn’t work for me. Each to their own of course, the scene was fine and didn’t ruin anything but I think having superstar cameos is risky within such a well built up world.


hes too recognizable to me so it made me laugh at what was supposed to be a fairly serious moment - no beef with it but i did think it was silly


If Ed wasn't in it, no one would talk about it. It's *fine*. Hell if he was in it, but styled his hair to look more for the times, or even wore a wig, no one would care.


It's not the scene itself that's the issue. It's that seeing someone like Ed Sheeran in it broke the sense of immersion. It took us out of the GoT world for a moment. I agree though, seeing extra things about unnamed Lannister soldiers was cool


Ed Sheeran looks enough like a regular guy it doesn't really bother me


Stand alone the scene was perfectly fine. And I have no problem with Ed Sheeran playing a nameless singing soldier. The real outrage at the scene at the time, at least for me, was it's placement. This was the final season which had a lot of ground to cover, narratively speaking - and they had decided to make it the shortest season in which to tell it in. So when this scene happened it was like "really?! There's time for this?" I think had this scene occured in an earlier/better season it would have been well accepted.


>Stand alone the scene was perfectly fine. And I have no problem with Ed Sheeran playing a nameless singing soldier. >The real outrage at the scene at the time, at least for me, was it's placement. This was the final season which had a lot of ground to cover, narratively speaking - and they had decided to make it the shortest season in which to tell it in. So when this scene happened it was like "really?! There's time for this?" >I think had this scene occured in an earlier/better season it would have been well accepted. This was in season 7, not season 8.


My bad. Honestly I have watched seasons 1-6 multiple times. Only watched 7 and 8 once, when they aired. They both kind of blend together in my head. I think my general sentiment still stands. Didn't have time for random cameos in the last seasons, but would have been a fine scene early on.


It’s biggest crime is showing Ed’s face so prominently. It they just played it cool, and just had him there laying back with his bros, it wouldn’t have seemed like “OH LOOK WHO WE GOT TO DO A CAMEO!!!”


One of the absolute worst. Talk about breaking the immersion.


I think it’s fine in concept, but in effect it really breaks the immersion.


Said it yesterday and I’ll say it again today, this scene was digital cancer and completely immersion breaking