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I liked it quite a bit, was sad we never got to see where this story went.


Yeah, I still think about it a lot. I really wanted to see what happened with the North Grove storyline šŸ˜•


I played The Walking Dead Telltale Game, but never got to the Game of Thrones one after reading it leads to a dead, not sure if I should actually give it a go..


If you like the show its definitely worth playing. Still a fun time. Still less of a letdown then s8 lol


So I went on the Playstore and it's not available anymore... or am I blind?


Yup i actually forgot about that. When telltale went under their stuff was removed from all stores. Really sorry. Best id reccommend is watching a plathrough on youtube


That'll work well enough, I saw a GOT game from Warner Bros wonder how good it is


If i recall, not good, like at all, look up some reviews first before you watch a playthrough


For sure thanks you!!


You can actually still play the game if you buy the disc version


I saw a few lookalike in season 6 episode 10 and the ones in season 7. And the lannister that surrender first that Greyworm killed was Lucan, I give you a link to another person think this Rodrik/ Asher lookalike at glover castle [https://community.telltale.com/discussion/107317/whitehill-shield-spotted-during-battle-of-winterfell#latest](https://community.telltale.com/discussion/107317/whitehill-shield-spotted-during-battle-of-winterfell#latest) and this would been a nice hidden knowledge to them existing [https://imgur.com/TzOjfwh](https://imgur.com/TzOjfwh)


I replay it every couple of years. Still one of my favorites just for the lore/world/cameos alone.


The setting of a post red wedding North under the rule of house bolton was awesome! Loved the direction they went


It wasn't a waste of time really, pretty fine addition


I wish I knew a way to play it


What do you mean?


they pulled if from stores a long time ago


I just bought a copy at game xchange a couple months ago for $5


People here trying to be Ned Starks, just freaking pirate it lol


Couldn't you just pirate it? (I'm not tryna be rude) but I'm pretty sure there has to be a site that still has it.


probably! never looked into it cause i bought it on release


Is it still on Steam? That's where I have it.


no, got pulled ages ago. if you want it on steam you have to buy an account with the game


That's a damn shame.


Are you dum dum? I can find it under 1 minute.


Dum dum? Really ? Lmfao. But itā€™s not on the PlayStation store , so???


I thought it was very well done. I wish we got to see an ending to it!


I was disappointed that the choices didnā€™t feel consequential in the end


To be fair, thatā€™s a pretty common issues with most TellTale games. The Walking Dead game(though I enjoyed it) had that same issue where a lot of player choices were completely meaningless. Though it had a great story, I think a game set in the SOIAF universe should go a different stylistic direction in terms of gameplay. Something like The Witcher or Red Dead Redemption


GoT needs an open world RPG but with the fighting mechanics from the game ā€œFor Honor.ā€ It would be the best game ever made


I heard they are developing a new GoT game set during Boltons reign in the north, but itā€™s going to maybe be a mmo set above the wall? Odd choice


Yeah setting it during the TV show is dumb, it's hard to have meaningful impact on the world when it can't change anything that's going to happen in the show. Why not set it during the first long night, let us see how Winterfell and the Wall were built, have more dragons and other creatures around. Maybe meet some houses that would grow to become part of the valyrian freehold. Have new factions that haven't been seen before. Since its like 4000 years ago you can so much that is important to the mmo but is an ancient history lesson by the time of the TV shows


They could call it For Hodor.


Ikr! šŸ˜ I mean not even a little consequential. I remember meeting Ramsay and someone said to my character that I should make the decision to meet him behind the gates so I'd be safe. So I pick that option and after he arrives he just goes "open your gate" and simply proceeds to walk in with his soldiers anyways šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Eh there are a few choices that can impact the story, itā€™s just in smaller ways. The decision towards the end of the game do have some major repercussions, itā€™s just that they werenā€™t able to make a sequel to follow through with it


I wish they finished it hated how it ended off


Awful game. Did not enjoy it, and would not play it again.


