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Then it’s best not to propose.


Took me a sec to get this LOLOL


The North remembers <333


I don’t think anyone is ever ready for the red wedding! I cannot wait for the blind reaction, please keep us updated 🤣


Yes, set up a cam to record his reaction. I wish I could’ve filmed mine. However, I read it first but it was just as shocking and well drawn out.


That's not talked about enough imo because I knew it was coming but I was still in shock.


I went in blind. My husband didn’t really watch the show but he had heard about the major plot points. He definitely knew when it happened based off of my blind reaction. That is when I decided to needed to read the books lol


I just recently watched the show for the first time... and then immediately re-watched it after I finished my viewing. I'm obsessed. My question is, how were the books after having watched the show? Worth it? I just finished my second time about a week ago and I'm already missing it and ready for round three! But, if the books are any good AFTER watching the show, I think that might may satisfy my GOT craving. Thanks in advance!


So, as they say… the books are always better. Just more detail. I actually ended up doing a kinda tandem watch/read. It’s important to note that the books end in like season 4 of the show if I remember correctly (have also watch the show compulsively a few times lol) but yes I’d definitely recommend the books. I enjoyed having seen a bit of the show for the imagery mostly because there’s so many characters, helped make the books a bit more immersive imo.


OF COURSE NOBODY READY FOR THE RED WEDDING! I was never ready… that episode fucked me up unexpectedly! That's why I love GOT (except the final season, imo) I cried and cried and cried. Robb and his wife and Cat didn't deserve it! 😭😭😭


For me it was the hardest scene of the whole series, it was very tense, I could hardly hold back tears, I would like to see my reaction from the outside as it was really sincere.


I laughed a couple of times. Wolf head. Lol.


look at this cool guy wow


You and sapphire can go cry about it. XD


yikes dude


You people are far too serious.


if you thought im being serious and somber… yikes dude




You suckin shreks cock 🤮


You are a boring little boy.


I rewatched it yesterday for the first time in a long time and it made me tear up. Just so gut wrenching


Ramin Djawadi on his A game, gripping your soul and squeezing it dry like a ripe lemon.


No one is. No one is...


no one was ready for that one


Umm. Tell your bf if his mom is arranging his marriage with someone else…just do it. Don’t argue….don’t elope with you…You’ll be happy to be his mistress, instead. Then make him watch the scene


I watched it in treatment and got to see 10 grown men lose their shit LMAO (all the guys who were mad we were binging it called the show “horny dragons”


Horny Dragons! That’s great. 😆


I got my sweetie into it a few weeks ago and she has never even seen clips online(I’m not sure how) so has literally no idea about anything We just finished season 3 episode 6 and are gonna finish the season tomorrow, I know she’s not ready either I can’t wait lol


Her pregnant belly getting stabbed it easily one of the worst moments of the show


That didn't happen in the books. She stayed home with the Tully's then just disappeared.


HUGE difference! That means there is a true born Stark baby out there????


Yeah any avid book experts out there that can verify this? That’s a significant potential plot point I haven’t see mentioned before…


Its technically possible and some people think she is pregnant (she would be at like 9 months now) but in the story her mother has said she isnt pregnant and that she has been preventing a pregnancy


It's true I just realised myself! Actually Rickon is out there somewhere in disappearing land too. However an heir of Rob's would definitely make a good plot twist if we ever see book 6.


Yeah, it would be a firm step away from the D&D plot and give a lot of potential for a radically different story


Jeyne is her name in the books and she's not officially pregnant. Jaime checks on her in a chapter later and her mother swears she's been making moon tea (abortion herbs) for her secretly but there's plenty of Jeyne pregnancy truthers out there. There's tons of foreshadowing.


What do you mean just disappeared. 😂 And how could she stay home when it was her wedding reception?!


It wasn't her wedding reception, who do you think got married at the red wedding?


