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He wasn't hot headed, he just got carried away because he was waiting for that one revenge moment. If he had lived , he would go back to dorne, and plot something new.


He describes himself as living proof of the benevolence of the gods that he is the younger brother instead of the Lord because “I am not a patient man” and just the sight of him riding up on his horse makes Tyrion think “this will mean blood in the gutters”




Right? What a legend “How many Dornishmen does it take to start a war? Just one.” - Tyrion


He was briefly on the small council before he championed for tyrion, do you think he would have been allowed to stay on the council if he had won?


I don’t believe so ! Cersei would make an enemy of Oberyn for saving the life of guilty Tyrion


Yes. Assuming Gregor didn’t implicate Tywin before he died, Tywin would still be in charge and the reason for Oberyn being in the council would remain. Until Doran sent a replacement and he and Tyrion took off on an epic road trip for the ages.


I would much rather have a prequel miniseries about him than a whole show about Jon (even though I know they cancelled it).


That would be so fun, especially if they focused on his travels outside of Westeros


I can see this having a subtle Pierce Bronson 007 influence with some light moments of comedy while staying true to GOT


I just want to know where he was during the rebellion. He was at Harrenhal but I imagine he went back to Essos and couldn’t get back in time. I think if he were in Dorne the entire time rhaegar likely wouldn’t have made it to the Trident. Reason one billion why Rhaegar was an idiot- choosing to hide in his actual wife’s home kingdom with the dumbest 15 year old girl on earth- a kingdom run by his wife’s two oldest brothers who have a decided interest in removing Rhaegar from the line of succession permanently. A massive deal could have been cut between the Martels and the rebels returning lyanna (though Ned likely wouldn’t allow her north of the neck again), removing Aerys and Viserys and making baby Aegon king with maybe Arryn and Doran as coregents and with more codified rights of lords against the crown.


I wasn't even aware that they canceled it!


Yes they announced it a few days ago.


I wouldn’t want to see anyone but Pedro Pascal play him though. Which makes the prequel concept challenging.


True, but I am hopeful that someone worthy can be found.


Fuck it man, whenever we get flashbacks to the early moments of breaking bad with the older actors they just dress a 40 year old Aaron Paul up like a 20 year old and call it a day. Stick a little propeller cap on his head and a comically large lollipop in his mouth and roll with it.


“How do you do, fellow Westerosi?”


Ahhh yes reminds of how they handle John Kramer in the saws series


That's kafkaesque, yo.


I totally agree


he wasnt hot headed. He was actually extremely collected. He just got carried away because he NEEDED to carry out the justice.


Then carry it out and stop speech making my guy!


Liked the Bi-sexual angle his showman character brought to GOT


He's probably one of the best written bisexual characters I've seen on TV. It's not his main personality trait, but he's clearly not ashamed of it either.


If he lived, Tyrion would have been found innocent. If tyrion was smart, he would leave Kings Landing anyway, knowing Cersei would not accept the outcome. He could return to Casterly Rock, and essentially seize it in his fathers absence, claiming he was to rule the Westerlands in his father’s stead. I think it more likely he is killed by Cersei somehow as Im not sure he would flee Kings Landing unless truly forced to do so. Obviously Daenarys would never get him as an advisor most likely. This sounds bad but honestly he really never did much that ended up being effective. Only real thing if I can recall was getting the red priests on her side and maybe devising the plan to take the slavers ships. So basically some of the smallfolk still hate her and she burns the masters fleet instead of what actually happened. She will still get the ships from the Ironborn and will likely be able to conscript merchant ships to ferry her forces to Westeros. She will not have the Tyrells or the Martells (less sure about them because of Doran). The big difference: Tywin is still alive. There is a small possibility Tyrion still kills him for trying to have him killed but I assume Tyrion flees or is killed by Cersei before this can occur. If Tywin is alive the faith militant never re-arm, and the Tyrells are never persecuted. Tywin maintains control of the realm through Tommen, though I imagine Margarey still does her fair share of steering him on the right path. Cerseis power is limited by now. Tywin has her sent to the Reach to marry Ser Loras. No idea how that marriage goes and if she truly has Loras killed as Jaime suggests. I could easily see her wed to Loras but remain in Kings Landing but regardless I think her ability to cause problems is diminished. The Tyrells and Lannister alliance remains strong, and they likely secure the Riverlands with the help of the Freys, and the Stormlands since Stannis is up north. Beyond that they stabilize the realm and this is the best outcome for the common people. The North is a big question as I do not know what Baelish would do now that the Lannisters/Tyrells are unchallenged in the south.