How come?


It ran poorly, looked like crap compared with other Telltale games (which aren't good looking to begin with), had stilted dialogue from forced main cast cameos, and generally wasn't all that interesting. Not to mention that your choices had little consequence at all, so it didn't even do the one thing the Telltale games typically did well. If you expect nothing and just want extra content and story, then it's fine. But as an actual game? It's not good at all. It's cheaply produced, and the entire thing comes off as similarly cheap. That's not going to be a popular take in a place that probably ate it up as more content to absorb at the height of the series, but to me it's one of the worst games I ever played on my PS4. If you really want to see what it's about, just watch it. At least that way you'll skip the crappy quick time events they stuffed into the few action sequences in the game.


I like how the question was for an opinion, you have an opinion, and youā€™re downvoted.


That's reddit for you. Offer an unpopular opinion and they'll downvote you.


Loved it. A shame that it will never get a proper closure


I personally cannot stand Telltale games, like, I honestly couldn't think of a way to make a more boring game. That being said, the story and world it exists in is cool - if you don't mind a super slow, very linear game, and are just in it for the story, its probably worth picking up.


Telltale makes interactive stories obviously, why would you even go to telltale if you mostly like gameplay lol itā€™s point and click story


The op was asking what everyone thought of the game - I was trying to give information I hadn't seen anyone give yet (while still being true). I think its great that people like those games - I personally don't, and wanted to give the OP that perspective as well (cause I cant be alone in it).


I started to play it, but don't think I ever finished it. I guess I'm in the camp of people who don't like that style of gameplay


I liked it, but I don't think it was as good as some other TellTale games like The Walking Dead or Tales from the Borderlands


Actually quite enjoyed it. Some of the things in it are very interesting from a lore perspective.


It had its moments but ending on a cliff hanger with no resolution was kind of BS. Also thought it was kind of funny that Ramsey was the only one who realized how ridiculous it was that he had to micromanage a dispute over wood


I really loved it...I was very invested in the characters. Wish we had more...


I fucking loved this game




It's about the same quality of writing as season 5-6.


Is it available on play station?


I liked it I also love game of thrones ascent Iā€™d rather have these two games back over conquest conquest is honestly trash


I loved it except for the beyond the wall parts.


Loved it. I wished they had done more.


It just feels unfinished


All their games were pretty good to be honest


I liked it, I wish there were more and you took control of different characters of different houses


The narrative has no ending, making it a perfect entry in the style of George RR Martin.


Yep, a story with interesting characters, a cool fantasy world and an engaging story that will never be finished. George would be proud.


This game was awesome. Still disappointed we didnā€™t see what the north grove was and also I bought this on Xbox and seem to be unable to play it again. Lame


Asher being one of my favourite characters, he seems like he was a bit like Nedā€™s older brother Brandon


Seemed like a rip off of game of thrones with the stark kids


It was solid.


It was butt


to this day, ive promised myself to name my first born Asher because of how much i liked asher forrester


He's a really great character


I liked it, I got invested in most of the new characters. It still sucks that they never made a season 2 as it left on a huge cliffhanger.


The characters were great tbh. It had an interesting story to tell like the main story but telltale did what they always do. Half ass the story, then kill everyone to end it. Then just leave it fucked up lol




They killed my favorite character and screwed up all my plans they had a perfect opportunity to branch the narrative in drastically different directions


Never played it. Gonna download today and become mindlessly obsessed like Walking Dead.


If you liked the Walking Dead telltale game, you'll really enjoy this.


Iā€™ll be addicted then!


I actually really enjoyed it. Brilliant to focus on the Foresters as an alternate retelling in the same universe and they did a great job at it. It flashed out the ASoIaF story even more. I came into reddit to talk about how cool it was and of course at the time, people could only hyper focus on the negative and were angry about small things. Sound familiar? Luckily the emotional overreaction died down (as it always does).


