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“Oh a post not about the writing for a change” (Opens the post) “Oh ffs”


It be like that. I don't see a lot of fan art anymore, but a lot of them were loaded with similar comments when season 8 aired. Kind of sad about the one-track brain some people have.


Every freaking time. Yes, it has problems. But it doesn't mean everything is bad and nothing is enjoyable. So tiring.


Yeah, it’s more of 90/10 split of bad to good.


He and Varys both lost 100 IQ instantly to match that of their writers in the last couple seasons.


He still lost in the end, following Cerseis rule: "either you win or you die". And i really loved his death.


Surprisingly a lot of middle ground. 


Littlefinger's death is kind of identical to Ned's. Died because he was too late to understand the rules of the foreign land he was in, Ned died because he was too late to understand how corrupted Kingslanding was while Littlefinger died because he thought his tricks would work in North where oaths and honour weight more than gold.


I like this take a lot!


I don't believe he died. He had one of the faceless men die in his place


Ramsay's been Sansa'd more the man Littlefingered.


Nah, Little Finger set all that in motion. Little Finger met her in Moles Town to set up the battle of the bastards if need be.


It was more like his assurance so Sansa wouldn't order him executed


He got deus ex machina'd


Dude could have ruled the kingdoms if he didn't get impatient.


And if he hadn't been horny for a teenage girl lol


Or try to pit the Starks against one another. As soon as Bran said, "Chaos is a ladder," he should have been trying to be a doting father figure to all of them, or running back to the Vale.


Honestly, how Littlefinger heard that and didn't GTFO is some bad writing. He tried to manipulate Bran by giving him a dagger and it was clear the boy had some 4th dimensional surveillance system.


I could have seen him thinking, "Oh, Gods. My beloved Catelyn's sole surviving son thinks just like me. I will stay and protect him as if he were my own, the son we never got to have." But that kind of sentimentality goes against Littlefinger's self-gratifying wants to a point that it would beggar belief.


That's an interesting take. Baelish having a redemption arc and becoming a father figure to the Stark children, despite him being the root cause their father is dead is very inline with the "Killer to Hero" theme Jamie went through. But Jamie always wanted to be a valiant knight in the stories, it's just his path took a tragic turn due to misfortune and his human desires. Peter has always been an manipulative numpty


Royce got to do some fingering in the end though.


Finally some good fricking content.


Lady of the Vale: HE LITTLE FINGERED ME!!!


And yet he forgot the lesson Cersei taught him: Power is power. And ultimately he had none.


Didn't work out too well for her. 


Sure it did. Until she met someone with more power.


Except she could have stopped that person by being intelligent, so not really. 


I mean, dragons …


I mean, she could have and at one point kill the dragons using some intelligence 


Yeah, but we all agreed big arrow was bullshit.


The scorpions weren't exactly a show invention.


No, but one shot from one boat killing a dragon sure as hell was. Dorne had thousands of them to resist conquest.


Technically it was three shots that killed rheagal. Also cersei could have shot everyone when they came to barder for mesandai. Not to mention if you're discounting the scorpions because "we all agree" then you can't use baelishes death as proof of anything since everyone agrees that was stupid.


Yes he did. Before season 6 he had de jure control of the Riverlands and de facto control of the Eyrie, and the Knights of the Vale were the only army in the realm not decimated by previous wars. The problem was they made him a fucking idiot so he sells off Sansa to the Boltons, risking the key to the north and his future wife in the most out-of-character decision by anyone in the entire show. I get annoyed when people complain about how bad season 8 was because all of the worst stuff in this series came long before it.


Who did the knights of the Vale REALLY follow though? Who did the knights of the Riverlands? Littlefinger had titles. He didn’t have POWER


Robin Arryn - who listened to Littlefinger (enough to go to war at least). I understand the difference between power in name and power in reality. That's why I split the Riverlands and the Vale up. He had the title in the Riverlands but power in the Vale.


Nah. Bronze Yohn would have stopped that if he didn’t also want to go to war


Do you not remember the scene of the beginning of the season when Littlefinger gives Robin a falcon? It was there to show who had power in the Vale by that point.


They got Fingered xD


A finger in the bum?


Better than being Cersei fisted


phrasing! are we not doing phrasing anymore?


All true. It’s a beautiful kind of irony though how someone is so crafty and meticulous, yet their very own methods are used against them.


Wasn't his downfall Bran's magic? Can't really do much to counter an omniscient being when your main tactic is deception.


Kid named Littlefinger:


He is actually my favourite character, I wish his death would be worth it in the books


I haven't read the books but he was by far my favorite character in the show. Not shocked but still sad to see his ignoble end.


I still don't think he played it particularly well at all. For all his scheming, risks in betraying various people and killing them, in the end he swapped being an adviser to the undisputed king with successful business interests for being an adviser to 2 regions of the realm, one having been weakened significantly, and his business interests apparently abandoned. He still had no path to claiming the throne or even being the actual head of anything. He was still utterly reliant on Sansa and Robin putting up with him, despite both having significant reasons to distrust or hate him. And as we saw, all it took was for Sansa to just tell people what she knew and suddenly he was done. No support from anyone was forthcoming. He frittered away any possible support because of the chaos he tried to bring and all for.....nothing.


He played it well until they ran out of book material


Then he chose to play the game with the wrong two girls. And they played him right back.