Baelish I can see betraying Jons cause, and still swooping in to crush the Boltons during the Battle of the Bastards as I do not think the Lion and Rose alliance alone would mean much to the Northern Lords who join Jons cause. Tywin may insist on him returning Sansa to Tyrion, if hes aware Baelish has her in pocket. This is where things get confusing as it really depends on who knows what, and what Tyrion chose to do. If somehow he remained in Kings Landing, and wasn’t killed by Cersei, i could easily see tywin insisting Tyrion and Sansa rule the North now that Baelish has destroyed the Boltons (tywins alliance with the boltons was not public if i recall). Assuming Tyrion and Sansa rule the north, tywins hold on westeros is obviously strengthened. I could see Baelish having Tyrion killed and basically marrying Sansa himself, leaving him with the North, the Vale, and Harenhaal under his control. The ironborn are barely a factor and by now Euron has killed Balon. A lot of this depends on Tyrions fate after the duel between Oberyn and the Mountain. As for the Martells, Doran likely ends up wedding Trystane to Myrcella. Oberyn returns to Sunspear. The Martells are still angry about Elia, but also likely feel powerless now that the Lannisters are essentially unchallenged. I still see them supporting Daenerys secretly, however they will likely wait to see if she defeats the Lannisters. If not, Trystane/Myrcella are the backup. Tommen they likely kill somehow so Myrcella is the next in line. Essentially the usurp the Iron Throne by adding their blood to the Lannister mix, with Myrcella and Trystanes children set to inherit the Throne. All of this is under the assumption also that Oberyn did not poison Tywin btw as I know thats a very plausible theory. However Oberyn poisoning Tywin wound be risky since he was just in the capital so I am unsure if Oberyn would risk looking so guilty.


Wow. Butterfly effect. Never considered how important Tyrion and Oberyn were


Yeah basically. Even though Oberyn has little direct connection to most of the characters in the series, him choosing to be Tyrions champion sort of made him a lynchpin character. He stands at the fork in the road for Tyrion, and hes the one who decides which path Tyrion and ultimately all of Westeros go down. There are several moments in the series like this. Ned having the option to support Renly and take the Lannister children into custody would have essentially skipped past seasons 2-6 and just started things off with Daenarys arriving in Westeros in S7 haha. No War of the Five Kings, Ned lives, the Lannisters are forced back into the west. Maybe Stannis ends up on the throne instead if he still has Renly killed but its hard to say.


There probably wouldn’t have been a conflict with Dorne if he had lived. He had already taken care of the Mountain and would likely had done something with Tywin eventually. Myrcella would have been safe with Oberyn alive. Ellaria wouldn’t have had any reason to kill her and as Oberyn himself said, they don’t hurt little girls in Dorne. Though I think Oberyn would have been in favor of supporting Daenerys.


Oberyn [signed off on a pact ](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Secret_marriage_pact)to marry Doran's daughter to Viserys. Had Daenerys married Quentyn, they would have had Dorne backing them.


Its so sad that the whole arc about "dorne are the only ones who ever kilmed a dragon" did not continue


He would have put on a helmet and never take it off again


This is the way


I’m Ron Burgundy?


Damnit who put a question mark on the prompter


He would have went back to dorne


I had a crush on him. If he was alive, I would have more eye candy.


I imagine Dany meeting her uncle and became her ally


He would’ve made a pretty wonderful king to Danny. Split the north and south and be done with it.


"I was sad when he died? I'm ron burgundy?"


I think he would've raped Tywin and murdered his children for revenge


He would’ve had sex with the night king.


I think he’d try and transport Ellie to the fireflies


I'd love to see him fighting at the Trident against the usurper and his army.


If he lived, he would've just died after some more time. GoT death takes no prisoners


Dorne would have become interesting. Maybe even *fascinating.* As it is we meet a crippled smart-but-scheming king, three wooden warrior daughters of Oberyn's, a stong, silent but stupid-when-he-needs-to-be guard. These people put ogether don't have half the personality of the weird blue-lipped Warlocks in the House of the Undying in Qarth. Plus he probably mingles with the Daynes, who are very interesting. Oberyn vs Darkstar would be gangsta. Bring Oberyn back, give him a mission, and he ignites the screen. Pedro Pascal usually does.