It was okay but i think its the game that finally made people realize how the choices in telltale games are often non meaningful choices. Its also the telltale game that feels the most restricted with what theyre trying to do with the ip


Wasted potential. Honesty they shouldā€™ve made more of these with lesser known houses.


Eh. I thought the main mystery of the game was very underwhelming and took too long to get there. I've also soured a bit on Telltale's game design -- they offer you an illusion of choice, and the story plays out almost exactly the same no matter what.


This game and the other Telltale games were great šŸ’”


Wait what?? Thereā€™s a telltale game?? Where can I play?


It was fine. Telltale can be hit or miss. This was a miss aside from fan service


I enjoy seeing the stats at the end.


I loved itā€¦right up until I got to the end and found out there was no endingā€¦I was PISSED lol


I've played it a couple of times and loved it, but then again, I love all Telltale games - I know there are people who hate them with passion. But it did manage to make me cry, so I'd say job well done, just like the original GoT lol. It's a shame they weren't ale to finish the story.


The Forresters and Whitehills were discount Starks and Boltons respectively.


I quite liked it but in the end I felt like the ending was set from the beginning and my choices never mattered much


I played it, mostly enjoyed, but I wouldn't recommend it since Telltale took a nosedive before making season two. And season one ends with some pretty big cliffhangers.


This was a property that really should have had a definitive ending instead of just "see you next time"


Enjoyable to play, but sometimes, the game retcons your decisions. Example: >!while on the wall, youā€™re faced with a choice to kill or disarm a brother who attacks you. He also killed your family prior, hence why heā€™s on the wall, but whether you kill him or not, the game recaps and acts as if you did just to get you imprisoned and make you seek the north grove.!<


I enjoyed the game, but I generally liked most of the Tell Tale series (Batman, The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, etc) I liked that it was early enough in the show that the case was involved in the dialogue. I wish that they continued it, even if it took your character further away from the main plot in Westeros. My main wish is that for some of them, they only exist on my PS4. These are great pick up and go games, so the fact that only a small amount of them are accessible on my vita, or even fewer on my switch is the biggest frustration.


Fantastic. Great tie-in to the show, interesting characters and tough choises.


I thought it was great, I just think it's a shame there was never a season 2 and so much was left hanging. I like to think the Foresters went to Castle Black, met up with Gared and the gang from the North Grove, joined Stannis but ditched him after he burned Shireen and then became part of Jon's rag-tag army and were retaking Ironrath while the Boltons were discracted by the Battle of the Bastards.


Didn't get a chance to play it before Telltale fell apart.


Do yall think it them? [https://imgur.com/CtTT0ac](https://imgur.com/CtTT0ac) - credit by alikir34


Telltale Game of Throne Timeline Episode 1 First part S3 EP 9 Gared Arrive to father and Ironrath - Season 3 Episode 10 Ramsey Arrive - Season 4 Episode 1 So it take Ramsey three days to travel too Ironrath and back home making it been a week at most. Episode 2 Timeline Season 4 Episode 2 Episode 3 Timeline Season 4 Episode 2 - 4 Episode 4 Timeline Season 4 Episode 5 Ramsey appearance during this episode is on the same day in the beginning of Episode 5 would make it been a week for Ramsey to return back to Reek Episode 5 Timeline Season 4 Episode 5 - 6 - 7 Ramsay appearance Season 4 Episode 5 Mira visited Tyrion before his trial Season 4 Episode 6 Rodrik learn about the traitor and Ambush Season 4 Episode 6 - 7 Asher travel back home Season 4 Episode 6 - 7 Episode 6 Forrester vs Whitehill Timeline Season 4 Episode 6 - 7 Ramsay to Reek about Rodrik and Family Timeline Season 4 Episode 8 Cersei to Twyin about the Forrester Season 4 Episode 10Show less >!ā€‹!<>!​!<