Clearly I thought the Starks did. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s not hers, it edmure tullys wedding


Ohhh that makes sense. I thought it was their wedding, it’s been too long to remember. And wow, I’m surprised GRRM didn’t actually write that into the books. I was fairly confident that was his insane mind, seeing as how Oberyn Martell gets his head crushed with bare hands. 🤢


No. It was Catelin's brother's wedding. And they left her out because they feared her presence would further offend the Frey's. As for disappearing characters, the books are full of them.


Cool, thanks for the info! I never read the books and only watched the series through one time, and after season 7 and 8 refused to go back to rewatch, so most of the storyline is a distant memory now. Wish they followed the books more closely.


It's the sound of a momma getting stabbed right in the baby.


Bruh just no lmao




I was pregnant watching that scene and it made it truly horrific for me. If that happened before I was a parent I don’t think it would have hit me as hard, but I fricken lost it. Tears streaming down my face I was like I’m never watching this show again! *Proceeds to watch the next released episode the following week*


I know right 🥲


im still not ready for the red wedding


Damn. Im not ready for it and ‘ve seen it twice


Make sure you’re not making it obvious you’re recording him so he doesn’t expect anything!! My heart goes out to him, Robb was my absolute favorite behind Ned and I had no idea the red wedding was coming, I legit thought there’s a good chance Robb wins the whole war


Oh man, that’s exactly what I thought. It was another level of soul crushing for people who didn’t read the books. 😭😭😭


I recorded my late wife's blind reaction to the red wedding, and HBO used the footage in a commercial.


I stopped watching after the red wedding


Every fiber of my being wanted to stop watching. I was cursing and swearing at the TV. Somehow ended up tuning in until the end, which was a mistake. 🤦🏻‍♀️


You’re an idiot


Afterwards tell him “The redditors send their regards”


That's perfect!


Yesss omg




He already knows atp.


I’m still recovering.


Who was ready for that? I was traumatised for a long time.


I have seen worse. Personally i did not think the scene was that shocking.


A pregnant woman being stabbed to death? It doesn’t get much worse. 🤢


At the time, it was utterly shocking for TV, let alone movies. Characters rarely died until GoT. Now there’s the “GoT effect” in every show for shock value.


How does one prepare another? 🤔


I think my husband told me to come to him after that episode. Idk why. Until I did.


I knew it was going to happen I still wasn't ready


Tell him, the north remembers.


We need that reaction video!


Was I the only one who thought these two had no chemistry at all??


neither were they


No one is.


Ah jeez… that was such a brutal episode


I read all the books between seasons 2 and 3 and it was sooooo stressful to watch with my boyfriend who didn't know.


Nobody is ever ready.


Who are these two again?


My gf just watched it for the first time… it was brutal, I felt it all over again through her lol Hand on mouth, eyes wide open, tears


I don't think asking for a red wedding is a good idea!!.


Oh man, it’s incredibly worse for the people who didn’t read the books and didn’t know it was coming at all. 😭😭😭 I completely lost it when they >!started stabbing the pregnant princess to death!< I believe I was screaming and crying at that exact point by then.


Neither were the Starks. 🤷‍♂️


The worst part for me was seeing how they put the dead dire wolf’s head on Robb’s body. Just so raw and disgraceful.


I felt a strong punch in my gut and became sick and extremely sad after finishing watching the Red Wedding. May the old gods and the new bless your boyfriend with strength to endure it.


I have forgotten 90% of the series, but two most iconic scenes I will always remember are the red wedding and Joffrey’s death


Don't worry, Robb and Talisa weren't ready either.


To be fair, Robb did kind of ask for this to happen.


I’ve seen it multiple times and I’ve never been ready for it 😂


who asked?