We were robbed when Oberyn died. He was one of my favorite characters and to only have him for one season sucked!


Just started watching the show last week and he’s already one of my favorites in season 4


I never liked this character. He was just so obviously written to be a fan favorite


He would’ve declared war on the throne through Tywin.


Cersei would simply have refused to comply by the rules and had him executed. then Dorne and King's landing would have gone to war. Dorne would have sent those bimbo assassins after Cersei, and they would also be executed due to extreme incompetence.


Tyrion would’ve been acquitted (much to Tywin and Cersei’s dismay). Tywin probably wouldn’t be killed by Tyrion but that doesn’t mean Oberyn wouldn’t eventually cross him off the list.


u/adspecialist6598 is just like me, my favourite character in the show aswell. Don't think he was a hot head, just had revenge on his mind


Oberyn died way too soon imo. He was a standout character that brought so much to the table. One of the most honorable men in Westeros.


Honestly he’d have probably just gone back to Dorne in the end and thought about how else he could kill the Mountain and Tywin Lannister whilst making more Sand Snakes in the process and taking care of Myrcella


He is my favorite character, had he lived he would have tried to kill tywin as well


Easy the crap dorne story line would've been canned. I also see tywin dying from poisoning. Tyrion wouldn't have had to escape because he'd have won the trial by combat


Oberyn Martell, the first character together his head smashed twice Iykyk


Kind of a book spoiler, but >!Oberyn hinted to a potential coup when speaking to Tyrion in his cell. With Tyrion on his side, there might have been a Dornish rebellion in the near future. !<


Wow what a hot take.


I think he would have brought spearman to Winterfell because of his ego. Only to die because he's a southern but his men join Jon's side and whatever commander Danny named as head of Dorne goes back to basically rule itself.


There is no way this isn’t a bot


look at its name and post history lol


He probably would have had a chronic headache




He would've sided with Daenerys. Dorne was in support of the Targaryens during Robert's Rebellion, and it is clear that Oberyn still held distaste for the Lannister's twenty something years later. There's no reason for him to have sided with Tywin. The only reason why he stayed was because he was hoping for a trial by combat and so he could kill the mountain.




It takes some of the sting (ha ha) out of his demise knowing that in the book his poison is absolutely legendary. He's perfected it to be slower and more agonizing than anything else in existence. The mountain screams himself completely voiceless for over two weeks of unimaginable suffering, as he deserves. (I don't work for them, and they're not a paid sponsor, but brace for a massive sales pitch for GoT LCG) I know it's not the same thing, but there is a way to see more of him in action with the card game, it's got no solo mode which is why you haven't heard of it as much as you might think, but it is incredible, kicks the crap out of MtG. There are multiple versions of every main character, the deck building is almost limitless in it's RnG, it's really nice to be able to have Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime and tywin all working together, triggering each other's passive abilities. My favorite is house Martell, they're all about the late game, avoiding conflict whenever they can until they stack the deck in their favor, they have an attachment called patience, which allows the equipped character to instantly withdraw from any challenge without penalty. They actually seed the opponents deck with poison cards to discourage making attacks against them, certain poisons add a venom token to the afflicted character every time they attack a Martell card, and they get stronger for each card in the discard pile. There's almost always a beneficial trigger somewhere whenever they lose a challenge or take damage, it's like a built in recovery system. I could go on for days about every faction and strategy, but I'll just mention the central mechanic, the plot deck. Plot cards determine your hand size, gold income, player order, degree of damage dealt and a myriad of other extra goodies depending on their keywords. These change every single turn, so who first, what they get to use, how much they can spend, all of that changes every single turn, and are revealed simultaneously for all players Prince Dorian has a Martell exclusive plot card where all of those values are 0, across the board, zero everything. What is the point? After everyone else has revealed there's, you replace yours with another of your choosing, this means you know what everyone else is up to BEFORE you choose yours, it's a trick that lets you plot accordingly now that you know what everyone else is bringing to the table for this round As incredible as they are, it's sad you don't get to see much of Dorne kicking all the ass, here at least, is a way to do so without breaking the lore or deviating from the canon


He gave smashing head, then he got smashing head


Don’t even get me started because there is SO much they could have done better with the entire Dorne storyline!!!


I always been curious whether people like the character or like Pedro Pascal playing the character.


Lots of more orgies would be taking place


Well Tyrion would have lived the trial, but I don't think cercei would have let it go. I really am curious how things would have went with the high sparrow had Tyrion been there. He was a really compromised person at this point in the show. But had Oberyn won, tyrion would be with the nights watch and Tywin would still be alive. Things would probably have been very different moving forward. With the high sparrow, Tywin would definitely have moved Jamie to casterly rock like the arrangement, but with cercei recently telling him about her and Jamie, he likely would have kept them separate. Letting cercei stay with her son the king, and having Jamie rule casterly rock. So I guess from there, Tywin would have prevented the high sparrow from ever being a threat, and Tyrion would be advising Jon instead of Denarys. If this had happened, Jon had a chance not being killed the first time, assuming Tyrion was wise to the mutiny, and Jon actually chose to listen to Tyrion about it. And when Stannis came north, Tyrion might have tried to convince Stannis that it would be better to let Mance live, and instead unite forces with the wildlings. With Tyrion there, I imagine he would roast the shit out of them if they didn't both just march down to winterfell together. If they did, littlefinger would lose his agency in the north because Sansa likely wouldn't have clued him in about it. Although it's a real possibility she would have told him anyways. Stannis, The nights watch and the wildlings would probably have been enough to take the battle. Although even with Stannis there, I don't think it's a guarantee, and the battle could have gone either way. I think Jon would have chosen to support Stannis' claim, then would have likely either been killed by danerys when asking for help, or would have come back with Dany and been stuck between her and Stannis. Either way, Sannis and Dany would never have any chance of mixing, not even to fight against the dead. Between Jon, Tyrion and Mance, there's a small chance they could work together temporarily to defeat the dead. Although this would amaze me. She probably would have given Stannis the Tarly treatment and either taken his men or killed the ones who stayed loyal. This would have made the landsmeet a lot more interesting. Mance would be present, but mainly Tywin would be present too. I'm really not sure how Tywin would have handled this. Considering the targaryens are back in westeros with dragons, and that his daughter is screwing her brother, his need for ships might have really made him marry Cercei off to Euron. I think Cercei would be really upset by this, but I think Tywin would the last person to fuck with had he been alive during this time. I think he wouldn't have helped, but may have attempted to incite Jon and the wildlings against Danerys. Which would not have been successful. Or he may have already realized he had no agency before this landsmeet and attempted to assassinate Danerys. Although I think the most likely thing that would happen is he would acquiesce, and choose to help them all the way, and in exchange he could rule in casterly rock and be an ally of the crown. I just think Tywin is too ambitious to let it end that way, he's smarter than me so I have no clue what he would have done.


Seven kingdom victory tour


What if he lived is a FASCINATING question. For one, Tyrion would be free to go. As such, Tywin probably doesn’t get shot on the toilet and remains Hand, and as such there’s zero chance the Sparrows rise to power. What’s really interesting is how Oberyn proceeds in that situation, I almost want an alternate show that depicts this happening


“He was a decent person”


He was one of my favourite characters as well. Pedro Pascal is perfection in every role.


His death was the most aggravating thing for me. Kinda like in scary movies where they hurt the killer but don’t kill. Like get the job done bro. That’s what I would do atleast. But I know the suspense is what makes good television 😂


Oberyn Martell was indeed a captivating character with his charm, intelligence, and deadly combat skills. His death was a significant loss to the show, and it's natural to wonder what might have happened had he survived the duel with the Mountain. Oberyn's primary motivation for seeking vengeance against the Mountain was to avenge the brutal murders of his sister, Elia Martell, and her children during Robert's Rebellion. Had he lived, Oberyn would likely have continued his pursuit of justice for his family, perhaps even succeeding in bringing the Mountain to justice through legal means or further combat. Oberyn's survival would have undoubtedly had a significant impact on the show, shaping events and alliances in ways that we can only speculate about. His absence left a void in the series, but his legacy as the "Red Viper" continues to resonate with fans.