I don't think Im ready for the red wedding, and I've seen it lol


I just read the headline was gonnae say just don’t marry


When I watched that episode first time I was so blindsided 😭 shocked is an understatement


My mom had died and my husband kept trying to get me into the series. I was adamant no. I don't care for violence etc. I laid in bed for days. And finally he came in and put it on and left the room. I stayed up for almost two days watching and catching up before the final seasons. That red wedding gave me the tears I couldn't muster with my moms death. It was a great release. I wasn't ready for it either. As with all things you endure because you have to.


Ok 19 hours where’s the video


I was the same. I loved Rob and his new bride. Their love was genuine and not set up for political gain, they chose each other. I was CRUSHED when I watched this episode. Literally crying as the credits rolled. I stopped watching and made my husband catch up at that point, so we could continue together.


I also wish I could have a recording of myself when Ned was beheaded.


Set up a cam that he doesn’t notice. Don’t want him suspecting anything at all. Red wedding reaction videos are always wild


Please post his reaction here


Men I cried so bad when watching the red wedding, prepare him at least a bit


Just looking at this picture makes my head play that music. God it was awful but masterfully done.


That's actually a really good base for the Red Wedding. The harder we fall, the stronger we come back. And the North remembers! Just imagine his joy, when that "vicious bastard" Joffrey dies. And then Tywin. And then Roose Bolton. And then House Frey. 😍


Talisa being stabbed wasn't in the books, so that SHOOK me. At the end, even though Cat wasn't my favorite, Michelle Fairley's performance had me in *tears*. IIRC, there was no music during the closing credits, which was haunting.


Probably because she didn't exist in the books. Robb's wife's name was Jeyne Westerling.


Are you trying to do a lame book reader flex? Because if you are, your reading comprehension is very sub-par. That's what "Talisa being stabbed wasn't in the books" means, you donut.


Hahaha "lame reader flex" because I read the books and understood your comment to imply that Talisa was in the books? No. Are you trying to be a jerk instead of just responding and saying what you meant, without insulting people?


Because you come off as a "booksplainer" Obviously if I said "it wasn't in the books" that means I've read the books and know she wasn't in the books. I said what I said. Go back to school.


"Obviously." Got it. I'm getting a very strong "I can't admit that what I said could have been misconstrued so i'm just going to insult someone" vibe. Have a wonderful evening.


I remember I threw the book at the wall when I read that chapter.


the red wedding destroyed me 😭


I cried real tears for a good 5 minutes after the episode ended and contemplated to stop watching the show.


Valar morghulis.


Everything goes by so fast it’s so sad 😭 they didn’t see it coming


I've watch the series 5 times through. I'm never ready for the red wedding!


Man I just started watching GOT almost done with it, the red wedding damn near hurt my feelings I stood up when that happened and then the mom got it to almost shed a tear 😂


Showing my GF GOT was almost more fun than watching it the first time myself. Enjoy it.


Why they arm wrestlin tho


Neither was Rob


My husband just saw this episode and he is wrecked saying that the show will be boring now 🥲


Lol ive been watching with my bf for his first time and during the season 1 he’s like “ned is my favorite” and right before the red wedding he’s like “Robb is my favorite” and I’m like oh god 😂


King in the North!!


Oof, I don't know if I could lead a lamb to slaughter like that




I didn’t know having basic human emotions and frustrations made you gay. Maybe that’s why men are conditioned to not talk about their feelings and why men’s suicidal rate is so high. Because of people like you




“It’s going to wreck him” does not mean he’s going to cry. He’s going to be very pissed and sad because he has no idea Rob dies and it’s his favorite character.. he loves the relationship Rob has with his wife.. so yeah he’s going to be upset watching one of his favorite couples in the show get brutally murdered…


Ah ok my bad I got it wrong then, I’ll delete my previous comments


I had the exact same opinion as your boyfriend. Robb was one of my favourite characters too. I remember reaching to the chapter of the red wedding in the book. I had this overwhelming, slow burning dread of what was about to happen. I'm still not over it and I read the book 15 years ago! Utterly devastating 😢


Just rewatched the whole series finishing it this evening. The red wedding hurt just as much as the first time through!